On the bright side, that's loot for the loot god. Like seriously. Mail shirts!
Even if the gambeson beats it out from raw quality alone, and even with the bit where we'll want to melt down all the weapons, it's still a healthy supply of metal.
There are only two Mail Shirts (unless any of the dead scrubs had one, which I doubt), one on the leader and one on the guy Sten is in the process of fighting (probably the second scariest guy here), and we need to split the loot a bunch of different ways (we and Abjorn only get 1/4 if we split things evenly, which we probably do)...but a mail shirt
is probably within the appropriate amount for us to take at that point. We may want to melt that down, too, but we're currently working on the Mail Skill-Trick and definitely need enough Iron to make a Mail Shirt, so if either is Forged Iron we definitely want one.
Should we add a note to add Twist: Punching Upwards & Fight of our life in case of doing the Ember Leap trick?
Nah, that's unrolled so neither would matter. We may well do both next turn, depending (though, actually, Punching Upwards may not be correct here, depending on the exact scenario), and Punching Upwards may well not even be available...the Captain is scarier than we are, sure, but does he have 90 dice? That's something like Hamr 10, 15 dice in equipment, and 8s in every combat skill. Steinarr might not have that kind of dice pool, and I suspect this guy would be doing something other than running a bandit gang under Horra's auspices if he did.
Punching Upwards is much more useful against Christian Cultivators (who have
so many dice) and things like Trolls that rely on their high dice pools than fellow Norsemen, I think. At least, at our current level of experience (if we'd had it when we had only Combat Pool 30, I suspect it would've been available more often).