Abjorn carries a sax as well, though he doesn't tend to resort to it thanks to him being a living weapon. His glima is good. The Twins are the same way, as Giant's Blood means that wrestling is less fighting and more playing with oversized dolls.
[X] Plan Tie Up Their Reserves
-[X] Invest 2 Orthstirr in Hugr, 1 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 3 in Strategy, 4 in Scouting (-14 Orthstirr)
-[X] 52d6 Attack (52d6 tricks)
-[X] 18d6 Defense (18d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Put 3 Orthstirr into 6 layers of Reinforce Shield before the combat begins (-3 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-16 Orthstirr), and once we are in among the reserves from Flashfire Cleave activate Mire Ward (-12 Orthstirr)
-[X] Leap into combat with their reserve force using a 15d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Honed x2 Lightning-Enhanced Flashfire Cleave attack (-9 Orthstirr), then make a total of five 11d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Kindle-Spinner attacks enhanced with 2 Orthstirr each (-4 Orthstirr each) at the group surrounding us, focusing on injured targets but trying to hit as many as possible.
-[X] In response to any attack against us use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr each) and if that fails Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr each), and if something gets through that (or it is unavailable for some reason) use up to three 10d6+9 Honed x2 Reinforcedx2 Hefty Halter Chops (-7 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Tactics – Basically, the idea here is to leap in among the Lurkalings backline/reserves, hopefully severely injuring one of them, and then lock them down with Mire Ward while using Heat Shroud and Kindle Spinner to kill as many as possible.
It's a bit strange, really, to be in a fight where nobody in it seems to hold any amount of respect at all for their opponents. Even on raids there's an understanding that certain things simply aren't done. There's a certain level of respect between raiders and the raided that dwarves seem to lack entirely.
Raids are for wealth. You're killing people until you get their valuables before leaving. You don't stick around to massacre entire populations for... the thrill of killing defenseless people? Or something?
With dwarves, though, it's clear the rules are different. There's no fair play here, no magnanimity at all, yet the sting of nid is absent from your soul. This is not the work of an honorable man. This is not drengskapr — but it's not odrengskapr either and it's certainly not nid.
For the first time of your relatively short life, you find yourself in a situation where honor and respect simply aren't to be had. You could do whatever you wanted to these dwarves, yet...
Even though you know that nothing would happen as a result, that no nid would be gained, even thinking about running in and punching a dwarf in the face leaves an acrid, sulfurous taste in your mouth. Nid would not burn your soul, there would be no metaphysical consequences for it, but...
'I recommend focusing on the fight now and letting your mind wander later.' Blackhand's words bring you back to the fore and you offer a wordless nod as thanks. (How goes the battle? 51) Not great, not terrible.
The battle is at a bloodstained stalemate. The initial crush caused some chaos and killed a few dwarves, but did little more than that. The enemy backline is already moving to capitalize on the Ducklings' lesser numbers and aim to encircle the left flank.
Encircle your dwarves? Not on your watch!
You grin, watching as they shuffle-step out of position. Orthstirr surges as crimson-flamed wings snap-hiss to life and you lurch into the air. The ceiling is low, which makes it a challenge to not smear yourself against the rough rock surface, but you manage it without great difficulty. (Honed Trick Attack: 61+5=66 vs Combat Analysis: 27x4(Number of Dwarves)=108/2(Blind)=54, Attacker Wins! 11+3(Heated Shroud)=14 Armor Damage!)
To their credit, the Lurkalings actually did instantly respond to your sudden intrustion into their backlines. Unfortunately, that inclusion also happened to feature a flash of fire in a pitch black room.
While they stumble about pawing at their eyes, you swoop in with a gleeful smile and a lightning-wrapped Sagaseeker. An unfortunate Lurkaling is the first target on your list. The air crackles as electricity discharges, sending shocks up and down the Lurkaling's body. The dwarf is thrown to the ground and his armor is severely dented, but nothing managed to penetrate.
Damn, guess their armor's better than you reckoned.
You scowl as the dwarf leaps to his feet in a sudden, unexpected burst of motion — which his fellows copy as they fall into formation. Dwarves aren't supposed to be fast! Where did this come from?!
Regardless, a crimson Kindle Spinner spins to life in your hand as you step forward and find that same dwarf with the battered armor. (Ranged Trick Attack: 32+5=37 vs Combat Analysis: 19x4=76, Defenders Win! Dwarves Auto-Attack!)
As the Kindle Spinner tears across the ground, the dwarves are quick to react. Faster than you can think, their minds already calculate everything there is to know about the incoming attack and determine a valid solution. The dwarves on either side of your target turn in as one and grab your target by the straps on his armor.
Working as one, they lift the dwarf just in time for the Kindle Spinner to bounce right on through the hole. It strikes the ground and slams against the wall, sending a shower of rock fragments down on the battling dwarves.
Not only do they lift the dwarf — that would be too easy! — but they also hurl him at you!
The dwarf passes into the radius of Mire Ward and Heated Shroud. Working in tandem, they both slow the dwarf and melt off the damaged portions of his armor, damaging his skin while the flames are at it.
However, it's not enough to stop the freaking flying dwarf from bringing his axe down on your open-mouthed face.
Time slows as the axe falls, another Kindle Spinner already forming in your palm. (Flying Dwarf's Hamr: 22 vs Halla's Hamr 26+5=31, Halla Wins! 7 Damage!)
The dwarf disappears in a blast of fire. His smoking corpse smacks the ground at your side, leaving the rest of the group wary of the overlapping fields surrounding you.
They've already calculated that you can't move, not without disrupting the Mire Ward, but how do they plan to leverage it? It's unlikely that they have any tools or contraptions on them, seeing as they were caught unaware by the attack, but they might have some other trick up their sleeve.
Fine, if they won't come to you, then you'll just go to them!
A third Kindle Spinner swirls to life in your palm and the dwarves prepare themselves to receive it. (Ranged Hugareida Attack: 38+5=43 vs Combat Analysis: 16x3=48, Defenders Win! Dwarves Auto-Attack!)
As the Kindle Spinner whips out across the ground, one of the dwarves reaches into a belt pouch and pulls out a strange, brass club. The dwarf steps forward, into the way of the Kindle Spinner, and freaking hits it with the club!
What is he thinking?! It's just going to expl-
It didn't explode.
Instead of exploding, like it should, the Kindle Spinner simply bounces off the club like a game of knattleikr! Your eyes widen as your own trick comes hurtling back your way!
It impacts against your Halting Vortex, which the dwarves carefully observe.
...this is going to get real annoying real fast.
'And now I remember why fighting dwarves tends to be more trouble than it's worth.'
The clashing battle lines are too tightly packed for you to start hurling Kindle Spinners into them — not without hitting your allies, that is — and the prospect of getting more Kindle Spinners batted back at you isn't exactly appealing...
The dwarves, fortunately, don't seem to have a counter for your Mire Ward and Heated Shroud combo, making this a stalemate as they think and observe.
The battle is swinging heavily in your favor. With the backline distracted with you, they can't plug holes. The enemy's right flank is failing, only three dwarves are alive there. Soon, the remaining Lurkalings will be encircled and massacred.
Dwarves are really annoying to fight, as you've just learned. Whenever they successfully defend, they immediately launch into a counter-attack as they don't particularly care about silly things like having to communicate ideas and plans. Trust is implicit, after all they already know what's about to happen.
Their brains are highly tuned computing machines, able to take in data and make predictions far faster than a human. Not only that, but they also seem to have the ability to unleash stored up energy for very fast movement. And since dwarves are extremely efficient, they've got a lot of energy to play with, though their natural frugal nature means that they'll only use it when they have to.
The dwarves you're facing off against are very difficult to read, likely having realized that you're a berserk and making the necessary changes to counter that. Heck, they might even be using it to create a smokescreen over their actual intentions!
And even if you do find a gap in their defenses, who's to say that they don't just have another tool like that bat on hand?
Dwarves are freaking annoying to fight, good Gods!
Endurance: (11/11) | Frenzy: (5/5) (+5 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (17/17) (+4 to Defense) | 6/6 Layers
Orthstirr: (392/510) | Odr: (18)
( ) Frami: 170 | ( ) Virthing: 170 | ( ) Saemd: 170
Sagaseeker has 35 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Your Armor has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting is granting you (+1 Damage and +1 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 70d6.
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: Dwarves are bullshit.
In all seriousness, I hope that this is more enjoyable than annoying — obviously.
I remember having a dream where I asked about copying that link but I remember it needing us to be a dwarf. But maybe we can manage something similar. The Felag Bond is sort of a half-step there, after all.
Imperial Fister, I don't think you've fully realized what you've done here by introducing Dwarves as having faction-specific tactics.
One combat arrangement is a standard. Two combat arrangments are a rivalry. But now that we have Norse, Christian, and Dwarf strengths and weaknesses that can be compared and worked on? We have a metagame.
The grognards are coming; may the gods have mercy on us all.
On one hand, gods it would be annoying to fight them by ourselves, but on the other, getting a group to help us against someone else would be a massive boon.
Really enjoy this though, good job doing it Imperial Fister.
Dwarf rolls range between 17 and 27, so each Dwarf is 5d6 or 6d6 (or the equivalent) multiplied by number of dwarves. That makes reliably beating three of them together annoying but doable...we'll want to assign, like 20d6 to each attack, and use big damage attacks, though that's a lot of our attacks right now, so I'm not sure which we're gonna want to do specifically.
Folded makes it so we can't defend (well, not effectively vs. the dwarves numbers), sadly, so I think it's not an option. Kindle Spinners are probably still very valid, though.
Nice to see that we called it right, by tying up their reserve, we've ensured they lose the battle, since without that reserve in place to respond to the Duckling's primary thrust, they couldn't shore up against it, and thus their line is collapsing.
That being said, the fact that they literally roll once and then multiply that roll by number of combattants is nightmare fuel. But it also means if you can keep them from blobbing up, they lose. Halla has effectively been tying up 4 multipliers on the Lurkaling side, which is very much the difference between victory and defeat in an otherwise closely matched battle. She even managed to kill one!
Anyway, they're going to adapt around her previous strategy, so Halla needs to break out a new toy at this point hopefully get another kill in. Fortunately, it looks like they don't have a whole lot of Hamr, just that they have an extraordinarily high Armor value that seems like it's immune to Piercing effects (Hence why Flashfire Cleave did massive Armor Damage but completely failed to do breakthrough damage like it's supposed to.)
Or alternately, they were able to distribute the Armor Damage across the entire block, which meant that they didn't have enough left to absorb a Kindle-Spinner, which is why it one-shotted one of them.
That being said, the baseball bat is a good counter to Kindle-Spinner. I will admit though that it's very strange that they can just "Adapt" around a Berserk and just become perfectly immune to being cold read, that's impressive.
I know we'd only be able to do it once, but would using them hitting our stuff back at us with IAT to temporarily stop it be a good idea at this stage?
I know we'd only be able to do it once, but would using them hitting our stuff back at us with IAT to temporarily stop it be a good idea at this stage?
Probably not needed. We can do things about their attacks on us pretty readily, the issue is how we damage them, and I think throwing dice at the problem is really pretty viable in this case.
I wonder what the usual counter to giant masses of dwarves are? If you allow them to blob, you can be seeing 3 or even 4 digits total for defense. Maybe just flipping the table and introducing sunlight to the area, or other no save attacks?
Probably not needed. We can do things about their attacks on us pretty readily, the issue is how we damage them, and I think throwing dice at the problem is really pretty viable in this case.
Maybe trying Gale Spear or Sword Strike out? The latter doubled would allow us to get off 2 attacks at once. At the least, they can't use the club the way they do on our fireball tricks - it's not like they have tools for all kinds of ranged magic attack parries.
I wonder what the usual counter to giant masses of dwarves are? If you allow them to blob, you can be seeing 3 or even 4 digits total for defense. Maybe just flipping the table and introducing sunlight to the area, or other no save attacks?
I would have suggested a micro-flash of Unending Time in the Sun, but too much risk of friendly fire. Also that might be considered beyond the pale on principle.
Dwarf rolls range between 17 and 27, so each Dwarf is 5d6 or 6d6 (or the equivalent) multiplied by number of dwarves. That makes reliably beating three of them together annoying but doable...we'll want to assign, like 20d6 to each attack, and use big damage attacks, though that's a lot of our attacks right now, so I'm not sure which we're gonna want to do specifically.
[X] Plan Four Big Hits
-[X] 64d6 Attack (64d6 tricks)
-[X] 6d6 Defense (6d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Keep Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-16 Orthstirr) activated.
-[X] Attack using four 20d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Lightning-Enhanced Firebomb Strike attacks enhanced with 3 Orthstirr each (-6 Orthstirr each) trying to finish at least one more Dwarf off.
-[X] In response to any attack against us use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr each) and if that fails Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr each), and if something gets through that (or it is unavailable for some reason) use one 20d6+9 Honed x2 Reinforcedx12 Hefty Halter-Chop (-17 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Move back into melee and methodically attempt to kill more of the group of dwarves we are fighting.
Alright, this is a preliminary plan. I can easily be convinced to switch things up a bit, but I think simplicity is best here. We can just beat them down with this.
Folded attacks remain by far the best way to actually wind up seriously hurt in this fight. We can defend against their high numbers with Tricks, but not without.
Seems like, aside from sunlight, the best way to fight dwarves involves disrupting the quasi-hive-mind thing they have going. Wonder if magic could do that -skaldcraft maybe?
Seems like, aside from sunlight, the best way to fight dwarves involves disrupting the quasi-hive-mind thing they have going. Wonder if magic could do that -skaldcraft maybe?
I think they'd all be of one mind how to respond to that. We'd need to do something the different dwarves would react to differently if we were to disrupt them.
We have to steal that bat after the battle. We can use it to smash our kindle-spinners towards enemies with far greater velocity than we can normally impart.
I think they'd all be of one mind how to respond to that. We'd need to do something the different dwarves would react to differently if we were to disrupt them.
I'm going to borrow from Glorantha for a moment and say use Skaldcraft to show them a New Thing, a concept that they have never before encountered. Their brains chug for several seconds as they take account of it, creating an opening.
We have to steal that bat after the battle. We can use it to smash our kindle-spinners towards enemies with far greater velocity than we can normally impart.
I'm going to borrow from Glorantha for a moment and say use Skaldcraft to show them a New Thing, a concept that they have never before encountered. Their brains chug for several seconds as they take account of it, creating an opening.
I suspect it wouldn't kill them, but it's probably not healthy for them either. My guess is that it's a good way to make their desire to see it 'for real' terminal in the long run.