I represent the Church of the Reborn Crow! Yes, we are a real religion! We can trace our beliefs all the way back to the ancient ymaryn! And what's more is, we have discovered ancient texts detailing the old beliefs! Did you know the ancient ymaryn called an asteroid down? Having looked over the texts, I bet we could do it again! Maybe to those assholes in the west!

Vote Dohok Mahto for parliament!
Or you could add more psedoscience stuff like metalight and see what happens. Like special materials with unique properties. Or more special events.
That wouldn't really do much for the issue of "wrote myself into a corner".
The "current" situation in PoI is one that AN is having a lot of difficulty writing for/around; adding more things on top of it will just make that even more difficult.

An apocalyptic event would reset the board so to speak, and would make it so that AN could kind of get s fresh-ish start on the setting.

I represent the Church of the Reborn Crow! Yes, we are a real religion! We can trace our beliefs all the way back to the ancient ymaryn! And what's more is, we have discovered ancient texts detailing the old beliefs! Did you know the ancient ymaryn called an asteroid down? Having looked over the texts, I bet we could do it again! Maybe to those assholes in the west!

Vote Dohok Mahto for parliament!
*poorly disguised Ryndom Mymbyr*

"Hello there, I am a recent convert to this Most Holy Church. Might I take a look at our Sacred Texts? Preferably all alone, in a room where I can easily escape from."
That wouldn't really do much for the issue of "wrote myself into a corner".
The "current" situation in PoI is one that AN is having a lot of difficulty writing for/around; adding more things on top of it will just make that even more difficult.

An apocalyptic event would reset the board so to speak, and would make it so that AN could kind of get s fresh-ish start on the setting.

or start another civ quest
Right now my biggest struggle is finding the motivation and energy to write regularly, so there are unfortunately some even more fundamental problems than my core frustration with the mechanics and the feeling that I wrote myself into a corner.
or start another civ quest

Rather than start a brand new quest, why not restart an old one?

A lot of us loved Amber Age and Age of Strife, so why not start a quest with a new spirit or on a different world? That way you still have most of the mechanics, but also have experience with what works and does not work, as well as not having to carry over anything.
Vicky 2 Mod 0.03
Patch 0.03 for the Victoria 2 Mod is now out, you can find it


or at the original post.

Also, I didn't put it in the patchnotes cus it's purely cosmetic, but there are now loading screens too.

Patchnotes: Paths of Industrialization v0.03


Merchant Republic of Bannity
Kingdom of Trynest
Kingdom of Amyrano
Kingdom of Nydwytch (Saffron Islands)

OOBs for:
Honourable East Kus Company


Population of Khemetri increased (4.25m -> 6.18m)
Soldiers for Trynest
Removed all IRL GP's from the game by divvying them up amongst the nations of PoI (and decolonised some provinces entirely)
Source: Patch Notes v0.03
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Bit of a necro but I found this video to be quite relevant to PoC, especially how old technology (social and scientific) gets permanently lost for good then how humanity slowly (if ever) rediscovers it. We managed to sidestep this issue for a fairly long time yet even in our collapse we managed to preserve the vast majority of our civ's knowledge when that should have been impossible. My favourite example was at the 14:10 minute mark where he goes into detail about the Lycurgus Cup. Highly recommend you guys check it out.

Mods take me away.

Video is only 24 minutes long, the last 24 is a Q and A session.