@Imperial Fister
will Steinarr join us as another Charred Soul persona when he goes the way of all mortals?
He will not. Without a Charred Soul of his own, he cannot join your line's Collective
Not entirely sure why I was @-ed here.
@Imperial Fister if Halla breaks the curse, will the security measures target our boys?
It will not
I'm pretty sure our precautions for breaking the curse are not actually gonna be as simple as just having Halla do it even if that would work (which, for the record, I'm dubious of...I think she'd fare better than a man but still get stabbed in the crotch). There are ways to break the curse while avoiding the consequences even if you don't have someone immune to those consequences and we'd be using as many of them as we can arrange.
in that case, we shoul use Chron's "uno reverse" tactic, seems the safest.
You shouldn't assume that to be the case with magic. Especially with Norse magic, which delighted in its tales of magical transformations and men or women going as the opposite sex.
Agreed. Halla is very much a known quantity when dealing with this family. Someone went to a whole lot of trouble to set up this curse. Having the breaking condition be something that could happen by sheer coincidence is rather suspicious in my opinion. It might be that, because she's already beardless, the curse skips the warning shot and goes straight to the nasty stuff.

Just because she's female doesn't mean that the groin shot won't apply. The countermeasure could be just a hit to the reproductive organs. Therefore, her ovaries would be impaled instead of her nonexistent scrotum.
Agreed. Halla is very much a known quantity when dealing with this family. Someone went to a whole lot of trouble to set up this curse. Having the breaking condition be something that could happen by sheer coincidence is rather suspicious in my opinion. It might be that, because she's already beardless, the curse skips the warning shot and goes straight to the nasty stuff.

Just because she's female doesn't mean that the groin shot won't apply. The countermeasure could be just a hit to the reproductive organs. Therefore, her ovaries would be impaled instead of her nonexistent scrotum.

Exact Wording is Important in Norse Magic. Especially Rune Magic. The kenning used for the other one is explicitly "Your Scrotum is stabbed".
Would destroying the pole with our fylgja (especially by dumping our big-ass boulder) have any difference?
The fylgja is part of us, but the boulder isn't, so would the curse apply in a doubly indirect manner?
True. And it may mean Halla is immune, but I'd rather take additional precautions anyway because, y'know, better safe than sorry.

I mean, I guess.

Damn, what could we be missing? We know it's being extremely literal here in some ways, even if it's highly obfuscated.

"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed, rotting horse's head until the Stone-Warrior (Steinarr) is banished from their sight in all respects. May any who dare disrupt their righteous act have their beard fall out and their scrotum pierced."

Unless the problem that we're running into is in the first part at this point? That's the area we haven't really spent too much time and attention on because we thought it was obvious, what if it wasn't?
Just because it can be doesn't mean you should risk it until proper precautions are undertaken, by the way. If your reading is correct then you can just apply whatever runic stuff you have on hand anyway, and even then, you may not want to break it for use as a counter-cursing medium later.

Shit like that could not possibly be very common.
Our known runic stuff is ... explosive pottery and fridgesticks.
Decoded Runes:
"**Let those who taste its bite stay fresher than morning dew**"="Anything stabbed with this stays completely fresh"
-Allows creation of Meat-Keeping Sticks (2 Successes)
"**Hardened-Soft Meets Black Man's End. Force of Fire is Low-Tide's Gift.**"="When the pottery breaks, it leaves an explosion behind"
-Allows creation of Explosive Charms (3 Successes)
-Explodes (3 Damage)
Known Runes:

But if we can use this as evidence to get Horra outlawed it would be extremely useful.
The only reason we haven't killed Horra to gain favor (and explicitly teaching Seidr) from a Seeress (whose children Horra killed because they were offspring of our grandfather) is him being related to almost everyone in the valley and the threat of killing him causing a revenge spiral.

Exact Wording is Important in Norse Magic. Especially Rune Magic. The kenning used for the other one is explicitly "Your Scrotum is stabbed".
Something that could be stopped with standstill stuff if we know to expect it.
"Spirits of the Land are to be tormented by the sight of this cursed,

Why tormented?

I tried spelling this out earlier, remember? This is a beseechment for them to intercede on the casters behalf, isnt it? "Spirits of the land, behold the child of Stronghoof." And from there draw allegorical equivalence to the target of the curse with their narrative parallels. Thus as the sire of stronghoof rots, so too does that which the target begets rot.
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Did a bit more research, here's the actual nature of the pole and an example of how it's used in the Sagas

Nithing-Pole said:
"And when all was ready for sailing, Egil went up into the island. He took in his hand a hazel-pole, and went to a rocky eminence that looked inward to the mainland. Then he took a horse's head and fixed it on the pole. After that, in solemn form of curse, he thus spake: 'Here set I up a curse-pole, and this curse I turn on king Eric and queen Gunnhilda. (Here he turned the horse's head landwards.) This curse I turn also on the guardian-spirits who dwell in this land, that they may all wander astray, nor reach or find their home till they have driven out of the land king Eric and Gunnhilda.' This spoken, he planted the pole down in a rift of the rock, and let it stand there. The horse's head he turned inwards to the mainland; but on the pole he cut runes, expressing the whole form of curse."

The Spirits of the Land are likely Landvættir

Why tormented?

I tried spelling this out earlier, remember? This is a beseechment for them to intercede on the casters behalf, isnt it?

The part where it says 'let them know no rest', probably. That's saying they won't be able to rest until they've done the deed, a stick rather than a carrot. Tormented may or may not be quite right, but it isn't asking for help, it's compelling.
The part where it says 'let them know no rest', probably. That's saying they won't be able to rest until they've done the deed, a stick rather than a carrot. Tormented may or may not be quite right, but it isn't asking for help, it's compelling.
Its about the target knowing no rest, though? Not the acting agents. Why would the spirits of the land heed a command to "know no rest"? That's not how these things work. You need proper payment for that. Some kind of offering spelled out in exchange for the service rendered to leave no room for ambiguity in case the acting spirits try to fuck off with the goods instead of doing as you asked.

Edit: I feel like you guys are glossing over the fact that this is a contract accorded between the caster and the land spirits theyre beseeching to act as agents on their behalf. Like, sure in a general sense this is a magical curse, but the second you try and literally contract outside agents to do the dirty work on your behalf you bring Fae Deal Filters into play and need to treat it accordingly.

You're already doing that with thinking that the "no dick no game" line of reasoning, so just apply it to the first half of the passage too.
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The real question is why a pole with a horse head on it apparently not only distresses the Landvaettir, but makes them do what the caster wants them to instead of lashing out at them.

But my research hasn't turned up any reason why that works that way.
oh, so our mom became a protector spirit... then the curse started to force her to harm Steinar?


That Would be one of the most dickish moves that Horra could possibly achieve, and explain why Asveig hasn't actually been moved to the Dead section of the Relations List despite, well, being obviously dead.
Its about the target knowing no rest, though? Not the acting agents. Why would the spirits of the land heed a command to "know no rest"? That's not how these things work. You need proper payment for that. Some kind of offering spelled out in exchange for the service rendered to leave no room for ambiguity in case the acting spirits try to fuck off with the goods instead of doing as you asked.

No, it isn't, the actual wording is:

'Let all the Little-Watchers bear witness to Stronghoof's Sireling. Let them know no rest till ESONTRIARWOR[Stone-Warrior, a kenning for Steinarr] is driven from the land in mind, body, and soul."

Steinarr is the target, to be driven off the land in 'mind, body, and soul' the only 'them' that could be referred to here is the land spirits. Also, for Quest Context, this guy has previously kidnapped a nisse, tortured it to insanity, and sent it to kill us. He is not shy about trying to compel the spirits and has shown the capability to do so (he's got some foreign necromancy bullshit we're still unclear on the details of).
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Steinarr is the target, the only 'them' that could be referred to is the land spirits. Also, for Quest Context, this guy has previously kidnapped a nisse, tortured it to insanity, and sent it to kill us. He is not shy about trying to compel the spirits.
Then thats rather hilariously fucking dangerous lol


Yeah this guys really playing with fire here. Hmm.

I need a second.
Then thats rather hilariously fucking dangerous lol


Yeah this guys really playing with fire here. Hmm.

I need a second.

We have been...prophesied at may not be quite the right term, but something close to it, that one of the beings he compels will likely eventually escape and wreak terrible vengeance upon him. So...that does seem like a thing that might happen at some point, yeah.

That Would be one of the most dickish moves that Horra could possibly achieve, and explain why Asveig hasn't actually been moved to the Dead section of the Relations List despite, well, being obviously dead.
You know "Little-Watchers" could mean "Watchers who are little" or "Those who watch littles (ie kids)". That doesn't feel quite right, but it could apply to a parental guardian spirit.