Firebomb Strike is actually only on par with Honed Power Chop for damage by default (it's 2-4 while Honed Power Chop is 3), and I'd rather keep our incendiary stuff under wraps for the moment, but I'll add the language replacing one of them if both his wrists are already broken.

Mmm, fair enough. I suppose that's good then.

[X] Tag Stigmar Out
[X] Plan Feeling Out Our Foe
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Should we add a note to add Twist: Punching Upwards & Fight of our life in case of doing the Ember Leap trick?
Man though, none of these guys are amateurs, maybe the scrubs we swept in the first few moments, but everyone else here knows their shit. They're also extremely well equipped to boot.
On the bright side, that's loot for the loot god. Like seriously. Mail shirts!

Even if the gambeson beats it out from raw quality alone, and even with the bit where we'll want to melt down all the weapons, it's still a healthy supply of metal.

[X] Tag Stigmar Out
[X] Plan Feeling Out Our Foe
On the bright side, that's loot for the loot god. Like seriously. Mail shirts!

Even if the gambeson beats it out from raw quality alone, and even with the bit where we'll want to melt down all the weapons, it's still a healthy supply of metal.

There are only two Mail Shirts (unless any of the dead scrubs had one, which I doubt), one on the leader and one on the guy Sten is in the process of fighting (probably the second scariest guy here), and we need to split the loot a bunch of different ways (we and Abjorn only get 1/4 if we split things evenly, which we probably do)...but a mail shirt is probably within the appropriate amount for us to take at that point. We may want to melt that down, too, but we're currently working on the Mail Skill-Trick and definitely need enough Iron to make a Mail Shirt, so if either is Forged Iron we definitely want one.

Should we add a note to add Twist: Punching Upwards & Fight of our life in case of doing the Ember Leap trick?

Nah, that's unrolled so neither would matter. We may well do both next turn, depending (though, actually, Punching Upwards may not be correct here, depending on the exact scenario), and Punching Upwards may well not even be available...the Captain is scarier than we are, sure, but does he have 90 dice? That's something like Hamr 10, 15 dice in equipment, and 8s in every combat skill. Steinarr might not have that kind of dice pool, and I suspect this guy would be doing something other than running a bandit gang under Horra's auspices if he did.

Punching Upwards is much more useful against Christian Cultivators (who have so many dice) and things like Trolls that rely on their high dice pools than fellow Norsemen, I think. At least, at our current level of experience (if we'd had it when we had only Combat Pool 30, I suspect it would've been available more often).
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Depends, it might be based on Orthstirr, which is more reasonable, but we'll see.

It's always been based on Combat Pool previously. That might be different now that we're dealing with other Norsemen, but I personally doubt it.

He also might easily not have double our Orthstirr either...that would require around 560 Orthstirr, and while I'm sure he has more than us, I'm not at all sure it's that much more.
Well, good news is, 30 years old or not, that's still within the realm of reason. I halfway suspect he's going to pop a big AoE once it won't actually give him Nid for using it to kill his own followers. Which means that having the upgraded Halting Vortex should do a lot of work.

But yeah, these dudes are freakishly well equipped for bandits. On the other hand, it means if we can win, we'll significantly impact the sorts of firepower Horra can call down when it's Go Time.
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Do we have any intentions of wiping out the *other* Bandit camp? We could use Owl + Dressed in Rags to figure a good timing, then attack.
I feel I really should clarify this as, well, I don't think it's clicked entirely.

Bandits are shipless vikingar. I think people are applying D&D logic to this when it's not like that.
Well, good news is, 30 years old or not, that's still within the realm of reason. I halfway suspect he's going to pop a big AoE once it won't actually give him Nid for using it to kill his own followers. Which means that having the upgraded Halting Vortex should do a lot of work.

It's definitely a concern.

But yeah, these dudes are freakishly well equipped for bandits. On the other hand, it means if we can win, we'll significantly impact the sorts of firepower Horra can call down when it's Go Time.

Are they? The leader is super well equipped and the guy Sten's fighting is solid as well (he's the other one with a Mail Shirt), but everyone else seems to be in Gambesons, which are pretty cheap, and have two weapons at most...that's probably 30-40 silver ounces in gear each assuming it's of good quality (which it may well not be, the guy outside had only Decent quality gear from what we saw). More like 15-20 if it's the cheaper stuff...and that's just not actually that impressive, I don't think.

Like, they're no slouches when it comes to gear but I'm not wildly impressed either. We're better equipped than they are, I think, even ignoring Gabriel (both Stigmar and Sten also have Mail, and I suspect our other gear is of better quality on average).

Do we have any intentions of wiping out the *other* Bandit camp? We could use Owl + Dressed in Rags to figure a good timing, then attack.

Probably yes, though that'd be next turn at the earliest and we might want to scout it first, as you suggest.
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I feel I really should clarify this as, well, I don't think it's clicked entirely.

Bandits are shipless vikingar. I think people are applying D&D logic to this when it's not like that.

hrm, so it's an actual proper Felag bullying farmsteads, not just a bunch of outlaws.

Still Bandits, still got to dunk on them, though it does mean it'll be that much more valuable if we win. Is that about right? Especially if Raid Rules work defensively too (In that fending off a foreign Raid is worth greater amounts of Orthstirr than just a random fight)

It's definitely a concern.

Are they? The leader is super well equipped and the guy Sten's fighting is solid as well (he's the other one with a Mail Shirt), but everyone else seems to be in Gambesons, which are pretty cheap, and have two weapons at most...that's probably 30-40 silver ounces in gear each assuming it's of good quality (which it may well not be, the guy outside had only Decent quality gear from what we saw).

Like, they're no slouches when it comes to gear but I'm not wildly impressed either. We're better equipped than they are, I think, even ignoring Gabriel (both Stigmar and Sten also have Mail, and I suspect our other gear is of better quality on average).

Probably yes, though that'd be next turn at the earliest and we might want to scout it first, as you suggest.

The Brute apparently is well armored as well.
hrm, so it's an actual proper Felag bullying farmsteads, not just a bunch of outlaws.

Still Bandits, still got to dunk on them, though it does mean it'll be that much more valuable if we win. Is that about right? Especially if Raid Rules work defensively too (In that fending off a foreign Raid is worth greater amounts of Orthstirr than just a random fight)

I would think it would apply defensively, but we'll have to see.

@Imperial Fister how many people were in the other two bandit camps? Does this look like the two here to the East just combined or what?

The Brute apparently is well armored as well.

He has a thick Gambeson. It's probably on par with ours, and that's pretty well armored as it likely doubles his Endurance, but that only costs 8 ounces of silver. It's not a wildly expensive piece of gear.

Along with two Good Saxs (assuming his weapons are of equal quality), he's probably walking around with less than 30 silver oz. worth of gear. Nothing to sneeze at, but nothing wildly exceptional either, I don't think.
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I feel I really should clarify this as, well, I don't think it's clicked entirely.

Bandits are shipless vikingar. I think people are applying D&D logic to this when it's not like that.
Okay, so that's fair, but I'd like a clarification on this. What is the difference between "shipless vikingar" and "honorless outlaw"? One of them is Doing Glorious Things and, presumably, pulling in lots of orthstirr for it. The other has his orthstirr burn away within him for the shame of his deeds. What's the significant distinction that causes that profound difference in cultivation effects?

Like... I'd thought it was a matter of doing things like openly declaring your deeds and whatnot, so that anyone who thought they were hard enough could try to take shots at you for it, but I wasn't under the impression that these guys were doing that.

There are only two Mail Shirts (unless any of the dead scrubs had one, which I doubt), one on the leader and one on the guy Sten is in the process of fighting (probably the second scariest guy here), and we need to split the loot a bunch of different ways (we and Abjorn only get 1/4 if we split things evenly, which we probably do)...but a mail shirt is probably within the appropriate amount for us to take at that point. We may want to melt that down, too, but we're currently working on the Mail Skill-Trick and definitely need enough Iron to make a Mail Shirt, so if either is Forged Iron we definitely want one.
Actually, that's a fair point. We're going to want metal more than anything else (as will Sten), so we probably want to let someone else have the stuff that people can actually immediately use. We should take the weapons that need to be reforged down anyway.
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Okay, so that's fair, but I'd like a clarification on this. What is the difference between "shipless vikingar" and "honorless outlaw"? One of them is Doing Glorious Things and, presumably, pulling in lots of orthstirr for it. The other has his orthstirr burn away within him for the shame of his deeds. What's the significant distinction that causes that profound difference in cultivation effects?

I think it's who you target. If these guys are from around here (like, this country), they're honorless outlaws, if they're from the next country over then they're just going a-viking. It's attacking your own people that's the nid-worthy thing, and 'your own people' does not extend to all people who worship the Aesir by any means.

Actually, that's a fair point. We're going to want metal more than anything else (as will Sten), so we probably want to let someone else have the stuff that people can actually immediately use. We should take the weapons that need to be reforged down anyway.

I suspect we still want a mail shirt if we're maximizing metal. Weapons are mostly 8-12 oz. (with the exception of swords), so even 20 of them or so is only 200 oz. A single mail shirt is 250 oz. of metal.
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Okay, so that's fair, but I'd like a clarification on this. What is the difference between "shipless vikingar" and "honorless outlaw"? One of them is Doing Glorious Things and, presumably, pulling in lots of orthstirr for it. The other has his orthstirr burn away within him for the shame of his deeds. What's the significant distinction that causes that profound difference in cultivation effects?
Deadman's got the right of it.
Like... I'd thought it was a matter of doing things like openly declaring your deeds and whatnot, so that anyone who thought they were hard enough could try to take shots at you for it, but I wasn't under the impression that these guys were doing that.
They're in another region, a different one to the Hading. Why would they announce their presence to a place where they're not raiding?

Also, no ships means no easy escape. The Norse were very pragmatic.

The important thing is what the people at home think about you, not so much the people you're stabbing.
Yeah, Horra gets nid for aiding these guys because this is his homeland and the people they're robbing are his kin, but these guys don't gain nid from raiding our lands any more than we would from raiding theirs.
Man if we can tie Horra to having abetted a hostile Felag in his home, we can get him Outlawed so easily.

The issue is tying him to them.

Though he has a bunch of ships in his house. Isn't that a lot of evidence already?
Man if we can tie Horra to having abetted a hostile Felag in his home, we can get him Outlawed so easily.

The issue is tying him to them.

If we can take any prisoners, we could probably get them to testify, yes. We'd need additional evidence, on top of that to get Horra to go down, though, I suspect, and the Norse don't tend to surrender much. We might get a surrender if we're clearly winning and we promise not to take them as thralls (the usual fate of defeated enemies) in exchange for their oaths to give testimony and leave...but I think we need to be winning more decisively for that and we need the guy we're currently fighting dead if Abjorn actually kills his brother for good or we'll have another blood feud on our hands.

Though he has a bunch of ships in his house. Isn't that a lot of evidence already?

Of what? It's evidence of him having ships at one time, something I'm pretty sure people already know. I doubt he used these people's ship to help make his compound, and if he did it's because it wasn't traceable.
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If we can take any prisoners, we could probably get them to testify, yes. We'd need additional evidence, on top of that to get Horra to go down, though, I suspect, and the Norse don't tend to surrender much. We might get a surrender if we're clearly winning and we promise not to take them as thralls (the usual fate of defeated enemies) in exchange for their oaths to give testimony and leave...but I think we need to be winning more decisively for that and we need the guy we're currently fighting dead if Abjorn actually kills his brother for good or we'll have another blood feud on our hands.
They're vikings. "body dead but not true dead" is a very real possibility.

At the same time, we'd have to capture one who was actually working with Horra. He may have kept himself insulated from all of that.
If we can take any prisoners, we could probably get them to testify, yes. We'd need additional evidence, on top of that to get Horra to go down, though, I suspect, and the Norse don't tend to surrender much. We might get a surrender if we're clearly winning and we promise not to take them as thralls (the usual fate of defeated enemies) in exchange for their oaths to give testimony and leave...but I think we need to be winning more decisively for that and we need the guy we're currently fighting dead if Abjorn actually kills his brother for good or we'll have another blood feud on our hands.
We do have Stabilizing Hand. And Meat-keeping sticks.

If the Norns say that some of them are only bodily dead, not true dead...