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I'm still curious to see if anyone will realize that Yumi has regeneration. Since she's probably fully healed at this point, I think it might take Yumi questioning about who healed her.
Poor, poor Omaya. He did not sign up for this. :V

[X] Plan This Wound Up Longer Than I Would Like, So I'm Making It A Plan
-[X] "Yep. So who's the Demon you brought to keep him from escaping? I think I heard Arthur mention a 'Black Frost'."
--[X] *after he answers* "Anyway, I should probably get going, there are some things I was planning to do when this... garbage, for lack of a better word, showed up."
---[X] Check the time
----[X] Curse if dealing with Saburo has left you with too little time to swing by the Cathedral for fusions before you need to pick up Yuma
-----[X] "Oh, and before I forget!"
------[X] *to Raido* "I was thinking about giving my friends a lesson on magic at some point, preferably soon, and seeing as Nori wants to become a Demon Summoner, I thought it might be a good idea to invite her too."
-------[X] If Raido asks what exactly you plan to teach, explain that it's mostly elements, spell tiers and such. You don't know for sure how to actually teach specific spells, and the last time you tried ended in Sayaka casting Megido instead of Dia
-------[X] After that, head to the Cathedral of Shadows if you have time before you need to pick up Yuma, or to Yuma's school if you don't

I for one would like to see Raido's reaction to hearing that Sayaka somehow managed to cast Megido when we were trying to teach her Dia.
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-----[X] *to Raido* "I was thinking about giving my friends a lesson on magic after school, and seeing as Nori wants to become a Demon Summoner, I was thinking it might be a good idea to invite her too."
I don't remember Yumi making any such plans before this. So it would be a bit difficult to set up last minute without consulting anyone.
[X] Plan JAGwin but I want the Jacks to meet.
[X] "Yes, he is. Anyway, you mentioned a Demon called 'Black Frost'? Any chance there's a relation with Jack Frost and Pyro Jack?"
-[X] Summon Jack Frost and Pyro Jack to meet Black Frost.
[X] *Check the time* "Well, I have a few things to do so I should probably get going. Speaking of, if you guys need a place to fuse demons there's a place at my apartment that can do that."
[X] "Also Raido, considering that Nori wants to become a demon summoner, mind swinging over at some point? I'm trying to teach my friends about Demon Magic and I think Nori could learn something."
[X] After that, head to the Cathedral of Shadows if you have time before you need to pick up Yuma, or to Yuma's school if you don't
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NON CANON: Confusion
You roam the streets of this Mitakihara aimlessly. You're stumped, even if you don't want to admit it.

How does a Goddess of Hope just disappear? Jeez, you leave her alone for five days...!

...Not much has changed, even after all this time. You're still the most responsible one in this group, and now that Akemi and Kaname have dropped off the radar--?

"Mom!!" You hear from down the street. You look ahead out of instinct, and see something you almost don't believe.

It's you. A tiny, seven year old you. This Yumi rushes up to you, grabbing your leg with all her might.

"You're okay!!" She says, sniffling, "You came back! Yumi knew you were okay!"

You're stunned. For the first time in... Forever, you're stunned. You don't even know what to say. You want to correct her, but...

Just as you're about to speak, you see another sight you almost don't believe.

"Yumi, don't run off like that!" Dad admonishes the little you, "I can't keep up with you when you run anymore!"

"B-But look!" She still has one hand gripping your pants, "Yumi found...?"

You're silent. Honestly, in all of your demon killing and dimensional troubles, you've never had something like this happen.

"I'm so sorry, Miss!" Dad says, "I guess Yumi here thought you were..."

"It's..." No, it's not fine. "...I understand."

Little Yumi lets go of your pants, looking at her feet. "Sorry..." She mutters.

"It's an honest mistake." You sigh, "There's nothing to really apologize for." You're smiling a little. "So, are you new to the area?"

"Yeah, we just moved in a week ago." Dad explains, "It's been an interesting time getting Yumi adjusted, and piling work on top...!"

"Hey, you're doing your best!" You reassure him, "Just keep on keeping on. Also, if you're looking for a good place to eat, there's a small hole in the wall pizza joint just down the street from here!"

"I'll keep that in mind, Miss...?"

"Yuko." You respond without a second thought.
[X] Plan JAGwin but I want the Jacks to meet.
[X] "Yes, he is. Anyway, you mentioned a Demon called 'Black Frost'? Any chance there's a relation with Jack Frost and Pyro Jack?"
-[X] Summon Jack Frost and Pyro Jack to meet Black Frost.
[X] *Check the time* "Well, I have a few things to do so I should probably get going. Speaking of, if you guys need a place to fuse demons there's a place at my apartment that can do that."
[X] "Also Raido, considering that Nori wants to become a demon summoner, mind swinging over at some point? I'm trying to teach my friends about Demon Magic and I think Nori could learn something."
[X] After that, head to the Cathedral of Shadows if you have time before you need to pick up Yuma, or to Yuma's school if you don't
That's all, folks! (For voting, at least.)
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jan 29, 2023 at 9:40 PM, finished with 12 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan This Wound Up Longer Than I Would Like, So I'm Making It A Plan
    -[X] "Yep. So who's the Demon you brought to keep him from escaping? I think I heard Arthur mention a 'Black Frost'."
    --[X] *after he answers* "Anyway, I should probably get going, there are some things I was planning to do when this... garbage, for lack of a better word, showed up."
    ---[X] Check the time
    ----[X] Curse if dealing with Saburo has left you with too little time to swing by the Cathedral for fusions before you need to pick up Yuma
    -----[X] "Oh, and before I forget!"
    ------[X] *to Raido* "I was thinking about giving my friends a lesson on magic at some point, preferably soon, and seeing as Nori wants to become a Demon Summoner, I thought it might be a good idea to invite her too."
    -------[X] If Raido asks what exactly you plan to teach, explain that it's mostly elements, spell tiers and such. You don't know for sure how to actually teach specific spells, and the last time you tried ended in Sayaka casting Megido instead of Dia
    -------[X] After that, head to the Cathedral of Shadows if you have time before you need to pick up Yuma, or to Yuma's school if you don't
    [X] Plan JAGwin but I want the Jacks to meet.
    [X] "Yes, he is. Anyway, you mentioned a Demon called 'Black Frost'? Any chance there's a relation with Jack Frost and Pyro Jack?"
    -[X] Summon Jack Frost and Pyro Jack to meet Black Frost.
    [X] *Check the time* "Well, I have a few things to do so I should probably get going. Speaking of, if you guys need a place to fuse demons there's a place at my apartment that can do that."
    [X] "Also Raido, considering that Nori wants to become a demon summoner, mind swinging over at some point? I'm trying to teach my friends about Demon Magic and I think Nori could learn something."
    [X] After that, head to the Cathedral of Shadows if you have time before you need to pick up Yuma, or to Yuma's school if you don't
[X] Plan This Wound Up Longer Than I Would Like, So I'm Making It A Plan

The reason there were so many was Herofox because messed up on typing their plan out.
353: Homeward Bound
[X] Plan This Wound Up Longer Than I Would Like, So I'm Making It A Plan

"Yep, that's him." You jab your thumb towards Saburo, "Anyways, who's this demon you've got to handle him? Arthur mentioned a "Black Frost", but what kind of demon is it?"

"Do you know Jack Frost?" Hitonari replies.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's that, but bigger." Hitonari taps on his arm piece for a moment...

"Hee-Who needs to die?!" His demon looks like a bigger, darker Jack Frost. Well, you honestly don't quite know what you expected.

"No one is dying." Hitonari begins, "You need to make sure this young man doesn't escape custody."

"Can I--"

"No, you can't kill him. And before you ask, no, you can't "prank" the officers."


"Until further notice, you answer to this man." Hitonari points to Omaya. "Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah! I get it, Hee-Ho!" Black Frost waves his hand at Hitonari, approaching Omaya. "You're the boss of me, ho!"

Omaya stares at Black Frost. "What in the...?"

Black Frost reaches over, grabbing Omaya's face. "See me, ho!"

As Omaya struggles to get free of Black Frost's grip, Raido steps in between you and Hitonari. "I'd like to ask you a great many questions, sir, but that will have to wait."

"We can talk at a later date." Hitonari quickly replies, "I have some important matters to attend to. Contact Arthur if you need my assistance again, Yumi."

Hiro, who was speaking with Kyoko and Kohaku, breaks off from her conversation. "I'll see you guys later, then!" She waves, following Hitonari.

"...I should probably get going, too." You say to Raido, "I've got some errands to take care of. I mean, I was doing them, but then this living garbage showed up."

Before Raido can say anything, you check the time. 2:13, if your phone is to be believed. You've got about 45 minutes, which should be more than enough time to head home and speak with Mido.

"C'mon, guys!" You motion for Kyoko and Kohaku to follow you, "We're headed home!"

Kyoko stretches, "If you say so. I'm going to the park!"

Kohaku quickly walks to your side, "You're staying in Kazamino?"

"I'll be back by dinner!" Kyoko smirks, "I promise!"

Oni hands Saburo to Raido. "You carry him. I'm out."

"I...?" Raido seems a little confused.

You and Kohaku start your trek home, waving to Kyoko as she splits off. It's a pretty quiet day now, so the walk back home is uneventful.

You sigh, thankful for the moment of peace. Unlocking the door for Kohaku, you motion for her to enter. "I'll just be a minute, need to talk with Mido!"

Kohaku enters, flopping into a chair. "I'd like to speak with you when you get back, Yumi. Is that alright?"

"Of course!" You smile at her, "Be right back!"

You close the door, and walk to Mido's still open door. As expected, he's just standing there.

"Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather...!" He greets.

[] ?????????????????
@TremendousMilk3, you forgot the part of the plan where we were supposed to ask Raido about inviting Nori to a magic lesson at some point.

That aside, before we do any fusions, I have a question; What Skills does Turbo Granny have? You haven't posted her sheet yet... or added the money we got from Omaya and the Mitama to our Items and Money tab... or added the Marksman's Ring and the War Hero's Charm to that and/or our Equipment tab.
So since we are in the cathedral finally here are my suggestions.

Sudama with Hathor to make Daphne
Gives us access to Rakukaja and Dekaja

Then we fuse daphne with koppa tengu for Nadja
We get another diarama demon and Garudyne.

Gonna check if we can get something else meanwhile.

Got another one and it is a funny one.

Sudama with Pyro Jack for this little thing called Incubus
We get a funny thing called acid breath, shit debuffs all enemies with a -2 modifier on defense.

And it is the last piece for the triple spread fusion of Black frost once we reach level 25.
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