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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] "Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it, but better have and not need..."
-[X] Make sure she still has some for herself, and thank her with an offered hug
-[X] Ask if she wants us to leave somebody to stand guard during her nap, just in case.
-[X] Text Raido your plans, with an offer to watch if he wants to see how you work.
Eris when she finally finds Sparda's nightmare twins:
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 11, 2023 at 11:03 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it, but better have and not need..."
    -[X] Make sure she still has some for herself, and thank her with an offered hug
    -[X] Ask if she wants us to leave somebody to stand guard during her nap, just in case.
    -[X] Text Raido your plans, with an offer to watch if he wants to see how you work.
    [X] "Thanks. Where'd you get this?"
    -[X] "Kazuya has beads like this too."
    -[X] "You still got one for yourself?"
    -[X] "Oh, should I call someone to stand guard, just in case?"
    [X] "Where'd you get this?"
    [X] "Where'd you get this?"
    -[X] "Kazuya has beads like this too."
578: "Thanks, Kohaku."
[X] Thank you.

"Thanks, Kohaku." You smile at her, "Hopefully I won't have to use it, but--"

"It's better to have and not need than to need and not have!" Kohaku interrupts, a small smile on her face, "Another thing you used to say a lot!"

You sigh, "I did say that a ton, didn't I?" You walk over to her side of the table, "Speaking of which, you've still got one for yourself, right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah!" She hastily answers, "I took these before... I took enough to last me."

You stoop down, and carefully hug her. You hear a slight gasp from Kohaku. "Thanks, I mean it." You say.

"Y-Yeah." She mutters, trying to decide whether to return your hug or not.

She settles on just being held for the moment.

"So..." You pull back, standing up straight, "...Do you want me to leave one of my guys here to stand guard during your nap?"

"Wh- No, it's fine!" She shakes her head, "I'll just, um, lock the door. And the windows."

"You sure?"

"Not really, but I don't want to deprive you of an ally in your fight." She explains, "I should be fine once Kyoko gets back."

"...If you say so." You nod, unsure whether to leave one here, just in case.

[] Leave a demon here. (Which one?)
[] Refrain from leaving a demon.

Either way, you text Raido before you do anything.

>Hey, I'm gonna go fight a bunch of demons. Wanna watch?

Sent! And now...

[] ???????????????????????
I say we leave one. That way, we have some kind of defense in the situation we're compromised. (If our house is compromised we're fucked anyway until this ends lol)
[X] Leave a demon
-[X] Consult with her about which demon she's most comfortable with, but recommend Virtue.

We know all its skills and never use it.

If the earlier joke about arcana link formation and all that were a thing, leaving Nue after recent events would probably reverse it for a while. Let's not, lol.

[X] Wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.
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[] Wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.

[] Leave a demon
-[] Consult with her about which demon she's most comfortable with, but recommend Virtue.
-[] Mention that if you absolutely need to, you can always recall and re-summon your demon.

I think we can, but either way it would put her ar ease.

[X] Plan Quick Fusion

[X] Leave a demon: Virtue
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Considering demons can have Lost status if blown away by an enemy in IV/IV:A (and possibly V? I forget, much of that entire game was forgettable), that implies a range limit on the recall.
Oof, good catch, yeah.

Btw, I'm currently at threadmark 57 in my re-read of the quest, and I just ran across Yumi's off-hand remark to Kyoko during their first meeting, about Grief Seeds and why she's willing to give away any she happens across or wins from Witches as needed.

"It'd be rude to horde them up, in any case."

Judging from a recent Sidestory entry: Dante's being rude, lol
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[X] Wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.
[X] Leave a demon: Virtue
[X] Leave a demon: Pixie

i think she's kinda freaked out by demons right now, so i'd rather just leave Virtue here and move on if we're going to leave anyone here
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[X] Leave a demon: Virtue

I'm with Solarstream on this one.

[X] Plan Quick Fusion
-[X] Quickly stop by the Cathedral of Shadows and fuse Pyro Jack with Bifrons to get Incubus (passing on Maragi and Dream Fist), then resummon Pyro Jack and see if you can unlock the Special Fusion for Black Frost
--[X] If yes, fuse Jack Frost, Pyro Jack and Incubus to get Black Frost, passing on Mabufu, Maragi and Zanma, and using Magnetite to upgrade Mabufu to Mabufula, Maragi to Maragion, Zanma to Zandyne and add Tarukaja (replacing Endure if necessary)
---[X] If you do not have enough Magnetite, prioritize upgrading Zanma to Zandyne, followed by adding Tarukaja
--[X] Do not register Bifrons before fusing him away
--[X] After all fusions are complete, wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.

I'd like to take the opportunity to quickly grab Black Frost if possible. The QM has confirmed that Special Fusions cannot go wrong, so I would like to spend some to 1) upgrade Zanma to Zandyne so that the Skill overlap is with the better option (as I've mentioned before, when we start swapping out Nadja's Skills, I would rather get rid of Zanma than Zandyne, and that's without factoring in that our Virtue has Zandyne), 2) give him Tarukaja so that he has a buff/debuff option (with Tarukaja being preferred both because we already have it and because it has high overlap with our other Demons), and 3) upgrade Maragi and Mabufu to the next Tier just for the sake of increased usefulness.

I also do not want to register the Bifrons we currently have, because the one we already have registered is better if for no other reason than having Tarukaja.
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Kohaku frets about you.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 12, 2023 at 11:47 PM, finished with 13 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Leave a demon: Virtue
    [X] Wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.
    [X] Plan Quick Fusion
    -[X] Quickly stop by the Cathedral of Shadows and fuse Pyro Jack with Bifrons to get Incubus (passing on Maragi and Dream Fist), then resummon Pyro Jack and see if you can unlock the Special Fusion for Black Frost
    --[X] If yes, fuse Jack Frost, Pyro Jack and Incubus to get Black Frost, passing on Mabufu, Maragi and Zanma, and using Magnetite to upgrade Mabufu to Mabufula, Maragi to Maragion, Zanma to Zandyne and add Tarukaja (replacing Endure if necessary)
    ---[X] If you do not have enough Magnetite, prioritize upgrading Zanma to Zandyne, followed by adding Tarukaja
    --[X] Do not register Bifrons before fusing him away
    --[X] After all fusions are complete, wait by the entrance for Raido to respond... or show up, like he said he was going to.
    [X] Leave a demon
    -[X] Consult with her about which demon she's most comfortable with, but recommend Virtue.
    [X] Leave a demon: Pixie
579: Fusion!
[X] Plan Quick Fusion

"I'm gonna pop over to Mido's real quick!" You say, walking to the door.

"I hope you... fuse something good?" Kohaku loses confidence in her memory of Mido in each word. "Th-That's what you do there, right?"

You nod. Kohaku sighs in relief as you close the door. After that, it's a hop, skip and a jump to...!

"Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather..." Mido greets you as you enter.

"Hey, Mido!" You wave, "Before we start, is there a way to register specific demons in the Compendium? Or is it all of nothing?"

"Of course you can register one demon at a time!" He happily answers, "Just flip to that specific demon's page in the Compendium, and touch it with your Gauntlet!"

"Great! Thanks!" You carefully flip to...

...Huh. You've never opened this before. Each page is dedicated to a single demon, with a picture of said demon at the forefront. All of your demons are here, but some pages are just...


Eventually, you find Pyro Jack's Compendium entry, and touch it.


You smile contently, and turn to Mido.

"I'd like you to fuse Bifrons with Pyro Jack!" You tell him, "Oh, and pass on Maragi and Dream Fist!"

Mido smiles, "I shall perform the fusion!" He adjusts his tiny spectacles, and taps away on his computer...


...And in a flash of light, you--!!

"Yo. Name's Incubus, and damn!" The provocative demon exclaims, "A hot babe for a master?! The human world's gonna be sweet!"

And hell no. "Mido, can we--?"

"You have the necessary components for a special fusion!" Mido exclaims, "If you fuse Jack Frost, the Incubus you just summoned, and Pyro Jack, you can create Black Frost!"

"Okay, that's amazing!" You sputter out, touching the Compendium, "Just get that thing away from my eyes!"

"And what skills would you like to pass on?" Mido asks.

"Maragi, Mabufu, and--"

"Zanma!" Mido cuts you off.

"Oh, add Magnetite to the fusion!" You produce some Magnetite cubes, "Will this be enough to--"

Mido quickly counts the MAG you placed next to his computer, "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty-- Yes, you have enough!" Without further ado, Mido begins the fusion.


As the fusion comes to a close, you meet the new demon before you.

"I'm Black Frost, Hee-Ho!" The black colored Jack Frost says, "Let's go kill demons or something!"


He disappears into your Gauntlet.

You quickly register the rest of your demons, and wave goodbye to Mido.

"Return when you have gathered more demons!" He waves back as you exit.

Just as you come out, you see Raido making his way up the stairs. Right, he did say he was swinging by!

Before you can greet him, he puts his hand on your shoulder. "Explain your text, please."

[] ?????????????????????????
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[X] "I have a bit of cleanup I need to do from some stuff I did yesterday, and I figured you might want to see how I handle demons, even if they should be weaker than me since I took out their boss. This was all before the fiend by the way."
[X] "I have a bit of cleanup I need to do from some stuff I did yesterday, and I figured you might want to see how I handle demons, even if they should be weaker than me since I took out their boss. This was all before the fiend by the way."
It's kinda funny. With how we set up Black Frost, he's got a skillset pretty similar to Yumi. Can hit with a good variety of elements, and at minimum resists half the spectrum with no weaknesses.
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