Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
6. Devil Dog secretly loves Hello Kitty. Just... never try to get him to admit it.
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6. Devil Dog secretly loves Hello Kitty. Just... never try to get him to admit it.
"Not on your life." Devil Dog laughs, "That's my niece's thing, though. I was more of a G. I. Joe kid."6. Devil Dog secretly loves Hello Kitty. Just... never try to get him to admit it.
"Kohaku, put the mace down."
Alright they absolutely have to be in the city. How the fuck are they already here? It's been 3 updates at best?There's a truck parked on the side of the road, and two men are getting out of it. One has a small revolver in his hands, and the other has a fire axe.
There are more men in the bed of the truck, but it's hard to count them when they're all wearing cloaks.
"Kohaku, put the mace down."
"I just want to talk to her."
"Kohaku, put the mace down."
"I just want to talk to her."
Satoshi said they'd be here in about 15 minutes in CH728, right before we started fusing:Alright they absolutely have to be in the city. How the fuck are they already here? It's been 3 updates at best?
we did 5 fusions, and we don't have cutscene skipping. So if each fusion took at least a minute or two, then add in the possibility these guys were already prepared incase Satoshi failed... Then the first group being here now isn't too suprising."Yeah, we've only got, like, fifteen minutes before they get here!" Satoshi stresses.
There's a truck parked on the side of the road, and two men are getting out of it. One has a small revolver in his hands, and the other has a fire axe.
There are supposed to be multiple trucks coming, so the question is where are the other(s)?"Thirty minutes. They've got a couple trucks for everyone." Satoshi looks to the road
Unless we are just that close to the city borders, the fact we are 15 min drive from their fucking base means they've just been around the entire time.Satoshi said they'd be here in about 15 minutes in CH728, right before we started fusing:
Satoshi said they'd be here in thirty minutes when he was talking to Raido. The fifteen minutes comment was after we finished explaining the Fog Breath plan, so it presumably took half the time we had.Unless we are just that close to the city borders, the fact we are 15 min drive from their fucking base means they've just been around the entire time.
Something is missing here.-[X] Get back out there, but stay somewhat close to the apartment buliding. Hopefully the weird jamming effect will prevent an
I say have Yurlungur guard the apartment door to go along with the Fog Breath command. That way we have something infront of the door, and gives a vantage point for the fog to seep over the railings.
I say have Yurlungur guard the apartment door to go along with the Fog Breath command. That way we have something infront of the door, and gives a vantage point for the fog to seep over the railings.
Do we actually need items though? We're a pretty stacked party so I can't imagine us actually needing them....seriously tho we should've sent Kyoko to the Jack Bros. to get at least herself some Tetraja Stones.
Yumi doesn't personally need them, Tetraja nullifies a single hit from Light, Dark, or Drain skills. And depending on the game, it only nullifies Instant Death Light or Dark skill.Do we actually need items though? We're a pretty stacked party so I can't imagine us actually needing them.
Do we actually need items though? We're a pretty stacked party so I can't imagine us actually needing them.
Checked the fusion calculator, she resists both Light and Dark.(I thought Lorelei nulled it, but I didn't noticed that entry on the Wiki was the boss form and not her summonable version).
Raido can only have one Demon out at a time due to his summoning method. (Also, some versions of the stone/skill affect the whole party)I'd guess Raido would keep some on hand, but enough for four people and his demons? Eh...