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730: Back On Track
[X] Plan No Time

You wave quickly as Devil Dog steps away from the middle of the room. "Um, Mido, can we--?"

"We can keep going!" Mido cheerfully gives a thumbs up, "What is your next fusion?"

"Doppelganger and Caladrius, keep Makarakarn and Me Patra!" You hurriedly tell him.

Mido nods, tapping away again...


...And in a flash of light, there's a...

...Rainbow worm?

"Yurlungur." It says it's name, "Hello."

It seems this demon is very soft spoken. You dismiss both Yurlungur and Devil Dog, and resummon a couple of demons.

[[¥8429 DEDUCTED.]]

"These two again, same skills, please!" You're starting to get a little nervous...


The room rattles, but the correct demon appears this time. You feel like you can breathe once again.

The strange skeletal demon begins to chuckle, "Hee, hee, hee! You are to be my master? I hope you can handle the power of Kwancha...!"

Begrudgingly, you resummon Incubus yet again.

[[¥5412 DEDUCTED.]]

"Kwancha and Incubus, Zanma and Acid Breath!" You begin to pace a little...

"Just a moment, summoner!" Mido begins again...


Again, the room rattles, but nothing abnormal comes of it. You look at the demon you just summoned...

...Wow. She looks... Pretty. No, you're not blushing.

"I am Lorelei, dear summoner..." She speaks in a soft, motherly voice, "You're certainly brave to call upon me..." She smiles as she disappears into your Gauntlet.

...On that note, you quickly resummon Oni.

[[¥1328 DEDUCTED]]

You wave to Mido and exit as he says, "Return when you have gathered more demons!"

You look out to the road--!

There's a truck parked on the side of the road, and two men are getting out of it. One has a small revolver in his hands, and the other has a fire axe.

There are more men in the bed of the truck, but it's hard to count them when they're all wearing cloaks.

[] ??????????????????????????
My thought is we summon Yurlungur and Lorelei. Have Yurlungur start spreading his Fog Breath while guarding the door to your apartment, and have Lorelie start putting people to sleep.
There's a truck parked on the side of the road, and two men are getting out of it. One has a small revolver in his hands, and the other has a fire axe.

There are more men in the bed of the truck, but it's hard to count them when they're all wearing cloaks.
Alright they absolutely have to be in the city. How the fuck are they already here? It's been 3 updates at best?
"Kohaku, put the mace down."

"I just want to talk to her."

"Kohaku, put the mace down."

"I just want to talk to her."

"Be at peace, young lady... you're all far too young for me."

Kohaku blinks. And blinks again. "Oh... right, mythological beings."

"You really should try voicing your feelings properly, you know, it would be much hea-"

Kohaku interrupts with an entirely-different mace-delivered beating.
Alright they absolutely have to be in the city. How the fuck are they already here? It's been 3 updates at best?
Satoshi said they'd be here in about 15 minutes in CH728, right before we started fusing:
"Yeah, we've only got, like, fifteen minutes before they get here!" Satoshi stresses.
we did 5 fusions, and we don't have cutscene skipping. So if each fusion took at least a minute or two, then add in the possibility these guys were already prepared incase Satoshi failed... Then the first group being here now isn't too suprising.
Wait a minute!
There's a truck parked on the side of the road, and two men are getting out of it. One has a small revolver in his hands, and the other has a fire axe.
"Thirty minutes. They've got a couple trucks for everyone." Satoshi looks to the road
There are supposed to be multiple trucks coming, so the question is where are the other(s)?

[X] Do your best to stay out of sight, make your way back to your apartment and notify the others that the enemy is here.
[X] Plan "Your Best Nightmare"
-[X] Send out Yurlungur, Oni, and Lorelei. Yurlungur, to lock them down with Fog Breath but otherwise ration its magic and stick to stealth takedowns, Lorelei to put as many of them in naptime as possible, Oni to stalk through the fog and make sure nobody's morning coffee gets any ideas -- carefully knock them out if they're still awake and it's reasonably possible, but if it's not their group is trying to kill us...
-[X] Get back to your apartment, quickly, say, "Round One's here -- saw a revolver, a fire axe, and a bunch of other guys in cloaks. I've got Yurlungur, Oni, and Lorelei taking care of them."
-[X] "Kohaku... grab the couch cushions, hide in the bathtub with them over you, it's the safest room in the building. Yes I'm serious."
-[X] Get back out there, but stay somewhat close to the apartment buliding. Hopefully the weird jamming effect will prevent any precog shenanigans.

Oni's weak to Oracle's lightning and doesn't resist her dark magic, but resists the cultists' melee weapons -- and the Fog Breath should help with avoiding all but wild unlucky gunfire. Might as well let him get some work in where he's most useful.

Yurlungur's resistances are better for the Oracle fight than the warm-up cultists, so I don't want it to tire out too much. Its strength stat is low, but its physical attack is listed as "Single foe/1/Physical/Paralyze" -- the paralysis is another nonlethal takedown option I didn't even notice until now.

As for the bathtub thing... well, there's a reason they say to hide there in a tornado. I'm hoping it's an interior placement with no windows, not on an outside wall, but even if it's not it'll make it harder for Oracle to try any precog-sniping shenanigans if we get moved outside whatever our jamming radius is from her. And if she tries an RPG -- and no, I don't think it would be easy for anyone to sneak a sniper rifle or an RPG launcher+grenades around in Japan -- she's protected by heavier metal at her sides and cushions from stuff falling on her.

Where the fuck have they been for the last week?

Hiding at Oracle's favorite coffee shop, I guess? And it's entirely possible she had an advance group in the city -- not just expecting Saotoshi to fail again, but to set traps of their own for the Disciples. Just because they can't face them directly, doesn't mean they can't make life harder for them, after all...
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Unless we are just that close to the city borders, the fact we are 15 min drive from their fucking base means they've just been around the entire time.
Satoshi said they'd be here in thirty minutes when he was talking to Raido. The fifteen minutes comment was after we finished explaining the Fog Breath plan, so it presumably took half the time we had.

-[X] Get back out there, but stay somewhat close to the apartment buliding. Hopefully the weird jamming effect will prevent an
Something is missing here.
Something is missing here.

Yeah, I finished the thought further down but forgot to go back up and finish writing the vote. :)

I say have Yurlungur guard the apartment door to go along with the Fog Breath command. That way we have something infront of the door, and gives a vantage point for the fog to seep over the railings.

I didn't want the cultists getting close and possibly endangering other people living here or damaging their apartments. Besides, that's what Yumi, Raido, and Kyoko are for! :p ...and Shoji if he gets a stealth-hit in, and Kohaku's own magic abilities she's been traumatized about using, in the worst worse case scenario.

...seriously tho we should've sent Kyoko to the Jack Bros. to get at least herself some Tetraja Stones.
Do we actually need items though? We're a pretty stacked party so I can't imagine us actually needing them.

The stones were never for us -- Yumi eats Dark magic for metaphorical breakfast, so does Devil Dog, Black Frost just plain no-sells it, and Yurlungur and Lorelei are strong against it. (I thought Lorelei nulled it, but I didn't noticed that entry on the Wiki was the boss form and not her summonable version).

They were to protect Kyoko -- because she's weak to dark magic -- and the others. I'd guess Raido would keep some on hand, but enough for four people and his demons? Eh...
(I thought Lorelei nulled it, but I didn't noticed that entry on the Wiki was the boss form and not her summonable version).
Checked the fusion calculator, she resists both Light and Dark.
I'd guess Raido would keep some on hand, but enough for four people and his demons? Eh...
Raido can only have one Demon out at a time due to his summoning method. (Also, some versions of the stone/skill affect the whole party)
It's Going Down Now
Hello, everyone!

I bet you didn't know I have a Twitch channel, which is fair because I don't advertise it at all (intentionally, by the way. I don't stream consistently, and I only do so for my friends). This isn't me asking for donations or anything, as I can't even receive them. I just thought it would be fun to do every once and a while.

But enough about that. I just thought you guys would be interested to know that I will be streaming a playthrough of Persona 3: Reload soon (today, probably right after I post this)! This isn't my first SMT game, but it is my first Persona game. As such, I will be relying on my chat to nudge me in the right direction so I can see everything that this game has to offer!

If you're interested in seeing my blind experience, want to help me out on my playthrough, want to ask me questions about PMMT, or even just want to say hi, feel free to stop by my Twitch stream!

I've never once "advertised" my Twitch channel before (especially not in this quest for obvious reasons), but please be aware that this will not be a common occurrence here. I intentionally do not self advertise because I respect you, as a reader. Even as I'm typing this, I feel like a jerk for this. If you all want this deleted, I will remove this post from the thread. Thank you for your continued support (reading and voting). That is all I will ask of you.

If you're interested, my Twitch name is the same as my name on Sufficient Velocity! Have a great rest of your day!
No FemMC, no (tweaked or original recipe) The Answer, and yes unrescinded C&D of a fan reimplementation of their dead SMT MMO, means no re-rebuy for me, but have fun. ^_^
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