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oh no, we're in trouble

[X] Plan Bullfight
-[X] Summon Raiju and Wendigo, swap Pixie for Oni
--[X] Wendigo and Oni cast Tarukaja
--[X] Raiju casts Sukunda
--[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
[X] Plan A Stranger I Remain
-[X] "Sorry Oriko, but looks like we will have to delay a bit longer. It's me they want, but I don't doubt they will get at you to get to me, so stick close to one of my demons."
-[X] Summon Oni and Wendigo. Have Oni stick close to Oriko and cast Tarukaja. Wendigo will also cast Tarukaja.
-[X] Pixie attacks with Zanma and try to fuse it with Hamaon

I just want to test if he's actually immune to force, cause I really doubt he is.

Also, I wouldn't doubt they would pick off Oriko to get at us.
Well we are doing this.

Matador, the red capote of death has challenged us and we cannot refuse.

Remember when I said Dekaja would be useful?

It was for this fight in specific, it doesn't matter what we do, Matador will always max his agility/evade with his red capote, even fog breath will leave him at a +1.

Besides that both SMT IV and SJR versions resist gun and physical so we will not be doing good damage with that.

SMT V is the only version that nulls force, but honestly he is mostly a force based demon so rather not test that one out.

[X] Plan covering the buff debuff bases.
-[X] Summon Raiju, Wendigo and change Pixie for Nadja.
-[X] Have Nadja cast Tarukaja on the party.
-[X] Have Wendigo and Raiju use Bufula and Zionga on Matador and see if they can get off a fusion spell.
-[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)

So, we are still on the start of the battle and Matador won't get his turn till we do our actions, so this is the prime moment to get as much damage as we can before we start doing the buff and debuff game.

Nadja will mostly serve as our support, since Red Capote original description says, that it will always max the user agility/evasion, doesn't matter if he is at - or neutral, red capote will always bring it up to +3, it was nerfed after 3, but we rather play safe.

Also his highest stat on Strange journey is agility at 27, so he will be rolling already with a +3 on evasion rolls.

So dekaja will be key for this fight later.

While another Tarukaja would be nice, Matador also tends to know by base Dekunda and Dekaja, so we better check if he has those 1st instead of wasting MP on 1st turn on buff that will get removed next.

Finally Raiju covers the elec weakness and Wendigo does neutral with ice and can play support too once we get the fight truly going.

But yeah, Oni will probably not do that good here, specially since we need someone to clear Red Capote as soon as we can otherwise we will get a huge penalty on hit dice.
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Thought Saburo would be our Anti-hero though honestly.

Like, the guy is a pushy dick and all, but he hasn't really broken any laws. Also pretty sure he either got mind controlled or possessed by a lust for power.
While I agree on the possibly mind whammied front, Saburo isn't currently an Anti hero. I wouldn't say he has any heroic qualities that we've seen. Lawful Evil is still Evil and all that.

Besides that both SMT IV and SJR versions resist gun and physical so we will not be doing good damage with that.
Except for Yumi since she has Pierce on basic attacks.
So uh, why did we never teach Pixie a non force attacking move? We never seem to use Pixie anymore

While I agree on the possibly mind whammied front, Saburo isn't currently an Anti hero. I wouldn't say he has any heroic qualities that we've seen. Lawful Evil is still Evil and all that.
Given Saburo's hesitation at the beginning that Kohaku mentioned, I thought that was more the priest's doing honestly.
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Wait which version is this? I thought he had no weaknesses and no immunities?
SMT V is the only version that nulls force
Unless I badly misread the wiki, the SMT III version also has Null Force. Then again, the only differences betweeen the SMT III and SMT V versions are that the SMT V version is lower level and has a weakness to Electric.

So uh, why did we never teach Pixie a non force attacking move?
We don't have any way to teach Pixie Skills.
My Idea: The Psion (WIP)
If you are only here for PMMT content, this post can be ignored.

I would imagine my idea would work better in a comic book format, considering how this character would act. Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss the actual character.

His name isn't set just yet, but his powers and behaviors are pretty much complete. The main "gimmick" of this character is that, as the title suggests, he has psychic abilities. However...

...His mind isn't stable. His power, along with his behavior, is fractured. He has five different personalities, each with their own focus, goals, and temperament. Some are wholly good, others seek nothing but their own survival. In the following slides, I will go into each of his personas.
Persona #1
This was the first persona to surface, but is far from the most well adjusted. His temper is quite volatile, and he is usually frustrated with just about everything.

This persona has access to telekinesis, but isn't eager to display this feat. He wants to be left alone most of the time, only interacting with others if it is absolutely necessary. He likes to have his own, "uninvaded" space.

For simplicity's sake, let's call Persona #1 "Snarl".
Persona #2
In a stark contrast to Snarl, the second persona to be born loves to be around others. He thrives in bustling cities, parties, and just about anywhere else where people can be heard having a good time.

I'll name Persona #2 "Laugh".

Laugh has an addictive personality, making him prone to... Addiction. Good news; he isn't addicted to drugs. Bad news; he is addicted to high emotions, such as a win on a slot machine, or someone on a high.

That brings us to his powers, which are low level mind reading and low level mental manipulation. Most people Laugh meets just can't say no to him, and he usually knows just what to say. He doesn't mean to be malicious with this, but sometimes he lacks proper forethought.
Persona #3
The third persona to be discovered, called "Mutter", is very quiet. All Mutter wants to do is read, and God forbid you interrupt him.

You will almost invariably find Mutter in a library or bookstore, and he will always be deep in a book. Much to the other personas' dismay, he's also an avid collector of books. Fun fact: Mutter likes cats more than dogs.

Mutter's power is conjuring psychokinetic blasts in various strengths, from a small gust to... Well, at least the warehouse was still standing.

He is extremely sensitive to sound. Even when he is fully engrossed in a book, he can paint a vivid picture of the area around him using only sounds.
Persona #4
The fourth persona, known as "Huff", is an extremely hard worker. What is his occupation, you may ask? Simple. Information gathering, document retrieval, espionage... It doesn't matter to him. As long as you have suitable payment, he'll get you whatever files you require.

Huff's power, teleportation, assists him greatly in this respect. He can easily teleport to any area he's been to, and can blink into new places quietly. However, he can't just pop himself over to, say, Alaska on a whim.

He has to have either physically been in the location before, or can see it from where he is to teleport there.

He has an odd sense of justice, sometimes leaking classified papers to the press on his own whim. It is unknown if he benefits from this.
Persona #5
The fifth persona is quite different from the others in a number of ways. For starters, his power is all about enhancing his physical abilities, such as jumping, punching, and the like.

Persona number five is named "Shout". He a very unsubtle person, as you may expect.

Shout only cares about his own survival. If faced with a choice of "Take an injury or five people die", he will always choose to save himself. "If they were stronger, then they wouldn't be in this scenario." Says Shout.
Persona #0: Origin.
Sex: Male.
Estimated Age: 19-24.
Mental Age: 3.
Powers: All of the above, with levitation and other aptitudes among them.
Temperament: Unknown.
Personality: Almost none. He was buried in a miriad of other identities for years, leaving no time for his mind to truly develop.

Although, it is very clear that he doesn't like the idea of hurting others. If forced into combat, he is reported to say... Concerning things while attacking.

"Bad.", "No.", "Wrong." Are only a few of the things he has been recorded saying. Is this him treating his adversary as an animal in need of "discipline", or something else? Something... Darker?

I'll... Leave it at that for now. Once I come up with a name for him, I'll come back and write a detailed history for him. Be warned that it won't be very happy near the beginning, or even the middle.

Again, this isn't connected to PMMT at all. Thank you for reading anyways.
Matador the famous opponent that made many not complete a SMT game. Use skills that boost yourself and I suppose Demifiend is present to.

[X] Plan covering the buff debuff bases.
I'm not titling this.
Just had the brainwave that when Yumi finally gets to Naoki (Demi Fiend) she finds him on one knee with a bouquet in his arms. This was all just his attempt at flirting.
You stand in his domain, Dawn on your hip. You walk forward, your heart pounding in your chest. This guy, this Demifiend... He sicked these Fiends on you, apparently to test you. Now, he stands before you, back in clear view.

The blue lines on his body pulse with light, as he cracks his knuckles. "You're strong." He states, "That much is obvious, seeing as you're here and all."

"Why?" That's the burning question you have. Why go through with all of this? Why endanger so many people?

"Why? That's--"

"It's not complicated." You retort. "Just say why."

The Demifiend takes a breath, his shoulders moving slowly up and down, "When I first saw you, I had nothing but distain for you. After that Hassou Tobi stunt, I felt... Something. Then, once you used my Freikugel, I realized."

"That I'm a threat to you? That I'm a worthy opponent?" You hazard a guess. Why hasn't he turned around?!

"No..." He shakes his head, "...No. Nothing like that. I realized that, even though I threw away my humanity for power..." He slowly turns around, giving you a clear look at his face...?

"...I still kinda get nervous from this stuff." Why is his face so red? "You're really strong, and I wanted to see just how tough you could be. And, uh... I-I mean, you're...!"

You don't speak, as you're stunned to dead silence.

"You're really cute." He finally admits, "And I want to go on a date with you."



"I, uh, also got flowers. Not from around here, though. F-From the store."

Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 15, 2023 at 1:10 AM, finished with 20 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan covering the buff debuff bases.
    -[X] Summon Raiju, Wendigo and change Pixie for Nadja.
    -[X] Have Nadja cast Tarukaja on the party.
    -[X] Have Wendigo and Raiju use Bufula and Zionga on Matador and see if they can get off a fusion spell.
    -[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
    [X] Plan Bullfight
    -[X] Summon Raiju and Wendigo, swap Pixie for Oni
    --[X] Wendigo and Oni cast Tarukaja
    --[X] Raiju casts Sukunda
    --[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
    [X] Plan A Stranger I Remain
    -[X] "Sorry Oriko, but looks like we will have to delay a bit longer. It's me they want, but I don't doubt they will get at you to get to me, so stick close to one of my demons."
    -[X] Summon Oni and Wendigo. Have Oni stick close to Oriko and cast Tarukaja. Wendigo will also cast Tarukaja.
    -[X] Pixie attacks with Zanma and try to fuse it with Hamaon
458: VS: Matador, Pt. 1
[X] Plan covering the buff debuff bases.

With just a touch of your Gauntlet, you summon out the usual suspects. Pixie resigns herself to not fighting today, and trades places with Nadja.

"Hiya!" She greets happily, "Oh, jeez, what's with all the sand?"

"Desert, huh?" Raiju grins, "Let's make some glass!"

"ME NO LIKE SAND! SAND MAKES FUR ITCHY!!" Wendigo announces.

Oriko backs off, hiding behind your party. Matador chuckles at this.

"Now, let us begin! Whoever spills the most blood, let them be the victor!" Matador waves his cape, "Charge me with all your strength! Your horns cannot pierce my soul!"


Nadja opens up by bolstering everyone's attack. "Hit him hard, guys!" She cheers.


Raiju readies his attack, crackling with lightning. "Eat this!!"


"ME AM FIGHT TOO!" Wendigo aims his palm at Matador!


Almost effortlessly, Matador, weaves past the lighting, and deftly dodges the icicle that Wendigo shot out. Then...


...Matador slashes Wendigo across the chest! Matador quickly retreats, his sight on everyone.

You scowl, rushing him down. You unsheathe Dawn, and...



(DMG ROLL: (4+10+18+2)+(7+42))
(TOTAL: 104)

You catch him off guard with a good hit! Matador disengages with you, seemingly... Confident?

"A valiant blow!" He admits, "But far from enough!"

(INT ROLLS: 2+6, 5, 18, 20)

Oh, yeah, well no shit--!!





"Big guy! They've lost it!" NADJA AM SAY, BIG WORRY IN VOICE, "They're gonna get themselves hurt! Can you keep that Matador busy?!"

[] ??????????????????????????
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Well shit this is going sideways pretty quick.

Since Raiju and Yumi are on a berserk state, best we can do is to cast dekaja on Matador and then cast diarama on whoever gets hurt till the effect passes, since I doubt Nadja or Wendigo can get the amrita soda and use it on us.

But open to other ideas.

EDIT: Wait, looking at it on the wiki, that was fucking taunt, a skill that decreases our defense by -2, but buff our attack by +2.

Either way that is trouble, if we go for physycal attacks Matador usually knows counter.

@TremendousMilk3 Can you confirm if that was Taunt?

Actually this could be good if Yumi lands the hit, reminder that we have pierce physical and if he counters well, I doubt he has ever seen his sword broken.
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[X] Plan: rage against the Rage.
-[X] Wendigo draws attention and goes for Bufula.
-[X] Nadja tries to time a Dekaja moments before Matador gets attacked.
-[X] If Yumi or Raiju manage to snap out of it, repeat turn one attacks.
-[X] Dawn tries to snap Yumi out of it. Failing that, try directing her towards Matador. If she attacks Matador use Scortching Slash.
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[X] Plan: rage against the Rage.

Well at least we have an extra turn if Matador decides to get physical with Yumi.

And wow looking at it, our only 2 demons with patra are Pixie and Aquans, both of which weren't good matchups for this fight.

This was gonna happen whenever we rolled low.
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