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571: Order Your Pizza!
[X] Amalgam Pizza vote.

"I'm gonna need a large pizza, half with double pepperoni and peppers." You tell the lady at the register. "To go, by the way!"

"Okay, and for the other half?" She asks with a smile.

You look to Kohaku.

She blinks in surprise, "Oh, you want me to-- Okay, I'll have... Mushrooms, and... Aww, heck, just double up on mushrooms, please."

The lady taps the screen in front of her, and displays your order. You pay, and find a place to sit down with Kohaku. Luckily, the waiting area is completely empty, so you just sit there.


"Hey, Kohaku?" You turn to her, "How are you holding up?"

"...Not perfectly, I'm afraid." She admits, "It's only been a couple of days, and all that I knew got turned inside out." She fidgets with the bottom of her shirt, "Saburo being controlled, magic, demons... It's a lot to take in."

"Yeah, I know the feeling." You nod, glancing at your Gauntlet, "So, I've still got that fight to go to later, but I wanted to ask if--"

"Yeah, I'll be fine at home." Kohaku hastily answers, "I just... After this morning, I want to be somewhere I know is safe."


The door opens, and--?!

"Ah, this is a fabled "Pizza Parlor"!" The demon says to itself as it floats through the door, "According to other demons, this is where humans draw sustenance!"

Both you and Kohaku stare blankly at the demon before you.

Honestly, when you think of the word "demon", you'd probably think of this thing. It's completely black, has horns and hooves, and has what appears to be a candle stick coming from the center of its head.

You should handle this, shouldn't you?

[] ?????????????????????
572: Demon In The Pizza Parlor
[X] "Sorry, I gotta take this." - Takeshi Konishi

"Welp, I should probably handle this!" You hop to your feet, "Be right back, and keep an eye out for our pie!"

"Yeah, sure." Kohaku mutters, watching the horrifying demon with terror in her heart.

You walk up to the demon, who stares as you approach.

"Yo, are you trying to get some pizza?" You wave to it.

The demon ponders your question for a moment, "Perhaps. Or perhaps not. I know not what this "Pizza" is just yet, just that you humans draw strength from it." It nods, before sighing, "...Or, perhaps, you were speaking to some unseen human just out of view?"

"Nah, I'm talking to you." You reply frankly.

"Ah, finally!" The demon seems ecstatic, "Truly, you care to speak with me?"

"Well, first off, do you want some pizza?"

"I would be elated to discover the secrets of your "Pizza"!" The demon floats closer to you, "...What is it?"

"It's food...?" You reply, unsure of what he's talking about.

"Ah, so it is a simple source of sustenance?" The demon deflates a little, "I was under the impression that it was much like Magatsuhi. Never the matter. I would still like to discover this... Whatever it is."

"Cool! I'll give you a slice once our order comes!"

"I'd most certainly hope not!" The demon replies, "I prefer my body unscathed, thank you!"

"...I meant a slice of the pizza." You clarify.

"...Ah. Very well, then." The demon chuckles to itself, "A slice...! And I thought she was going to...!" The demon's good cheer returns in full force, "You know, you're the first human I've spoken with! They have been quite rude, simply ignoring me when I ask them for directions! Agh, the nerve!"

"Well, most humans can't see demons." You explain, "So I wouldn't take it too personal, okay?"

"I see!" The demon puts its hand to its chin, "So they were not being rude, but simply could not perceive my existence? My, my, the human world is much different than what Lady Scathach described!"

"Lady who?" You ask, hands on your hips.

"It matters not! I would like to know more of your world!" The demon declares, "Please, humor my curiosity!"


"Is it true that you humans have "blood" in your bodies? How do you attain it?"

[] "My body just makes it."
[] "You drink it."
[] "I don't know, I didn't pay attention in Biology."
[] ?????????????????

"I've heard a particularly nasty rumor about humans! I was told that you kill your own kind for reasons you do not understand or know! Is this rumor true?"

[] Yes.
[] No.
[] ??????????????????

"I would like a fair bit of your vitality. Will you allow me to...?" The demon leaves the rest unsaid.

[] Yes.
[] No.
[] ??????????????????????
573: Negotiation...?
[X] *Chad* Yes.

"Well, human bodies process certain materials we consume to create blood." You say to the demon.

"...Intriguing." The demon replies, "I do wonder if your blood gains the properties of what you consume, though." Before you can process that statement, the demon starts up again, "I've heard a particularly nasty rumor about humans! I was told that you kill your own kind for reasons you do not understand or know! Is this rumor true?"

"Some do, but many, many more do not." You clarify.

"A population will, invariably, have outliers. Your answer pleases me, as you have confirmed that even this world, there exists ones outside of the "norm"." The demon nods thoughtfully. "I would like a fair bit of your vitality. Will you allow me to...?" The demon leaves the rest unsaid.

You blink, "Oh, uh, sure!"

"Very well, human."


"Gh--!!" You grasp at your chest as a sharp pain fills your body. It takes all that you have to not yelp out in pain.

"Now that we have sorted out the "Nitty Gritty"..." The demon looks you over, as if appraising you...


"...Blast. It appears you aren't exactly my equal, human." The demon shakes its head, "But you did humor me. If we meet again, once you have grown a little stronger, I will happily join you. Farewell for now!"

As you suck in a pained breath, the demon leaves.



"What the fuck?" You mutter. He just took your vitality and left?! What kind of horseshit is this?!

"Yumi!" Kohaku rushes to your side, helping you stand up straighter, "What happened? Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'll live!" You huff out as the pain begins to dull, "Motherf-- After he swiped some of my vitality, he just...!"

"Got a pizza for Yumi!" You hear the girl at the desk call.

You sigh, walking over to the counter to get your pizza.

[] Leave a tip!
-[] How much?
[] Don't leave a tip.

Regardless, you exit the parlor. You sigh, shaking your head. "Let's get home, before it gets cold!" You say, holding the pizza box.

"Right! Let's hurry!" Kohaku agrees, quickening her pace to match yours.

OOC: Uh-Oh.

The street seems oddly empty as you grow closer to your apartment. You usually see at least someone walking around here, but--!!

(??? ATTACKS: ??????????: 2)

You narrowly avoid an attack from behind, and thankfully, so does Kohaku. You turn back to see...

"You're the pipsqueak who killed Takeminakata?" The largest demon asks, laughing, "I always knew he was a wimp!" The gold-skinned demon hefts its weapon to its shoulder, "So now, I just gotta take you out, and the clan's mine?"

From his left side, a Nue reveals itself, staring at you with wild eyes. It growls, not letting its eyes off of you.

From his right side, a demon you recognize as a Bifrons waltzes into view, "How fortunate for our humble party!"

Kohaku wordlessly takes the pizza out of your hands, stepping behind you in fear.

"Aww, your little pal's chickening out!" The gold demon laughs, "Nue, go kill her, too."

The Nue grunts in affirmation, attempting to look just behind you.

[] ???????????????????
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574: Ambush!!
[X] Plan Blow Them Away

You manage to summon Pixie, but--!!


A violent bolt of lightning strikes just where you were standing! Pixie immediately gets the memo, taking aim...

OOC: Fucking...!
(DMG ROLL: 8+26)
(TOTAL: ...?)

"Chew on this!" Pixie shouts as she lets her spell loose

The Nue jumps out of the way of Pixie's attack. The other two demon aren't so lucky...

Bifrons quickly recovers, but the big gold demon staggers a bit before getting his wits back. It seems your assailant is weak to Force!


As you make your observation, Bifrons takes aim at Pixie!

"Die." It commands.


"Nah, I'm good!" Pixie shoots back, floating over the incoming fireball. "You go first~!"

The golden demon grimaces at you, pointing out his hand towards you.


You roll forward, narrowly dodging the lightning strike. You're close enough to hit him...!

A wicked smile grows on your face as you take aim...


You unconsciously grab Dawn's hilt, and draw your blade. Your sword crackles with fire, but...

...The winds themselves take up the flames.

(DMG ROLL: ((6+56)+(7+18+12+2))+(15+112))
(TOTAL: 342)

Fire washes over the street as you swing, all of it directed at the gold demon. Your blade connects, and finds little resistance as you cut through the demon.

The gold demon falls into two pieces before dissipating into Magatsuhi.

Bifrons takes a step back out of shock.

The Nue roars in defiance, raring to sink its fangs into you.

Kohaku falls flat on her butt, staring at the residual flames around you. The pizza has been set on the ground.

[] ?????????????????????
575: Turntables
[X] Plan That Works Too


Welp, that works, too!

The Nue suddenly rushes you, teeth bared!

(AGL SAVE: 6+5+2)
OOC: I remembered Auto-Sukukaja!

You don't react in time, and the Nue bites down as hard as it can on your arm.

You think so, anyways. You can't really feel it.

(STR CHECK: 10+4)

The Nue lifts you up, desperately trying to thrash you around. It's mostly more annoying than anything.

You catch a brief glimpse of Kohaku, who has her hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes.


"Bad dog! Drop it!!" Pixie shouts, casting her spell. Bifrons manages to dodge, but the Nue is too involved with failing to rip you apart that it cannot avoid her attack.

(DMG ROLL: 5+34)
(TOTAL: 59)

The Nue yelps as the spell tears into it, dropping you onto the ground. You rear back your hand...


"Try chewing on this!" You growl out.

(DMG ROLL: 20+--?!)
OOC: You rolled a 20 on damage. You know what? Fine. Sure. I'll bite. This is now critical.
(DMG ROLL: 20+112)
(TOTAL: 396)
OOC: I regret nothing. I only have myself to blame.

What you just cast can only be described as a typhoon at point blank. Thankfully, the wind peters out before it can cause damage to any surroundings.

The Nue, however, isn't as lucky.

It was completely ripped apart, leaving you standing in the street alone. Well, not entirely alone...

There's still that last demon.

Bifrons drops to his knees, "P-P-Please, Mistress! Have mercy upon me! I can pay tribute to you! Yes! All of the Macca on my person! Or... or do you require a Life Stone?! I have one! It is yours if you permit me to live!" Bifrons is talking quickly, barely breathing in between words, "I offer hundreds of apologies, but please, let me keep my head!!"


[] ?????????????????????????
576: My Apologies...
[X] Savage!

You casually dust yourself off, now looking away from Bifrons. He cowers under your gaze, intensifying his begging. To be honest, it's pretty incoherent.

You walk over to him, sheathing Dawn. "Oh, you wanna pay tribute?" You ask, a certain sternness entering your voice, "You can give an apology."

"O-Of course, oh benevolent human!" Bifrons begins, looking even more pathetic, "I shall apologize as many times as--"

"No." You growl, pointing to your friend with the arm that the enemy Nue bit, "To her."

Bifrons looks between you and Kohaku, before shuffling on his knees just before her. "I offer my most s-sincere apologies, m'lady!" He says quickly, "Please forgive me! If you don't, I'm sure my neck and her blade will meet!"

Kohaku, upon seeing your uninjured arm and this demon's begging, is completely taken aback.

Kohaku looks to you, her confidence returning, "If you want my forgiveness, then become her demon." She says, discreetly winking at you.

You can't help but smile with a roll of your eyes.

"H-H-Her demon?" Bifrons slowly looks at you, terror dawning on his face, "I...!!" He looks to Kohaku, then back to you, "Very well!! I am known as Bifrons! You are my master! Please don't kill me!!" As just as quickly as he stammers out his compliance, he disappears.


You walk over to Kohaku, helping her to her feet. "You okay?" You ask, dusting off her shoulder, "No bumps, no scrapes?"

"Am I--?!" Kohaku points at you with her hand palm up, "You're the one that got mauled by a demon!"

"Mmhm." You nod, "And it didn't even break skin. So, what about you?"

Kohaku shakes her head, "You seriously don't care. Oh my gosh. C-Can we just go home?!"

You shrug, "Yeah. I'll carry the pizza!" You walk over and pick up the box. It's still pretty warm!

You make it home quickly, Pixie deciding to sit on the pizza box for some reason. You place the box on the table, and go to get plates for you and Kohaku.

Kohaku sits directly across from you, taking a slice of her half of the pizza. You do the same.

[] Write in your stat growth!
-[] Learn/Replace Skills?

[] UPGRADE: Blustering Strike -> Windstorm Slash (10 MP) [SWORD + ZANMA] {PHYS/FORCE}
[] Static Strike: Adds Static Strike (8 MP) [SWORD+ZIO] {PHYS/LIGHTNING}
[] Extra Choice: Adds an extra Sword Perk to every choice after this.

You sit in silence for a little bit, eating your pizza without looking at each other. Kohaku looks like she wants to speak, but for some reason, she doesn't.

[] ???????????????????????
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577: Heart To Heart.
[X] "...I do care, by the way."

"...I do care, by the way." You admit, breaking the silence between you two, "I guess I've just had too much experience with using all of my worry to keep everyone I care about safe, so I don't have any fucks left to give about the weird shit until..."

"...Yumi, I..." Kohaku begins, but stops when she sees you about to speak again.

"That being said," You continue, "I'm not just going to rush headfirst into danger without telling anyone. I sure as hell don't want to risk leaving anyone... behind." Why did you struggle to say that?

Kohaku sets her pizza down, "Yumi... Are you...?"

"One more thing, if I can ask it." Your breathing is a little unsteady... "Can you... j-just... keep being my friend?"

Kohaku silently gasps, "Yumi, I... Why would I...?"

"J-Just be there, y'know, keep me grounded!" You explain, your inner turmoil finally stirring, "I don't wanna go mad with power. I-I don't want to become someone who throws away her own fears and emotions, and only listens to what her friends' problems are, and can't let her friends share her own burdens...!"

Kohaku stares at you, nodding slowly.

"...As much as I try to be, I'm not that kind of strong." You finally admit. "Hell, that's brittle, not strong."

At first, Kohaku doesn't speak. You just look down at your empty plate, uncomfortable under your friend's gaze.

"...Of course." Kohaku says, causing you to look up at her, "I'll be here for you, Yumi. You were there for me every time I needed you. Now, I can finally repay that kindness. And..." Kohaku smiles a little, "...Thank you. For keeping your well-being in mind."

"Well, trying to keep my well-being in mind." You tell her, "It's kind of a new thing for me."

Kohaku sighs, "Why don't I doubt that?"

"Because it's true."

Kohaku shakes her head, a fond smile on her face.

The mood at the table lightens significantly.

"You, um, said that you needed to go fight, right?" Kohaku queries, "In that case, I might take a little nap. Today's been... exciting."

"I don't blame you. I'm starting to feel it, too!" You stifle a yawn, "But, I gotta fight some guys!"

"Wait!" Kohaku calls out as you get up from the table, "Take this with you!" She hands you a...?


"What's this?" You ask, holding it up to your eye.

"It's a Bead." She explains.

Yeah, no shit. "I figured."

"I saw some cultists use these after... incidents." Kohaku shakes her head, "You just crush it in your hand, and presto! You're all better!"

You blink in surprise, looking at the tiny bead in your hands.

[] ???????????????????????
578: "Thanks, Kohaku."
[X] Thank you.

"Thanks, Kohaku." You smile at her, "Hopefully I won't have to use it, but--"

"It's better to have and not need than to need and not have!" Kohaku interrupts, a small smile on her face, "Another thing you used to say a lot!"

You sigh, "I did say that a ton, didn't I?" You walk over to her side of the table, "Speaking of which, you've still got one for yourself, right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah!" She hastily answers, "I took these before... I took enough to last me."

You stoop down, and carefully hug her. You hear a slight gasp from Kohaku. "Thanks, I mean it." You say.

"Y-Yeah." She mutters, trying to decide whether to return your hug or not.

She settles on just being held for the moment.

"So..." You pull back, standing up straight, "...Do you want me to leave one of my guys here to stand guard during your nap?"

"Wh- No, it's fine!" She shakes her head, "I'll just, um, lock the door. And the windows."

"You sure?"

"Not really, but I don't want to deprive you of an ally in your fight." She explains, "I should be fine once Kyoko gets back."

"...If you say so." You nod, unsure whether to leave one here, just in case.

[] Leave a demon here. (Which one?)
[] Refrain from leaving a demon.

Either way, you text Raido before you do anything.

>Hey, I'm gonna go fight a bunch of demons. Wanna watch?

Sent! And now...

[] ???????????????????????
579: Fusion!
[X] Plan Quick Fusion

"I'm gonna pop over to Mido's real quick!" You say, walking to the door.

"I hope you... fuse something good?" Kohaku loses confidence in her memory of Mido in each word. "Th-That's what you do there, right?"

You nod. Kohaku sighs in relief as you close the door. After that, it's a hop, skip and a jump to...!

"Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather..." Mido greets you as you enter.

"Hey, Mido!" You wave, "Before we start, is there a way to register specific demons in the Compendium? Or is it all of nothing?"

"Of course you can register one demon at a time!" He happily answers, "Just flip to that specific demon's page in the Compendium, and touch it with your Gauntlet!"

"Great! Thanks!" You carefully flip to...

...Huh. You've never opened this before. Each page is dedicated to a single demon, with a picture of said demon at the forefront. All of your demons are here, but some pages are just...


Eventually, you find Pyro Jack's Compendium entry, and touch it.


You smile contently, and turn to Mido.

"I'd like you to fuse Bifrons with Pyro Jack!" You tell him, "Oh, and pass on Maragi and Dream Fist!"

Mido smiles, "I shall perform the fusion!" He adjusts his tiny spectacles, and taps away on his computer...


...And in a flash of light, you--!!

"Yo. Name's Incubus, and damn!" The provocative demon exclaims, "A hot babe for a master?! The human world's gonna be sweet!"

And hell no. "Mido, can we--?"

"You have the necessary components for a special fusion!" Mido exclaims, "If you fuse Jack Frost, the Incubus you just summoned, and Pyro Jack, you can create Black Frost!"

"Okay, that's amazing!" You sputter out, touching the Compendium, "Just get that thing away from my eyes!"

"And what skills would you like to pass on?" Mido asks.

"Maragi, Mabufu, and--"

"Zanma!" Mido cuts you off.

"Oh, add Magnetite to the fusion!" You produce some Magnetite cubes, "Will this be enough to--"

Mido quickly counts the MAG you placed next to his computer, "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty-- Yes, you have enough!" Without further ado, Mido begins the fusion.


As the fusion comes to a close, you meet the new demon before you.

"I'm Black Frost, Hee-Ho!" The black colored Jack Frost says, "Let's go kill demons or something!"


He disappears into your Gauntlet.

You quickly register the rest of your demons, and wave goodbye to Mido.

"Return when you have gathered more demons!" He waves back as you exit.

Just as you come out, you see Raido making his way up the stairs. Right, he did say he was swinging by!

Before you can greet him, he puts his hand on your shoulder. "Explain your text, please."

[] ?????????????????????????
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580: The Great Duel
[X] "Cleanup time~!" - Yumi

"I've just got a bit of clean-up work to do from yesterday's events." You tell him, "And I figured you might wanna see how I handle demons."

This answer changes the look of tired confusion changes to a slight surprise. "Hm. Now that I think about it, the only fight I've seen you in was our spar a couple of days ago. This could bee a good way to judge your abilities properly."

"I mean, I guess. I killed their leader, so the rest of them should be a bit weaker, right?" You shrug, "Oh, this was before the Fiend fight! So don't worry about that happening again!"

Raido looks frustrated with something, but only for a moment. "Let's go, then. I'll try not to interfere, but if your life is in danger, all bets are off."

"Er, right!" You sheepishly smile, "Let's get going."

As you leave, you discreetly summon Virtue, and tap out a message to him.

>Protect Kohaku

He quietly nods, moving in front of the door.

Raido obviously notices this, but says nothing.

With that, you're off to the industrial district.


A very slight feeling of unease fills the air between you and your uncle. Part of you wants to speak, but another just wants to forget he's here.

You don't manage to form a good topic to talk about, so you simply walk in silence to your destination.

You march right up to the front doors of the warehouse, and push them open.

There's a makeshift throne at the end of the room, along with one familiar demon. But Rakshasa is the only demon you recognize.

Damn, there's gotta be at least a dozen demons here! A lot of eyes suddenly flock to you, judgement poorly masked.

Rakshasa nods quietly to you, and motions to the center of the room. As you casually walk over, Raido stays at the entrance, hand on his sword.

"...He's a referee." You say. The other demons seem to accept your answer.

Rakshasa looks down at you, "Are you prepared to take on these foes?"

[] Ye--?!
[] No--?!

"Hold on a sec!" You hear a voice from behind Raido. Everyone turns to look, and...!!

There's a blue demon with a strange weapon and a hole in its face, a bit bigger than Oni. But you aren't focused on the demon.

Hoisted over his shoulder, currently limp, is a familiar girl.

"I'm gonna raise the stakes!" The blue demon shouts, "If you can't beat me, small fry, I'll kill little red here!" He laughs, shaking Kyoko, "That should make you fight harder!"

Raido looks like he's about to cleave that demon in two.

[] ???????????????????????????
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