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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] Plan An Absolute Sword v1
-[X] "Well, people say that power corrupts. That absolute power can corrupt someone absolutely. If you were to ask me, it would be something more of the opposite. That power is, in a sense, something that reveals a person's true nature. With power, they feel no need to hide who they are. That's why your father is wrong."

Wrote this off @JAGwin's prompt. It's basically just a skeleton of people want to work off that.
No Kohaku, don't listen to the voices. Worst mistake of my life, now I can't manifest EGO.
God damn it Carmen- pulling her tricks again-
Hmm as for voting... oh hey there @JAGwin thanks you~

[] Plan Monsters are Louder then Saints V1
-[] "Power corrupts is an old saying Kohaku, and I won't lie it has some basis... But it's more like Power Reveals. It's like those stories you hear on the news or social media right? Someone who is nice and stuff gets a gun and decides to kills someone cause they can- cause they have the power to. You don't hear about people who donate to charity with money or save lives from fires- You hear stories about hate crimes and people turning out to monsters under the kind surface."
--[] "Monsters are louder the Saints Kohaku."

Inspired by Jagwin's suggestions- Feel free to pop off with this! Let's make this shine!
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[X] Plan Monsters are Louder then Saints V2
-[X] "Power corrupts is an old saying Kohaku, and I won't lie it has some basis... But it's more like Power Reveals. It's like those stories you hear on the news or social media right? Someone who is nice and stuff gets a gun and decides to kills someone cause they can- cause they have the power to. You don't hear about people who donate to charity with money or save lives from fires- You hear stories about hate crimes and people turning out to be monsters under the kind surface."
--[X] "Those who claim only *their* group can be trusted with power are, without exception, the sort who should never, under any circumstances, have power. After all, if power corrupts, and nobody else has power, how is anyone oppressed by those with power supposed to get rid of the corruption? Only the naive and jackasses think they're exceptional in that regard. Checks and balances on those with power are important... which is why those who'd abuse others do everything they can to undermine, bypass, or isolate their victims from them."
--[X] "Monsters are louder the saints, Kohaku. But that's because they have to be, to be heard over the effects of people being kind to each other. To make people too afraid to be kind, so the monsters can make more monsters."

Hybridizing ThaTrueRealmWalk's vote with my too-highfaluting-for-Yumi now-erased vote.
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[X] "Those who claim only *their* group can be trusted with power are, without exception, the sort who should never, under any circumstances, have power. After all, if power corrupts, and nobody else has power, how is anyone oppressed by those with power supposed to get rid of the corruption? Only the naive and jackasses think they're exceptional in that regard. Checks and balances on those with power are important... which is why those who'd abuse others do everything they can to undermine, bypass, or isolate their victims from them."
[X] Plan An Absolute Sword v1
-[X] "Well, people say that power corrupts. That absolute power can corrupt someone absolutely. If you were to ask me, it would be something more of the opposite. That power is, in a sense, something that reveals a person's true nature. With power, they feel no need to hide who they are. That's why your father is wrong."
[X] Plan Monsters are Louder than Saints V3

I can get behind this plan. If I were to add anything, it would be something at the end for comedic effect like:

---[] "And let's be real Kohaku. Your father is a cultist who brainwashes people, and his 'followers' consist of physical abusers and, if Saburo is any indication, attempted murderers. That guy can be called many things, but 'role model' or 'example to follow' isn't one of them."

The "then" should be "than" in the plan name.

Edit: Thanks ThaTrueRealmWalk for letting me know. Changed my vote to the newest version!
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[X] Plan Monsters are Louder than Saints V3
-[X] "Power corrupts is an old saying Kohaku, and I won't lie it has some basis... But it's more like Power Reveals. It's like those stories you hear on the news or social media right? Someone who seems nice and stuff gets a knife and decides to kills someone cause they can- cause they have the power to. You don't hear about people who donate to charity with money or save lives from fires- You hear stories about hate crimes and people turning out to be monsters under the kind surface."
--[X] "Those who claim only *their* group can be trusted with power are, without exception, the sort who should never, under any circumstances, have power. After all, if power corrupts, and nobody else has power, how is anyone oppressed by those with power supposed to get rid of the corruption? Only the naive and jackasses think they're exceptional in that regard. Checks and balances on those with power are important... which is why those who'd abuse others do everything they can to undermine, bypass, or isolate their victims from them."
--[X] "Monsters are louder the saints, Kohaku. But that's because they have to be, to be heard over the effects of people being kind to each other. To make people too afraid to be kind, so the monsters can make more monsters.
---[X] "And, let's be real, Kohaku: your father is a cult leader who brainwashes people, and his 'followers' consist of physical abusers and, if Saburo is any indication, attempted murderers. At least some of them not even having the excuse of being brainwashed. That guy can be called many things, but 'role model' or 'example to follow' isn't one of them."
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[X] Plan Monsters are Louder than Saints V3

And seems like they liked it! There we go @nmorrow - I think this version really works well!
It's like those stories you hear on the news or social media right? Someone who is nice and stuff gets a gun and decides to kills someone cause they can-
Need I remind you that this is Japan, the country with some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world? Something tells me stories about a random thug getting a gun and killing someone aren't exactly common.

his 'followers' consist of physical abusers and, if Saburo is any indication, attempted murderers.
And this feels more than a little too harsh on Saburo considering he was brainwashed.

[X] Plan An Absolute Sword v1
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Need I remind you that this is Japan, the country with some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world? Something tells me stories about a random thug getting a gun and killing someone aren't exactly common.
... I thought about throwing in "In America" but I kinda thought against that... Maybe I should have? Eh- the spirit of the vote is still the same I think no? I mean I assume most of have heard stories about it right?

Bleh maybe I should have :confused:

And this feels more than a little too harsh on Saburo considering he was brainwashed.
To be fair? Yeah. It is. But my counterpoint is that Yumi still has some weird feeling about him- I mean she's known him as the guy who harassed Kohaku a bunch and then when she met him tried to kill her so... weird feelings.

And you cut out the part about-
"And, let's be real, Kohaku: your father is a cult leader who brainwashes people, and his 'followers' consist of physical abusers and, if Saburo is any indication, attempted murderers. At least some of them not even having the excuse of being brainwashed...
Which already covers your concern here. It's a very fair point, but it is also covered as well.

So I was actually curious about it... so I decided to try and find sources that said that Japenesse people wouldn't hear about gun violence stories and immediately got hit by "Social Media Exists" and like... yeah. Same with american movies that show up in japan or damn even youtube. So yeah I think Kohaku and Yumi would maybe hear those stories JAGwin. Still- should have put in the American bit but I really don't think you have things to worry about with the Monsters-Saints plan...

Also while I'm here-
Just sitting here imagining Bandit Keith dropping in out of nowhere to add the "In America" part, and then immediately leaving. No explanation is given.
Oh I love this idea so much- I really want this to happen now you do not understand how much I would laugh at that-
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So I was actually curious about it... so I decided to try and find sources that said that Japenesse people wouldn't hear about gun violence stories and immediately got hit by "Social Media Exists" and like... yeah. Same with american movies that show up in japan or damn even youtube. So yeah I think Kohaku and Yumi would maybe hear those stories JAGwin.
While I don't know what movies and such get exported from the US to Japan, there are two things I think you should keep in mind.

First, this Quest takes place in 2011, not 202X. Social media was around, sure, but it was much less prominent than it is now.

Second, Kohaku has been on the run for an unspecified number of years and before that was being (for lack of a better term) "raised" by an abusive cult leader. It is not unlikely from my perspective that she would not have had much access to social media.
First, this Quest takes place in 2011, not 202X. Social media was around, sure, but it was much less prominent than it is now.

Second, Kohaku has been on the run for an unspecified number of years and before that was being (for lack of a better term) "raised" by an abusive cult leader. It is not unlikely from my perspective that she would not have had much access to social media.
Oh really? I thought it was 2015... oops about that!

As for that... you have a point there. I mean we could guess Kokahu's father told her stories akin to that still... that isn't a very concrete counter argument though-
I can see that part of the vote being rather weak in that context. I can only hope her father did tell her stories about american's shooting and mass killings and other horrible events as bad as that sounds...

I wonder if Father Hino is a stereotypical anti american? I think I've heard that stereotype before?... Guy probably just hates every country honestly.
Social media was around, sure, but it was much less prominent than it is now.

Hasn't Japan always broadly adopted communications tech much more quickly than the US? They had fancier cellphones, satellite-based console downloading in the *early 90s*, all that. I'm not familiar with their history of social media, and a quick 30sec search didn't return useful results so I gave up.

I can simply update my post to change "gun" to "knife" or something? Edit: done, and changed it to say "seems nice" instead of "is nice", because tbh they obviously either weren't nice or something really fucking terrible happened and they had a psychotic break. Or whatever the currently-best-understanding term is for it.
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