[X] "You're not going anywhere."
"Oni, you're up." You motion your hand at Saburo. Oni nods, walking over to him and grabbing the still screaming Saburo.
"Stop your bitchin'. You'll be fine." Oni grumbles at Saburo.
"What the fuck are you talking about?! My fucking arm is gone!!" Saburo shouts out. The flames on his... Arm have died out, as well as the flames on his...
"No it ain't, it's right over there." Oni points to it.
You walk over to Kohaku and Kyoko, worry growing in your stomach.
"Fucking...! Shit, that hurt!" Kyoko snarls, using her spear to help herself up. She manifests her Soul Gem into her palm, and looks it over. "...Damn. I could use a cleanse."
"Yumi...!" Kohaku looks at you, teary eyed. "A-Are you okay?! What happened to Kyoko?! Will she be alri--"
"I'm good! I'm... Managing." You brush off where the fire spell hit you. You're covered in soot, you smell of smoke, you ache all over... "What about you?"
"Son of a bitch got me pretty good...!" Kyoko huffs, "That hurt like you wouldn't believe! Plus, I'm half sure it messed with my Soul Gem a little!"
Concern fills your eyes. "What do you mean?! What did he--?"
"Relax! It's nothing a Grief Seed can't fix!" Kyoko grins a little. "I keep a couple on me for situations kinda like this." She reverts back to her normal outfit, digging a Grief Seed out of her pocket.
Honestly, it would be handy if it weren't so morbid. Should you...?
"Perfect." She sighs, content. "So, what do we do with Dickbag McGee over there?"
Kohaku looks antsy, and she's begun picking at her fingernails. "Yumi... I--"
"Konishi!!" Saburo shouts, "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!! I'll rip you to pieces!! I'll--!!"
"Shut up if you don't want to get slammed into a wall." Oni finishes for him.
"Master Yumi." Angel gets your attention. "What shall we do with this "Okane" man?"
Kohaku looks to her feet, clearly conflicted.
"I mean, he's missing an arm now!" Sudama chimes in, "How much of a threat can he be?"
"Missing an arm?" Kohaku repeats.
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