I am sure if we, ahem, paternalize Greater Khem hard enough we can form a few baby states from multiethnic groups.

Paternalize Khem from every logistical opening.

Really tie her down with rails and really work that paternalizing in.
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Not so much as suddenly being able to USE so many more resources and suddenly going from an 80% agrarian society to a 50% agrarian society and having an extra 30% of your pop making stuff.

People HAD resources for a long time and knew how to find more easily enough. They just couldn't use them due to population and ecconomic limits or lacked the tech to make those resources useful.

Demand drives supply. Supply does not create demand.

Rock Oil was a novelty before internal combustion.

Oil was a thing when people started running out of whales which made kerosene all the rage. Gasoline was a waste product until the combustion engine came along.
Doubt they have the infrastructure and the knowledge.
If you have giant pyramids to hold rare giant diamonds cut by artisan gemcutters and used to shine orange light down on specific holy men during ritual sacrifice dine with horns carved to play specific notes sound a constant drone...

Industry is needed to mass produce. Much can be done in small amounts my skilled men with primitive tools and a lot of knowhow.
[X][Research1] Cheap Steel (29/60) [Industrial][Open]
[X][Research2] Thermodynamics (10/???) [Science][Industrial][Open]
[X][Research1] Cheap Steel (29/60) [Industrial][Open]
[X][Research2] Early Scientific Paleontology (0/???) [Science][Biology][Open]
Isn't the biggest source in Texas, which from the looks is in New Hes hands?
Alaska, actually, but there are major deposits across the entirety of central N. America. IIRC it has something to do with the seaway that covered much of the midwest millions of years ago.

Either way, the eastern US is mostly coal, and the CCP controls the mississippi basin and west and north. They likely have the large oil deposits present in the Dakotas if they exist. Which, again, is a major consideration. @Academia Nut has said that some resources are different and has obviously had full discretion over whether to shuffle them around. The only predictor we have is that he's generally kept things vaguely similar and that certain geographic forms are what give rise to various resource deposits.
[X][Research1] Cheap Steel (29/60) [Industrial][Open]
[X][Research2] Thermodynamics (10/???) [Science][Industrial][Open]
Naw, we already know how this works guys.
Paleontology works like Archeology. It unlocks Museums of Natural History that can research Natural Sciences on their own rather than Archeological Museums' Social Sciences.
That fits its role as a driver of research, because it involves so many other fields that it basically improves the rare tech unlock chances, where a technology that normally wouldn't BE explored yet gets its chance because people want to figure out how to study rocks better.

As we've already seen with Redshore, these things are pretty powerful because they're how you get ahead on tech: by unleashing independent scientific endeavors.

A Museum of Natural History is going to require slot and education we don't have, especially since we elected to send advisors abroad.
We are arrogant and paternalistic, but at least we know that all people are equally in need of our help.

It's also hilariously in keeping with the general Ymaryn traditions. It's a different perspective seemingly based on the idea of:

"Well of course you're a people like us, just because you're living differently from us doesn't make you any lesser in comparison. It just means you don't know as much as us, so come here and let me teach you how to do all this cool shit, and if you want to bring your own stuff to share, that's cool too."