She saw Yumi get stabbed? I don't get why this specifically is a surprise. She knows we have Null Phys? What part of this is new?
Let's go back and look at the parts of the post which stood out to me:
You walk over to Kohaku, helping her to her feet. "You okay?" You ask, dusting off her shoulder, "No bumps, no scrapes?"
"Am I--?!" Kohaku points at you with her hand palm up, "You're the one that got mauled by a demon!"
"Mmhm." You nod, "And it didn't even break skin. So, what about you?"
Kohaku shakes her head, "You seriously don't care. Oh my gosh. C-Can we just go home?!"
Kohaku looks like she wants to speak, but for some reason, she doesn't.
Mentally healthy humans don't brush off near-crippling experiences, even if no actual damage is taken, and Yumi is. Kohaku is, with reason, freaked out here -- yes, we headed off one source of worry, hopefully, because we're not physically harmed, but that lets her skip to this other logical-to-have fear. And this is completely leaving aside her
other experiences with people acting weird.
From Kohaku's perspective, something's not right with her friend. And unless I severely miss my guess (like I did with that dang Kin-Ki...), she's several different kinds of worried right now.
Some possible trains of thought that could be wrecking into each other in her head right now:
- "Has Yumi lost all sense of self-preservation?! Sure, she's clearly able to take care of herself... mostly... that scary one at the pizza place hurt her pretty bad in one go tho! What if she runs into something so strong she can't defeat it or get away, but is too gung-ho to realize that? Is she just losing herself in the fight?"
What if I'm left with nobody again...
- "Has Yumi's mind been messed with, too?! And if so, am I safe with her? Wait, no, she's been nothing but kind to me! She even...
snkr made that demon with the candlesticks APOLOGIZE to me! That was hillarious... she's nothing like Ok-... Saburo was, when he was under."
And what do I do if she IS, or gets mind-whammied later?
- "I don't want to be a burden to Yumi... but how can I ever catch up to that level of power?!"
- "Is she even human? No, wait, what am I saying of
course she's human, I've known her since years ago! She's a good person and fights for what she feels is right!"