If we present this as a terrorist organization and have our contacts with the police help create a warrant or whatever they have in japan, we can add an extra layer of prevention to nip anything from remnants down the line. Hell if it ends up a certain way, it may outright effect if outside magical girls will be interested in the city or not. That depends if 'terrorist' attacks make for good hunting grounds.
So, your plan, for mind-controlling, dark magic-wielding, possibly with demon mastery cultists, is normal people with guns and Magical Girls. Which is a fatal weakness of Magical Girls. Hell, Magical Girls can't even deal with
Witches all that well, much less a demon.
We have to prepare for when the other cult shows up
That's literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Unless it's immediate, there isn't enough time worth wasting it on an interrogation.
The last thing we want is these people doing something stupid in a desperate revenge or fear of yumi... like idk letting in the thing that has been trying to get in our world for instance? Maybe summon some evil order side demons and introducing more problems? It will be nothing good.
There are plenty of people who are egotistical, power-hungry, or straight up suicidal to want the power of a demon. Which results in it becoming our problem, because the government would have no control over that sort of thing without their own demon-users.
It also possibly blows open the whole MG thing if we go full disclosure, which god only knows how well that will go.
You're right about it being nothing good. I'm saying that getting government involvement is far worse because nukes are an option that they have which we don't have an answer for yet.
No, I want the police chief to take cult matters to court, because Japan has learned to not fuck around with religious nutjobs so the cultists will stay in jail long enough for us to resolve the far more important little things, like the universe being held together with extremely acidic spit and rusty baling wire (and said wire falling apart as we speak).
Without a heavy hitter of their own, I hold no faith in the police/military department in holding magic cultists without believing it would be simpler to just nuke the city where everything is going down for them.
The government has no reason to believe we have an answer because if we did, we would have already done it. Fact of the matter is that they can't do anything to help us, and them knowing just raises awareness of their possible impending demise, which while is fair, causes nothing but panic.
we can interrogate her if we can take her down non-lethally, maybe learn if there's somebody behind Father Hino pulling his strings even if he himself isn't Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain enough to run his mouth about it.
Obviously his 'strings' is whatever prophecy that was told that no one knows about, and whoever told said prophecy. He's only been yammering on about it for the entire fucking time.
Like someone else carting these fuckers off and making sure they don't come back
As great as that is, I don't think I have to explain that having magic cultists outside the city to possibly grow or break out isn't ideal, even if it's no longer our problem.
While most of them aren't magic, you really can't take that chance, or even with some with mind control that they can't clear. Sure we could deal with it later, but as soon as this gets out, all of it becomes our problem permanently. Meaning we'll likely end up as a government agent which isn't something I want to be doing.
without the detriment of getting the cops and JSDF and our own badass uncle after us for just killing everyone who comes at us
They're coming at us with lethal force, it's entirely justified. The fact that they want to cry over us defending against lethal force is their problem. Besides, we already focus mostly on non-lethal takedowns, and you seem to forget
we can literally raise the recently deceased from the dead.
It seriously isn't a big deal anymore.
alienating the friends we've made
Most of whom are actual children by the way. In fact, the whole point of us having so little manpower is because they aren't supposed to be involved at all.
Now that they are involved, they're gonna have to deal, because it only gets worse from here on out. If that's enough to break them, they'll die, or worse, be used against us.
Besides, of our allies, Homura has to know she can't achieve her goal without our help, not to mention she's already done far worse.
having a bunch of stinking dead bodies and blood right outside our apartment.
Almighty or Fire attacks would easily wipe those out.
Ultimately, it results in Demon and Human relations being a public thing, and the general public dealing with emotion and man-eating monsters, or free slaves. Demons and Humans as races getting along just isn't something I can see happening.
As for the collapsing dimension thing, we haven't done anything to fix it. All we've done is react to what we can. The only thing that gains us is vague allusions to that power being useful with not a single detail of how it stops the collapse.