351: Burning Rubber!
[X] Your responses!
"Personally, I like demons that help people." You reply after a little thought.
"So, even past you working with demons, you like to see demons help out other humans? Eh, I can respect that." The old lady shrugs, "As long as you're not fuckin' stupid and think demons are always gonna be friendly, that is."
"I, um--!" Before you reply fully, she's on another topic.
"Most kids these days listen to shitty music, and call real music "old people music"! The gall! What about you, kid? You with me on this?"
"Can't I like both?" You ask almost instantly. "I mean, even Beethoven had a few stinkers."
She opens her mouth to reply angrily, but closes it. She scratches her chin for a moment... "...Huh. I guess you can. Son of a bitch. You're actually making me think, here!"
You smile at her.
"Let me tell ya something, kid." She leans towards you. "I fuckin' hate this town! No one speeds, and the people that do are absolute jerkoffs who kick puppies for fun! Please, for my sanity, tell me you like going fast!"
You find yourself smiling. "I'll do you one better! Since you love speed so much, how about a race?"
She looks you dead in the eyes before cackling wildly. "I like your style, kid! You've got yourself a race!"
Raido blinks, backing away to let you two race. Kohaku shuffles out of the way, with Kyoko hot on her trail.
"First one to..." The demon points to a lamp post. "...That post wins! Ready?!"
"Yep! I'll count us down!" You both take your positions...
You both shoot forward, with you netting yourself a minor lead. You can hear the demon's rollerblades hot on your heels.
You're focused on this race right now. Nothing else exists. Just you, this demon, and the finish line.
She pulls ahead by a hair, and you redouble your efforts...!
You both skid to a stop, panting. The demon looks amazed...!
"How the hell did you...?!" She says with a chuckle, "Well damn! You've got talent, kid! I think I'll hang around, if ya don't mind!"
"Of course not! Welcome to the team!" You extend your hand towards the demon.
"The name's Turbo-Granny! Don't you forget it!"
As Turbo-Granny disappears into your Gauntlet, you huff, wiping your forehead. "That was fun!"
"...Impressive." Raido says.
"Damn, were you always that fast, Yumi?!" Kyoko pats you on the back. You don't feel it. "Great running!"
Kohaku blinks. "...What?" She seems violently confused.
"...Moving right along, let's get Saburo Okane to the police station." Raido quickly recovers.
You shrug. "Sounds good to me!"
"S-Sure." Kohaku mutters.
Kyoko silently takes the lead, walking at a rather brisk pace.
Thankfully, you arrive at the station without incident. Omaya sees you approach, and waves. His wave dies down as he processes Saburo being carried by Oni.
"Hey!" You wave back. "I've got a--"
"Why is that guy floating in static?" Omaya asks quietly.
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"Personally, I like demons that help people." You reply after a little thought.
"So, even past you working with demons, you like to see demons help out other humans? Eh, I can respect that." The old lady shrugs, "As long as you're not fuckin' stupid and think demons are always gonna be friendly, that is."
"I, um--!" Before you reply fully, she's on another topic.
"Most kids these days listen to shitty music, and call real music "old people music"! The gall! What about you, kid? You with me on this?"
"Can't I like both?" You ask almost instantly. "I mean, even Beethoven had a few stinkers."
She opens her mouth to reply angrily, but closes it. She scratches her chin for a moment... "...Huh. I guess you can. Son of a bitch. You're actually making me think, here!"
You smile at her.
"Let me tell ya something, kid." She leans towards you. "I fuckin' hate this town! No one speeds, and the people that do are absolute jerkoffs who kick puppies for fun! Please, for my sanity, tell me you like going fast!"
You find yourself smiling. "I'll do you one better! Since you love speed so much, how about a race?"
She looks you dead in the eyes before cackling wildly. "I like your style, kid! You've got yourself a race!"
Raido blinks, backing away to let you two race. Kohaku shuffles out of the way, with Kyoko hot on her trail.
"First one to..." The demon points to a lamp post. "...That post wins! Ready?!"
"Yep! I'll count us down!" You both take your positions...
You both shoot forward, with you netting yourself a minor lead. You can hear the demon's rollerblades hot on your heels.
You're focused on this race right now. Nothing else exists. Just you, this demon, and the finish line.
She pulls ahead by a hair, and you redouble your efforts...!
You both skid to a stop, panting. The demon looks amazed...!
"How the hell did you...?!" She says with a chuckle, "Well damn! You've got talent, kid! I think I'll hang around, if ya don't mind!"
"Of course not! Welcome to the team!" You extend your hand towards the demon.
"The name's Turbo-Granny! Don't you forget it!"
As Turbo-Granny disappears into your Gauntlet, you huff, wiping your forehead. "That was fun!"
"...Impressive." Raido says.
"Damn, were you always that fast, Yumi?!" Kyoko pats you on the back. You don't feel it. "Great running!"
Kohaku blinks. "...What?" She seems violently confused.
"...Moving right along, let's get Saburo Okane to the police station." Raido quickly recovers.
You shrug. "Sounds good to me!"
"S-Sure." Kohaku mutters.
Kyoko silently takes the lead, walking at a rather brisk pace.
Thankfully, you arrive at the station without incident. Omaya sees you approach, and waves. His wave dies down as he processes Saburo being carried by Oni.
"Hey!" You wave back. "I've got a--"
"Why is that guy floating in static?" Omaya asks quietly.
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