We… we haven't left yet…?
It was like 1:45am, I thought we'd run into Raido at some stairs leaving the floor, for some reason. And with the vote option, I thought we were going to leave Virtue inside the apartment, like a transparent humanoid R2-D2 guarding Padme.
To be honest, I don't really want to take this route even if it's the most likely ending. I just don't like the idea of involving everyone we know into the clusterfuck that is every single little detail of the world of demons, especially considering how Kohaku reacted to simply watching, not actually taking part of.
Hmm.... I don't feel that's what we're necessarily aiming for, or at least that's definitely not what Yumi currently
wants, especially given her tendency up to now to take every problem on herself.
It's more like, the world of demons always
involves itself into
everyone, once something gets going. And since Yumi (and we) don't want our friends getting hurt/killed, well... we may as well ensure the people we care about are kept informed of what's going on (lest they get manipulated by demons like, say, Zelenin), have a support network to keep each other somewhat level-headed (lest something stupid like a Chiaki or canon!Sayaka happen), and can defend themselves on their own power (for non-meguca humans are squishy and good with ketchup).
As for Kohaku, she probably reacted that way for reasons I've laid out before, because she's far from a hardened fighter, and because
she cares about our well-being enough to fret. Oh, and because
she saw our arm almost get ripped off. Not because demons themselves, a vicious mundane dog attack wouldn't been just as shocking. Plus, she's an old friend who remembers Yumi when she was younger, and possibly (we STILL don't know much iirc) remembers her being a full-on reckless teenager, in similarly dangerous situations.
So the solution is… to leave it alone? I don't really get what your trying to say here. If something needs to be done, Yumi would do it like her mom did. While it did get her killed, we don't know if she had any better moves with what info she had. Not everyone lands crits when they need them.
Do keep in mind, if we didn't roll well at the beginning, Yumi's story woulda ended exactly the same way. Regardless of resurrection afterword.
Nope. I don't feel Yumi has a "leave it alone" setting. And yeah, that's the problem Kohaku, Homura, and Yumi's father all see -- she'd get herself killed from rushing into situations, instead of being more cautious in their eyes.
even you said that Homura thinks Yumi's going to get herself killed, a while back.
Yumi hasn't exactly invested in looking for defense buffs or anything, and for a while was trying to kick and punch everything as her first approach. That forms impressions, y'know.
One, the blood was on her hands, not her shirt cause of positioning.
A pair of familiar pink eyes peek out at you, and Madoka comes rushing out.
"Y-Yumi! You're okay!" She shouts, grabbing you into a hug. Which would have been fine, but...
"Son of a- hey, watch the back!" You blurt out.
She looks confused for a moment, before looking at her sleeves, now sporting a new red color.
"You're hurt! Are you okay? I'm so sorry-"
Two, I don't think people can get traumatized at the mere sight of blood.
Madoka is a
fourteen-year-old girl who was
not expecting it to even be in the list of things to expect -- she's safe at home. She's as far from being a sociopath or psychopath as is humanly possible to be, so she'd have some emotional reaction, and also feel guilty that she caused additional pain from her carelessness. Normal people who've lived a cushy, safe life like Madoka and her happy, well-off family in a stable situation would be distinctly uncomfortable with someone being all bloody like that, especially to suddenly have it
on them.
And yes, micro-traumas and small traumas
are a thing. That probably wasn't anything they won't heal quickly from or anything, very quickly in Sayaka's case since it wasn't
on her, but still.
I just want to murder things, not be sad about arbitrary things or social about what we already know goddamnit
Yumi has never been a murderhobo, from what backstory we've seen or what her family has implied. Right now, from the choices that have been made, she's Neutral-Light; being more careless about our well-being and isolating herself from other people/society feels more Chaotic and/or Dark. And a year and a half ago,
you had a very different opinion... or, at least, about doing so for the people around us? I'm
not trying to "gotcha" here, I ain't like that, I'm trying to form a better model of what it is you're looking for from the quest, so we can all enjoy it.
As I re-read, I'm starting to think that Yumi might have developed some slight degree of sociopathy, just to numb herself from her own reactions from putting herself in dangerous situations, and in so doing lost some ability to recognize how her actions make others feel outside of merely running on a personal code of conduct... all her reactions are a little
off in that way. Some of it is her being funny from our prompts -- like the one about her school having been on fire -- but there's enough that doesn't feel like a joke, that I can begin to see what others in-story might be seeing, despite our main view being from Yumi's perspective. Edit: Or, y'know, she could just be alexithymic (have difficulty recognizing emotions in herself and/or others). That honestly feels more likely.
If so, cracking through that from the inside isn't going to be easy for her, and this communication and learning to let herself
feel -- and how to process that in a healthy manner, while still being able to fight what's happening and coming -- is something that's going to take time to form a habit of. She might not start always opening up fully about everything, nor to
everyone, but now she has someone who has permission to prod her into making less-worrying decisions and taking care of her mental health like she takes care of others. It's going to be a long road, especially in therapist-averse Japan, and that makes for an interesting B- or C-plot of character development and struggle.
Some EX entries from Kohaku's perspective and that of the other friend (he's not listed in the Character List) might help, either to dissipate or confirm my feelings in that regard, but I don't wanna be pushy on what gets written lol. 😅