Mmmm. That mention of the Qeshyks actually has me wondering what the worlds opinions on them are.

I mean, they were the vanguard of our successful attacks on Nohon, even claiming territory for us in the last war, now they shattered the Federations rear and supply lines and they did quite well against Faron too.

Combine that reputation as free riding horse lords of the wild east with their six shooter pistols we're supplying them with and their probably legendary military reputation and it won't be Cowboys and Indians, but Qeshyks and Samurai who dominate the popular media instead.
1842, The year the DC invaded everyone.

The year that we got screwed. Luckily, most people are not keen on invading everyone.

No. We are in a wierd 7 sided mess of a war. We should stay out of the four sided mess of "Everyone invade Hes" until it is time to jointly invade with Khem.

Why would we invade Hes?

I wonder if we should try to avoid war for the. next few turns.
Our armies are doing pretty well and all, but we have kinda been stumbling from one war to another for much of the quest now. I'm afraid that at some point war weariness could set in among our people. Or that all that focus on the army could lead to the military influencing the government (sorta like what happened in Imperial Germany or Japan)

We're winning this war, so no war weariness this time.
Wars that the DC fought in:

  • 1805-1806 - War of the Second Coalition - Defeat
  • 1817-1819 - Third Coalition War - Victory
  • 1821-1824 - Monsoon War - Victory
  • 1832-1833 - Ochruhr War - Victory
  • 1833 - Ymaryn-Nohonese War - Status Quo
  • 1833-1834 - Opium War - Victory
  • 1835-1839 - Nohonese-Hung Crisis - Strategic tie? Defeat? Won a port in Not!Saigon.
  • 1840 - Sffyrn Revolutionary War
Not real wars
  • 1836 - Black Sheep Policing Action
With the amount of wars we fought, we probably are the most experienced army of the 19th century. This is despite us being a diplomatic power.

11 years gap between the Second and Third Coalition War. Two years gap until a concon blowups gave us excuse to fight the Vortuga.

Finally, eight years later, we went to war with Ochruhr, and we been fighting wars non-stop ever since.
The year that we got screwed. Luckily, most people are not keen on invading everyone.

Why would we invade Hes?

We're winning this war, so no war weariness this time.

11 years gap between the Second and Third Coalition War. Two years gap until a concon blowups gave us excuse to fight the Vortuga.

Finally, eight years later, we went to war with Ochruhr, and we been fighting wars non-stop ever since.
On the Nohonese-Hung crisis, for us it was a victory, we seized land from Nohon and a port in Hung as well, it was a Hung defeat, not a Ymar defeat.

Also surely it'd also be known as the Second Ymaryn-Nohonese War considering we did all the fighting and the Hung just rolled over and died?
Our anime is gonna be metal as fuck :V
Fixed that for you
Current Wars:

VS SKF: Sketch, DM, Hes, Styrnyr, Kielmar?, Behryvar (Formerly), possibly Papal Etal, Vortuga, and Khemetri but with low war score.

VS Ochruhr: DM, Styrmyr, Papal Etal, Hes?, Behryvar (Formerly), possibly Sketch, Kielmyr, Vortuga, and Khemetri but with low war score.

VS Hes: SKF, Ochruhr?, Khemetri (Colonial war)

Those are the big ones, right? Are Hes and Ochruhr at war? Have the non-bordering nations ceremonially declared war?
Not quite, Vortuga is fighting Hes and Ochruhr has peaced out with what's left of Etal to focus on us. I don't think Ochruhr is being fought by anywhere near that many people, we're the only ones in shape to fight two wars right now.
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We share a border with Tortun so any expansions there will be contiguous.
Huh. So we do. I was sure there wasn't a gap. Teaches me to go by memory.

Still the point about it being ethically distinct and nationalist stands - as we lack the Federation's unifying cause - and there are limits to how deeply we can loot without causing generational grudges. Even if we're winning, pushing hard costs lives and resources. Behyvar and slow down still puts us at the top of the table for deciding post war settlement, there's no extra prizes for saving our rivals effort.

Remember we have another war still on in Syffryn, there's a war we'd like to resume in the east where we can keep what we take, and we need to push development and technology. All these things take resources too.
Huh. So we do. I was sure there wasn't a gap. Teaches me to go by memory.

Still the point about it being ethically distinct and nationalist stands - as we lack the Federation's unifying cause - and there are limits to how deeply we can loot without causing generational grudges. Even if we're winning, pushing hard costs lives and resources. Behyvar and slow down still puts us at the top of the table for deciding post war settlement, there's no extra prizes for saving our rivals effort.

Remember we have another war still on in Syffryn, there's a war we'd like to resume in the east where we can keep what we take, and we need to push development and technology. All these things take resources too.

No, the LAST thing we want is to STOP on their land. Push forward so we don't totally wreck any one place. A fast advance is much less destructive then a battleline.
Courting those colonies with diplomacy is not the same as going to war with Sketch. No doubt there will be dirty tricks but they aren't going to escalate to war when we and our allies have substantial Kus Ocean naval assets and can threaten their Kus holdings by land. Especially if we don't annex those colonies but merely prop them up for basing rights what's more likely is they sphere/grab some and we sphere others.
Courting them diplomatically does require the ability to actually provide significant resistance. Diplomatic fictions leverages real scenarios.

If the real scenario is "the Sketch could do this all by force if they wanted to"...then the diplomatic situation is a problem because you never want to make a threat(and such a recognition and acquisition IS a threat in practice its "mess with them and you have to fight me over them") you can't back up.

The Sketch can back up their colonial claims. For now.
More like they used fanatics to buy time with lives, until the number disparity became too much and they started to crumble.
Hence our distraction fighting two different wars let them buy some time. Our full undivided attention would have just gone through like a freight train
Come what may I want the Saffron states to pay us significant concessions in trade and tech for saving all their asses.

A - because they will be grateful for our timely intervention.

B - They will be properly terrified of our armies who just crushed TWO armies each big enougj to stop them.
A - lol
B - "Maybe we should assemble a counterweight coalition, who knows when they might choose to take our clay"

No, what's going to pay us significant concessions is all those debts we just bought up for cheap. And also remember a lot of the locals didn't WANT to be saved.

This war might be to us, on a meta level, about saving them.
On the ground, this war is about Gylmaryn national pride in backing up a promise they made.
My chief concern here would be the logistical implications of trying to make this switch in the middle of the war.
Not that bad.
Its actually one type of bullet, assuming we had standardized rifling(we do), the same bullet is used for both the muzzle loaded and the breechloaded rounds.

The difference is the gunpowder for the breechloads are in prepackaged paper containing the blasting cap and the muzzle loaders are in loose grain.
So just the needle and the breechloader shells.
We really should consider beelining ironclads ourselves.

We have a slot in military academy open next turn, and we also can build a second military academy.
We should be able at least to research ironclads simultaneously with Nohon, if probably not with the Sketch. We really do not want to lead a war with ironclad armed Nohon otherwise.
Certainly desirable yes, we'd want to keep the port we got.
Going to need cheap steel to get far with it though...which is one thing that Nohon is in trouble with.

You see...Japan's iron ore quality is crap.
Once we've regained Behyvar from the Federation, we've basically achieved our strategic goals for that war - our regional clients and allies have their territories, we have prestige and the Federation is wounded severely enough that other powers can finish it off if they commit. We must not do their work for them. I'm not saying we should peace out but we should halt offensive operations until the Sketch have poured out their share of blood and treasure. Then join in again at the very end to snipe more of the spoils.

OTOH the Ochruhr seem content to stop expanding - it might be worth setting them some terms.
Hardly. We're going to need to beat them all up enough to show that the Dual Crown means it, which means actually threatening their respective administrations.
The way Behyvar folded under the double impact means that just pulling out right there leaves a very volatile situation.
[X] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[X] [War] Tear their heart out (Punch through to the sea)
Khem don't want or need more Hes land. They got all the Not!African stuff, so Hes can't stage an invasion anymore.
They've only taken the Hespranxer's northern Africa holdings, not their colony on the gold coast, nor the islands near south Africa. They lack the navy to claim either of those locations though.
[X] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[X] [War] Tear their heart out (Punch through to the sea)
Khemetri's entire casus belli is reconquista.
After they're done taking their stuff back from Vortuga and Hespranxer they'd fortify to prevent another landing(star forts ho) then look south to reconquer Greater Khemetri.
In truth the Khemetri have never cared for Greater Khem, what with that basically denoting all of Africa. I doubt they'll try to conquer a lot of it, maybe some choice bits in the nearby area and certainly anything the Syffrynites try to claim that looks interesting to them, but not much more.
In truth the Khemetri have never cared for Greater Khem, what with that basically denoting all of Africa. I doubt they'll try to conquer a lot of it, maybe some choice bits in the nearby area and certainly anything the Syffrynites try to claim that looks interesting to them, but not much more.
Maybe they have a greater them ambition like we have a kyberia ambition.

Besides a mighty Khem is in our long term goals to prevent the scramble for africa.
Do we even know when the Khem lost those north African territories to the Vortuga and Hex? Depending on how well they were integrated, the reconquest alone might stirr up enough trouble.

They've only taken the Hespranxer's northern Africa holdings, not their colony on the gold coast, nor the islands near south Africa. They lack the navy to claim either of those locations though.
Just because they're a significant power on the continent doesn't mean that the Khem have, nor should have, dibs on the entire continent.
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Once this war is over we will have to do another massive overhaul of our military doctrine.
The breach loaders will enable far more effective tactics than before and we need to keep our bleeding edge.
Do we even know when the Khem lost those north African territories to the Vortuga and Hex? Depending on how well they were integrated, the reconquest alone might stirr up enough trouble.

Just because they're a significant power on the continent doesn't mean that the Khem have, nor should have, dibs on the entire continent.
I don't think we know, but chances are the Vortuga and Hex didn't treat the locals so well so I'm not overly worried.

While the Khemetri don't have dibs on the whole continent, and it's so huge that'd be impossible anyways, what they do have is a significant proximity advantage.
Do we even know when the Khem lost those north African territories to the Vortuga and Hex? Depending on how well they were integrated, the reconquest alone might stirr up enough trouble.

Just because they're a significant power on the continent doesn't mean that the Khem have, nor should have, dibs on the entire continent.
Unfortunately, even if they lack the moral right (and even though it is almost certainly against our Geo-political interests) to unify the continent, that doesn't mean that they don't have ambitions to do so. We are about to enter the age of imperialism, and they are one of the major world powers.