If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

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If PMMT Was A DMC Game...
I remember someone talking about if this quest played like Devil May Cry, and I've been thinking about that a lot. Namely, which characters I would want to be playable, and how they would play. So far, I've come up with a few ideas (besides the Sons of Sparda, of course. No need to reinvent the wheel.)!

Namely, Yumi. I feel like her using any other demon besides Pixie is a tall order, so she's gonna act as your (X) button ability, I.E. "gun". Her melee attack (Y) would, of course, be Dawn. To cycle through the elements of magic, you would use LT and RT. To actually use magic, you would press (B), like with Dante's Style actions, or using a Devil Breaker as Nero. Your DT Gauge would be your MP, which builds up as usual. Magatsuhi Form would, of course, be a LB ability that would consume health to deal more damage. Yes, you can use Fusion Skills mid combo and decimate hordes of demons.

Yuki would also be playable, but his play style would differ greatly from Yumi's. As he doesn't hold any connection to his demons (he sees them more as helpful sandbags at worst, and decent fighters at best), he would cycle through demons throughout the mission as they are defeated. You can press either of the triggers to swap demons in and out of combat to best suit your needs for the moment. Pressing (X) will, instead of shooting a gun, command a demon to enter combat with a specific target. Some demons are slow and strong, others are fast and weak. (Y) will have Yuki attack with his usual sword, but (B) will make him use Raido's sword instead, which is faster but deals a bit less damage and knock back. He also has a Magatsuhi Form.

I might add more later, but what do you all think so far?
Fun Facts: Nearing 1000 Updates Edition!
1. Mami is having a nice day at school, despite having to clean up some of the leftover Disciples. Don't worry, she didn't kill anyone.

2. Kohaku isn't in the best headspace after everything that's happened, but you've helped her to keep her cool. Without you, she'd probably be catatonic. Or worse.

3. Kyoko is scared to open herself up. After what happened last time, it's easy to understand why.

4. Raido is currently helping the Chief report on Hino's death. They both have questions for Yumi and Kohaku. When the Chief saw what remained of the man, he just shook his head.

5. Nori's Wish was "Give me the might to protect Hanako. Nothing else matters as long as she's safe."

6. Oriko has recently tried to make amends with Homura over text messaging. She has yet to receive a response.

7. Shoji knows that you had to kill Kohaku's dad. He's worried, but has no idea how to bring it up without making anyone angry.

8. Hiroko and Manami are spending a lot of time together, but they mostly just watch movies on the TV in Manami's hospital room. They don't know where the remote is, so they've been stuck watching live action adaptations.

9. Haruko has been hard at work, trying to "even the playing field" between demons and Magical Girls, but has hit a wall. No, not in the metaphorical sense. She ran straight into a wall while sparring with a demon. She's simply glad no one else saw.

10. Nagisa is wondering where Yuma ran off to.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jul 16, 2024 at 11:51 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.
Announcements, And Other Things
Hello, everyone.

Forgive my breakneck pace, but I just want to say what I need to while I have time away from my job. Updates are gonna come a bit later starting today, probably past midnight (for me). I understand if this news is disappointing, but that's just how it is.

EX Chapters have been few and far in between. This is also because I have been busy with work. Again, disappointing, but there's not really much I can do about it.

I have a new job which I'm trying to ease into, so I'm pretty nervous all around. I want to keep doing this quest, but I just need time in the day to get everything sorted out. I'm more than a little overwhelmed by everything happening, but I'm trying to bring you guys the best I can do.

Thank you for sticking with PMMT. The show must go on.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jul 24, 2024 at 9:44 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Ask Bella what's wrong
    -[X] Remember that Bella can't talk and ask if she can write a response in the sand
    -[X] Get on Mr. Shadow just in case.
    -[X] Unless Bella motions to stop, head towards the castle
    [X] Ask Bella what's wrong
    -[X] Get on Mr. Shadow just in case.
    -[X] Unless Bella motions to stop, head towards the castle
By The Way
And by "tonight", I mean right now.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 9, 2024 at 8:40 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan MG Powers Expo, V2
    -[X] "…She got caught out by the damned cult before I took them down. Her Soul Gem cracked and started going dark fast, so I did what I thought was best. Apparently, using a resurrection spell on an active user of a Soul Gem works out just fine."
    --[X] "She somehow kept her powers though. Her powers as a Magical Girl I mean. I used a Balm of Rising on her Soul Gem which is stronger than what I've been using apparently, not to mention I'm unaware in any changes to her ability in combat without being a Magical Girl anymore."
    --[X] "She's been with my Grandparents for the most part since then, you would have better luck asking them at that point. As far as I know Kyoko wasn't exactly happy with my choice. Sorry I can't tell you more."
Fun Facts: I Can't Sleep Edition
1. In life, Devil Dog was credited with 116 confirmed kills, with an estimated 250. In death, he killed a lot more demons than that. Devil Dog was so notorious in the Abyss that even stronger demons spoke of him in hushed whispers. To say that he was a menace to demonkind would be a horrible understatement.

2. Ryoko Konishi, for some inexplicable reason, decided that she wanted to write her name in English one day. To do this, she watched a ton of American shows in an attempt to reverse engineer the English language. Takeshi, after seeing her "research", told her to "just take English next semester".

3. Officer Minato Omaya had to step out of the room when they finally got Mako Chitose to confess to abusing Yuma. The Chief could tell that Omaya's decision to leave was the correct choice, as the rookie's face was red with anger. If she were to "pass away mysteriously" in police custody, many officers wouldn't bat an eye, Omaya included.

4. Shoji practically raised himself in his early years, his parents obsessed with making more money while spending as little as possible. They were never around because of this.

5. Man, this is kinda depressing. We need a light-hearted one now, so... Sirin was absolutely obsessed with the Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past when she saw Yuma playing it. Of course, she didn't make herself known, but she still cheered her on.

6. Azazel doesn't really have anywhere else to be, so he's just been at Sakura Church since you killed Father Hino. He has yet to find anything to pass the time.

7. Sayaka and her sword regularly have silent conversations like you and Dawn do. Usually, it's during class where Sayaka reaches out to it.

8. There's a scar on Kohaku's left wrist that was an accidental injury. One of the maids tried to give her a platter of food, but dropped it instead. When Kohaku tried to catch it, she cut herself. They both laughed it off after bandaging it, and then the maid was executed for "attempting to assassinate the Chosen Mother".

9. Nori still has Raido's phone.

10. Kyoko absolutely hates the feeling of being vulnerable. She tends to shrink away while simultaneously lashing out at anyone when she feels threatened.
Fun Facts: Persona-MMT Edition
1. Persona-MMT (or PMMT: Persona Route) is an alternate timeline to the main quest, which stars a slightly more timid Yumi Konishi in her attempt to escape her "Demon of Akami Springs" past. She will grow into a more familiar Yumi over the course of her Journey.

2. Yumi's Velvet Room takes the form of a train, constantly going around and around on the same track, unable to move anywhere else. The train, however, chugs on. Her attendant is named Victor, and he is a rather calm and collected individual.

3. Persona Evolution would not be tied to Social Links in the slightest. Instead, like in Persona 3, it would be tied to certain story events that truly effect the cast.

4. Kohaku would have a Social Link before she gains a Persona, like others in the party. Such characters include Homura, Mami, Kyoko, and Madoka.

5. Unlike in the main story, demons wouldn't make any real appearance, as there aren't any ways for them to enter from the Abyss. Besides, Raido handles them spectacularly.

6. Saburo's "Persona" is called Alexander, as in "Alexander the Great". While it may look like a normal Persona at first glance, it has many Shadows grafted onto it. It is more in control of him than he is of it, just like Father Hino wanted.

7. Yuma's initial Persona, Dullahan, commonly goes berserk due to stress and trauma. In fact, it goes berserk shortly after she first awakens, forcing the party to defend themselves. When her Persona evolves and the strength of her heart is rediscovered, this issue is resolved.

8. Kohaku's mother is a scientist in this canon, who found a certain group's research notes and tried to replicate the results. Father Hino decided to make a cult out of it, which earned her distain.

9. Yuki, shortly after awakening to his Percival, fights the party in an effort to "reclaim his life" from Yumi. He uses Personas from various Arcanas of the people he was closest with in his timeline. Before this, he fights you using demons.

10. After Yumi's Journey, Igor and Victor bring Yuki to the Velvet Room in an attempt to help him overcome his past. This is the beginning of his (kinda)EPISODE: AIGIS.

11...?. After the quest is finished up and I've smoothed out all of the wrinkles, I may write up Persona-MMT if you guys would like to see it.
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