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351: Burning Rubber!
[X] Your responses!

"Personally, I like demons that help people." You reply after a little thought.

"So, even past you working with demons, you like to see demons help out other humans? Eh, I can respect that." The old lady shrugs, "As long as you're not fuckin' stupid and think demons are always gonna be friendly, that is."

"I, um--!" Before you reply fully, she's on another topic.

"Most kids these days listen to shitty music, and call real music "old people music"! The gall! What about you, kid? You with me on this?"

"Can't I like both?" You ask almost instantly. "I mean, even Beethoven had a few stinkers."

She opens her mouth to reply angrily, but closes it. She scratches her chin for a moment... "...Huh. I guess you can. Son of a bitch. You're actually making me think, here!"

You smile at her.

"Let me tell ya something, kid." She leans towards you. "I fuckin' hate this town! No one speeds, and the people that do are absolute jerkoffs who kick puppies for fun! Please, for my sanity, tell me you like going fast!"

You find yourself smiling. "I'll do you one better! Since you love speed so much, how about a race?"

She looks you dead in the eyes before cackling wildly. "I like your style, kid! You've got yourself a race!"

Raido blinks, backing away to let you two race. Kohaku shuffles out of the way, with Kyoko hot on her trail.

"First one to..." The demon points to a lamp post. "...That post wins! Ready?!"

"Yep! I'll count us down!" You both take your positions...






You both shoot forward, with you netting yourself a minor lead. You can hear the demon's rollerblades hot on your heels.

You're focused on this race right now. Nothing else exists. Just you, this demon, and the finish line.

She pulls ahead by a hair, and you redouble your efforts...!

You both skid to a stop, panting. The demon looks amazed...!

"How the hell did you...?!" She says with a chuckle, "Well damn! You've got talent, kid! I think I'll hang around, if ya don't mind!"

"Of course not! Welcome to the team!" You extend your hand towards the demon.

"The name's Turbo-Granny! Don't you forget it!"


As Turbo-Granny disappears into your Gauntlet, you huff, wiping your forehead. "That was fun!"

"...Impressive." Raido says.

"Damn, were you always that fast, Yumi?!" Kyoko pats you on the back. You don't feel it. "Great running!"

Kohaku blinks. "...What?" She seems violently confused.

"...Moving right along, let's get Saburo Okane to the police station." Raido quickly recovers.

You shrug. "Sounds good to me!"

"S-Sure." Kohaku mutters.

Kyoko silently takes the lead, walking at a rather brisk pace.

Thankfully, you arrive at the station without incident. Omaya sees you approach, and waves. His wave dies down as he processes Saburo being carried by Oni.

"Hey!" You wave back. "I've got a--"

"Why is that guy floating in static?" Omaya asks quietly.

[] ?????????????????????
352: Rendezvous
[X] "Demon stuff, lol."

"He's being lugged around by a demon." You explain casually.

Omaya stares at you. "Wh-What?"

"Also, he tried to kidnap Kohaku a bit earlier." You continue, "So we're looking for somewhere to hold him. You'll probably want some help to keep him where he deserves to be, though." You brush a small bit of soot off of your stomach, "He throws fire around."

"That looked like it hurt, by the way." Kyoko mentions, "You doing okay?"

"I've had worse." You probably haven't.

"Slow down, please!" Omaya pleads. "What do you mean he shoots fire--?!"

"Anyways, I called in some backup for you! He's a more experienced demon summoner than me, so you're in good hands!" You pat Omaya on the shoulder. "It should be immune to whatever this creep can do."

"I...? Raido, sir, can you...?"

"Just go along with it for now." Raido sighs, "I'll explain in a bit."

"Thank you, sir." He sounds nearly defeated.

"Also!" You begin, much to Omaya's growing horror, "He could be connected to that cultist from the other day!"

Raido turns to you, "What tipped you off?"

"I mean, he was rambling on about heretics and Great Prophets. Plus, Kohaku said that he's part of a group called the Disciples, but other than their obsession with kidnapping Kohaku, I don't know what they want."

Raido shakes his head, "I don't think I've ever heard of a group called the Disciples. I'll look through some files later, just in case."

"They cover their tracks very well." Kohaku says quietly. "I doubt you'll find anything."

"What makes you say--!"

Raido whips his head around mid-sentence. Following his gaze, you see...

Hitonari is here, along with Hiro. He nods at you quietly, looking to Oni.

"This is the one who attacked you?" He asks.

Hiro quickly waves, sheepishly stepping off to the side.

[] ????????????????????
353: Homeward Bound
[X] Plan This Wound Up Longer Than I Would Like, So I'm Making It A Plan

"Yep, that's him." You jab your thumb towards Saburo, "Anyways, who's this demon you've got to handle him? Arthur mentioned a "Black Frost", but what kind of demon is it?"

"Do you know Jack Frost?" Hitonari replies.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's that, but bigger." Hitonari taps on his arm piece for a moment...

"Hee-Who needs to die?!" His demon looks like a bigger, darker Jack Frost. Well, you honestly don't quite know what you expected.

"No one is dying." Hitonari begins, "You need to make sure this young man doesn't escape custody."

"Can I--"

"No, you can't kill him. And before you ask, no, you can't "prank" the officers."


"Until further notice, you answer to this man." Hitonari points to Omaya. "Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah! I get it, Hee-Ho!" Black Frost waves his hand at Hitonari, approaching Omaya. "You're the boss of me, ho!"

Omaya stares at Black Frost. "What in the...?"

Black Frost reaches over, grabbing Omaya's face. "See me, ho!"

As Omaya struggles to get free of Black Frost's grip, Raido steps in between you and Hitonari. "I'd like to ask you a great many questions, sir, but that will have to wait."

"We can talk at a later date." Hitonari quickly replies, "I have some important matters to attend to. Contact Arthur if you need my assistance again, Yumi."

Hiro, who was speaking with Kyoko and Kohaku, breaks off from her conversation. "I'll see you guys later, then!" She waves, following Hitonari.

"...I should probably get going, too." You say to Raido, "I've got some errands to take care of. I mean, I was doing them, but then this living garbage showed up."

Before Raido can say anything, you check the time. 2:13, if your phone is to be believed. You've got about 45 minutes, which should be more than enough time to head home and speak with Mido.

"C'mon, guys!" You motion for Kyoko and Kohaku to follow you, "We're headed home!"

Kyoko stretches, "If you say so. I'm going to the park!"

Kohaku quickly walks to your side, "You're staying in Kazamino?"

"I'll be back by dinner!" Kyoko smirks, "I promise!"

Oni hands Saburo to Raido. "You carry him. I'm out."

"I...?" Raido seems a little confused.

You and Kohaku start your trek home, waving to Kyoko as she splits off. It's a pretty quiet day now, so the walk back home is uneventful.

You sigh, thankful for the moment of peace. Unlocking the door for Kohaku, you motion for her to enter. "I'll just be a minute, need to talk with Mido!"

Kohaku enters, flopping into a chair. "I'd like to speak with you when you get back, Yumi. Is that alright?"

"Of course!" You smile at her, "Be right back!"

You close the door, and walk to Mido's still open door. As expected, he's just standing there.

"Welcome to the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather...!" He greets.

[] ?????????????????
354: Fusion Marathon!
[X] Plan Chain Fusing

"Hey, Mido!" You greet, walking over to the Compendium. You place your hand on the cover, smiling as your Gauntlet displays a familiar "All Demons Registered!" Message.

"Ah, Yumi! I'm glad to see you haven't been ripped apart by demons!" Mido replies. "Would you like to fuse some new allies?"

You nod, "So, I've been meaning to ask. What exactly can I use Magnetite for--?"

"Magnetite? It's a risky business, using Magnetite in demon fusion! Of course, this risk comes with a reward." Mido picks up the Compendium, "By adding about five chunks of Magnetite to the fusion, you can create a demon with entirely new skills! Even if it wouldn't normally know Zandyne, for example, you can grant it this extra skill!"

"You mentioned a risk, though."

"Ah, yes. The risk. It can make the fusion... Unstable. As such, accidents are more likely to happen when Magnetite is involved. But the option is always open to you, dear summoner!"

"I'll keep it in mind..." You probably shouldn't mess with Magnetite now, seeing as you're a little short on time as is.

Speaking of fusion...

"I'd like to fuse Hathor and Sudama, please."

"And which skills would you like to carry over?"

"Recarm and..." You snap your fingers, "...Ice Breath!"

"Then I shall preform the fusion." Mido says, walking over to his computer. Hathor and Sudama appear in two glass cylinders as Mido types away...


The room shakes, making you a little nervous, but the fusion seems successful. In the middle of the room...

"I assume you are to command me?" The tree made with a human body asks. "Very well! My name is Daphne. May we work wonders together."

Daphne disappears, leaving a few leaves on the floor.

You pick up the Compendium, making sure to keep it in your Gauntleted hand. "Huh. Moving right along, our next fusion is with Daphne and..." You drum your fingers on the Compendium, "...Koppa Tengu! And you can pass over Dekaja and Tarukaja!"

Mido nods, getting right back to work. He's smiling...


The fusion seems a lot more controlled this time, and the resulting demon...

...That's a child with pointy ears.

"Do I get to help out a human? Cool! My name's Nadja, pleased to meet'cha!" She smiles at you.

Once she disappears, you sigh. "Didn't expect that, but I guess if tree girls are on the table...! Oh, next fusion!"

"Oooh, so many fusions!" Mido is delighted! "Tell me, what next?"

"Jack Frost and Sandman, carrying over Mabufu and Mazio."

"And here we go!" He chuckles loudly.


The room shakes yet again, but Mido seems to have everything under control...!

A blue fishman materializes in the center of the room. "Aww, just when I was gettin' comfy! Well, I'm Azumi. Let's get this show on the road!"

After he enters your Gauntlet, you resummon Sandman. "Sandman and Azumi, now! Let him have Mazio and--!"

"Rakunda, yes! Excellent choice!" Mido smiles confidently.

Before you can reply, he's already started the fusion...


You swear you smell a little smoke as the demon appears before you.

"Ah, a human master?" The faceless, scythe wielding... Clown (?) says. "I am known as Macabre. I do hope you won't disappoint, master."

Macabre enters your Gauntlet. To be honest, he makes you a little nervous...

"Macabre with Itsumade, please. Mudoon and Sukunda."

He doesn't look up from his computer, already typing away...


As the fusion finishes, a thunderous beast floats before you.

"Hm... Yup! You seem cool enough! I'm Raiju, it's nice to meet you, but it's even better to meet me!"

"Hm?" Mido looks up at you, "It seems this demon gained an extra skill. Interesting. I hope it is to your liking!"


"Now, Raiju and Oni, carrying over Mudoon and Tarukaja!"

"Interesting! I will commence the fusion!"


...Whatever just appeared in front of you had some wicked looking horns and snow white fur.

"ME AM WENDIGO!!" It shouts, "YOU AM FRIEND!!"

"...Okay...?" Wendigo enters your Gauntlet. "Um, finally..." You resummon Oni and Koppa Tengu, "...Oni and Koppa Tengu, carrying over Fang Breaker and Tarukaja."

Mido simply presses enter, smiling contently.


"Oh, dear." He mutters, hurriedly attempting to push more keys. Something sparks, and you begin to grow worried. "Oh, that's not ideal."

"What's not--!!"

A red flash fills the room, nearly deafening you!


When your vision returns, you see a spectral figure before you.

"I am Aquans." It states simply. It disappears into your Gauntlet.

You quickly resummon Jack Frost, Oni, and Raiju, before setting the Compendium down.

"Oops." Mido says, "I suppose I got too carried away. I will clean up the Cathedral. Return at a later date, when you have gathered more demons."

"The-Thanks, Mido." You awkwardly shuffle out of his apartment, and lean on the railing on the porch.

You're guessing that wasn't what Mido was trying to summon for you. Kohaku pokes her head outside, looking around cautiously.

"What was that big boom?" She asks you, a little nervous.


[] ????????????????????
355: A Talk With Kohaku.
[X] "Shit's wack, yo."

"Oh, a fusion went wrong!" You say, "Mido and I are fine, but the Cathedral is out of commission for a hot minute."

"I see." Kohaku timidly steps out onto the balcony, joining you at your side.

"So, you wanted to talk?" You begin. "What's going on?"

Kohaku sighs heavily. "...You're in this, too. The more you know about my experiences with the Disciples, the better you'll be at fighting them." She sounds like she's trying to convince herself of that.

You silently watch Kohaku, who doesn't meet your gaze.

"I'm scared of them. And what they can do. Saburo, as horrible as he is, isn't the worst of them. That "honor"..." She takes a shakey breath, "...Belongs to Father, the Great Prophet."

"Kohaku, you don't--!"

"Ever since I could walk, he's been trying to groom me for my position in their order. He filled everyone's heads with prophecy and doomsdays, but he made one "fact" clear." Kohaku tightens her grip on the railing, "I am nothing but a conduit. I'm just a womb. I will bring about their Messiah."

You... Don't know what to say.

Kohaku continues. "Father told me that I can't choose. I am a part of his prophecy, and I will play my role. I will birth the Messiah, and that is all I will be. Just..." Her arms are shaking. "...He told me I am just Saburo's wife. That's all I'll ever be. That I should be thankful that I'm even worth being married to."

You reach out to grab her shoulder...

...But stop yourself. You don't think she wants to be touched right now.

"To his very little credit, Saburo didn't think that was good at the start. But Father... I don't know what he said to Saburo, but he very quickly became... That." There's tears in her eyes. "He never... Forced himself on me, but every time I refused him, an Acolyte..."

She rolls up her sleeve. Her arm is covered in old scars, burns, and...?

"They healed me afterwards. Even if I told someone, the wounds to prove it were gone. Only the scars remain." Kohaku laughs bitterly, tears still falling. "Who would I tell, anyways? Father? Saburo?" She takes a deep breath, her shoulders drooping. "...They deal in misdirection. They'll lie, backstab, and even kill if it means attaining their Messiah. As if that wasn't bad enough, they have magic. Magic like yours, Yumi."


"Most of them don't have armor, preferring to wear simple robes or normal clothes. Every single one has a dagger in there somewhere, but only higher ranking members have swords, and firearms. I can't tell you about their tactics in battle, seeing as I was kept away from any fighting at all times. I'm sorry I can't be of more use."

[] ???????
356: To School
[X] Plan: Preparing for War.

"Fuck that." You growl, causing Kohaku to look up at you, "As if the white rat wasn't fucking enough on telling people what to become, now these fucks think they can...!"

"Y-Yumi?" Kohaku tries to get your attention.

"If these chucklefucks want you, they'll have to go through me." You slam your thumb into your chest. "Firstly, we're going to need to warn the others. I want as many eyes on this as I can spare in case they do something rash." You tighten your grip on the railing, "...I'll get on that right now."

"Yumi, I-- you're making that face again."

"What face...? Oh." Judging by Kohaku's fearful look, you think you know which face you're making. "Sorry."

You dig out your phone, and send the same text to the girls.

>We've got a cult problem. Kyoko got a nasty surprise from one of them. These guys can use demon magic. We should meet soon, tomorrow at the latest. This is a threat to everyone.

Sent. You check the time while you still have your phone out...

3:13, huh? You should get going, then. "C'mon, we should pick up Yuma."

"Oh, right! I almost forgot in all the...?" Kohaku follows you down the stairs. "...Yumi, you're not planning something reckless, are you?"

"No. This is not a reckless plan." You answer. "We'll talk more as we walk, okay?"

"Okay. Let's go get Yuma!"


You make your way about half way to Yuma's school before you decide to ask her something.

"Do you know any hideouts for these Disciples? Meeting places, storehouses, that kind of shit?"

"They're usually well hidden, but if you know what signs to look for, you can identify a Disciple base from-- wait, you're not gonna rush in, are you?!"

"Of course not. I just want to be properly educated when they come knocking on my door." To be honest, you thought about just rushing them, but...

Kohaku sighs, "Oh, good. For a second there, I thought you were... Huh?"

Kohaku looks ahead of you. You follow her gaze to find a...

...There's a sign made out of scrap metal. It's a giant letter "D".

You make a mental note of this. Picking up Yuma takes priority to everything.

"Just keep walking, Kohaku...!" Kohaku says to herself. "You'll check it out later."

Finally, you arrive at Yuma's school, just in time for the bell to ring. Sure enough, Yuma comes outside, waving at you--!!

"Is that a demon, Yumi?!" Kohaku asks, eyeing what is currently following Yuma.

Closely behind the green-haired girl is a giant, black bird of some kind. As Yuma grows closer, she turns to the bird.

"This is Big Sis Yumi, Mr. Griffon!" She announces.

"Your sister?! What, your mom give birth to a damn pack of markers? Heh!" Mr. Griffon laughs at his own joke.

[] ????????????????????
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357: Quoth The Raven...
[X] Bullying Griffon.

You look Mr. Griffon dead in the eyes. "I don't get it." You state.

"What, don't tell me you've never noticed!" Mr. Griffon replies, "She's neon green, you're blood red...! Hey, you got a sister who's blue?"

You completely blow off his remarks, and hug Yuma. At first, Yuma is surprised, but quickly returns your hug.

"Warm...!" Yuma mutters. "Oh! Big Sis Yumi!! Yuma found a thingy! When she was playing!"

"Is it Mr. Nevermore here?" Kohaku asks, looking to Mr. Griffon.

"Okay, that was actually kinda funny. But hey!" Mr. Griffon retorts.

Yuma shakes her head. "It was a stick!"

"A stick?" You ask, a little confused.

"The word's cane, kid." Mr. Griffon lands on the ground. "You found a cane."

"Yuma found a cane, and then Mr. Griffon popped out of it!"

"Oh, and before I forget, don't aim it at trees. Ahg, I can still feel it in my beak!"

"So, you found this... Griffon guy in a cane?" You ask.

"Mhmm!" Yuma nods excitedly, "Now Yuma's like you! She can be useful!"

You put your hand on her head. "You don't have to be "useful", kid!" You chuckle, "You being okay is perfect for me!"


"Plus, this is only temporary, tiny!" Griffon says, "The second we find V, I'm gone."

"V? Who's V?" You ask. Who names their kid "V"?!

"Dawn is a much better name, Master Yumi Konishi."

"My original master, that's who! Black hair, edgy coat, tattoos, and... Oh!" Griffon clears his throat, "...An unwavering love for poetry! Ring any bells?"

You look to Kohaku, who has turned to you for answers.

[] ????????????????
358: Next Destination
[X] "I think those kids are talking about us." - Dante.

"I don't think I know anyone like that." You answer, realizing that V is probably just his nickname, "But I do know other people in this business! Hey, we could swing by a little shop on the way home!"

"You mean Devil May Cry?" Kohaku asks, "With that Dante guy?"

"Shit, you guys know Dante?!" Griffon squawks, "Then what're we waiting around here for?! Let's go!"

"Hey!!" Kohaku interjects, "Watch your language! You're talking in front of a child, if you haven't noticed!"

"Oh, shit, sorry." Griffon stiffens a little, "Fuck, I mean-- damnit, this is hard!"

Kohaku places her hands on her temples, "You crass--!"

"Okay, okay! Simmer down!" You step in between Kohaku and Griffon. If you didn't, you fear Kohaku would strangle the poor bird. "Let's just head to Devil May Cry. Quietly!"

"...Okay." Kohaku seems to compose herself.

"Alright! Whose car are we takin'?"


"You, uh... You've got a car, yeah?"

"Nope." You reply, taking Yuma's hand and walking with her. Kohaku joins you, walking slightly behind you.

"No car, she says...!" Griffon flaps his wings, following you.


You make it to the corner where you met Dante the first time. It won't be that big of a detour, anyways! Just need to--?!

"Oh, would ya look at that!" Dante pops out of an alley, cracking his neck, "Little Red Riding Hood and her merry band! Met any more fairy tales lately?"

[] Quip back...?
-[] With what?
[] Respond honestly.
[] Write in?
359: Devil May Cry
[X] "Quoth the Raven..."

"Quoth the raven... Yuma found a cane!" You answer happily, "Besides, I'm totally Big Red Riding Hood! Kyoko's the Little Red!"

"Not on your life, kid!" Dante smiles wryly, "I'm the Big Red! You can be Medium Red, though!"

"Yuma has only read Little Red Riding Hood..." Yuma puts a hand to her chin.

"They're just messing around. I think." Kohaku responds.

"So, Greenie found a cane?" Dante walk up to Yuma, his smirk fading as he sees Griffon. "...Well I'll be...!

"Uh, hey, Dante!" Griffon speaks nervously, "No hard feelings about what happened back on the--"

"I thought you were in that big coop in the sky, little chicken!"

Griffon glares at the red coated demon hunter.

"Mr. Griffon is a chicken?" Yuma turns to Griffon.

"Woah, Mister?" Dante laughs a little, "You're really moving up in the world!"

"Don't listen to him, kid." Griffon slowly turns to Dante, "He just thinks he's funny."

"I am funny, but whatever." He shrugs, "So I'm guessing you're looking for Vergil?"

"...Oh!" Yuma waves her arm, "Is Mr. Vergil named V, too?!"

"I'm pretty sure V is Vergil's nickname, Yuma." Kohaku drums her fingers on her arm.

"Oh. Um, if Yuma had a nickname, would she be Y?"


Yuma shakes her head, "No, Y!"

"Let's put a pin in that!" You almost gasp as Dante places his hand on your shoulder from behind you. How did he even...?! "Vergil's probably taking a nap back at the shop. We can talk more there."

You sigh, "Sure! Let's get a move on, guys!" You motion Yuma and Kohaku to follow you.


"Welcome to Devil May Cry, A. K. A., Castle La Dante!" Dante opens the door, beckoning your party inside. "Ladies first!"

Before anyone can comment, Griffon flies inside the shop.

"Eh, close enough. Come on in!"

You, Kohaku and Yuma all enter Devil May Cry...

...To discover that it's a pigsty.

Empty pizza boxes litter the single desk in the middle of the room. If they aren't on the desk, they're piled next to his chair. There's an old, jury-rigged jukebox in the corner, playing some old rock song.

Also, there's a pool table just right of you.

"I'll go get Vergil!" Dante walks into the back, "Take a seat on the couch!"

On your left is a couch. It's covered in old stains (thankfully, it's only drink stains!), and reeks of flat soda.

Griffon is perched on the ceiling fan, which is currently off.

Yuma takes a step to go sit down, but Kohaku stops her.

[] ??????????????????
360 (NO SCOPE): Nightmare.
[X] *Looks at trash* "Dude."

You... Honestly don't believe that someone can live like this. As soon as Dante gets back, you're going to ask him--!!

There's a soft thwack from another room, followed closely by a loud metal clang.

The door behind the desk swings open, and you see Dante get flung over it--!

(DODGE!!: 15+5)

You grab Kohaku and duck. Dante sails over you, landing on his feet, sword in his hand.

"Hey kid! He's up!" He calmly remarks.

Vergil steps into the main room, glaring daggers at Dante. In his left hand, he holds his sword. In his right, an empty pizza box.

Kohaku turns to Dante, "What did you--?!"

"Hit him with a pizza box." He replies, smirking.

"And for that..." Vergil tosses aside the empty box, placing a hand on his sword's handle, "...I shall give you death...?" His hand falls to his side when he sees Yuma. "How did you...?"

Yuma holds the cane in a tight grip, a little nervous about Vergil's gaze.

Vergil slowly approaches, his eyes not leaving the cane in Yuma's hands. "...Where did you find that?" He finally asks.

"Um... Yuma found it... At school." She sputters out.

"You..." He slowly turns his gaze upwards, "...Called forth Griffon?"

Griffon glides down, landing on the desk. "Hey, V! Wild story, huh? So, there I was--!"

Vergil grabs Griffon by the head, eyes still not leaving Yuma. "Do you know what this is?" He tosses Griffon to the couch.

"A... Bird?" Yuma answers, not at all confident in her answer.


"Okay, let's just relax for a sec!" Dante interjects, patting his brother on the back. "You've probably spooked the kid enough for right now!"

"Perhaps, but I have a great many questions for--?"

"How long have you two owned this place?" Kohaku suddenly asks.

"Just since... Actually, we technically don't." Dante reveals, happily changing the subject. "It was empty and pretty spacious, so I just kinda moved in... yesterday."

"One day?" You ask, flabbergasted. "Then how did you get this place get so... Messy?"

"I'm making a pizza box tower!" He answers casually, "Besides, most of those boxes aren't from around here!"

You... Honestly don't know what to say.

"Why?" You find yourself asking.

Dante shrugs. "It's a hobby."

"Back to the point, Griffon isn't just a bird, nor is he a demon." Vergil looks over Yuma, curiously gazing down at her, "Griffon is a nightmare."

[] ??????????????????
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