It's more that we don't necessarily need to have actual evidence beyond Eyewitness Testimony. But we can't just be Making Shit Up, because that's absolutely Nidingr and kills our Cultivation dead. We need to actually see it.
This is important, yes.
There is something people seem to have missed though, while focusing on trying to connect it to Horra.
Sure it's totally his doing, but we don't need to actually connect it to him.
Because raising a Scorn Pile with due cause is
at least a full outlawing. And it IS a serious matter, not only because of the sins being punished but also because of the consequences and collateral damage due to angry spirits.
It's a thing everyone needs to know about.
But ssomeone raised it in secret.
If the headman in Asvig hears about it.... That will warrant a search party.
If we give the actual pole?
Let's just say no matter what, someone targeted one of their people. Someone in good standing...
It will be personal...
But even if it doesn't get some protection/support for steinar, it will be noted that someone really wants him dead, but not in the right ways.
Basically, even if there isn't anything connected the pole to Horra, we should still notify the headman we pay taxes for, because an "unknown" niddinger is causing problems that can affect others too.
And when a convent Scape goat comes up....
*Looks at Horra*