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Yumi has taken worse wounds pre-powers and shrugged those off well enough. Like during her small scuffle with Oriko and Kirika at the beginning of the quest.

Oh! I think I get where you're coming from -- the stutter in my vote isn't supposed to be full-on breaking down, or anything, just Yumi's throat closing up a bit from emotion. ...I should probably go put a note in next to the vote, to clarify that, huh? Good call, I feel. :)

Anyhow, despite what toxic masculinity (and the whole "anything that doesn't match up to that is weak" nonsense) would have us all believe, being externally stoic doesn't mean the emotions aren't there. Pushed down, bottled up, or whatever other longrun-harmful coping measures may even fool the person who goes through the experiences into thinking they aren't all that bothered... but those emotions are still there, and eventually they start leaking out. Sometimes with little cracks in the facade, like choking up a little when asking someone for help.

Yumi's only (mostly) human, after all.

the only thing I can think of to justify Yumi suddenly breaking down is the Police Chief's words, who again, chooses to not have her help while having absolutely no defenses against magic.

Like I said before, Detective Kuzunoha is involved. His clan may concentrate on Tokyo in the games, but clearly in this world they assigned him to Mitakihara City. He also implied during the conference call that he's familiar with mind control magic incidents, enough to feel he can figure out whether the spell was wearing off on its own, from something in/near the police station, etc -- he said Yumi's new to this, and all.

We -- and as such, Yumi -- have a mindset where we have to do everything, despite there being a lot of other competent people around. And that's another load that, in-universe, would weigh on Yumi too.

To put it in metaphor: Lots of small stones add up to a heavy and awkward-to-carry weight, even if one's used to carrying a single large-ish stone. Handing some off to others walking alongside us is good exercise for them, and makes it less likely we'll not injure ourselves. Or, TL;DR: burden shared is burden halved... which seems to be a theme for Puella Magi quests lately, lol

And, to put it in storytelling terms: steamrolling the Human vs Enemies conflict means we're left with Human vs Self and Human vs. Socializing conflicts to struggle with.

I'm aware these feats don't equate to mental stability, but Yumi also feels that these kinds of occurrences (except the demons) are normal. I simply don't think Yumi's mindset is one that regards herself in that manner.

You can only suffer so many near-fatal experiences before you numb yourself to it anyway, regardless of how bad of an idea it is. It happens in canon too, courtesy of Mami, who fights witches every day to the point she felt comfortable to show off which gets her killed in the end

That's exactly it, though -- it's not normal. So my vote is writing that Kohaku's reaction made Yumi realize that, whoa, yeah, this isn't normal, this is Bad, so she opens up a little -- and which all provides the Human vs. Self struggle that makes for an aspect of deeper characterization. :D

I'm not specifically aiming for Yumi to go all water-works in front of Kohaku, or anything -- I agree, that wouldn't be particularly in-character for Yumi, nor fit the goal of making Kohaku feel everything's going to be okay. :)
Never Cry, Part 2: Rewrite
"Nero, can you pull over here?" Nico asks, pointing at a gas station, "I'm all outta smokes."

You sigh, "Yeah, yeah, I'm pulling in..." You roll your eyes, "...I'll fill up the tank while we're here."

"Atta boy! That's why Kyrie--"

"Just go get your smokes," You tell her, stopping at a gas pump, "I'll pull up to the station when I'm done."

"Phew, what a day, though!" Nico laughs, "Tomorrow, bright 'n' early, I'm gonna start working on that new Devil Breaker for ya!" With her piece said, she promptly steps out of the van.

You groan slightly, remembering how much of a pain that demon was to fight. How many damn mouths does one demon need, anyhow--?

The phone is ringing. Hesitantly, you pick it up.

"Devil May Cry?" You answer.

"Nero. How've you been, kid?"

You almost don't believe what you're hearing.

"Dante?" You ask, shocked to hear his voice.

"Who else would I be?" Dante replies.

"You... When did you...?" You can barely even get the question out.

"About... Two days ago, now. And before you ask," Dante continues, "No, I don't know how it happened."

Your gaze falls upon the book resting on the dashboard, "What about Vergil?"

"He's around." You hear Dante's chair creak as he leans back, "If I had to guess, he's probably looking for something worth picking a fight with. I'm doing fine, by the way!"

You shake your head, "Where are you? Me and Nico can swing by and--?"

"Yeah, not happening." Dante cuts you off, "Unless you can take a car across the ocean, then you're welcome to try!"


"Nero, how quick can you get to Japan?" Dante suddenly asks.

"Wh- Japan?" You ask, "Like, the country?"

"What other Japan is there?" He shoots back, "There's some people here I want you to meet."

"People you--?" You sigh again, "Look, I'll get there when I get there, just don't go too far or whatever."

"Alright, dad. Want me in bed by nine, too?"

"Don't get yourself killed." You warn.

"No promises." Dante hangs up.
Imagine if a Team Rocket Grunt tried to steal from Yuma.

That poor bastard would have to deal with Kyoko, Sayaka, Yumi, Kazuya, and Homura.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 10, 2023 at 10:39 PM, finished with 39 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] "...I do care, by the way."
    -[X] "I've just had too much experience learning to use up all my fucks on keeping the people I care about safe, so I don't have any left to give to freak out about the Weird Shit, until it's safe to do so."
    --[X] "That said... I'm not gonna rush into danger without telling anyone, or recklessly risk... leaving people behind."
    ---[X] "And... please? I-If I can ask one thing of you.......j-just... keep being my friend? Just, be there, keep me grounded. I don't want to go all mad-with-power. I don't want to become someone who bottles up her own fears and emotions, only listening to what her friends' problems are, and doesn't let her friends share her own burdens... I'm not that kind of strong. Hell, that's brittle, not strong."
    [X] Extra Choice: Adds an extra Sword Perk to every choice after this.
    [X] AGI+6, END+3
    -[X] Replace Agi with Agidyne
    [X] UPGRADE: Blustering Strike -> Windstorm Slash (10 MP) [SWORD + ZANMA] {PHYS/FORCE}
    [X] "Hey Kohaku, what's on your mind?"
    [X] Stats: AGL +6, LUK+2
    [X] Stats: AGL +6, LUK+3
    [X] Stats: AGL +7, LUK+1
    [X] Stats: +7 INT, +2 LUK
    -[X] Do not change Skills
    [X] Extra Choice
    [X] Stats: LUK +9
    -[X] Replace Agi with Agidyne
    [X] "...I do care, by the way."
    -[X] "I've just had too much experience learning to use up all my fucks on keeping the people I care about safe, so I don't have any left to give to freak out about the Weird Shit, until it's safe to do so."
    --[X] "That said... I'm not gonna rush into danger without telling anyone, or recklessly risk... leaving people behind."
    [X] "...I do care, by the way."
    -[X] "I've just had too much experience learning to use up all my on keeping the people I care about safe, so I don't have any left to give to freak out about the Weird until it's safe to do so."
    --[X] "That said... I'm not gonna rush into danger without telling anyone, or recklessly risk... leaving people behind."
    ---[X] "And... please? I-If I can ask one thing of you.......j-just... keep being my friend? Just, be there, keep me grounded. I don't want to go all mad with power. I don't want to become someone who bottles up her fears and emotions, only listens to what her friends' problems are, and doesn't let her friends share her burdens... I'm not that kind of strong., That's brittle, not strong."
We -- and as such, Yumi -- have a mindset where we have to do everything, despite there being a lot of other competent people around. And that's another load that, in-universe, would weigh on Yumi too.

That's cause Yumi hasn't really ever needed help before. Regardless of how she has felt about it, she's always come out on top easily, to the point where it feels like a guarantee win in her favor once she makes up her mind, the exceptions being Lost Samurai and Vergil. At least, that's how I've felt based off our own performance.

He also implied during the conference call that he's familiar with mind control magic incidents, enough to feel he can figure out whether the spell was wearing off on its own, from something in/near the police station, etc -- he said Yumi's new to this, and all.

I don't remember this implication tbh. You sure your not mistaking it for another of Yumi's city wide power spikes that she just kind of spams? Either way, outside of our fight with Raido (which we won, btw) we haven't seen him in action once. Forgive me for assuming he's weaker than us.

Or, TL;DR: burden shared is burden halved... which seems to be a theme for Puella Magi quests lately, lol

Could be the number of PMMM stuff I've read recently, but it just feels like a predictable 'the power of friendship' bit imo. It works, but it doesn't feel like we actually need it, seeing how we haven't actually ever come across a serious enemy we couldn't handle on our own.
Imagine if a Team Rocket Grunt tried to steal from Yuma.
That guy would be dead. Like, flat out. Light Neutral doesn't mean we adamantly refuse to kill, Kyouko has technically killed people before, depends on if you count the familiar grief seed thing, Kazuya and Homura have killed people before, it's just a bad idea for that Rocket Grunt lmao.
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Ziodyne is basically Thunderbolt, right? Just send them blasting off!

Hope they have Null/Drain Physical for that landing tho...
Iirc, the logic was to both get it out of the pool, and its best to get earlier than later.
But you realize that by voting to get something out of the pool faster, we ultimately end up weaker at full potential cause we never get that Perk back. Not unless we were intended to get every single perk in the pool, in which case it would be useless endgame. It's only use is early game. We already get busted options.

Edit: Now if we were able to pick 2 out of 3 choices per level up, my god that would be a different beast.
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But you realize that by voting to get something out of the pool faster, we ultimately end up weaker at full potential cause we never get that Perk back. Not unless we were intended to get every single perk in the pool, in which case it would be useless endgame. It's only use is early game. We already get busted options.

Edit: Now if we were able to pick 2 out of 3 choices per level up, my god that would be a different beast.
The way that I think of it (I don't know if milk does it this way for sword skills) Milk rolls a D20 for quality of skills so having more options helps us out with that chance to get really good luck on this
577: Heart To Heart.
[X] "...I do care, by the way."

"...I do care, by the way." You admit, breaking the silence between you two, "I guess I've just had too much experience with using all of my worry to keep everyone I care about safe, so I don't have any fucks left to give about the weird shit until..."

"...Yumi, I..." Kohaku begins, but stops when she sees you about to speak again.

"That being said," You continue, "I'm not just going to rush headfirst into danger without telling anyone. I sure as hell don't want to risk leaving anyone... behind." Why did you struggle to say that?

Kohaku sets her pizza down, "Yumi... Are you...?"

"One more thing, if I can ask it." Your breathing is a little unsteady... "Can you... j-just... keep being my friend?"

Kohaku silently gasps, "Yumi, I... Why would I...?"

"J-Just be there, y'know, keep me grounded!" You explain, your inner turmoil finally stirring, "I don't wanna go mad with power. I-I don't want to become someone who throws away her own fears and emotions, and only listens to what her friends' problems are, and can't let her friends share her own burdens...!"

Kohaku stares at you, nodding slowly.

"...As much as I try to be, I'm not that kind of strong." You finally admit. "Hell, that's brittle, not strong."

At first, Kohaku doesn't speak. You just look down at your empty plate, uncomfortable under your friend's gaze.

"...Of course." Kohaku says, causing you to look up at her, "I'll be here for you, Yumi. You were there for me every time I needed you. Now, I can finally repay that kindness. And..." Kohaku smiles a little, "...Thank you. For keeping your well-being in mind."

"Well, trying to keep my well-being in mind." You tell her, "It's kind of a new thing for me."

Kohaku sighs, "Why don't I doubt that?"

"Because it's true."

Kohaku shakes her head, a fond smile on her face.

The mood at the table lightens significantly.

"You, um, said that you needed to go fight, right?" Kohaku queries, "In that case, I might take a little nap. Today's been... exciting."

"I don't blame you. I'm starting to feel it, too!" You stifle a yawn, "But, I gotta fight some guys!"

"Wait!" Kohaku calls out as you get up from the table, "Take this with you!" She hands you a...?


"What's this?" You ask, holding it up to your eye.

"It's a Bead." She explains.

Yeah, no shit. "I figured."

"I saw some cultists use these after... incidents." Kohaku shakes her head, "You just crush it in your hand, and presto! You're all better!"

You blink in surprise, looking at the tiny bead in your hands.

[] ???????????????????????
"The mood at the table lightens significantly."

Kohaku liked that a lot

Think we should ask Mami to keep an eye out while we're gone?
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[] "Where'd you get this?"
-[] "Kazuya has beads like this too."

I sure as hell don't want to risk leaving anyone... behind.
Yikes. This is cause Kohaku ran off without a word isn't it?

[X] "Thanks. Where'd you get this?"
-[X] "Kazuya has beads like this too."
-[X] "You still got one for yourself?"
-[X] "Oh, should I call someone to stand guard, just in case?"
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She's at school right now.

Oh, right. Hmm. Where's Sailor Mars when you need some ofudas on the windows and doors to keep demons out?

As for the Bead, I assume she got it from the cult.

[X] "Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it, but better have and not need..."
-[X] Make sure she still has some for herself, and thank her with an offered hug
-[X] Ask if she wants us to leave somebody to stand guard during her nap, just in case.
-[X] Text Raido your plans, with an offer to watch if he wants to see how you work.

Yikes. This is cause Kohaku ran off without a word isn't it?

That was part of the vote, actually -- my idea there was basically a gentler, non-Fourth-Wall-breaking "Not planning to pull a canon!Sayaka, here".
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[X] "Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it, but better have and not need..."
-[X] Make sure she still has some for herself, and thank her with an offered hug
-[X] Ask if she wants us to leave somebody to stand guard during her nap, just in case.
-[X] Text Raido your plans, with an offer to watch if he wants to see how you work.

Might as well text Raido.
That was part of the vote, actually -- my idea there was basically a gentler, non-Fourth-Wall-breaking "Not planning to pull a canon!Sayaka, here".
It was executed differently. Felt more accusatory which made the idea easier to read imo. Originally just made me feel it was something the Chief said that Yumi never even thought to consider before now, which Im more offended that Chief thinks we didn't think about that. That vote still pisses me off.
[X] "Thanks. Where'd you get this?"
-[X] "Kazuya has beads like this too."
-[X] "You still got one for yourself?"
-[X] "Oh, should I call someone to stand guard, just in case?"

tried combining the votes since I do want to know where she got it
[X] "Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it, but better have and not need..."
-[X] Make sure she still has some for herself, and thank her with an offered hug
-[X] Ask if she wants us to leave somebody to stand guard during her nap, just in case.
-[X] Text Raido your plans, with an offer to watch if he wants to see how you work.
Voting is open