I mean fairly easily really. We've all been discussing 'oh what if Thrall is angry' for a while after all, turns out he is. Or, maybe people just think he is, I would emphasise that there's at least 3 dreadlords wandering about this region after all.
But, as a thinking exercise for myself while I'm planning out the next few chapters, let's map Thrall's actions toward Grok so far. Speculation or challenge welcome.
- Thrall is warchief, the Burning Blade are regarded with a degree of suspicion, but honour.
- Grok's father, the nominal chief of the BB is the Elder Warlock of the Horde, their most expereinced user of Fel magic. Thrall finds this beneficial, but generally dissproves of the Fel
- Grok is about, and is probably someone Thrall has at least heard of, but then eventually turns up with a couple of reports, which remark positively regarding his conduct. Thrall intercepts him and brings him in to present a bit of political theater, apparently having heard that Grok is wanting to be a Blademaster. Thrall sees Grok as a potentially promising subordinate, and admires his dutiful and honorable nature, but fundamentally also sees him as a pawn in his intrigues.
- Grok begins to integrate back into the BB, and does some miltiary stuff for Nazgrel. In taking down Darkstorm, Thrall begins to think maybe Grok is being used as a way for Feldad to 'wash' his reputation
- During this time, and previously, Thrall is gathering infomation across Kalimdor, and knows BB are hiding stuff. This includes, but is not limited to, deniable warlock assets, secret bases, dubious allies, and most pressingly a large force in Desolace, an area Thrall has little intel on. Thrall firmly believes that the BB are relatively well organised, and are unified, though perhaps not under Feldad. Therefore every report of a rouge warlock or evidence of someone doing some human sacrifices is suspicious to him.
- Nothing happens for a while, then suddenly Forneus strides over the horizon and Thrall has to defend Orgrimmar. He and the shaman fail, and its' Feldad who defeats Forneus with a powerful Fel spell that Gul'dan used once to torture the elementals of Draenor.
- In the aftermath what exactly happens slowly becomes clear from the reports of Vark and Kartha, but the problem is Feldad and the BB's fame has rapidly risen while Thrall's been in a coma or something. However, the upshot of it is that while Thrall doesn't necessarily blame Grok for the destruction of large parts of Ogrimmar, and the mini-Cataclysm that's happened, clearly to some extent the BB are responsible.
- Thrall tries to use Grok as a pawn again, to give him the ability to bring the BB down. He plays up the demon worship, etcetc, and things are going pretty well till Grok torpedos the whole thing by taking responsibility for it and defusing the situation. Thrall could have pushed here, but his legitimacy as Warchief is inherantly shaky due to tribal politics, and his advisers encourage him to let it lie for the moment.
- Grok is exiled, it's a bit of a mess allround, and Thrall busies himself with reconstruction and consolidation. Meanwhile, he knows Feldad is being sneaky in various ways, and that Feldad is enjoying previously unforseen popularity. Most devastatingly, Thrall observes that Feldad's influence has now cause the pendulum of 'fel good or fell bad' to swing dangernously toward 'good' again. Thrall's whole political philosophy is brought into question and public debate bubbles. If Shamanism is so cool, why couldn't Thrall his friends stop Forneus?
- Grok has largely passed out of Thrall's mind, but then stories arrive about BBs fighting in Lordaeron. Thrall is initially quite confused, but over time the stories becomes clearer. Grok has infiltrated the Crusade and gained the respect of various people there. Thrall personally has mixed feelings on this. On one hand, he wants peace with the Alliance, on the other, he himself was a human slave.
- Politically however, this is quite damaging. Thrall derives his legitimacy from the inherant defensive pact the Horde composes. He has essentially abandoned the Forsaken. No one necessarily blames him for his, but it does open him to accusations of weakness from his detractors. Feldad is included in these, but Feldad doesn't even need to say anything, he can just 'observe' that his son is there fighting against the Scourge.
- Grok's fig leaf of 'exile' is preserved because Thrall can't find any evidence of Orcs actually leaving to go join Grok. Grok is getting all his support from local tribes, the Crusade, and the penal batallions formed by Stormwind. This is also very awkward for Thrall because it makes it look like Grok isn't a BB pawn but is a legit exile. But surely that can't be?
- Grok wins several victories, increasing his fame. Though not a challenger at present, Thrall, who's busy rebuilding and fighting fires, finds it difficult to contest the developing narrative. At this point Feldad and others aren't necessariyl trying to take Thrall down, and Thrall knows this, but intrigues continue.
- Suddently 10k Forsaken turn up in Desolace, devastating the local centaur and fortifying the region. They openly associate with the BB fortress there. The Forsaken can only have gotten there by a demon portal, confirmed by Thrall's intelligence services and own shamanic senses, which infers a number of things. Firstly, Grok may have been sent to Lordaeron deliberately to bring the Forsaken over, which means he also may have been sent as a wider strategy, mastermided by Feldad. Every action Grok takes begins to look deliberate. While Thrall knows Grok isn't necessarily the cleverest guy (given Grok has previously been fairly naive), there's an open question as to Grok's agency in all of this. It might be that he's acting independantly, or it might be that he's opeying clan orders.
- Grok takes Anderhol, the newest height of his rapid miltiary career. This is the first time an Orc has led a significant military action since the short war against Kul Tiras. This builds on Grok's (reasonably) successful defence of Dreadmist. Rumours spread from unknown sources regarding Grok's skill and honour, and the fact that he's been acknoledged as a Blademaster. While once that was a quaint thing when Grok first turned up, with two victories under his belt this becomes more credible.
- Thrall hasn't heard from Hammerfall in a while, but then one day he gets a message (I dont know by spirit phone or something) from there or from Drekthar saying that Grok turned up, is working for the humans, and recruited some of their dudes. This is dangerous for a number of reasons because it looks like Grok is trying to build up his forces, and threatens the security of 'loyal' bases, and from the report it seems that Grok is working on his own, rather than just being a pawn. Worse, Grok has continued his dubious relations with Elemetnals, and has bound a powerful one. Grok fights the Alliances enemies, implying that he's willing to probably fight orcs too in order to increase his power.
- Grok takes Naxx, fighting various fearsome enemies. Grok has been associating with famous human warriors like the original members of the Silver Hand (who I've noted in this quest are well known and respected among the Orcs), and he's now beaten Mograine in single combat. Thrall (as far as I can tell) doesn't have any notable martial feats. He is, after all, a shaman. He had a reasonable gladiatorial career, but Grok's significant skill in combat eclipses his quite comfortably. These are all hits to Thrall's authority again.
- Grok makes for Alterac, the known location of demon-worshiping Orcs and a (preusmably) functional demon gate.
- Grok leads his army into Alterac Valley, bearing down on the Frostwolves.
What happens next I've yet to actually write. This will involve some rolls, but what I want to demonstrate here is that there is at least a significant amount of room here for misconceptions, intrigues, implications, and finally rash action. I rolled for what orders Drek'thar had received from Thrall, this would represent to a degree what Thrall has told Drek'thar to do, and also Thrall's opinions on Grok's actions more generally. This quest doesn't have alternate viewpoints so I don't intend to tell you actually what's going on, though there are indeed things in the background. For example, as mentioned above, there are Dreadlords known to be in the area, who would definitely benefit from the destruction of the Frostwolves and further isolation of Grok. I'm not saying that's actually what's happened, but one of the narrative strengths of this quest is Grok's limited internal perspective.
Also, from an external perspective I suppose, with me as the author, I rolled a 1 on an important roll. This wasn't failing a miltiary action or something, this was for Thrall's position, a powerful figure who can to a greater or lesser extent dictate your future. You rolled the worst possible roll you could, a roll that's traditionally reserved for truely calamitous events. I must respect that and arbitrate how that'll work.
Also, as I know they'll be coming, and to defuse any objections that a single roll will dictate the future of the quest, or somehow lock you into a particular outcome, no it wont. Come on we're 200k in, you're aware that's not my style.