[X] "WHAT?!"
"Kyubey." You acknowledge his presence, "What do you want?"
"I had two matters to discuss with you." He says, stretching out on the the table. "Firstly, I'd like to return these to you."
Before you can snap at him for standing on the table, he produces two cubes of magnetite from his back. He hands them over.
"Why are you...?"
"In short, I cannot utilize them. Perhaps you will fare better." Kyubey flicks his tail, not breaking eye contact. "Second, I have discovered something alarming when I last met with you. This man, Louis, simply annihilated my form. What is he?"
"I have a question." Kohaku stares, gripping her knees.
"Are you referring to my offer--"
"Why?" Kohaku glares at Kyubey, almost snarling. "Why trick children out of their lives? Why hide behind omission?! Why?!"
"To prevent entropy, of course!"
Kohaku gasps, "They're batteries to you?!"
"That is certainly one way to rationalize it. You see, when a Soul Gem turns into a Grief Seed, a large amount of energy is released. We collect--"
"Soul... Gem?"
"Kohaku, I..." You trail off. What do you say? You're sorry?
"I was wrong about you, Kyubey." Kohaku calmly states. "You aren't a demon. You are worse."
"I don't understand." He speaks so casually. "You humans always make yourselves out to be victims, when you're only a victim of poor foresight. Whenever you make deals, you always hate the other party--"
"Get out of here, devil cat." Kohaku all but growls.
"...Very well. Yumi Konishi, try not to perish." Kyubey hops off of the table, and exits through an open window.
You sigh, holding your head. Dealing with Kyubey is always a headache, and it doesn't help that you're tired. But you aren't worried about yourself right now. "You okay, Kohaku?" You ask softly.
"I am not." She replies despondently, "Listen, I know I made a big deal about you explaining things now, but can we continue another time? I just need to--"
"I get it, 'Haku!" You try to keep a good mood up, but you don't think you're doing a good job. "Let's call it here for tonight, okay?"
"Did you... Call me 'Haku?" She stares at you, "I can't believe you still remember that."
"I remember a lot of things!" You pat her on the back, "And the thing that I'm remembering right now is that it's bedtime. Let's call it a night."
"...Okay. I'll try to... Process everything as quick as I can, and then we'll keep going. Sound good?"
"Whatever you're comfortable with." You smile. "Now, get ready for bed, and try not to use all the hot water."
"No promises." Kohaku softly smiles back at you. When Yuma comes out of the bathroom in her pajamas, Kohaku enters.
"Goodnight, Big Sis Yumi...!" Yuma groggily says, headed straight for bed.
You sigh to yourself. You slip into your own pajamas quickly, deciding you don't want a shower tonight.
Thankfully, sleep comes quickly.
(DREAM ROLLS, THREE: 10, 20, 1)
You're standing on the edge of a lake. As you look out, you see the usual sight of Akami Springs. You look into the lake, seeing your own reflection. Honestly, you don't know what you expected.
There's a man you don't recognize sitting on a bench. He looks at you as you approach.
"Who are you...?" You ask.
"Nobody." He replies, "Something malicious is coming. Can you feel it? I can."
"What do you...?"
He's gone, and the scenery drifts away...
...You find yourself in an empty space. Ahead of you, there are three pillars with placards before them.
The first pillar is red, almost crystalline. You can see Magatsuhi swirl around it, dancing in the dark around you.
The placard reads, "Monument of Will. Do not forget that only you can forge your own destiny."
The second pillar is a deep blue, with pulsating lines etched throughout its form. As it waxes and wanes, you feel... Warm.
This one's placard reads, "Monument of the Mind. Let your magic alter the very world around you."
The last pillar is white, but nearly broken. Inside the cracked marble, you swear you can see a jade colored interior.
The final placard reads, "Monument of Strength. Never relent, even when your body is crumbling."
You hear a voice from everywhere. "Choose." It commands.
[] Monument of Will.
[] Monument of the Mind.
[] Monument of Strength.
You find yourself in the Training Grounds. It's empty, besides yourself. You're honestly thankful for the familiar scenery...?
You feel a deep rumble from somewhere in the shadows. Then, again, only louder. It continues to grow louder and more violent each time.
Then, you hear a voice.
"Let me in!" Something growls, as another tremor occurs. Your head begins to ache...
"LET ME IN!!" You drop to your knee, holding your head as it violently pounds. You feel like throwing up...!
[] Run.
-[] Where?
[] Try to power through.
[] "What are you?!"
[] Let it in.
"Stay strong, Master!"