Oof, lost 500+ Orcs here. That's a hefty chunk of our most veteran and loyal core forces.
It is however spread over the 1000, so your most veteran forces would have been only 100-200 losses, whereas there would have been proportionally more losses among the cohort of inexperienced artificially aged warriors from the Demonsword clan.
But yea 500 dead is still a lot.
Humans have a lower caloric requirement than orcs
Indeed, but how are you transporting them etc. This is Grok's considerations while they're going along, that humans just wouldn't be able to keep up with the swole rock boys that are the Orcs.
You just have to vote getting magical support as one of the options.
So you do have various shaman. Of those, only some of the shaman will be useful in actual battle rather than as just support staff. The RPG differentiates between normal shaman and battle shaman, and there's a point about the idea that battle shaman are 'too' experienced in warfare, that they're incapable of calling on the spirits for things that aren't violence etc. It's an interesting point basically.
Same with mages etc, you'll have some which are good at killing stuff, more who are good at enchantment, or being basically magical tradespeople. If you grab a guy who's job it is to make arcanite all day, or to monitor and maintain Section 4 of the ley network, he's not going to be great at throwing pyroblasts.
You could certainly do with specialised magical support yes, or the training of said. As I've mentioned at various points I use a sort of tech tree system, in this case the development of a Dark Shamanic tradition or further magical stuff would be the 'lead the oreseekers' action. You're welcome to also think about a new one though. I'll be modifying or adding some actions in the next turn to reflect stuff from these chapters.
yeah this really shows our weakness we could beat enemies like the scourge cause their are champion heavy
This rather interests me. For example, both the Scourge and the Crusade seem to reach the conclusion that champion forces are the way to go. That's why Fordring holds his Tournament, to select the best participants to assault Icecrown while the rest of the army is distracting the Scourge forces. I suppose its similar to the primacy of knights in western europe for centuries because you spend so much time and energy educating and equipping a military class so much that in the right conditions they become the only force necessary to acheive victory.
It seems to me that our good sir Grok'mash is a bit of a meathead - like all Orcs, in a way, but that doesn't make it better for Regent Gregor.
And part of the problem is the complete decoupling of "Orc economy" and "local economy".
We focused a teeny tiny bit much on making him a Samurai that duels people and defeats them, while making proclamations about Muh Honour.
Which is cool and a good way to get Orc followers... but it's not everything.
I'll probably address this in an infopost about Grok's personality, just to make sure I'm representing stuff well enough. One of my attempt in this quest has certainly been to have a character, rather than just a vessel for the readers to act through and therefore someone who's personality flips about a lot.
I guess I am also influenced by my original character concept that did not win the vote (years ago; wow, time passes^^) , more based on stealth and knowledge, i.e. more Orc Corvo Attano than the current Orc Paragon!Commander Shepard. But the point still stands 100%
I should probably go back to the originals at some point. I can't remember who did the druid character, but I was thinking of having one of the worgen bite and orc and turn into that guy or something. I did integrate Angrais immediately so maybe I should add a few more. We'll see. Usually I go with canonical ones and adapt them though. I think Vark is probably really the only new character? Mazath the blademaster too as he's a guy who's the son of a canonical one etc.
@FractiousDay was the switch of Nekros and Nek'rosh intentional?
No and this annoys me. I've corrected now but I assumed the more linguistically complex name was the older one when I was fabricating the explanation for the lazy writing of just repeating the character's name twice.
well unless something big happens we can focus mostly on alterac this comming turn (with 1 merc mission for kul and stormwind to maybe)
Oh don't worry there's not anything lurking on the horizon that might disrupt your plans unless you find it soon!