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461: VS: Matador, Pt. 4
[X] Plan Kaio-what? Demon Edition

If Matador can use Magatsuhi to power himself up... Can you do the same?

Well, sink or swim time. You focus slightly--!

A crimson wave of raw Magatsuhi bellows forth from you, making Matador shield his eye... Sockets. You feel your heart rate quicken, your eyes narrow, and small red crystals appear all over you.

Your hair feels weightless. You hear crackles of energy in between the very strands of your hair, and you feel...

...You feel strong. Not like after a workout, or after a fight, but you just feel stronger.

You glance around the arena quickly, seeing your allies scattered around you. That wave of Magatsuhi must've caught them off guard.

"You have a cape?!" Nadja asks, staring in awe.

"Focus on the fight." You say, not even aware that your voice has... Changed.

"That shouldn't be possible." Matador says, flourishing his capote, "I doubt even he knew of this."

"Oh, shut it!" Nadja interrupts.


"YOU AM FREEZE!!" Wendigo commands, throwing a spike of ice at Matador.


Matador, hampered as he may be, evades the incoming attack, and responds in kind.

(MATADOR ATTACKS: MAZANMA: 1, 1, 7-4, 5-4)
OOC: Damn.

You and Nadja easily sidestep the clumsy rebuttal, while Turbo Granny and Wendigo leap out of the way.

This mass dodge seems to break Matador's flow.


As you realize he's about to attack again, you try attacking.


As frost builds up on Dawn, you begin to see sparks fly out from your hands. Your attack connects.

(DMG ROLL: (5+18+10+2)+(7+42), (7+42)+(11+42)+(7+42))
(TOTAL: 823)
OOC: I have no words. Welp, there goes the second phase. Fuck. Uh. I might need to balance your... Magatsuhi Form, or whatever you guys want to call it. I... Shit. GG's.

"Gotcha." You grin. The icy blade, still sparking with lightning, cuts smoothly through the Matador. You sheathe Dawn, and the demon shatters.

As the arena fades, Oriko picks herself up off of the ground. She's deathly quiet, but you can tell hundreds of questions are forming behind her wide eyed.

A clatter from behind you makes you both jump. You turn around, looking at the source of the noise...

...Only to find a candelabra. You walk over to pick it up on reaction, only for it to disappear. Your phone buzzes, no doubt pertaining to the candelabra app.

You sigh, your breath somehow still sparking with Magatsuhi. You turn to look at Oriko, who still stares wordlessly at you.

[] ????????????????????????
462: Pics Or It Didn't Happen
[X] "I have no idea why I can do this or what I look like, can you take a pic?"

"I... How can I do this?" You look at your hand, confused, "What the hell even is this? What triggered it?" Even still, Magatsuhi courses through you. You feel it pulse through your body with the beat of your heart. "...Uh, Oriko?"

Oriko stares at you, almost just as confused as you. "...Your veins...! The red crystals on you! The cape...? Scarf?"

"The what?" You turn to her, "You know what? Just take a picture."

"Right!" Oriko quickly digs out her phone, snapping a photo. She turns the screen around to show you...

...You. Wow. You... You're covered in red crystals, arcing with power. Your veins are glowing red. You... Have a scarf/cape thing made out of Magatsuhi.


[] It's more of a scarf.
[] It's more of a cape.
[] It's like... Something else? (Write in.)

"Er, thanks, Oriko." You smile. "I can barely focus right now, it's weird. Like, I feel like I should run a marathon, and at the same time, I should rip a Witch in half!" You chuckle slightly, "It's wild! You should totally try this when you get the chance!"

"You do look quite... Intimidating right now." Oriko says, eyeing the numerous crystals springing forth from you. "Just, um... Don't over do it."

"Pssh, come on! When have I ever over... Done...?" Fatigue washes over you. The red glow subsides, and the crystals shrink and eventually fade away. It feels like you just you just dead sprinted a mile...! "Wow... I'm beat...!"

"Yumi?!" Oriko catches you as you teeter over, "You look pale! Are you alright?!"

[] ?????????????????????????
463: Fatigue.
[X] It's more of a scarf.
-[X] The actual vote.

Yup, definitely more of a scarf. Magatsuhi based "cloth" wraps around your neck, dissolving at the end.

It would probably look cooler if you weren't one step away from passing out.

"Well, that was..." You huff, standing up with some effort, "...Certainly a thing that happened today."

"That's one way of putting it." Oriko agrees, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm good!" You wave her off, stumbling a bit. "Maybe not perfect, but close enough! Y'know," You jump to a new topic, "I don't think I'm supposed to do that."

"No, I assume that sprouting crystals and red scarf-capes and sporting a crimson glow aren't exactly normal occurrences." Oriko replies dryly. "Even for you."

"Nah, I meant like, "Humans aren't supposed to do that", even with demon magic."

"What tipped you off?" Oriko crosses her arms at you.

"...Okay, yeah, can we just start walking--!" You almost don't catch yourself as you trip. "Oriko, can you get a cab?"

"I don't think we need to, you might just be lucky." Oriko turns to a dark grey car that's currently pulling over.

You're both relieved and a little nervous to see Raido step out and, upon seeing your pale complexion, rush over to you.

"Yumi, are you okay?!" Raido grabs your shoulders, his voice seemingly echoing in your ears, "What happened?!"

[] ??????????????????????????????
Last edited:
464: Surprise Visit
[X] "Side effect of channeling a ton of energy. Oriko's got pics if ya wanna see."

"Yeah..." You make a face, "...This whole thing is a side effect of... Channeling a shit ton of energy." You accidentally find yourself dancing around the point, like a kid admitting to breaking a vase.

"You... What?" Raido asks as he puts your arm around his shoulder, "Energy?"

"Oriko snapped a picture of you wanna see...!" You wince, straining your body to simply move with your Uncle.

"I'm not worried about pictures right now, I'm worried about you!" He motions to Oriko with his free hand, "Open the back door! Help me get Yumi in!"

Oriko nods, "R-Right!"

"Before you ask, yes, I have questions. Those can wait until you aren't as pale as snow." Raido, ducking down you put you in the back seat of his car, tells you, "But I need to know right now, where do you live?"

"She lives in the... Damnit, what was the name...?!" Oriko grimaces.

"The apartment complex where Mami lives!" You answer for her, "You've been there before, right?"

Raido sighs, "Yes, we've met there before. What apartm--?"

"Right next door to Ms. Tomoe's!" You hear someone shout over Raido. You recognize his voice almost instantly.

Raido spins around after getting you in the car, "Chief?! I thought you were still--?!"

"Got better sooner than I thought!" He responds, "What happened to the kid?" Before anyone can give an answer, he huffs, "Fuck it, nevermind. You need a hand, Kuzunoha?"

"Sure, get in!" Raido slips into the driver's seat, with the Chief running shotgun. Oriko sits next to you, carefully watching you.

Raido, almost instantly, slams on the gas. You can feel every turn deep in your stomach, and Oriko accidentally hits her head on your shoulder a couple of times.

Maybe you could... Try to make conversation?

[] ?????????????????????????
465: Emotional Escalation
[X] Stay quiet and rest.

...On second thought, you're pretty beat. That Magatsuhi thing you did took a ton out of you. Maybe you could catch a quick nap--

Nevermind. With how Raido's driving, you'll slam into poor Oriko. Speaking of Oriko, she looks lost in thought. Then, she looks up at the front of the car.

"Excuse me, Raido... Sir." She bounces her leg, "Is Yumi going to be okay?"

Raido remains quiet.

"Kuzunoha, the kid asked you a question." The Chief says, a little sternness in his voice.

"I don't know." He growls in frustration. He makes another turn.

"...I didn't mean to upset you--"

"No, I'm not upset." He replies, telling himself that more than Oriko, "Let me focus."

Oriko looks at her lap. "Sorry, sir."

"Look, Kuzunoha," The Chief begins, "I get it, emotions are high, but don't take it out on the kid."

"I'm not taking anything out on anyone." Another turn, "Let me drive."

"If you say so." The Chief looks at the road, "We're here. How's Konishi?"

Oriko looks over at you, timidly inspecting your face, "There's more color in her skin than before, but she has dark bags under her eyes. She, uh, her lips are dry, too."

Raido grunts in response, "Chief, help me get her up the stairs."

"On it." He opens your door, carefully helping you out, "Can you stand alright?"

[] ??????????????????????
466: "That's All We Can Do."
[X] "The Yumi is sleepy."

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay." You sigh, "Sorry I couldn't get you back to school, Oriko. Hey, Uncle...!" The word feels a little... Alien to you. You shake it off, "Do you think you could drive her back? I'm sure that the Chief and I have got it handled!" You cough, "Mostly."

Just as Raido opens his mouth, the Chief cuts him off. "No, I'll drive. Raido, I know you don't like--"

"Just don't hit anything." Raido takes the Chief's place under your arm, "Like you did the last time."

Chief grumbles, "He hit me...!" Before waving Oriko closer, "C'mon, let's get you to class."

"...Get well soon, Yumi." Oriko says, unsure of her words. "Text me if you need our help. I'm sure Kirika wouldn't hesitate to assist you." She bows slightly, before entering the car.

They drive off, albeit much more slowly than Raido. He sighs, turning to you. "Can you stand on your own?"

"I... I don't know. I'd rather not take the risk." You admit, a little disappointed in your current state. "Can you, uh, help me up the stairs?"

He nods, and you both walk as one to the stairs. As you move up the first step, you nearly fall into him. "Just focus on conserving your energy." Raido suggests, "I'd rather not drag you up the stairs."

"Right. Sorry."

"I'm unharmed, and you're unharmed. There's nothing to be sorry for." He looks dead ahead as he speaks.

(INT ROLL: 16+6)

He looks pained as he says his piece. Not a physical pain, but...

"I used to have to help your mother like this. At least, on occasion." Raido admits, still looking ahead. "She'd never admit it."


"...I miss her, too." You reply. "But, we gotta keep moving forward. That's all--"

"We can do." Raido finishes, "I'm glad she passed that on."

You smile. Honestly, from this moment...

...You feel a little more comfortable around Uncle Raido.

You nearly ran into the wall, expecting another step when you've already reached the top. Raido's grip on you prevents this, thankfully.

"Just down there, past Mido's." You motion with your head.

"The door with fog--?"

"Yep. He's a good guy, just eccentric."

"Copy." He nods, helping you to your door. You unlock the door, and Raido helps you in.

"Yumi! Hey, Nori split-- What the hell?!" Shoji rushes to you, Kohaku close behind. "What happened?! Who's this guy?"

"Yumi, you look pale!" Kohaku takes you from Raido, "Are you hurt?!"

[] "It's okay! I just need to rest up for a sec!"
[] Explain the scenario.
[] "Can I tell you after a power nap?"
[] ?????????????????????????

OOC: If you have Yumi rest, you will gain control of another character until she wakes. Could be fun, right?
467: Needed Rest
[X] "Uncle Raido" still sounds kinda weird to say.

"Oh, this is my uncle, Raido." You clarify.

"I would shake your hand, but..." Raido looks to you, "...You know how it is."

"Okay, but what happened?" Shoji asks, clearly worried, "I've never seen you this pale!"

"Was it what Oriko called you about?" Kohaku tries to get under your other arm.

"Look, can we talk about this after I take a nap?" You sigh, "After that, I'll tell you guys everything."

Shoji steps out of the way, "Yeah. I can wait."

"Okay, come on, now...!" Raido and Kohaku work together to help you to the air mattress, where you are carefully laid down.

"I think I can manage the rest." You joke, attempting to lighten the mood. You wrap yourself in blankets, and as soon as your head hits the pillow, you're out.


"Psst, hey, kid!" Mr. Griffon whispers to you from the window, "I saw some white rat outside!"

"You did, Mr. Griffon?" You tilt your head at him.

"Yeah, and I doubt he'll be playing nice if his convo with Red Hair is anything to go by." Mr. Griffon motions his head to the outside, "I'm gonna go do some recon. And maybe go see who's around to drag in-- help out."

You nod at him, "Is Mr. Kitty going with you?"

"Nah, Shadow's sticking with you!" Mr. Griffon prepares to take flight, "He never really appreciated my way of doing things. Be back in a jif!" Mr. Griffon flies off.

You look around the classroom for your new friend. "Mr. Kitty?" You whisper.

A paw reaches out from inside of your desk! You duck down, peeking in.

"How did you get in there?" You ask, seeing the reflection of Mr. Kitty's eyes in the shade of your desk.

Mr. Kitty doesn't reply.

You look back out of the window, only to see...

...A white cat with long ears, and tiny red eyes looking at you.

[] ?????????????????????????
468: Change In Scenery
[X] Creepy...!

...It's kinda creepy. Especially how it's just staring at you...! You lean down to where Mr. Kitty- Mr. Shadow is, and whisper to him.

"There's a creepy white thingy out there!" You whisper, "Can you please try to make it go away?"

Shadow's simple response is to disappear into the darkness. You see a flood of shadows seep out from your desk, slinking over to the window. With absolute silence, it creeps outside, and you loose track of it.

You hope that Mr. Shadow can scare it off. He's good at scaring things! You turn back to--!

It's on your desk! The white cat thing snuck in while you weren't looking! Thankfully, no one hears you yelp in surprise. Everybody else is talking to each other.

"Yuma Chitose." The white cat says, "It would be beneficial to offer you a Contract."

"Contract?" You parrot, "What's that?"

"As of now, that's unimportant. I am not here to offer you any Wishes." Its tail swishes to the side, "You will be utilized to convince Yumi Konishi to assist me."

"You know Big Sis Yumi?" You ask, gripping your cane with caution.

"Perhaps Yumi Konishi will be more willing to do as I ask if I were to take... How do you humans say it? Collateral?" The white thing moves its ears, and produces a small, pointy object. "The first step of such a plan would be to show her that I am not interested in playing games."

You begin to feel uneasy, watching the object pulse with... Darkness?

"I'm sure there will be a Magical Girl in the area to dispatch this Witch long after you have peris--"

The shadow underneath the white cat thing suddenly stabs into it! From the spikes, Mr. Shadow manifests between you and the white cat. You've pushed your chair away from it when Mr. Shadow attacked.

The object it was carrying clatters to the ground, and--!!

You and Mr. Shadow are somewhere else. Instead of a classroom, you're standing in a dilap... Diplo... Ruined castle. Suits of rusted armor stand on either side of the hallway, stretching into the dark.

It reminds you of that time you and Big Sis Kyoko got stuck in that cement... Grave place.

Big Sis Yumi isn't here to save you this time...

...But at least you have Mr. Shadow.

[] ????????????????????
469: Into Wonderland
[X] Yuma isn't gonna be the next Hokage. Sorry.

"Mr. Shadow!" You whisper to him. He replies by simply looking your way. "Keep an eye out for bad guys! Yuma's gonna look around this place. Sneaky!"

Mr. Shadow doesn't look convinced, but heeds your words. He silently follows you while you look, his eyes carefully scanning the halls.

You kinda feel like a ninja! All you need is a cool sword, and you'll be set! You briefly wonder if Big Sis Yumi will let you borrow hers...

(INT ROLL: 12)

There! You spot a bad guy! It looks like someone scribbled a zombie knight, and it started moving! It's got a lantern in one of its hands, and a sword in the other.

Maybe you can ninja sneak past him? You can also try fighting, but that might make everyone else know you're here--?!

"Mr. Shadow! Wait!" You call out, watching the big black cat lunge at the knight.

Did Mr. Shadow's tail just turn into a knife?!


His tail-knife cuts right across the Knight's neck, flinging fluff into the air. You hold your cane tightly, keeping out of sight.

The knight tosses its lantern at Mr. Shadow!


Mr. Shadow is so quick! He just leaped out of the way without any effort!

But what would Big Sis Yumi or Big Sis Kyoko do? You can't let Mr. Shadow do all of the work. That would be rude, right?

[] ?????????????????????????????
470: Ninja Stab!
[X] *Grips her hand dramatically* "Yuma needs more power!"

You think about Big Sis Yumi. If she were fighting like a ninja, she would wait until Mr. Shadow had the bad guy on the ropes, and then...!

You could get him with a super cool stealth attack! You wait for your turn to fight, watching Mr. Shadow and the bad knight fight.


With claws raised, Mr. Shadow lunges at the bad guy, and turns into a big spinning blade! It gets him good, causing him to stumble towards you...!

This is your chance! You can do good! Big Sis Yumi won't see you as a burden!


You close your eyes, stabbing forward with the sharp end of your cane. You...

...Don't feel it hit anything. You open your eyes, dreading the thought that you missed, but sure enough, you skewered the bad knight!

He explodes into fluff, and Mr. Shadow trots up to you. He looks a little...


Before you have a chance to breathe, you clattering from down the hall. There's a lot more bad guys coming! You slowly back away before feeling something ripple through the whole area.

"--Do we get... In?" Mr. Griffon finishes. "Huh."

"Well, this place is a dump!" A slightly familiar voice echoes from behind, "What do you say we trash it even more?"

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