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Actually we better not leave this guy go, otherwise we will get an army of cultist at our doorstep.

The Chief: "So, Miss Konishi, would you care to explain the several hundred corpses in front of your apartment complex?"

Yumi: "An army of cultists tried to kidnap Kohaku. I stopped them."

The Chief: :facepalm: "Where did they even get that many cultists?"
Again, I would rather not kill him. Nor do I think killling literally an Army of cultists would be her logical choice since Yumi was capable of routing an entire Yakuza without powers and non-lethally.

Then again, this voter base is rather bloodthirsty so eh, whichever. Besides, I think his confirms that while using Lights spells on MGs will hurt them a little, it should cleanse Grief.
I still want to try casting Patra directly on a soul gem.

Who knows maybe we are also an infinite grief cleanse glitch.
I still want to try casting Patra directly on a soul gem.
Why would that work? There is no affliction?

Also, I want to bring up that any deaths we have on our team shouldn't really have much consequence unless Recarm doesn't work.

We can undo Witching, so while unpleasant, won't be permanent. We pretty much have nothing to worry about unless Yumi dies. (somehow)

Edit: I just realized we should probably cast Dia/Diarama and/or Hamaon on Kyouko.
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Why would that work? There is no affliction?
Kinda, dunno if Grief in on itself could count as an affliction like fear/panic inducing spells., so there may be the chance that patra may get rid of grief if applied directly to the soul gem considering the stuff is just negative energy building up.

But yeah, Recarm should work for pretty much everything.
Dante and Vergil, after getting pizza, went right back to Devil May Cry. They're currently one off-comment from going right back to fighting.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jan 20, 2023 at 9:28 PM, finished with 34 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Signal Oni to make sure Saburo doesn't go anywhere while you check on Kyoko
    [X] Have Oni keep an eye on Saburo while you go check on Kyoko and Kohaku.
    -[X] Don't think about it. Don't think about the sound his arm made. Don't think about the smell. Don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit
    [X] Have Oni keep an eye on Saburo while you go check on Kyoko and Kohaku.
    [X] Raise Dawn and look to Kohaku in a silent offer.
Three Way Tie, the Sequel.
A three way tie.

Okay. Wow.

Your choices are...!

[X] Signal Oni to make sure Saburo doesn't go anywhere while you check on Kyoko

[X] Have Oni keep an eye on Saburo while you go check on Kyoko and Kohaku.
-[X] Don't think about it. Don't think about the sound his arm made. Don't think about the smell. Don'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutitdon'tthinkaboutit

[X] Have Oni keep an eye on Saburo while you go check on Kyoko and Kohaku.

Happy voting!
344: Regrouping
[X] "You're not going anywhere."

"Oni, you're up." You motion your hand at Saburo. Oni nods, walking over to him and grabbing the still screaming Saburo.

"Stop your bitchin'. You'll be fine." Oni grumbles at Saburo.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! My fucking arm is gone!!" Saburo shouts out. The flames on his... Arm have died out, as well as the flames on his...

"No it ain't, it's right over there." Oni points to it.

You walk over to Kohaku and Kyoko, worry growing in your stomach.

"Fucking...! Shit, that hurt!" Kyoko snarls, using her spear to help herself up. She manifests her Soul Gem into her palm, and looks it over. "...Damn. I could use a cleanse."

"Yumi...!" Kohaku looks at you, teary eyed. "A-Are you okay?! What happened to Kyoko?! Will she be alri--"

"I'm good! I'm... Managing." You brush off where the fire spell hit you. You're covered in soot, you smell of smoke, you ache all over... "What about you?"

"Son of a bitch got me pretty good...!" Kyoko huffs, "That hurt like you wouldn't believe! Plus, I'm half sure it messed with my Soul Gem a little!"

Concern fills your eyes. "What do you mean?! What did he--?"

"Relax! It's nothing a Grief Seed can't fix!" Kyoko grins a little. "I keep a couple on me for situations kinda like this." She reverts back to her normal outfit, digging a Grief Seed out of her pocket.

Honestly, it would be handy if it weren't so morbid. Should you...?

"Perfect." She sighs, content. "So, what do we do with Dickbag McGee over there?"

Kohaku looks antsy, and she's begun picking at her fingernails. "Yumi... I--"

"Konishi!!" Saburo shouts, "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!! I'll rip you to pieces!! I'll--!!"

"Shut up if you don't want to get slammed into a wall." Oni finishes for him.

"Master Yumi." Angel gets your attention. "What shall we do with this "Okane" man?"

Kohaku looks to her feet, clearly conflicted.

"I mean, he's missing an arm now!" Sudama chimes in, "How much of a threat can he be?"

"Missing an arm?" Kohaku repeats.

[] ?????????????????
[X] Try to stop Kyouko. There is something you want to try, if she'll let you. Cast Diarama then Hama on Kyouko, see if that cleanses her Grief. Warn her it might hurt a little. Hama is pretty strong.
-[X] If she asks, explain that she was likely hit with the reverse of what Hama is, and if we're lucky, it could reverse the effect.
-[X] "Kohaku, he was after you. What do you want to do?"
-[X] Re-attach his arm. Ohgodthesmellthedamnthingisstillwarm.
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"Missing an arm?" Kohaku repeats.
[jk] "You didn't see?" *point at Saburo's severed arm* "It's right over there."

Now, for my actual vote...

[X] *pull out your phone* "I'm calling Kuzu- I mean my Uncle."
-[X] After he picks up: "Uncle, I just got attacked by a hostile magic user. Former schoolmate of mine, male, name of Saburo Okane, recently lost an arm, currently being restrained. He was trying to take Kohaku, and from the way he was talking, I think he might have something to do with the cultist that was after her the other day."
-[X] While doing this, swap Angel for Sandman and have him and Sudama cast Dormina and Makajama on Saburo to knock him out and prevent him from using magic (Sudama can stop if Saburo loses consciousness before we can get Makajama to work)

Cast Diarama then Hamaon on Kyouko, see if that cleanses her Grief. Warn her it might hurt a little. Hamaon is pretty strong.
If you're going to test whether an offensive spell can cleanse her, at least use the less powerful Hama.
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Can you add us trying Hamaon on Kyouko if she lets us? I want to explain it as attempting to reverse the effect with the opposing element but we should probably heal her first.
Actually, rereading part of the update, I'm pretty sure Kyoko has already cleansed via Grief Seed;
She reverts back to her normal outfit, digging a Grief Seed out of her pocket.

Honestly, it would be handy if it weren't so morbid. Should you...?

"Perfect." She sighs, content.
[X] *pull out your phone* "I'm calling Kuzu- I mean my Uncle."
-[X] After he picks up: "Uncle, I just got attacked by a hostile magic user. Former schoolmate of mine, male, name of Saburo Okane, recently lost an arm, currently being restrained. He was trying to take Kohaku, and from the way he was talking, I think he might have something to do with the cultist that was after her the other day."
-[X] While doing this, swap Angel for Sandman and have him and Sudama cast Dormina and Makajama on Saburo to knock him out and prevent him from using magic (Sudama can stop if Saburo loses consciousness before we can get Makajama to work)

Yeah this seems like the sensible thing to do, we aren't equipped to deal with this shit really.

Besides he doesn't seem to mind the arm more than he actually lost.
"Konishi!!" Saburo shouts, "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!! I'll rip you to pieces!! I'll--!!"

Dialogues like this makes me reallize that his dump stat is probably INT.

Can you add us trying Hamaon on Kyouko if she lets us? I want to explain it as attempting to reverse the effect with the opposing element but we should probably heal her first.
Reminder that we need a minimum of 2 members to do a fusion spell
Most Fusion Spells require two allies to preform it, such as Pixie and Yumi casting Divine Storm. Dawn, because of her sentience (and your INT), counts as one party.

Of course, this means that Dawn can only utilize her own Skills for Fusion Spell components. Rampage, unfortunately, does not count as a Sword Skill.

This is because you learned it from a demon. It may involve your sword somewhat, but Dawn doesn't know Rampage.

On the bright side, that means you could potentially combine Piercing Slash with another spell!

Besides, Hamaon may be overkilling it, maybe if we try to fuse patra and Diarama with Pixie it could actually work as some kind of bootleg salvation.
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Just a moment...
@TremendousMilk3 does this version of Makajama deal damage? Asking cause its like 50/50 depending on the game

Aw rip. I still say we should re-attach his arm. It's just kinda rotting there and the smell of burning flesh might spread. Also it might be a bit disturbing.
The wound was cauterized already. Besides, I'm not sure if Yumi can fix that yet. Reattaching limbs feels like a tier 3 minimum to me.

Dialogues like this makes me reallize that his dump stat is probably INT.
Considering he was praised for his talent in magic...
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