Yes, most people here plant it straight in the ground. Greenhouses are for tomatoes and other heat-sensitive plants.
*Shrug* They let you grow in the winter and at least this version of greenhouse probably costs something like only $10k + land each. Eyeballing it, ~5 tons of bricks, ~100 iron poles, ~3k square feet of plastic film & cover. So it seems like a decent investment.
Oh come on! An old Eldritch abomination finding love with a spunky hippy girl and reinvigorating his desire to screw with reality!

Still a better love story than Twilight.
There is a pony episode about that... :V

Twilight is also not in it :3

So, did we ever figure out whether magic actually works?

We are quite possibly in a Stellaris 'verse, so the answer would be yes, if people believe enough.
Since we seem to be going materialist and not spiritualist, probably not for us.
Again, depends on how exactly magic would even work in this universe. We have not even the slightest idea on what would and would not work.

@Academia Nut Since we are racing through this, would you mind clearing it up?
Gain more science.
Science is apparently the path, not faith so we still have a chance >3>
Moderator warning? What is this, Paths of - wait a minute.

I guess we should be happy that this wasn't an immediate ban?
On the one hand it doesn't feel like a Path of Civs quest without a Mod having to lock the thread to stem the flow of salt at least once a week, on the other hand I really want to see the next turn soontm​.
Changing my vote because my initial plan is invalid
[X] Plan Constitution
-[X] Start Constitutional Convention - 4 PW Invested (will have PW invested to make decisions during Convention phase, can spend additional PW reserved for the turn)
-[X] Claim Kyberi Territory - 1 PW, -1 Temp IC, +2 Max Development, increases required Transport Infrastructure to remove Undeveloped Hinterlands status (Note: 0 PW the first time it is used in a turn)
Not voting the bandwagon purely to be countercultural, really.
Not voting the bandwagon purely to be countercultural, really.
Noooo! That sweet Consensus Bonus!
Ah, well. I'm not going to tell you what to vote for. Besides I think if we somehow manage to get a "consensus" bonus going reliably every turn we will start eating "groupthink" penalties that make changing the status quo/coming up with new ideas harder.
I'm worried that if we start a constitutional monarchy, if we'll be able to take actions against the guilds. I assume they would have enormous electoral power due not only to numbers, but also social prominence.
[X][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808
Just for the consesus bonus which is sweet :V

New map, unsure if will have an update tonight, but will give you at least two days to argue about the Constitution.

On the other hand, shit i just realize we are going to border the hung on this turn or the next siberian frontier action there. There might be an interesting diplomatic event.​
[X][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808

(Guys, maybe the Guilds aren't so bad? I mean it appears everyone has a thing aganst the Guilds, they totally wont become a scapegoat for why we lost the war... Oh, and they totally aren't bribing me:whistle:)

Coughxcough, no one saw that.
This works quite well.
A stationary greenhouse with heating lamps can allow to grow nearly everything year round, but it also needs a lot of energy, so needs a really good cost/benefit calculations.
Theres the heated wall strategy(in a box shape, if the buttom, back and side faces are solid walls while the top and front face are glass facing the sun) to make them even more efficient with a packed earth/sand wall to trap heat so that you don't need as much glass, and make use of walls to shield the area from wind chill.

Still needs light, but we don't have electricity yet, so its only natural light and possibly boilers warming the walls.
I'm worried that if we start a constitutional monarchy, if we'll be able to take actions against the guilds. I assume they would have enormous electoral power due not only to numbers, but also social prominence.

Main blocs in this early phase of representation:
-Elite nobility/royalty - Blamed for high level disasters. Praised for dealing with corruption and providing social services. Due to being isolated from direct interaction with the Mob they tend to be idolized in constitutional monarchies. Even modern day constitutional monarchies tend to nearly revere the royal family.

-Low nobility - Primary antagonist in class warfare, due to being in charge of the day to day management and tax farming, they are blamed for anything that goes wrong in daily life, while if they do their job properly the best they get is become part of the background.

-Guild elites - Secondary antagonist in class warfare, their status stems from playing those below them against those above them, framing themselves as protectors, but also being the ones driving ever harsher work conditions to make the necessary production happen. Currently vulnerable due to being at 1/3 IC, the Guilds are VISIBLY not managing to keep up with the demand.

-Merchants and Corporate elite - Currently the shining star that can do no wrong. We've yet to have a Company implode under us yet, or anywhere in the world. They're the Golden Boy, the new age of money for everyone. They'd be pushing for eroding ALL traditional institutions in their favor.

-Urban Workers - Primary support base AND primary enemy to the guild elites. Their demands will almost ALL come out of the guild elites before anything else. Currently strengthened due to regional republican sentiment and doubly strengthened because at 1/3 IC we're in a Labor Shortage(giving the workers more power).

-Peasants - Conservative bloc. Everything's fine so far, why change it? They are not exposed to the troubles of the industrial age and will prefer to resist anything moving them away from their comfy spot...except maybe changing the nobles taxing them because clearly those taxes are unjust man.

-Military - Chaotic. We're doing a military reform while we reform the government. They'd be afraid of losing their status, they'd be afraid of being the weak man of Europe. You'd see a lot of pushes in all direction, some trying to protect traditional military privileges and wanting to go back to the Good Old Days where we were the most powerful force in the world and clearly our mistake was letting the King do anything with the army, some trying to adopt new ideas to stop sucking.

It'd be a bloody mess
Theres the heated wall strategy(in a box shape, if the buttom, back and side faces are solid walls while the top and front face are glass facing the sun) to make them even more efficient with a packed earth/sand wall to trap heat so that you don't need as much glass, and make use of walls to shield the area from wind chill.

Still needs light, but we don't have electricity yet, so its only natural light and possibly boilers warming the walls.

Main blocs in this early phase of representation:
-Elite nobility/royalty - Blamed for high level disasters. Praised for dealing with corruption and providing social services. Due to being isolated from direct interaction with the Mob they tend to be idolized in constitutional monarchies. Even modern day constitutional monarchies tend to nearly revere the royal family.

-Low nobility - Primary antagonist in class warfare, due to being in charge of the day to day management and tax farming, they are blamed for anything that goes wrong in daily life, while if they do their job properly the best they get is become part of the background.

-Guild elites - Secondary antagonist in class warfare, their status stems from playing those below them against those above them, framing themselves as protectors, but also being the ones driving ever harsher work conditions to make the necessary production happen. Currently vulnerable due to being at 1/3 IC, the Guilds are VISIBLY not managing to keep up with the demand.

-Merchants and Corporate elite - Currently the shining star that can do no wrong. We've yet to have a Company implode under us yet, or anywhere in the world. They're the Golden Boy, the new age of money for everyone. They'd be pushing for eroding ALL traditional institutions in their favor.

-Urban Workers - Primary support base AND primary enemy to the guild elites. Their demands will almost ALL come out of the guild elites before anything else. Currently strengthened due to regional republican sentiment and doubly strengthened because at 1/3 IC we're in a Labor Shortage(giving the workers more power).

-Peasants - Conservative bloc. Everything's fine so far, why change it? They are not exposed to the troubles of the industrial age and will prefer to resist anything moving them away from their comfy spot...except maybe changing the nobles taxing them because clearly those taxes are unjust man.

-Military - Chaotic. We're doing a military reform while we reform the government. They'd be afraid of losing their status, they'd be afraid of being the weak man of Europe. You'd see a lot of pushes in all direction, some trying to protect traditional military privileges and wanting to go back to the Good Old Days where we were the most powerful force in the world and clearly our mistake was letting the King do anything with the army, some trying to adopt new ideas to stop sucking.

It'd be a bloody mess
I agree with that, with the caveat that I think urban workers and Guild Apprentices and Journeymen tended to be allied with the Guild elites in many of these conflicts. Part of it was that they imagined themselves eventually becoming Masters, and part of it was that they indoctrinated into the system to the point that they could only imagine reform within the Guild system.

Edit: But I imagine it depends on context. For example, coal miners used to have a pretty adversarial relationship with the coal mine owners. But now as the industry is dying, and for other cultural reasons, they're incredibly supportive of the mine owners politically.
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@Academia Nut who arethe Redwood Dominion? Precolumbian Brazil with their shit un-pushed in?
New Hespranxer is Mexico in its wackily unstable greatness (5 governments in 40 years (I researched it to write a book once))
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