The only thing we have on our charsheet which can reduce incoming damage is, basically, Reinforce.

But it's not at all analogous to Focus.

That being said it could be something like bravery, or whatever it is we feel in combat.
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[X] Asgeirr (Boy 1)
[X] Sigurdr (Boy 2)
[X] Eyvor (Girl)
[X] Give it to Boy 2

[X] Plan Lots Of Gifts
But it's not at all analogous to Focus.

That being said it could be something like bravery, or whatever it is we feel in combat.
IF just said our focus equal event is Odr though?

Edit: forgot to vote
[X] Asgeirr (Boy 1)
[X] Sigurdr (Boy 2)
[X] Eyvor (Girl)
[X] Give it to Boy 2
[X] Plan Lots Of Gifts
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Where did they say that?
Literally at the end of last page?
Something akin to 'Focus' is involved with Norse Cultivation… but it isn't something you are missing.

You currently have 6


I'll call voting in an hour and a half, so vote while you can!

To clarify, you're not missing it because you already have it.
It's either not, or we just really gotta farm in/with our soul, what with every Norseman being a farmer thing.

Ive never asked this before but could you re-formulate that sentence for me, because I have honestly no idea what those words in that order are trying to communicate.
Ive never asked this before but could you re-formulate that sentence for me, because I have honestly no idea what those words in that order are trying to communicate.
Either it's the same answer, meaning Odr=Focus.
Or, as Toboe said, our cultivation is build on farming and bettering not just the land we live on but the community we live in too.
Which, taken a bit literally, means we need to develop our soul.

It was told us multiple times, IC that Norseman are farmers first, every one of them, be they kings, warriors, free people or thralls, otherwise.

Also, we were told that to Norseman, the world is magical, so we just need to explore it.
I think our Aspects themselves (Frami, Virthing, and Saemd) are our Focus-equivalent. Both are orthstirr/fervor recovery mechanisms after all...Focus does other stuff as well, but that's not what it's for.
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The Murderkittens: "We've known this tiny bean for three minutes and if anything happened to her we'd kill all of you and then ourselves"
Thats more what Drifa will say about our litter.
But seriously, we have seen the jump from not liking us to seeing us as the big sister she never had, can you imagine how cute she will be when she gets to be the big sister of her cousins?
And voting is now closed. I've got some fun things planned for this update :evil:
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Apr 18, 2023 at 6:37 PM, finished with 142 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Sigurdr (Boy 2)
    [X] Eyvor (Girl)
    [X] Give it to Boy 2
    [X] Plan Lots Of Gifts
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something
    --[X] Forged Iron Scythe (+7 Successes Tools/Workshop)
    -[X] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you
    --[X] Go buy about 160 Fodder (we don't know a set price, but based on the price of sheep, 16 Food for 1 oz. silver is the price of meat, so he shouldn't need to spend all that much, even if this is the wrong time of year)
    --[X] Take 2 Good Hens and 2 Fine Hens (total value of 1 and 1/2 oz. of silver) and 108 cloth (18 oz. of silver in value) to use to purchase these things. Definitely using the Hens first, but also exchange any remaining cloth for silver after the purchase.
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] The unexplored parts of her own lands, probably taking Abjorn with her, and maybe other people (Stigr, Stigmar, Aki, etc. if they want to come)
    -[X] (Yule) Give Halfdan's family 9 Fine Hens, 1 Fine Rooster, 2 Fine Ewes, 1 Fine Ram (Total Value: 22 and 1/2 oz silver)
    -[X] (Yule) Give Aki 1 Fine Ram, 1 Decent Ox, 1 Decent Bull (probably for turning into an ox, but that's up to him), 1 Decent Cow, 1 Good Bog Iron Plow, 1 Good Bog Iron Work Knife (Total Value: 51 oz. silver if an Ox is as valuable as a bull, a little less if not)
    -[X] (Yule) Give Stigr Wanderlust and 9 oz. of silver to buy himself some armor since he's gonna need it (25-27 oz of silver depending on if Wanderlust is Forged Iron),
    -[X] (Sacrifice) We will sacrifice 1 Good Ram, 1 Good Ewe, and 1 Decent Ewe to Thor, and 2 Decent Roosters to Heimdall.
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Try opening our gate again to gain more odr, being prepared to shut it a lot sooner 1d6
    ---[X] Make sure we have Aki and Abjorn there spotting us, making sure to wake us up after 30-40 minutes (bringing a bucket of cold water, and splashing you with it if you're unresponsive to other measures), and have Hallr start closing the gate around the same time
    --[X] Continue cultivating our Hearthroot as best we can 1d6
    --[X] Examine the energy released during the blot ceremonies and see if there is any resonance with orthstirr or your aspects.1d6
    --[X] Do more bible reading with Jerasmus 1d6
    -[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
    --[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6)
    --[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6)
    --[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6)
    --[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6)
    --[X] Train Campfire Trick for cleansing poisons and diseases 4d6 (2d6)
    --[X] Train Campfire Trick for warding off inimical magics of a less corporeal nature (curses, mind control, blasts of raw destruction, and so on...the idea is that the campfire's light would protect against the darkness which seems thematically on-point) 4d6 (2d6)
    --[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6
    --[X] Train Goal-Tell 1d6
    --[X] Train Cool-Off 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Tricks
    --[X] Train Sidestep 1d6
    --[X] Train Magnify-Sight 1d6
    --[X] Train Skewer-Flick 1d6
    --[X] Train 'Mail' Armorcraft Skill-Trick 1d6
    --[X] Train 'Sax' Weaponcraft Skill-Trick 1d6
    --[X] Train 'Tracking' Wildcraft Skill-Trick 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (63 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Train Hamr itself 1d6
    --[X] Train Cut 1d6
    --[X] Train Farmwork 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (29 successes to rank up)
    --[X] Train Hugr itself 1d6
    --[X] Train Armorcraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
    --[X] Train Barb-Tongue 1d6
    --[X] Train Composure 1d6
    --[X] Train Housecraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
    --[X] Train Scouting 1d6
    --[X] Train Silver-Tongue 1d6
    --[X] Train Wildcraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
    --[X] Train Wordplay 1d6
    -[X] (Training) Fylgja (12 success to rank up)
    --[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6
    -[X] Management
    --[X] (Multicraft) Make Meat-Keeping Sticks 1d6 (+7 Successes Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] (Multicraft) Make Exploding Charms 1d6 (+7 Successes Tools/Workshop)
    --[X] (Fields) Clear Fields 0d6 (+3 Successes from Ox)
    --[X] (Fields) Seed Fields w/Fodder 23d6
    --[X] (Fields) Tend Fields 11d6 (9d6 from Scythe and Plow)
    --[X] (Resources) Cloth 3d6 (3d6 from Wood Axe, +4 Successes Work Knife)
    --[X] Pay our taxes in cloth (-36 Cloth)
    --[X] Make our Good Bull into an Ox (successes added above)
    --[X] Slaughter our Basic Bull use a Meat-Keeping Sticks to preserve it (+12 Food Preserved beyond our Storage limit, -1 Meat-Keeping Sticks)
    -[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
    --[X] 6 Hamr
    ---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, 3 Bash, 3 Pierce, 3 Throw, 2 Cut, 2 Labor, 3 Overland (32 total)
    --[X] 6 Hugr
    ---[X] 2 Barb-Tongue, 3 Composure, 5 Housecraft, 3 Management, 3 Scouting, 3 Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Wordplay, 4 Wildcraft (33 total)
    --[X] 4 Fylgja
    --[X] 1 First Impression
    --[X] 160 free for tricks
    [X] Asgeirr (Boy 1)
    [X][Boy2] Hallrunr
    [X][Girl] Eyvor
    [X] Sigmundr (Boy 1)
    [X][Boy1] Sigurd
    -[x] Examine the energy released during the blot ceremonies and see if there is any resonance with orthstirr or your aspects.
    [X] Give it to Girl
Whee! I guess we finally get to see what Realm 1 does!

Given the fact we're 'Missing a step', I wonder if the side-effect of Realm 1 is the ability to actually use your Aspects specifically without them falling apart?
we need... 3 motes of Odr for it, right? What if we get more though? Will the well overflow? or we just have something to feed to the heartroot?
we need... 3 motes of Odr for it, right? What if we get more though? Will the well overflow? or we just have something to feed to the heartroot?

4, but assuming we're Weaving for half of our time limit, that'll get us there.

And that assumes it isn't "Life Total of 9 motes" as opposed to "Have 9 at one time"

My bet, honestly, is that Stage One is about preparing the Field and stocking up enough Odr to fuel further, explosive growth when you decide to Plant the Seed. It's Odr Condensation, more-or-less, where your goal is stuffing as much of your Resource in one place as possible, and the better the job you do of that, the greater your potential down the line.
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