We could probably use the format:
"[Name of God]" + "hirding"
To refer to any specific group of Einherjar serving a given god, actually.

Like, you could have the Thorhirding, Sifhirding, Týrhirding, Freyjahirding, Frigghirding, Heimdallrhirding, and so on. Although it's an open question whether each of those deities would necessarily have their own Hird. I think Freyja at least definitely would, she has her own field in the afterlife, Fólkvangr, where half people who died with honour in battle go.
Speaking of teaching tricks.
Think we can start "group teaching" and "teaching by poetry" tricks in near-ish future?
Want to have that done before it is time for our kids to start their education.

We've been told that we can't really start teaching the kids Tricks and stuff until they're, like, 7 or 8 at a minimum, IIRC. So we have, like, 4 and 1/2 years minimum before this becomes a concern. And these'll take us a year or so at most to learn. I'm not against picking this up, but urgent it is not.

Which is to say yeah, that's on the agenda, but it's on the agenda for, like, maybe two years from now. Is that the near-ish future? Matter of definitions, I guess.
We should also try and poke around the cottage a bit, since IIRC there were definitely arguments about whether the Witch died in a "hit" set up directly by the Enemy, or it was a pure coincidence which the Enemy capitalised on by taking on our debt. Assuming that the Witch's death is even how it the Enemy got ahold of our debt in the first place, which is itself unproven.
We should also try and poke around the cottage a bit, since IIRC there were definitely arguments about whether the Witch died in a "hit" set up directly by the Enemy, or it was a pure coincidence which the Enemy capitalised on by taking on our debt. Assuming that the Witch's death is even how it the Enemy got ahold of our debt in the first place, which is itself unproven.

She might also just have died at the same time as the attack (likely through Enemy action...it killed her at the same time the Troll-Men were attacking us), with the debt going away just being because she was dead. But yes, we definitely intend to poke around...we'll also be burning her body to avoid a Witch Draugr situation, which sounds unpleasant, and to hopefully pay back the minor favor we owed her.

That's, like, step three of the plan at a minimum and details depend heavily on how things go with Hasvir and then the confrontation/conversation with Hirkir, though. We need to deal with all that stuff before we start looking for her sanctum and otherwise snooping around.
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Was the Witch Norse or a different culture?

If she was Norse (she knew how to cast the Seeing Eye ritual) it's entirely possible The Enemy would have wanted her dead regardless because she would have been an Odr user, so might as well tie up multiple loose ends at a go.

In terms of timing, I think the Witch died at the same time as the Trollmen attack. Would be fitting with a rule of 3 situation.
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Was the Witch Norse or a different culture?

Evidence suggests she was Norse in terms of Cultivation, but may have followed a foreign deity (most likely the Morrigan, though others are possible).

If she was Norse (she knew how to cast the Seeing Eye ritual) it's entirely possible The Enemy would have wanted her dead regardless because she would have been an Odr user, so might as well tie up multiple loose ends at a go.

In terms of timing, I think the Witch died at the same time as the Trollmen attack. Would be fitting with a rule of 3 situation.

The three likely scenarios for her death are as follows, I think:

#1: As you say, she died right at the same time as the attack, probably as part of some sort of concerted plan by the Enemy, Horra, or both (likely without Horra's knowledge in the latter case). This almost necessitates the Enemy wanting to kill her in her own right, which is possible.
#2: She was killed in an unrelated incident some time before the attack, but the Enemy can take unpaid debts if there's no heir and used the Debt to open a hole in our defenses and send the Troll-Men. We didn't notice the debt being gone until the attack because it still existed, it was just held by someone else.
#3: As #2, but rather than being unrelated the Enemy killed her specifically in order to take over the debt we owed her so it could use it in an attack on us.

Technically, she could also have sold the debt at any time (in which case us feeling it gone is still due to it being used to let the Troll Men in) and then died in a completely unrelated manner later, but that seems unlikely.
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She might also just have died at the same time as the attack (likely through Enemy action...it killed her at the same time the Troll-Men were attacking us), with the debt going away just being because she was dead. But yes, we definitely intend to poke around...we'll also be burning her body to avoid a Witch Draugr situation, which sounds unpleasant, and to hopefully pay back the minor favor we owed her.

That's, like, step three of the plan at a minimum and details depend heavily on how things go with Hasvir and then the confrontation/conversation with Hirkir, though. We need to deal with all that stuff before we start looking for her sanctum and otherwise snooping around.

Awww man, now you say that, I really wanna fight a zombie witch! :D

But yeah it will be interesting to see whether Hirkir has gone completely around the bend or not. He's been living completely on his own in a cottage with the decaying corpse of a witch and who knows what weird magic floating around for what... several months now? Plus isn't he a shapecrafter, and didn't we conclude in an earlier discussion that they're often a few sandwiches short of a picnic anyway?

So yeah, I think there's a significant chance that reunion could be... interesting.

Awww man, now you say that, I really wanna fight a zombie witch! :D

But yeah it will be interesting to see whether Hirkir has gone completely around the bend or not. He's been living completely on his own in a cottage with the decaying corpse of a witch and who knows what weird magic floating around for what... several months now? Plus isn't he a shapecrafter, and didn't we conclude in an earlier discussion that they're often a few sandwiches short of a picnic anyway?

So yeah, I think there's a significant chance that reunion could be... interesting.

We were told that Hooknails wasn't nearly paranoid enough to be a full shapecrafter, he was apprentice level at best. Hirkir is, I think, a full shapecrafter...I suspect he is indeed more than a bit off mentally, yeah. We'll see if that makes things harder or easier (I could see a scenario where he's been hiding out because he assumed everyone in his family was dead and will be happy to see them alive).
Hirkir presumably knew enough about what Horra was doing that he assumed that his entire family was going to be dead or outlawed soon enough. So he decided to run first.
Huh, so it's possible to dip into Shapecrafting and not go cuckoo? That sounds useful, depending on how much an apprentice Shapecrafter can actually do... Hopefully an apprentice Shapecrafter can actually Shapecraft, and it's not just theory.
Huh, so it's possible to dip into Shapecrafting and not go cuckoo? That sounds useful, depending on how much an apprentice Shapecrafter can actually do... Hopefully an apprentice Shapecrafter can actually Shapecraft, and it's not just theory.

I mean, the implication of the statement is that even apprentice shapecrafters start getting odd (Hooknails did not strike me as a normal and well adjusted guy to me) but it gets worse the further you go down that path. So...'not go cuckoo' may be a bit of an exaggeration.
I mean, the implication of the statement is that even apprentice shapecrafters start getting odd but it gets worse the further you go down that path. So...'not go cuckoo' may be a bit of an exaggeration.

Sure, but the impression I got was that you weren't insane, which is much better than actually being crazy. Hooknails seemed pretty put together when we met him... Well, I say 'put together', but I chalk up his other traits to bloodlust rather than him being crazy.
Sure, but the impression I got was that you weren't insane, which is much better than actually being crazy. Hooknails seemed pretty put together when we met him... Well, I say 'put together', but I chalk up his other traits to bloodlust rather than him being crazy.

Right, but Hooknails was sort of being held up as 'way too sane to be a shapecrafter, on the saner end even for an apprentice'....when referring to a man who pulled out his nails and replaced them with fishhooks, that's a hell of a statement to make.

Why do shapecrafters go paranoid, anyway?

We don't actually know for sure, but it probably involves their relationship to Odr in some way. It's possible that you can actually even avoid it by being a True Cultivator, but I wouldn't count on it.
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Once we finish training with the Seeress, whenever that is, Halla would be fully qualified as a Seeress right? Is that the title? It's a bit weird given that Halla isn't a seer.
Once we finish training with the Seeress, whenever that is, Halla would be fully qualified as a Seeress right? Is that the title? It's a bit weird given that Halla isn't a seer.

Divination spells of various sorts are clearly a thing. I imagine we wouldn't 'graduate' without picking some up. So we wouldn't have Solrun's natural gifts in that area, but we could fake it.
You know, if we could figure out the mechanism that Odr is regulated, we might be able to make it possible for people who don't own our land to cultivate on there regardless.
I'm not sure whether the Seeress's clairvoyance is an inherent gift, or something which can be learned/bargained for, or a combination of both? There might have been an discussion of it or statement by IF that I missed.

But either way, it seems kind of heavily implied that seeing the future also comes with costs, so I'm not sure those costs are something we or Halla would necessarily want to pay, even assuming it was on the table. Like it's worth noting that Frigg, Odin's wife, is described as knowing the future but only very rarely chooses to speak of it to others. She tried to protect her son Baldr after foreseeing his death, and then famously he still ended up dying a horrible ironic death anyway. That's the kind of Prophecy Bullshit you get tied up in when you can see the future.
I'm not sure whether the Seeress's clairvoyance is an inherent gift, or something which can be learned/bargained for, or a combination of both? There might have been an discussion of it or statement by IF that I missed.

Solrun has Seersight, which is a more evolved form of the Seeing Eyes Trait, which our kids have but we do not. So we're probably not getting that. In her case this manifests as her ability to scry faraway locations. Aki and Veny have different versions allowing different things (Veny's let her see through illusions). But that's not needed for the spell we learned to find people, so it's clearly not necessary for all kinds of divinatory magic.

But either way, it seems kind of heavily implied that seeing the future also comes with costs, so I'm not sure those costs are something we or Halla would necessarily want to pay, even assuming it was on the table. Like it's worth noting that Frigg, Odin's wife, is described as knowing the future but only very rarely chooses to speak of it to others. She tried to protect her son Baldr after foreseeing his death, and then famously he still ended up dying a horrible ironic death anyway. That's the kind of Prophecy Bullshit you get tied up in when you can see the future.

We actually don't have good evidence that Solrun even can foresee the future per se. She might be able to but we've never seen it, all her 'seeress' stuff has been clairvoyance-y remote viewing stuff more than that. The only person we know of who we're sure has actual prophetic abilities is Aki...according to him, it's less useful than you might think, though that might just be because he lacks training in how best to use it.
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