We need to at LEAST rapid expand industry x3 next turn to bring us to our current cap. 3 PW and pollution for for 6 IC is worth it.

Then DTI x 2 for 1 PW and a good ways towards removing hinterlands entirely.

And A DS to keep the refugees coming and perhaps regain supreme power status.

But we REALLY need to hit the IC cap NOW and Inno 15 NOW. Maybe mention to the royalists and liberals (who want to open up Hung markets), who now have power of the purse, that bills with perm navies will be taken. An efficent perm Navy x 2 midturn bill would be like candy to me.

If the parlament can be talked into expanding the navy with their actions the crown can afford to be more diplomatic.

The far east opportunities are time limited - Sketch won't be stuck in a land war in Syffryn for long. I rate the DO higher than the DS at least.
The far east opportunities are time limited - Sketch won't be stuck in a land war in Syffryn for long. I rate the DO higher than the DS at least.

Possibly. I am not sure the Sketch are going to do more than pussyfoot around the land war though.

ERDI x3, Increase Innovation x1 or 2 (SoL permitting), DTI, and DO.

Next turn ERDI x2, build rail x2, DTI, Build perm navy x 1... If we are going to war with Nohon we REALLY need innovation to minimize the PW cost to spamming navies.

Rahhh... We need more PW still!
[X] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[X] [War] Tear their heart out (Punch through to the sea)

I'm hoping we can sell off those lands if a peace conference comes up, or hold them with a local government as a GP backer.

Edit: Don't need approval vote now.
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Come what may I want the Saffron states to pay us significant concessions in trade and tech for saving all their asses.

A - because they will be grateful for our timely intervention.

B - They will be properly terrified of our armies who just crushed TWO armies each big enougj to stop them.
We already have Innovation 15, as Free Press adds half our Consciousness (10) to Innovation (10), at least till Consciousness ticks down :p

Boosting it back up is also very easy for us.

Consciousness will posibly drop to 3(3). I am not opposed to purchasing SoL with conciousness to buy it and SoL back up at the same time. Good idea.

4 PW would give us 2 perm SoL, 6 consciousness, and thus 3 innovation.

If our temp SoL is still high, that is not a bad idea.
[X] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[X] [War] Tear their heart out (Punch through to the sea)

Another concept turn.

NORMAL expand industry x 4, brings us to 10 IC without pollution (extra) from RDI, just the normal 4 for IC over cap. This costs 4 PW. This spend all our temp IC. Pollution 5 means we gain 2 innovation from Conciousness.

Then we increase SoL with conciousness, bringing us to consciousness 8 and +4 innovation...

No. Not using rapid DI is just too PW and IC expensive. 3 RDI brings us 8 pollution, 6 IC, and this +2 innovation all for just 3 PW. A DTI and then diplomacy is a good followup.

If we can afford it we should aim for Conciousness 10 to get innovation 15. We can save some temp trust from a diplomacy action or temp IC to get there.
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Can we build some espionage networks in Nohon and Tortun next turn ?

These two are the major problem areas for us and it would be worth it to have a few trip wires in the region before we get blindsided by something major again.
Can we build some espionage networks in Nohon and Tortun next turn ?

These two are the major problem areas for us and it would be worth it to have a few trip wires in the region before we get blindsided by something major again.
Helping to galvanise the Chesun, who hate Nohon's occupation and mismanagement of them, and bribe some greedy governors they have in their unattended Kyberian forts seems like a good thing to do next turn yes.
On a side note, we need to remember that we need to keep our SoL significantly above Edu: Otherwise returning advisors could cause serious issues.
On a side note, we need to remember that we need to keep our SoL significantly above Edu: Otherwise returning advisors could cause serious issues.

Yes, but I am also hoping the Hung will be able to start actually PAYING for their advisors sometime in the next turn or two. We have a 6 SoL deficit tied up in their broken ecconomy. I hope our trade port at least starts to function next round, bringing in it's 2 SoL as tea farms within it's area start to grow tea again.

A few years is enough for food and trade to stabalize even if the government isn't rich enough to pay us back.
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On a side note, we need to remember that we need to keep our SoL significantly above Edu: Otherwise returning advisors could cause serious issues.

I keep forgetting that when we get our advisors back, we get the education with them.

Also, would it be worth promoting trade with the Manacpa?
Remember, IC over the non-pollution cap also adds pollution, so one should be careful when increasing the IC with RDI, as to not suddenly get something like +5 Cons and drop happiness to zero.
Remember, IC over the non-pollution cap also adds pollution, so one should be careful when increasing the IC with RDI, as to not suddenly get something like +5 Cons and drop happiness to zero.

Well, the idea is to rapidly expand while getting our consciousness up enough to have innovation 15. We WANT high consciousness as long as we have the SoL to support it.

That is one reason that I really hope that, now several years in, the Hung port restarts trade soon and gives us the +2 SoL from it. If the Hung can even start paying 1 of the 4 SoL they owe us, even better.
[X] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[X] [War] Disembowel them (Liberate Behryvar)
Still... while this design could probably become part of the People's arsenal eventually, getting it into mass production right away would eat up a lot of efforts going elsewhere and it would still take time to really filter out. It also wasn't really appropriate for all units, since the cavalry would probably get something a little easier to reload while mounted and the revolving cylinder designs could provide instantaneously faster shots when in pistol form, which would also be useful for the cavalry and certain assault specialists.

Adopt the Trusse needle gun design?
[] [Needle] Yes - Practical Breechloading Rifles and Universal Rifling Complete immediately, elite units begin fielding the weapon in small numbers immediately, other military RP gains suppressed for the round
[] [Needle] No - Standard RP gain
My chief concern here would be the logistical implications of trying to make this switch in the middle of the war.
My chief concern here would be the logistical implications of trying to make this switch in the middle of the war.

Nah. We are not making the switch wholesale, just for our elite. They are skilled and trained ehough to make the transition and we are not disasembling the old supply line. Next peace will likely see mass application as we switch fully over to the new design.
Nah. We are not making the switch wholesale, just for our elite. They are skilled and trained ehough to make the transition and we are not disasembling the old supply line. Next peace will likely see mass application as we switch fully over to the new design.
That IS a logistical complication. 2 types of bullets, 2 types of guns, a gun that needs needles, a gun that doesn't,
Negaverse: Sketch Crash
Sketch: The Crash Continues
You had done it. The bleeding, both physically and metaphorically, had stopped. Whole universities had to be shuttered, the money saved to relieve tax burdens. The army and navy, pride of the nation, had to be sold to any bidder who would take them. The waters of the Home Islands had to run red with blood before the riots stopped. But the riots had stopped.

The education system was in shambles, no way around it. Removing nearly all the funding from the schools and universities had left them bare husks, the adjunct professors and administrators who ran them all gone, running off all over the world but mostly to the Dual Crown, or shot. For the next decade at the least, your education system would be starved of talent at all levels.

The navy was, if not so dramatically reduced, markedly reduced, the ships going to countries that, if not allies, were at least neutral to you. Still, staring at the loss of your ships, knowing that the doctrine of being able to take on any two other powers had to be scrapped cut deeply; the only bright spot was that there were no other navies who could contest yours, by virtue of no other power being truly capable of fielding any power.

The one good news in all the collapse was that the industry had stayed intact. God, you had to sacrifice everything else, but that at least you'd preserved.

That was the only good news. Having temporarily stopped the bleeding had forced your countries' attention outward, at the Siffron Karovonite Federation on the continent. Your aristocrats, businessmen, admirals, and generals were all baying for Federation blood, and there would be no way to stop them without being deposed.

Even worse, your continental goals of not having a hegemon on the continent had failed in the most dramatic way possible; the Dual Crown, second only to the Sketch, had taken on the Ochruhr and Siffron Karovonite Federation at the same time, nearly the entire Syffryn continent. And from what your agents could tell you, it was bloody fighting on the front, but the Ochruhr were being slowly pushed back and the Federation had managed to resist for only half a year before the front collapsed, the Dual Crown's army nearly outrunning their own orders.

It was now clear; there was a hegemonic power on the continent, and its name was the Dual Monarchy.

Everyone running your government is calling for war on the Federation; how much do you commit?
[] [War] Don't
[] [War] 3PW - Minimum effort (Royalists, Liberals angered)
[] [War] 1PW - Moderate effort
[] [War] 3PW - Maximum effort (Royalists pleased)


Civantiiq said:
Oh hey, there we go! I told all of you that rapid expansion was a terrible idea, and did any of you listen to me?
RealpolitikWalrus said:
The outcome's bad but acceptable. We have our industry, and that's the only thing that matters here. The DC seem to be doing a fine job winning the war, so we don't need to do much there. Let's just put in moderate effort and not anger our factions.
TaiAlec said:
@Academic Nun How are the DC so good at military things anyway? It's complete and utter bullshit that they can somehow keep up with us as second place with an outdated government and then still have the ability to win a fight with all of Siffron. I could tolerate them shrugging off the crash, because that's the benefit of having their system, but why do they still have the economic capacity to match the two? And how is their military that far ahead that it could win like they did in Siffron?
eikeev said:
I guess that answers my question about the Army score of Earth-Shattering. Apparently that also shatters Siffron armies too.
Malevolnce said:
Fuck, that's what Nokly was doing!
Duchal said:
Please tell me they were playing the USSR national anthem @Academic Nun
Academic Nun said:
TaiAlec said:
@Academic Nun How are the DC so good at military things anyway? It's complete and utter bullshit that they can somehow keep up with us as second place with an outdated government and then still have the ability to win a fight with all of Siffron. I could tolerate them shrugging off the crash, because that's the benefit of having their system, but why do they still have the economic capacity to match the two? And how is their military that far ahead that it could win like they did in Siffron?
While you were industrializing, the Gulmaryn were training. While you were colonizing, the Gulmaryn were training. While you were trying to put out the fire, the Gulmaryn were training. This is the result.
Duchal said:
Please tell me they were playing the USSR national anthem @Academic Nun
Too early for that, but if they could they would :p