Hrm, if that's the case, then it's likely that the Pre-requisites you set up early on govern how useful they are later.

So like, the stronger your Perimeter, the more resilient you are to forces attacking from beyond the Soulscape, the better your Crops are, the more they can benefit you later on. The more elaborate your Property is, the more pressure they can endure in the higher realms.

That might actually be it, huh.

1) Accumulate significant Produce and empower them to the limits
2) Prepare a strong Perimeter to keep out external forces
3) Construct sufficient Property to serve as adequate living space.
4) Fill the Well to its limits.

Anyone want to spare a Reward Dice to see if we're getting pretty close to Realm 1's Requirements? I suspect that the Quality of your stuff determines how effective they are in later realms, but that once you've pulled the trigger into Realm 2, it's no longer possible to improve them without taking Significant Risks (Like, taking down your Perimeter to build a better one means that you are announcing to the greater spiritual landscape that your delicious Soulscape is open for business, for instance)
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Speaking of Reward Dice, this was, more or less, the first thing I saw upon waking up. Grade A laughter, have a Reward Dice.


Also, I realized something while rolling dice, would you rather have Sword Slash and Sword Stab separate or combined into 'Sword Strike'? I'm leaning towards combining them, but if you'd rather have them be separate then just let me know.

If combined, I'll also combine the dice results (which are pretty good)
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Unrelated to current topic, but just imagine how terrifying it is for a hypothetical SquireQuest to encounter vikings. And not even on an in-universe level (though that would certainly be terrifying).

1 Damage for a viking is, like, 10 Damage for a mortal. You're used to fighting against mortal bandits and the occasional Errant, and then suddenly there's forty fuckers all with 70 health who casually do 10–100 Damage slaps.

That's ... huh ... actually terrifying.
Speaking of Reward Dice, this was, more or less, the first thing I saw upon waking up. Grade A laughter, have a Reward Dice.


Also, I realized something while rolling dice, would you rather have Sword Slash and Sword Stab separate or combined into 'Sword Strike'? I'm leaning towards combining them, but if you'd rather have them be separate then just let me know.

If combined, I'll also combine the dice results (which are pretty good)

Less stuff to juggle is better I think. We're still just doing our preliminary homework to be allowed to do Cool Sword Viking Stuff after all.
Also, I realized something while rolling dice, would you rather have Sword Slash and Sword Stab separate or combined into 'Sword Strike'? I'm leaning towards combining them, but if you'd rather have them be separate then just let me know.

If combined, I'll also combine the dice results (which are pretty good)

I feel like combining them is probably correct, yeah. I could see ways to separate them, but combining them is likely easier.
Also, I realized something while rolling dice, would you rather have Sword Slash and Sword Stab separate or combined into 'Sword Strike'? I'm leaning towards combining them, but if you'd rather have them be separate then just let me know.

If combined, I'll also combine the dice results (which are pretty good)
personally i would like to keep them separate, but easing on bookkeeping is a worthy cause to combine them.

Just dont forget to combine them on Steinarr's (and everyone else's who have it) charsheet either :V
Combining them into Sword Strike sounds good, yeah.

Anyway, so tentative steps to ascension:
- Filling our Soulscape with crops, arranged into actual fields
- An estate; somewhere to call home
- Walls, to keep out spiritual pests and disease
- A well where our odr pools (?)
It feels like it should— a Raw Crater in the ground feels wrong? Incomplete. Am I alone here or onto something? Thoughts folks?
Sounds very good.

Would you be up for including an action of "craft crafting tools with all the bells and whistles" in next turn?

All bells and whistles meaning:
  • Forged Iron
  • As much Orth as our tricks allow
  • 3 Odr
  • Using boneash from the troll men we massacred
  • If we have a reasonable source of blood quenched in that (preferably heart blood if we had a source for that, but i kinda doubt we'll get our hands in that)
Sounds very good.

Would you be up for including an action of "craft crafting tools with all the bells and whistles" in next turn?

All bells and whistles meaning:
  • Forged Iron
  • As much Orth as our tricks allow
  • 3 Odr
  • Using boneash from the troll men we massacred
  • If we have a reasonable source of blood quenched in that (preferably heart blood if we had a source for that, but i kinda doubt we'll get our hands in that)

We've got great tools as it stands. We're not being held back by a lack of quality tools.

It's not really worth reforging what we've got until we've gotten enough Forgefire crafting stuff to be able to push for Mastercraft at least. Though pushing a shitton of Odr into our Toolset might be worthwhile given how it improves all other crafting rolls.
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Would you be up for including an action of "craft crafting tools with all the bells and whistles" in next turn?

It's my intent to make really good tools as soon as we have a workshop set up for additional bonuses (our dice probabilities making them without one probably only increase the tools one grade, which isn't worth it, IMO). That involves the Farm Management system kicking in again to do, though, I think. So hopefully soon.

I wasn't specifically thinking in terms of bone ash or heart's blood, but I'm cool with adding them.

We've got great tools as it stands. We're not being held back by a lack of quality tools.

With a decent workshop, we could fairly readily make tools that are +7 or more rather than our current +5 (we now have 18 dice averaging 12 successes, +5 from current Tools and probably plus some from the Odr and if we can hit 21 successes total we get Grand Quality Tools which is two grades up). That's probably worth an action before we start crafting other stuff, and that's entirely aside from it giving us an idea of what investing 3 Odr, or using bone ash and heart's blood do.
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We've got great tools as it stands. We're not being held back by a lack of quality tools.

It's not really worth reforging what we've got until we've gotten enough Forgefire crafting stuff to be able to push for Mastercraft at least.
Not reforging, making new. The old are bog Iron (quality: fine).
Without the other boost mentioned.
We aren't boosted as much as we could by tools.

Also, forgot to include making a custom poem.

It's my intent to make really good tools as soon as we have a workshop set up for additional bonuses. That involves the Farm Management system kicking in again to do, though, I think. So hopefully soon.
Thats reasonable (if it comes back short to midterm ish, if it takes longer I'd rather do without).

With a decent workshop, we could fairly readily make tools that are +7 or more rather than our current +5 (we now have 18 dice averaging 12 successes, +5 from current Tools and probably plus some from the Odr and if we can hit 21 successes total we get Grand Quality Tools which is two grades up). That's probably worth an action before we start crafting other stuff, and that's entirely aside from it giving us an idea of what bone ash and heart's blood do.
Iirc using forged iron instead of bog iron should also give a boost to the finished product.
Thats reasonable (if it comes back short to midterm ish, if it takes longer I'd rather do without).

If it takes too long I'll suggest we should receive the bonus even without the full system. We are rebuilding our farm as of now, after all.

Iirc using forged iron instead of bog iron should also give a boost to the finished product.

Our current tools are Forged Iron. We also have a Bog Iron set we keep with our fylgja for emergencies, but our basic tools are already Forged Iron (though still 'only' Fine quality).

How skilled is Halla now, compared to the average Norsemen?

I did a whole post on this subject. Short version? We are ludicrous compared to the average 20 year old in everything except non-combat skills (where we're mildly better, but mostly only due to high Hamr and Hugr, except for smithing, where we're legitimately lots better).

On the other hand, by the General Power Rankings and some analysis of that by gender, we're not even in the top 1/3 of men in the valley in combat prowess, though we are almost certainly in the top half. So we've got a ways to go before we're as scary as the really powerful people with a decade or more of experience on us.
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Wasn't the valley home to a lot of people from the Varangian guard who has retired?

Yes, but that probably doesn't change the stat numbers much. We know of precisely three confirmed retired Varangians (Steinarr, Torsten Twoshield, and Vidar, Abjorn's dad). That's a lot of retired Varangians for one small valley, but it's not enough to skew the stats too much all on its own. There could be more, but we have no evidence of it.

And heck, even if there are enough to skew numbers, my impression is that would just shift who was where in the categories above us, not actually change the number of people who are more badass than us substantially.
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You know if there are 9 stages of cultivation with exponents of 9 as thresholds I think we can get a general idea of a gods stats... Tangentially
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Yes, but that probably doesn't change the stat numbers much. We know of precisely three confirmed retired Varangians (Steinarr, Torsten Twoshield, and Vidar, Abjorn's dad). That's a lot of retired Varangians for one small valley, but it's not enough to skew the stats too much all on its own. There could be more, but we have no evidence of it.

And heck, even if there are enough to skew numbers, my impression is that would just shift who was where in the categories above us, not actually change the number of people who are more badass than us substantially.

Well, it probably means that they have more orthstirr than us to start with, and are about as strong as us when we fought Sten? I believe that's when Imperial said we were strong enough to take the trials. Or they might even be on Sten's level, and be strong enough to bypass the trials completely - although I imagine that'd be a small majority.

I'm talking about those that have actually joined the Guard, by the way. Not inhabitants of the Valley in general.
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Torsten doesn't live in the Valley, he was only actually here to give his condolences to Steinarr and ended up staying over winter. With summer on the horizon, he's planning on heading back to the Danelaw soon.

Fair, and good info to have. I was mostly just noting him since he was on the list.

Well, it probably means that they have more orthstirr than us to start with, and are about as strong as us when we fought Sten? I believe that's when Imperial said we were strong enough to take the trials. Or they might even be on Sten's level., and be strong enough to bypass the trials completely - although I imagine that'd be a small majority.

I'm talking about those that have actually joined the Guard, by the way. Not inhabitants of the Valley in general.

I think anyone who retires from the Guard comes out a fair bit scarier than when they went in. Vidar, Torsten, and Steinarr are all near the top of the combat hierarchy and they're the only Varangian veterans we know of.
Ages of the Children of the Family - 8977 AD

Halla's Family
Asgeirr, boy - Age 2
Sigurdr, boy - Age 2
Eyvor, girl - Age 2
Hallbjorn, boy - Age 1

Sten's Family
Drifa, girl - Age 10
Draupnir, boy - Age 4
Eldjarn, boy - Age 1

Steinarr's Family
Sterki, boy - Age 6
Steinkell, boy - Age 3

Eric's Family
Leif, boy - Age 5
Leikny, girl - Age 1


These should all be accurate, but I could totally be wrong here as I only recently started seriously keeping track.
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Uh, yeah. That was my point. I'm pretty sure most retired Varangians would be stronger than us, if anything.

Check. My original point was that, at least at the moment, most people of the same age as Varangian Veterans would also be more badass than we are. So, them being Ex-Varangian may move them up the scale, but it moves them up between, like, Lower Top and Almost Peak...all of which are above us, so it doesn't really change the number of people who are more badass than we are right now.

It might have some effect in the future as our own ranking goes up, but right now they'd be badder than we are either way.

These should all be accurate, but I could totally be wrong here as I only recently started seriously keeping track. Also, Hallbjorn is now 2 years old!

All our kids are a year too old. We gave birth to our first kids at the end of Year 5 (the year we went raiding), Hallbjorn a year later at the end of Year 6, and it's now the end of Year 7. I think that means Steinkell should also be one year younger, but the rest are probably fine, in terms of age (I certainly wasn't keeping track of them either). Dropping everyone over a year old by one year would also be valid, of course.
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Torsten doesn't live in the Valley, he was only actually here to give his condolences to Steinarr and ended up staying over winter. With summer on the horizon, he's planning on heading back to the Danelaw soon.

Huh, he lives in the Danelaw? I wonder if we might be able to figure out what he had in mind, now that we have a ship. We're thinking of heading that way soon anyway, so...