We are Resistant to Fire Damage, that's not the same as immunity.

Firestorm seems like the kind of thing that would chop right through that.

At least we should reach our Hamr goal barring extreme misfortune. Hamr 6 is significantly above what women generally would have in this culture, and given the fact Halla is about to have triplets who are twice the size of ordinary babbies, she's probably going to need it.

On the other hand, it's probably a Significant Feat to survive that--doubly so if we manage to do so and then are back in shape a few days later.

Gosh, we're actually getting pretty close to getting our first batch of New PC Candidates. We should probably start figuring out names. I definitely think Boy #1 should be named after Steinarr though, he definitely seems to have the traits for it.

Anyway, that aside. I'm thinking for Girl... Signe or Hilda might work (Hilda I think works best, as it's at least tangential to the Hal-esque naming scheme). Boy 2 though, he's going to be tricky.

EDIT: Wait, I've got it, Boy #2 can be Our Stein-namesake. Arnsteinn looks absolutely fantastic given how he's going to be the one who does the most Wandering, and Eagle-Stone is pretty metal.

Boy #1 then...

How about he be our Hall namesake? Halle should work nicely while being distinct, and at present he's not the best candidate for Protagonist #2, given how we want to really start digging in on exploration with them.

So, Halle, Arnsteinn, maybe Sigrun actually? Victory and Secret Lore? It's not like she's dumb after all, every one of the Murderkittens is legitimately a genius, it's just that most of them tend to have moments where they go "No thoughts, head empty, only murder now"
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@Imperial Fister would it be socially appropriate for us to give...perhaps excessive Yule Gifts to our friends who helped us with the Scorn-Pole?

Because we're gonna have a lot of excess livestock just coming of age right about at that point and most of it (and a few other things we want to cut down on...IMO, we want to go down to only 6 chickens) divides pretty neatly into 10-12 silver oz. lots of livestock that we could give away pretty readily (or divided differently, fewer 19-24 oz. lots) and we know Aki's family could use the leg up, and the others could certainly use a bit extra as well.

Like, clearly they didn't do it for a reward and I'm wondering if the gifts would be culturally appropriate, and if so how extravagant they could be. I'd think so, but it seems worth checking.

At least we should reach our Hamr goal barring extreme misfortune. Hamr 6 is significantly above what women generally would have in this culture, and given the fact Halla is about to have triplets who are twice the size of ordinary babbies, she's probably going to need it.

On the other hand, it's probably a Significant Feat to survive that--doubly so if we manage to do so and then are back in shape a few days later.

Hamr 6 definitely seems likely to help, yes. I believe Imperial Fister also said our chances of dying were low, though not nonexistent, even at Hamr 5, so there's that.

I do have another Reward Die I'll almost certainly be using on the birth. I hope that other people with Reward Dice will likewise invest in Halla's survival. There are like 6 more of them out there.

Gosh, we're actually getting pretty close to getting our first batch of New PC Candidates. We should probably start figuring out names. I definitely think Boy #1 should be named after Steinarr though, he definitely seems to have the traits for it.

It's apparently bad luck to name babies after living relatives other than yourself (naming them after yourself or dead relatives is fine), and I think we need a Hallr-based name on any we actually want to play (so definitely Boy #2 at the least). I like Hallbjorn as a name for one of them, just because that seems like a cool name and we were told was acceptable.
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It's bad luck to name babies after living relatives other than yourself, and I think we need a Hallr-based name on any we actually want to play (so definitely Boy #2 at the least).

I don't think that's actually been locked in? After all, there's no guarantee any one of them will survive long term, so having to make our decision right this second seems... Not right.

Hrm, if that's the case though, that takes a good option away. Murr, we'll have to figure something out then.
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Can't find a good Norse translator at the moment buut

Boy 1: Something like Storm-Stone/Avalanche, thereabouts.
Boy 2: Proposed Eaglestone (Arnsteinn) sounds good.
Girl 1: Probably something like 'Bloody Stone' or 'Furious Stone' or 'Warstone'
I don't think that's actually been locked in? After all, there's no guarantee any one of them will survive long term, so having to make our decision right this second seems... Not right.

I mean, the obvious solution is to name them all some variation on Hallr, but with 9 names that's still a bit much...and I'm not actually positive on the 'can only play as people with Hallr-based names' thing. The 'no living relatives' thing was very explicit though.

Hrm, if that's the case though, that takes a good option away. Murr, we'll have to figure something out then.

I'm sure we can work something out one way or another.
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Yeah, honestly? I don't want every single PC to be a "Hall-X" name simply because that'll get super confusing. It's why I keep calling Hallr Blackhand.

The existence of kennings helps, but it's not a total solution in itself.
Yeah, honestly? I don't want every single PC to be a "Hall-X" name simply because that'll get super confusing. It's why I keep calling Hallr Blackhand.

The existence of kennings helps, but it's not a total solution in itself.

I think we can introduce some variables...but I'm certainly not against other names being used too.

I do like Hallbjorn, or the female version Hallberra for our kids since they literally mean 'rock bear', which seems appropriate for our daughter especially (given her having inherited most of her dad's 'bear' stuff), and those are distinct enough while still being a sendup to both parents.
We can also nickname her Berry! Perfect!

That could work, yes.

But we shouldn't do Hall-X for everyone, definitely.
So, Halle, Arnsteinn, maybe Sigrun actually? Victory and Secret Lore? It's not like she's dumb after all, every one of the Murderkittens is legitimately a genius, it's just that most of them tend to have moments where they go "No thoughts, head empty, only murder now"
How about Boy2 Hallrune.
He keeps the Hallr line.
Secret Lore is also something very fitting to invoke in a wanderers name if they want to find knowledge.

Then boy1 could get Arnsteinn, could become a great raider.
[X] Muna: The Taming of Freedfire Alt (Improves Ignition Hugareida)

No point in artillery if we cannot use it effectively (Halla is blind as a bat)
How about Boy2 Hallrune.
He keeps the Hallr line.
Secret Lore is also something very fitting to invoke in a wanderers name if they want to find knowledge.

Then boy1 could get Arnsteinn, could become a great raider.

Again, to reiterate, I think naming a kid after Steinarr while he's still alive is right out (as it would be bad luck), so Arnsteinn is a bad idea. Hallrune for the second son seems reasonable enough and then maybe something using the other element of Abjorn's name for our first kid (which means 'terror')...so maybe, like, Anor? That would, near as I can tell mean 'northern terror' which seems on-point.

That'd be Anor, Hallrune, and Hallberra (nicknamed Berri if we want), which seems workable.

No point in artillery if we cannot use it effectively (Halla is blind as a bat)

She's not quite that bad, and we do have a Trick to compensate almost completed.
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Again, to reiterate, I think naming a kid after Steinarr while he's still alive is right out, so Arnsteinn is a bad idea. Hallrune for the second son seems reasonable enough and then maybe something using the other element of Abjorn's name (which means 'terror')...so maybe, like Anor? That would, near as I can tell mean 'northern terror' which seems on-point.
Anor sounds good to me.
Or Hallbjorn (unless we want to pace the Hall*s Out a bit to Not end Up with half a dozen)
How about Lahar for boy 1?
Sure it's not stone, but you do not want to stand before a mud/rock slide....

Boy 2... Is there anything peace or learning related stone? (Just not the philosopher's stone, please)

For the girl.... Yeah, I like the mixing of the parents' name.

Oh, right!
That poor impulse/self control, guess boy 1 got that from both side of the family, if steinar waiting 2 years is improvement from his youth....
Boy 2... Is there anything peace or learning related stone? (Just not the philosopher's stone, please)
https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Hallr said:
Old Norse hallr = 'flat stone, rock' or 'sloping, leaning to one side' (see HALL)
https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/RUN said:

Ancient Germanic

*rūnō = 'secret', 'secret knowledge' [1] [2]
*rūnō = 'secret lore' [1] [2]
*rûno- = 'secret', 'magic', 'murmur', 'session' [3]


*rūna = 'secret' [1]
rūna = 'secret' [4]
rûna = 'secret', 'magic', 'murmur', 'session' [3]

Old Norse

rún = 'secret' [5] [6]
rún = 'secret lore' [5]

Old Swedish

*rūn = 'rune', 'secret character' [4]

Old Saxon

rûna = 'secret' [7]
rûna = 'secret', 'magic', 'murmur', 'session' [3]

Old High German

rûna = 'secret', m'agic', 'murmur', 'session' [3]

Would be stone + secret (knowledge).
Names.. as best as I can find out.
Father: (10/10) He loves you more than life itself. He would rather die than see harm come to you. However, he's starting to come to terms with the fact that he won't always be there to protect you. After the death of Asveig... he's gotten better, with the lifting of the curse, but he's still been deeply affected by her passing.
Mother: (X/10) You and your Mother... You don't get along, well, you get along better than you did before. You and her will never see eye to eye, not truly, but... well, at least you're not fighting anymore, right? Well... you'll never fight with her again now, you suppose.
Eric Steinarsson: (10/10) He's your older brother by about four years. He's fine, if a little absent-minded and a little timid. He seeks your counsel on certain matters. He's recently found a fascination with ship-making and has went off with his new wife, Stigrun — Stigr's sister — to learn the craft at Jurgdby.
Asva Steinarsdottir: (8/10) She's your older sister by two years and was Mother's favorite.
Sterki Steinarsson: (6/10) He's a little scamp, just like his older sister. He enjoys being around you.
Steinkell Steinarsson: (N/A) He's your youngest brother and is merely an infant, so he has no opinions just yet.
Randi: (10/10): Randi is a thrall of your father's and helps around the house. You grew up listening to her tell you stories, so she's got a soft spot in your heart.
Flekkr: (10/10): Flekkr the Dog is a friendly sort, once you got to know him. As long as you treat him right, he'll stay loyal to the end. It's clear he's suffered from human hands in the past and that's not something you want to remind him of.
Steinarr - Stone Warrior (per puzzle)
Asveig - "Godly Power/Strength"
Eric - "Lone Chieftain?"
Asva - "Godly Fate/Blight/Misfortune"
Sterki - "Strong"
Steinkell - "Stone Helmet" (?)

Abjorn Vidsson: (10/10) Abjorn is a large man, about a year older than you. He sometimes struggles to keep his temper down, though he's always been pleasant to you. You and he shared a kiss under a falling tree, cementing your relationship as lovers, though you and he are long past that stage now, for he is your husband and you his wife.
Abjorn - "Godly Bear/Dread Bear/Bear God"
Vidar - "Forest Army"

Sten Iskearauta: (9/10): It's been 10 years since your eldest brother by six years went off to be fostered somewhere. He's back now, though, with wife and daughter. He seems somewhat fearful of something, but isn't saying what. He's a master smith.
Minna: (7/10): A petite and demure woman. She's certainly pretty, with blonde hair and quiet eyes, though she doesn't seem to be much of a talker.
Drifa Stensdottir: (6/10): An utterly adorable little girl. Frankly, she reminds you of yourself, when you were as little as her. As cute as she was when she disliked you, it's increased ten-fold now that she sees you as the older sister she never had.
Draupnir Stensson: (N/A): He's currently an infant, no likes or dislikes nor personality to be had just yet.

Sten - "Stone"
Minna - "Love"
Drifa - "Fall of Snow"
Draupnir - Goldsmith

Stigr Kersson: (10/10) Stigandr, or 'Stigr' to his friends, is about your age. No matter how many times you've seen him get knocked down, he's never learned to keep his mouth shut. He's probably one of the best shots in the valley. He's probably your best friend, other than Abjorn. Now that he's back, it's like everything is right in the world... even though you know it can't be.
Aki Runson: (6/10) Aki's about four years younger than you and he's an... odd child. Says things he shouldn't know and predicts the patterns of the weather, that sort of thing. He's rather sassy, but also extremely lonely.
Halfdan the Dane: (10/10) Halfdan is a farmer who recently arrived in they valley. You saved his son, Jordan's, life and received a promise of friendship and loyalty to not only yourself, but your descendants as well.
Stigmar Kersson: (10/10) Stigmar is Stigandr's brother. You don't know much about him, but he seems pleasant enough. He's sworn himself to you, on account of acting when Stigandr was suffering from Nidheart.
Gabriel: (7/10) Gabriel is a Squire, which honestly spooks you a little bit after the events of the raid. More importantly, though, is that he's sworn to help you annihilate the evil cursing your father's home.

Stigr - "Path"
Stigmar - "Famous Path" (For someone whose Frami is a bunch of hands clutching aimlessly..)
Aki - "Great Grandfather/Father"
Runar (Aki's dad) - "Warrior of Lore"
Halfdan - "Half-Dane"
Gabriel - "God is my strength"

Osborn Burisson: (-10/10) Turns out, being called-out on a lie by a 'woman of all things' really doesn't make some people happy.
Sverre Glebsson: (3/10) He tried to kiss you once, but Abjorn threw him into a pond. You don't hate him or anything, but it was kinda gross. He didn't take it very well, but doesn't hold any animosity towards you.
Hod Horrasson: (-4/10) He shot Abjorn with an arrow before having his chest blown open by one of Stigr's. If he's alive, you don't like him very much, plus he's got some sort of grudge against your father.
Knappr Horrasson: (-10/10) You wrestled with him at Asvir and absolutely demolished him. He's pissed and boy does he want revenge.
The Hading Witch: (?/10) Okay, there's something about her that *really* sets you on edge. With new information from Aki, you know that she's definitely *not* friendly.
Folkmarr Manetaker: (-1/10) Folkmarr is a rather interesting young man, about the same age as you. He's a Jarl, which means a lot of things to a lot of people, but the most important part is that he's the boss. He killed a lion and wears its mane as his own. He's also related to fucking Horra Hasvisson, the bastard.
Audrikr Fishfighter: (6/10) Audrikr is probably the oldest of the felagi at 28 and is one of Folkmarr's hird. He wields a winged spear and has a sardonic sense of humor. He calls you 'sister', which is fun.
Barki Bertholdsson: (4/10) He looks like a child. He's small, there's not even a wish of a beard on his face, and he is weak. How in all the realms did he manage to get in this felag? Well, at least his voice is pleasant, when he's not stuttering all over the place.
Fabvir the Gorgeous: (3/10) Possibly the handsomest man you have ever met. He looks strangely familiar, like you've seen pictures of him before... He fights with a sword with a guard shaped like antlers.

Horra - "Prostitute/Slute/Someone contemptible"
Buri - (Is the name of a dwarf)

Osborn - "Godly Bear/Bear God"
Sverre - "Troublemaker" (who even names their children like this just what)
Hod - "Battle"
Knappr - "Knob/Button"
Folkmarr - "Famous + People/Army"
Audrikr - "Lucky Chieftain/Inherited Wealth"
Barki - "Bark"
Fabvir - (No idea)


Having made this list I wonder if Runar did an Odin-like trade of an eye for knowledge, getting some form of Blind, which was why Aki then got Blind since genetics is based on souls and stuff.
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Okay, @Imperial Fister I was going over the Management tab and this is wrong in two ways.
@Imperial Fister would it be socially appropriate for us to give...perhaps excessive Yule Gifts to our friends who helped us with the Scorn-Pole?
Absolutely. Your friends know what's up.
and I think we need a Hallr-based name on any we actually want to play
You don't *need* to.
Maybe we should name our daughter after mother? Also everone is assuming that the "Don't name children after living relatives," applies to similar names as well as exact names. Do we actually know that?


Absolutely. Your friends know what's up.

Awesome. Is there a cap to how much value would be appropriate and do we know what particular livestock would be most welcome at each place? Like, for example, is Aki's family poor because their land is crappy and they'd thus need something with low overhead, or just because they need a better income source or what? Similarly, how are Halfdan and Stigr's farms doing and what livestock could they most benefit from?

You don't *need* to.

Cool. We'll probably still do some of that, but less.

Maybe we should name our daughter after mother? Also everone is assuming that the "Don't name children after living relatives," applies to similar names as well as exact names. Do we actually know that?

I got the strong impression, but no reason not to check: @Imperial Fister is the limitation on not naming our children after living relatives only exact names, or similar ones as well?
In my experience every village has that one person who knows everyone and can direct to whoever's in need of support. This might be a good chance to build bridges. Especially since there's non-zero odds our solution to the Horra problem will be more 'Murder' than 'Killing'.
In my experience every village has that one person who knows everyone and can direct to whoever's in need of support. This might be a good chance to build bridges. Especially since there's non-zero odds our solution to the Horra problem will be more 'Murder' than 'Killing'.

I mean, that's literally what we're doing with giving away charity, and exactly why doing so gives Drengskapr...it makes us more and more known as the person who helps people the more we do it.
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Is there a cap to how much value would be appropriate
Not really, but if you're giving out gifts to people who aren't your close friends then you should probably judge it by the social status of the recipient and your relationship with them. A silk cloak to a person who views you favorably is one thing, but a silk cloak to someone you're not on good terms with is an insult to their manhood.
do we know what particular livestock would be most welcome at each place?
A gift of cows will always be welcome. Sheep are also valued. Horses too.

Higher quality is better, of course.
Like, for example, is Aki's family poor because their land is crappy and they'd thus need something with low overhead, or just because they need a better income source or what?
Aki's family is poor because they just don't have the manpower to actually grow enough. It's just Aki and his father. Runar is a gentle soul and is good husband material, but the rumors surrounding him and Aki make any would-be wife think twice on it.
Similarly, how are Halfdan and Stigr's farms doing and what livestock could they most benefit from?
Halfdan is doing fine. Stigr's farm is probably going to be auctioned off soon. Stigulf is going off to live in the Danelaw come Summer and Stigmar, of course, lives on your farm. That leaves Stigr and his mom to take care of things. The mom is probably going to go live in Jurgdby with Eric and Stigrun while Stigr isn't sure what he's going to do.
@Imperial Fister is the limitation on not naming our children after living relatives only exact names, or similar ones as well?
Only exact. Similar is fine and can even be a badge of honor, a mark of respect.

I was planning on offering you folks one or two names for each while also letting you write in your own.


I'll call voting in an hour, so get voting while you can!
Halfdan is doing fine. Stigr's farm is probably going to be auctioned off soon. Stigulf is going off to live in the Danelaw come Summer and Stigmar, of course, lives on your farm. That leaves Stigr and his mom to take care of things. The mom is probably going to go live in Jurgdby with Eric and Stigrun while Stigr isn't sure what he's going to do.
Does Stig know about beekeeping?
Enough that we could hire him (and overpay a bit) to get us started?
Aki's family is poor because they just don't have the manpower to actually grow enough. It's just Aki and his father. Runar is a gentle soul and is good husband material, but the rumors surrounding him and Aki make any would-be wife think twice on it.

Hmmm. I don't actually know what that means in terms of the best livestock to gift them. Would sheep help more, or chickens, for example? Like, do they need a better field/food exchange ratio lowering the needed work (which would be chickens or cattle) or a side business to make cash (which would indicate sheep).

Halfdan is doing fine. Stigr's farm is probably going to be auctioned off soon. Stigulf is going off to live in the Danelaw come Summer and Stigmar, of course, lives on your farm. That leaves Stigr and his mom to take care of things. The mom is probably going to go live in Jurgdby with Eric and Stigrun while Stigr isn't sure what he's going to do.

Is there anything we can do about that to help? Like, would an infusion of valuable livestock allow the farm to be sustainable? Does he even want to keep it?

If we can't help him keep the farm (or he doesn't want us to), I think it's pretty clear Stigr is welcome to come live at our place, and as Toboe notes we'd happily hire him to do beekeeping if he's got the skills, but we'd honestly probably hire him to help out in whatever capacity, protect the place, help us farm, whatever works. Do we need to add saying that to the social we're doing with him this turn?

EDIT: Added noting he's always welcome at our place to the action. That should be fine whatever he decides.
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