I'm the one offering, I just want to make sure we're not going to sabotage ourselves when we still have time to work on this.
Does Steinarr have a fylgja unlocked? I notice "mind, body and soul" might refer to not just driving him out physically, but also his fylgja. It would be extra nasty if it was a horse.

Also, does anything here reflect the spirit wearing Mom's face?
Does Steinarr have a fylgja unlocked? I notice "mind, body and soul" might refer to not just driving him out physically, but also his fylgja. It would be extra nasty if it was a horse.

Also, does anything here reflect the spirit wearing Mom's face?

Not especially, no, but that doesn't seem part of the spell itself.
Incidentally, whatever is going on here ought to be super-duper tied in to the personal narrative of the curse caster and victim. If you guys can successfully disable it - based on how these types of curses ought to work - you should very easily be able to amend the contract itself to continue on the relevant narrative described and turn it back upon the original caster.

Simply because its so nakedly tied to a personal dispute and grievance based on retaliation. Its ideal for it, in fact. These kinds of things always do end in a hoisting on their own petard moment.
Incidentally, whatever is going on here ought to be super-duper tied in to the personal narrative of the curse caster and victim. If you guys can successfully disable it - based on how these types of curses ought to work - you should very easily be able to amend the contract itself to continue on the relevant narrative described and turn it back upon the original caster.

Simply because its so nakedly tied to a personal dispute and grievance based on retaliation. Its ideal for it, in fact. These kinds of things always do end in a hoisting on their own petard moment.

I mean, we were literally told by a mysterious storyteller several years ago that Horra was going to eventually hoist himself on his own petard if we waited for the right opportunity, this might be it.
Incidentally, whatever is going on here ought to be super-duper tied in to the personal narrative of the curse caster and victim. If you guys can successfully disable it - based on how these types of curses ought to work - you should very easily be able to amend the contract itself to continue on the relevant narrative described and turn it back upon the original caster.

Simply because its so nakedly tied to a personal dispute and grievance based on retaliation. Its ideal for it, in fact. These kinds of things always do end in a hoisting on their own petard moment.
lmao even.

Funny thing you mention that.... as we got a skald warn us to NOT attack the creator of this pole and just wait for him to kill himself lol
Wondering if "Little Watchers" might include the spirits of the dead as well as spirits of the land, based on this wikipedia excerpt:
Some scholars have suggested that landvættir are chthonic in nature, spirits of the dead, but others have interpreted them as nature spirits, since they sometimes live in land that has never been populated.

The beardless part of it is taken literally.
So does the curse just make one's beard fall out? :p
Does Steinarr have a fylgja unlocked? I notice "mind, body and soul" might refer to not just driving him out physically, but also his fylgja. It would be extra nasty if it was a horse.

Also, does anything here reflect the spirit wearing Mom's face?
-Charred Soul - A trait guaranteed to be passed down to your successor. This trait gives the recipient access to the counsel of their predecessors as well as parts of their knowledge.
one could say he will become part of us when he dies. So once he is gone our soul could be part of "mind, body and soul" being removed.
Not sure how it would be seen by people that don't know of the trait.

one could say he will become part of us when he dies. So once he is gone our soul could be part of "mind, body and soul" being removed.
Not sure how it would be seen by people that don't know of the trait.
he doesn't have Charred Soul, we are Hallr's direct successor, so once steinarr dies he's just dead.
The beardless part of it is taken literally.

Huh, good to know.

'Let all the Little-Watchers [Land Spirits] bear witness to Stronghoof's Sireling [A rotting, dead horse's head]. Let them know no rest till ESONTRIARWOR[Stone-Warrior, a kenning for Steinarr] is driven from the land in mind, body, and soul. May any who dare disrupt this righteous act have their face suffer worse than the downy-cheeks of RJUNNTABLS[Burnt Njal--a lawyer and sage who was killed in a fire by a vengeful mob]. Let all who continue learn the pain of Thorthur Skarfr meeting Helgi Droplaugarson. Throd Cormorant, who met Helgi Droplaugrson and promptly got his scrotum pierced by a spear, a horrible way to go]'


"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed, rotting horse's head until the Stone-Warrior (Steinarr) is banished from their sight in all respects. May any who dare disrupt their righteous act lose their beard and any who continue after that be pierced from below."

Huh, the attack is to 'Literally' unman anyone who dares to interfere with the curse. By taking away your beard and cutting off your balls. The Beard falling out is the warning shot, and this is arguably the most horrible thing you can do to a Norseman--we've done it to several people, it just innately Nids you so hard that you just die. At least Halla kneeing someone in the crotch is just a temporary pain that you can theoretically avenge if she didn't usually follow that off by chopping you in half. This is nowhere near that nice.
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one could say he will become part of us when he dies. So once he is gone our soul could be part of "mind, body and soul" being removed.
Not sure how it would be seen by people that don't know of the trait.
Nah, Steinar isnt joining us, or his brothers would be there already.
Charred soul is like the torch/baton run, or One-for-all, if you want a more modern version.
Yeah, I think that might be it, the Consequences are such that the target is hit with so much Nid by being 'Unmanned" by your own folly, that it literally explodes across your entire family line. We already know there's such things as "Orthstirr/Drengskap by Association", by extension, there very much should be an incredible amount of 'Nid/Odrengskap by association', and this seems like a trap meant to do exactly that.
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Huh, good to know.

'Let all the Little-Watchers [Land Spirits] bear witness to Stronghoof's Sireling [A rotting, dead horse's head]. Let them know no rest till ESONTRIARWOR[Stone-Warrior, a kenning for Steinarr] is driven from the land in mind, body, and soul. May any who dare disrupt this righteous act have their face suffer worse than the downy-cheeks of RJUNNTABLS[Burnt Njal--a lawyer and sage who was killed in a fire by a vengeful mob]. Let all who continue learn the pain of Thorthur Skarfr meeting Helgi Droplaugarson. Throd Cormorant, who met Helgi Droplaugrson and promptly got his scrotum pierced by a spear, a horrible way to go]'


"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed, rotting horse's head until the Stone-Warrior (Steinarr) is banished from their sight in all respects. May any who dare disrupt their righteous act lose their beard and any who continue after that be pierced from below."

Huh, the attack is to 'Literally' unman anyone who dares to interfere with the curse. By taking away your beard and cutting off your balls. The Beard falling out is the warning shot, and this is arguably the most horrible thing you can do to a Norseman--we've done it to several people,, it just innately Nids you so hard that you just die.
It's pretty hilarious that the whole curse can just be countered by having a woman break it, so whover made it waited until Steinarr's wife died.
It's pretty hilarious that the whole curse can just be countered by having a woman break it, so whover made it waited until Steinarr's wife died.

And that explains exactly why they tried to prevent Halla from finding out about it.

@Imperial Fister

The consequences to breaking the curse are to have your beard and your balls fall off, 'Unmanning' the target to kill you and severely hurt your family through sheer Nid. By extension, it can be countered entirely harmlessly by just having a woman do so. This is precisely why this strike didn't come until Asveig died, and precisely why Halla was prevented from finding out about this and only learned because she came in at the right time.
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It's pretty hilarious that the whole curse can just be countered by having a woman break it, so whover made it waited until Steinarr's wife died.
You shouldn't assume that to be the case with magic. Especially with Norse magic, which delighted in its tales of magical transformations and men or women going as the opposite sex.

Triply so when there are Fae contracted to be involved as an acting agent for said magic.
"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed, rotting horse's head until the Stone-Warrior (Steinarr) is banished from their sight in all respects. May any who dare disrupt their righteous act lose their beard and any who continue after that be pierced from below."
I think we can simplify that even more to:
"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed, rotting horse's head until the Stone-Warrior (Steinarr) is banished from their sight in all respects. May any who dare disrupt this righteous act lose their beard and balls/dick.

I expect the troll and the Dark Forest Parasite that is wearing Mom's face moved in because the guardian spirits aren't keeping them out as they normally would.
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By extension, it can be countered entirely harmlessly by just having a woman do so. This is precisely why this strike didn't come until Asveig died, and precisely why Halla was prevented from finding out about this and only learned because she came in at the right time.
Just because it can be doesn't mean you should risk it until proper precautions are undertaken, by the way. If your reading is correct then you can just apply whatever runic stuff you have on hand anyway, and even then, you may not want to break it for use as a counter-cursing medium later.

Shit like that could not possibly be very common.
wait... shit
we ARE pregnant with triplets
2 of them are boys

@Imperial Fister if Halla breaks the curse, will the security measures target our boys?

I'm pretty sure our precautions for breaking the curse are not actually gonna be as simple as just having Halla do it even if that would work (which, for the record, I'm dubious of...I think she'd fare better than a man but still get stabbed in the crotch). There are ways to break the curse while avoiding the consequences even if you don't have someone immune to those consequences and we'd be using as many of them as we can arrange.
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The kids don't actually exist as far as Norse Magic is concerned until they take their first breath, that's when their Fates are determined.