Absolutely yes. We may not want to reduce it to 0 but 24 is too many. We want a max of like, 12 for Frenzy (probably a lot less...30 Orthstirr to store one Frenzy is rough), and maybe a couple for utility.
Deconstructing a few isnt going to cost us much but I do think that there is an argument to be made about experimenting with what can be done with the pockets beyond just storing stuff (or if its just storing stuff what kind of things we can store in there) before we begin paying the cost for unweaving them.
Well combat aside do we actually want to reduce the number of pockets we have?

Yeah, sure it's, painful that we only have a third of our Othstirr pool but sinking successes into this would mean less dice on skills and tricks.

And while the reduction is painful, I suspect that if we survive that battle we'll gain a good amount and well get another 20 or so at the end of the year (which I think is now?).

The pockets are bound to be useful aside from the frenzy stored (we will get to it later) we should really try to experimenting with putting different things there including othstirr and odr.

Like I said before the early Norse cultivation really seems to be about reducing othstirr consumption so it could later be permanently used for something else.

Now in regards to frenzy, if e could max out the pockets with frenzy we would get frenzy 8 total ad a +8 to every combat roll is nothing to sneeze at, so we should really decide how much frenzy (and other stuff if we find) we want to use pockets for before starting to really deconstruct them.
We also have to look at how low we are willing to go with our Orthstirr.
Long term we may have use for 240 Orthstirr worth of pockets, but looking too far ahead can lead to missing the tripping danger right in front of our feet, dying because we couldn't spare the full 240 Orthstirr and ran out of juice mid battle is a real danger.

The pockets are bound to be useful aside from the frenzy stored (we will get to it later) we should really try to experimenting with putting different things there including othstirr and odr.
We have a (so far) unlimited well for odr, but the orthstirr is a good idea. We might be able to recoup some of our loss.
We should really find out how frenzy is gained in the normal way, we could probably double dip.
Yeah, we may want to try that some time.
It's more like 480 Orthsirr worth of pockets, 240 for the pockets, 240 for the externalized Orthsirr.
Okay, added relocating to the plan and, given that, one big Kindle Spinner to hopefully hurt them. Also a bit of Odr (2 on the Kindle Spinner since it's AoE, and one on our first melee attack to see what difference it makes).

Absolutely yes. We may not want to reduce it to 0 but 24 is too many. We want a max of like, 12 for Frenzy (probably a lot less...30 Orthstirr to store one Frenzy is rough...if that's how we're doing it we max at, like, Frenzy 2 at least short term), and maybe one or two for utility (our Fylgja can usually give us those without costing a 10 Orthstirr investment). That means we need at least 10 pockets less, and probably more like 12, which would be 20 successes worth. Getting rid of more than that is more debatable, but we want at least 15-20 successes worth of pockets gone.

Skewer-Flick Trick, are you including that? I feel like that's a tool hand-made for this situation.
If you ask me the really big deal is if we can use the pockets to draw Odr with. If 24 pockets = 24 Odr/Turn, then, well, we can seriously look at giving up Orthsirr and go full Odr.
Doesn't Odr have a bad habit of unravelling Virthing and Saemd? Could be bad, or it could be an alternative to spending training dice to unravel the pockets.
If you ask me the really big deal is if we can use the pockets to draw Odr with. If 24 pockets = 24 Odr/Turn, then, well, we can seriously look at giving up Orthsirr and go full Odr.
i don't see ow we'll use the pockets to draw odr as it comes from the gate but they most likely have some other function or porous beyond just storing stuff.

Hmm... could we cycle our odr through them all? That might to something.
Deconstructing a few isnt going to cost us much but I do think that there is an argument to be made about experimenting with what can be done with the pockets beyond just storing stuff (or if its just storing stuff what kind of things we can store in there) before we begin paying the cost for unweaving them.

I mean, weaving them again is apparently easy-ish now that we know to stop and that doing so is needed.

I don't think we should. Only pop the berry when we're going to drop a ton of kindlebombs.

I'm all for conserving resources, but the hope here is that our one bomb hits a bunch, adding +1 damage on all targets is worth it, I think.

Skewer-Flick Trick, are you including that? I feel like that's a tool hand-made for this situation.

Y'know what, sure. For some of the high die attacks...we're getting pricey here, though. That's an issue. Lemme fiddle a bit...

And done. I came up with a cool visual. Specifically, we use Skewer-Flick to toss them in the air and then bat them out of the air with Power Chop, which should work due to our speed increase (two attacks for the enemy's one). I have that set up to work twice then we fall back on the basics (I had to go down from Kindle Spinner plus 5 high die attacks and 5 basics, to KS plus 4 high die and 6 basics, but it's probably worth it).
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Wasn't our farm making a loss last time we checked, since we needed to keep buying fodder for all our animals?

It was not. Fodder was ridiculously cheap compared to the value of the animals we could breed and sell (to say nothing of the 30 silver a year in cloth we were making, or something silly like that). And actually, we were probably around managing on Fodder most years (depending on rolls).

The issue is that it wasn't a sure thing that we'd quite manage on Fodder...but if we did have a shortfall we had a stockpile and plenty of money to buy more. And well over 100 silver a year in profits from animal husbandry even on years where we needed to buy more (for comparison, feeding all our animals was less than 10 silver worth of Fodder even if we never produced any at all). The profits were honestly probably a bit above that, but not wildly so, and, well, 100 is a nice round number we don't have to do too much math to reach.
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In other news. Bit of a shame we didn't get that last push into T9 for Sagaseeker, but I get the feeling that whatever is past Wondrous is probably something out of reach for even 'Normal' Super Artifice, and can't be pushed into with stuff like Perks and whatnot.

Still, I suspect at this point that Sagaseeker can just evolve the rest of the way on its own.
I find it curious that the Foemen completely avoid using any metal.
That could just be due to lack of availability, but that seems wrong?

Coincidence? Considering what we know about the Curse of Steel, I think not?

Also, what the hell is our kid going to be named?
Oh yeah, real quick question @Imperial Fister .

How's the Reforged Sagaseeker compare to some of Sten's other works? Wondrous tier gear cannot be something that's easily in reach.

EDIT: Don't think we're in a rush for a name, since we got dropped right into a combat encounter, still, something to think on.

Also, Sten has 25 dice for Weaponcrafting, what the actual fuck. Admittedly, a sizable chunk of that probably comes from having high level Forgefire, but Still. Even if we assume that he's got Forgefire 4 (Getting +8 dice), that's still him needing to come up with another 17 dice between his Hugr and his Weaponcraft skills. 8-9ish each.

We're just a cute babbu apparently. Also, none of Steinarr's surviving children are ordinary, are they? Sten's only a couple years older than Halla and yet he's already rocking Hugr/Weaponcraft of 8+.
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I find it curious that the Foemen completely avoid using any metal.
That could just be due to lack of availability, but that seems wrong?

Coincidence? Considering what we know about the Curse of Steel, I think not?

Also, what the hell is our kid going to be named?
The Enemy seems to want to stop the progress of civilization, so it's minions being "primitive" (a loaded phrase IRL) makes sense.