I'm gonna be honest, this whole thing kinda got away from me here, but I promise I've never been around Gefji without an escort. Ye...*The word "yet" is cut out of Harald's mouth by the look in Njal's eyes* Ye...you're really lucky to have a Clan as strong as Blomtanja, enjoy the party."

Were Njal graced with the temper of a Beserk this night may yet have ended with a feud, or perhaps a weregild on Njal's part. As of yet Njal just lets the drunk man ramble before walking away towards any nearby food.
Ragnar walks Harald away quickly, the blue axe pendant bouncing on Harald's chest.

"Oh...so that's what you were worried about. That makes sense, I thought you were worried she wouldn't b..."

Haralds speech is cut off as Ragnar puts a horn of water between his lips.

As Harald sees the bottom of the Horn, he slowly realizes what he said, and keeps it front of his face for as long as he believably can.
Gunnar attends the party, freshly resurrected from his most recent death. He glides around, engaging in light conversation with the various others gathered, but mostly ends up talking to Liv. He seems impatient, the only thing keeping him from vibrating on the spot as he talks about his upcoming plans being the unnatural stillness his bloodline grants him.

Gunnar mostly talks to people about his plans to catch one of the bat-cows that was discovered in the coming season, and how he will either attempt to domesticate it, or, if that proves untenable, deliver the live creature to Hrolfr to be "improved" for domestic purposes. He is open to small talk from the others.
Having listened to Gunnar's rambling about his plans for the future and having informed him of the progress her construction work has made, Liv tries to also engage with others.

Some have brought a kind of alcoholic drink from the locals, maybe they know how it was made? And are open to sharing those insights? And any others they have about brewing...
Ragnar walks Harald away quickly, the blue axe pendant bouncing on Harald's chest.

"Oh...so that's what you were worried about. That makes sense, I thought you were worried she wouldn't b..."

Haralds speech is cut off as Ragnar puts a horn of water between his lips.

As Harald sees the bottom of the Horn, he slowly realizes what he said, and keeps it front of his face for as long as he believably can.

Ragnarr begins actively using his Emotion Kunna to make Harald calm and sleepy, and is going to take him home to sleep it off. @OneArmedYeti
Ragnarr begins actively using his Emotion Kunna to make Harald calm and sleepy, and is going to take him home to sleep it off. @OneArmedYeti
It's then that your eldest son, Geirfinnr, comes running to you. A boy of nine, he's at the cusp of going out and adventuring in or around the settlement's walls. Of course, that doesn't mean he has the aptitude for it--in fact, he almost certainly doesn't. Geirinnr shies away from violence. On its own, that isn't so bad, but when combined with his bad habit of seeking confrontation out...?

Well, the bruise on his cheek--ugly and purple and bigger than a fist--is evidence enough of how breaking his habit is going.

"Daddy!" He shouts, nearby eyes falling on you and yours at the sudden noise, "B-" You cover his mouth with a hand, dragging him out the door and away from prying eyes. Silently cursing the threads of fate that led to this point, you're forced to temporarily abandon a drunken Harald while you sort out the mess your son's gotten himself into. Pulling your hand away from his mouth, Geirfunnr immediately starts to babble, "Daddy, Bo hit me!"

You feel a new wrinkle on your brow as your frown creases your face.


Historical Note: Though Deadman, of course, has final say over what Ragnarr thinks of this mess, it wasn't unexpected for children to assert themselves over their fellow Norse children if they thought them weak--sometimes it was even prized! Of course, Geirfinnr avoiding any altercations with kids his age and only focusing on those his junior doesn't exactly paint a very nice picture.
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"Daddy!" He shouts, nearby eyes falling on you and yours at the sudden noise, "B-" You cover his mouth with a hand, dragging him out the door and away from prying eyes. Silently cursing the threads of fate that led to this point, you're forced to temporarily abandon a drunken Harald while you sort out the mess your son's gotten himself into. Pulling your hand away from his mouth, Geirfunnr immediately starts to babble, "Daddy, Bo hit me!"

Ragnarr sighs deeply and recalls Bo being given a ball... "Why did Bo hit you? With what? Was it an accident or did he do it intentionally? I obviously need to go talk with him and his parents, but son, I need a full report."
*Hah, I resisted his Kunna, time to go find Gefjoza again* Harald thought obliviously to himself, the Gods mercifully masking the sight of his second cousins bruised face with Ragnar's chest and the words of the boy drowned out by the dreams roaring in Harald's ears.

He went off, unable to find anyone before he fell, landing on a soft mound of Soil that fell from the bags on his belt as he did.

He snores, there, earth forming the shape of frogs laying eggs around him as he sleeps.
Ragnarr sighs deeply and recalls Bo being given a ball... "Why did Bo hit you? With what? Was it an accident or did he do it intentionally? I obviously need to go talk with him and his parents, but son, I need a full report."
Geirfinnr bubbles for a moment, waffling about on the spot, "He was going around asking the other children what kind of toys they wanted--" when the alcohol had been broken out, someone had the wise decision of shepherding the young to their own space, "--and skipped me! Looked me in the eye and then did it! I said that he should give me the ball, then, but then he said that I have a stupid name and then hit me with the ball!"
Geirfinnr bubbles for a moment, waffling about on the spot, "He was going around asking the other children what kind of toys they wanted--" when the alcohol had been broken out, someone had the wise decision of shepherding the young to their own space, "--and skipped me! Looked me in the eye and then did it! I said that he should give me the ball, then, but then he said that I have a stupid name and then hit me with the ball!"

Ragnarr's sigh deepens "Alright, and did you do anything in response? Regardless, we'll go collect him and take him to see his parents about this, but I do need to know."
Hmmm. @I.F. Ister a few item-related questions:

1. Anja Giantbone was wanting to get a seeress reward that could catch lightning, preferably a glove, I think? Is that viable and what form would it take?
2. The Time-Gator Scales in the Seeress's shop don't list a duration, do they provide a permanent resistance to time effects or what?
By the way @I.F. Ister, there are a couple of questions that you missed.
Ragnarr's sigh deepens "Alright, and did you do anything in response? Regardless, we'll go collect him and take him to see his parents about this, but I do need to know."
Geirfinnr shuffles on the spot, looking anywhere but your eyes, "I... No, I didn't do anything."

Your lips thin. It's one thing to be beaten in a fight, it's another entirely to run away after the first blow--especially when the odds are on your side like in the case of a nine-year-old versus one of six winters.
Geirfinnr shuffles on the spot, looking anywhere but your eyes, "I... No, I didn't do anything."

Your lips thin. It's one thing to be beaten in a fight, it's another entirely to run away after the first blow--especially when the odds are on your side like in the case of a nine-year-old versus one of six winters.

Ragnarr cocks his head "Why not? And did you say anything to Bo before this? A reason he might've been upset at you?"
Sigmund comes over to Ragnarr and offers to use his bloodline's ability to detect truth and deceit to help his cousin and blood-brother get to the bottom of this.
Sigmund glances at Geirfinnr's embarrassment and leaves to find Bo so he can get the other party's side of the story, hoping to deal with this mess without a feud or anyone having Nid at the end of it.
Tired of sitting in the corner embarrassed and playing with rocks, steinarr goes to whwre the children are and play a stone based game.
"I... Bo..." Heat rises on Geirfinnr's face as he struggles to get his words out, "Bo is really really str-" His words cut out as Sigmund joins the conversation, the embarrassment too much for the child to take.

Ragnarr pats his son's shoulder and speaks in what starts in a soothing tone, but becomes more firm as he speaks "Son, a man must stand up and account for what he's done and why. Sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes they're embarrassing. Sometimes everyone does the wrong thing in the moment, to be a drengr is to overcome fear, and that includes fear of embarrassment when admitting that we made a mistake. If you made a mistake here, now is the time to admit it. Concealing the truth is seldom the right path, and twisting it never is. Tell me what happened and why, and we'll work out what needs to happen. Bo hitting you with the ball was also wrong, and needs to be dealt with, but for things to be fair I need to know the whole situation. So tell me. Now."

OOC Note: Fair is an important word in Ragnarr's house, he's big on fairness. His son would know if he's talking about fairness he is deadly serious.
"Son, a man must stand up and account for what he's done and why. Sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes they're embarrassing. Sometimes everyone does the wrong thing in the moment, to be a drengr is to overcome fear, and that includes fear of embarrassment when admitting that we made a mistake. If you made a mistake here, now is the time to admit it. Concealing the truth is seldom the right path, and twisting it never is. Tell me what happened and why, and we'll work out what needs to happen. Bo hitting you with the ball was also wrong, and needs to be dealt with, but for things to be fair I need to know the whole situation. So tell me. Now."
Geirfinnr takes a breath, his back straightening with it, and nods, "Bo refuses to listen to others, always acting like he's somehow better just because he fought the Void-Eagle... It just... It just makes me so frustrated. He just rushes right in, fearless, while I'm here with soft blood." For whatever reason, Geirfinnr simply struggles with his bloodline--so much so that you'd suspected it had skipped him. Of course, he does have Bleeding Edge and his manipulation of his blood proves that, it's just that it doesn't come anywhere near as naturally for him as it did for you and your generation. "I'm the Hersir's son, I'm supposed to be a leader! But..." He shrugs, his eyes falling to the floor, "But I'm not. He is. And I lash out because of it."

For all his faults, let it never be said that Geirfinnr lacks maturity.
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Where did Harald go? The last thing Gefjosa remembered, they'd been talking about frogs and how to keep them moist and that probably hadn't been a euphemism for anything but also maybe?! it wasn't IT WAS! Then he was just gone?! To be fair, they'd been drinking this corn stuff, which smell great and tasted better, all night and everything was starting to go a little soft at the edges.

Okay. Find Harald. He's wearing that blue glowing thing. He should be easy to find. Retrace his steps. He came to the party and then he went and talked to that girl! he talked to that girl before you. he likes her more. TEAR HER ARMS OFF AND WEAR HER FACE! That girl! Maybe she knows where he went.

Anja Giantbone (@theknightofiron ) was easy to find even amid the crowd of... almost every who lived in their village... since she was taller than almost everyone except Uncle Njal. Gefjosa pushstumbled her way through the throng until she was in front of the other girl and looked up at her face. Up and up and up... huh? Gefjosa made a sound like someone punched her in the chest and all the indignant, drunk rage that had been building up inside her puffed out like so much hot air. She collapsed into a a seat next to Anja.

"Hi. I'm Anja. Y'er Gejfosa" That came out backwards. That's okay, she knows what I mean. "Wanna talk about boys?"
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Sigmund glances at Geirfinnr's embarrassment and leaves to find Bo so he can get the other party's side of the story, hoping to deal with this mess without a feud or anyone having Nid at the end of it.
@I.F. Ister Sigmund approaches Bo and the other kids and says, "Alright, Bo, I'm not good at this diplomacy stuff, but as one fighter to another, I want to hear your side of the story. This is a mess, but it is a mess I want to see get resolved without escalating to a feud."
came to the party and then he went and talked to that girl! he talked to that girl before you. he likes her more. TEAR HER ARMS OFF AND WEAR HER FACE!

OOC: Everyone, I would like to share a bit from clan Jarnblod's pm chain, because I thought it would be funny.

Nobody has said any of the below out loud here, I just want vindication.

Ragnar's house said:
Ragnarr notes for Harald to be careful with his heart and not get infatuated too early.

Harald chuckles, "Someone should tell her that"