Because you don't have a reason written down for the ambush, I'm going with 'You're clearing the shame from your Slavic retainers' honor after Jogrim made thralls of them'.
That and supporting Kare in his vengeance for someone he cares for personally. That's definitely part of it, and supporting our retainers seems relevant.
Kare's thing is part of clearing the shame. That's why he wants to kill Jogrim, because it isn't proper for a Karl to marry a Thrall, even an ex-one. As such, he need to wipe the slate clean, so to speak
@Imperial Fister Would forcing Jogrim to pay weregild for the enslavement and forswear any vengeance at swordpoint be an alternative solution here? This would make us ridiculously chilled out and reasonable by the standards of Norse culture, but it does not seem entirely out of character for Halla.

Not that I'm not okay with just going for a nice bit of murder here, seems good to me, just doing my due diligence.
Yeah. Halla does seem like the type to at least seriously consider whether there are practical solutions to her problem that don't involve killing anyone, though she will of course casually escalate to murder if the answer is "nah" or "yeah, but I really don't feel like going through that."
@Imperial Fister Would forcing Jogrim to pay weregild for the enslavement and forswear any vengeance at swordpoint be an alternative solution here? This would make us ridiculously chilled out and reasonable by the standards of Norse culture, but it does not seem entirely out of character for Halla.

Not that I'm not okay with just going for a nice bit of murder here, seems good to me, just doing my due diligence.

I suspect that would not satisfy Kare or particularly Vesna and the other Slavs, but it's definitely still a question worth asking.
@Imperial Fister Would forcing Jogrim to pay weregild for the enslavement and forswear any vengeance at swordpoint be an alternative solution here? This would make us ridiculously chilled out and reasonable by the standards of Norse culture, but it does not seem entirely out of character for Halla.
Sure, that's possible. But I don't know how feasible that idea really is, given that it also requires Jogrim to cooperate
Got it.

Edit:.... What the fuck is my luck.
mythfan12 threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Tactica Total: 56
2 2 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Sure, that's possible. But I don't know how feasible that idea really is, given that it also requires Jogrim to cooperate

I guess it depends both on how much he wants to survive, versus how humiliating it is to have to pay weregild to a woman he took in a raid under duress.

Although based on that Tactics roll, I'm not sure we're going to do an amazing job of making him think we've got him at a disadvantage haha
Summer 12/Turn 3
[X] Plan Well, Let's Kill Him
-[X] [Focus] Find, Ambush (in the Norse sense), and Kill Jogrim Foestep
--[X] Bring all available retainers, and any of our adult family members who want to come
--[X] See if we can ferret out any information first so we're better prepared
--[X] Make sure he's away from Griss Strongthrow's farm when we do this
-[X] Use Calling For Congress or other Fylgja use to get on the same page as Corpsemaker in terms of timing for taking care of Dorri
--[X] Take all available precautions to ensure privacy
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Reforge Ashen Kiss (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Being careful to leave the intent of the current runes unaffected, and adding Crowfeeder's Runes
--[X] Adding wolf bone ash
--[X] Use Experience Forging to infuse it with our Lesson Of Fire Muna
--[X] Adding **1 Odr** to the crafting and add the Aspects to the runecraft roll
--[X] Attempt to use Frenzy on crafting rolls, attempting to achieve a state of focus via hashish if we can't manage it otherwise. Have a spotter to make sure we eat and drink while doing this.
--[X] Quench the blade in a potion made to enhance its heat involving hearthroot oil, **1 Odr**, and various things associated with flame and heat.
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Silver And Gold Torc for Abjorn (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Use bear bone ash
--[X] Add runes saying "Let no trick serve to escape my wearer's grasp."- Hopefully magically prevents magical effects that would free people from his grapples
--[X] Use Experience Forging to infuse it with our First Kiss Under A Falling Tree Muna
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
-[X] (Training) Hamr (511 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Combat Skill 6xp (3xp)
-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Time Stands Still 72xp (36xp)
--[X] Train Inertia-Arresting-Throw 36 xp (18xp)
--[X] Train Standstill 36xp (18xp)
-[X] (Work Options)
--[X] Make 10 Restful Clay Cups and 2 Alarm Charms (4 Work)
--[X] Write A Poem – Niflheim, spending **7 Odr** (3 Work)
---[X] If we manage to make Frenzy work on our crafting, use the same methods on the poetry
--[X] Make 9 Superior Shields w/Bog Iron Rims for Retainers (9 Work)
--[X] Find out what gossip has to say on Magni Little-Rock (1 Work)
--[X] Get information on Jogrim Foe-Step and his people (1 Work)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Infuse **16 Odr** into Wordplay
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Halla,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Dusty Iron,
Time Stands Still (Mastered-Perfected)
Inertia-Arresting-Throw (Refined-Mastered)
Standstill 7-8
Ambushing Jogrim Foestep
Light dances across iron as the hammer rises. Red-hot metal warps under the falling weight as it bends the knee to the craftsman's touch. Again and again, the strength of the smith conquers the barren wastelands and forces those once proud nodes of sturdy ore to submit to the all-encompassing will of creation.

You wipe your brow as yet one more shield receives a band of strong iron, further strengthening it against the blows of your foes. Wrapping hide tight around the surface, you set the shield aside as you take the next in hand and set to work once more.

As the hammer lifts for the umpteenth time, your mind's course drifts to the purpose of shields. A shield is meant to keep its holder safe, but from what? Enemy weapons, of course, but who would be the holders of such fell blades?

Jogrim Foestep, and his men. Those are the hands that would hold the swords, spears, and axes your shields would stop. You intend to kill him, and, should the Norns deem it so, hopefully he'll stay dead.

Killing someone, however, is no simple task. Rushing in blind is how one ends up dead, as so many Sagas can attest. To kill a man requires patience, cunning, and a sense of urgency. Too many men are content to wait for the most opportune moment while never realizing that the moment in question has already passed them by. Taking risks, being bold, that is the mark of a dreng. But a dreng does not take unnecessary risks, for he knows well that which is at stake. He engages when the odds are on his side, fearless and willing to meet his end should it be so written.

Information is key when considering killing. As such, you've spent considerable time gathering data and converting it into usable intel. What do you know about Jogrim Foestep and his men? Not a lot, all things considered, but what you do know is that he doesn't seem to like his brother-in-law all that much—or, at least, he has a disliking of Griss Strongthrow's home. With that in mind, it's likely that he won't be spending much in the way of time at Griss' house, so he'll be looking to return to Jurgdby as soon as possible. As you'd rather not attack Jogrim while he's at Griss' farm nor while he's at his home—as both give him certain annoying advantages, such as, but not limited to, a highly defensible position—that leaves only one window of opportunity to make your move: when Jogrim is in transit.

Because of that, you've sent the fylgjur of your men to take up observation positions on the routes most likely to be taken. Jogrim doesn't strike you as someone who'd venture beyond the trodden paths, so it isn't likely he'd be cautious enough to rough it through the wilderness—especially as he's unaware of your intentions.

With watchers all in place, you turn your attention towards the next steps in the plan. While you outnumber Jogrim and his men, it isn't enough to make certain of anything. The Sagas, after all, are full of outnumbered warriors breaking free and turning the slaughter around on their enemies. You'll have to be careful if you don't want to end up the same way. As such, you've sent word out to your friends and allies, asking them to fight alongside you on this day.

Your numbers bolstered by the fighting strength of Halfdan, his family, their respective retainers, and your brothers, the next part of the plan is to research the capabilities of your enemies. In the weeks since you first came up with the plan, you've spent your time doing just that. As such, you've assembled quite the array of information.

Jogrim Foestep, a former Kyrsviking, earned his kenning when he, in the heat of battle, drove a toe-shattering stomp to the foot of a foe before slaying him on the spot. He is said to be adept at adapting to his opponents and has a fondness for throwing his weapons should the situation call for it. An intelligent fighter with a habit of avoiding traps and trickery, there are few who can pull the wool over his eyes.

He is said to wield a dust hugareida with great skill and precision, though its raw power is somewhat lacking. He has been seen using his dust hugareida to generate explosions amongst other such techniques. For his Martial Styles, he is in possession of three. They are the Mirror Waltz, Shattering Scream, and, as is the case of all Norsemen, Glima.

For his men, they have a large smattering of skillsets and other hugareida. Some wield fire, others wield water, and one—Kjallakr Grassroots, Jogrim's right hand man—bears both 'mud' and 'plant' hugareida. Glima is universal amongst Jogrim's warriors, as is the case for your own, while Mirror Waltz, Shattering Scream, and Glass Shard are also common thanks to the lot being former Kyrsvikingar. Their skill level varies, but Kjallakr is the strongest without a doubt.

A wielder of fleinn, Kjallakr Grassroots is a man to keep an eye on in the fight, for he is said to throw spears with the strength of Thor himself. He is a user of the Siegeworks style, which allows him to throw things with incredible force and accuracy, and is likely to be a pain in the rear should he be allowed to use his style to the fullest extent.

The hammer falls one last time, the iron warped to the desired shape, and you cool the red-hot material in a vat of ice-cold water—kept cold by a lining of cooling clay. Gazing upon the finished work, a small smile spreads across your face as the image of failing weapons flashes before your mind's eye. It's good work you've done here, there's no doubt about that!

It's as you stretch skin over the surface that a noise at the door catches your attention. Sticking his head in, Eysteinn Egilsson scans the smoke-filled workshop before coming to a rest on you. "Jogrim's moving," Eysteinn's face flickers into a frown as he keeps speaking, "but... there's a complication."

"How so?" To hear of a problem isn't surprising, but the look on Eysteinn's face is. Stacking the shield atop the pile of its kinsmen, you turn your full attention on the young man.

"It's... Well," he takes a deep breath, luckily avoiding the smoke in the process, "Griss sent along three of his men to see Jogrim off."

"Is Griss there? How strong are they?" As far as you know, Griss is the only one of his fighting strength on his farm, so three more enemies shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as he's not among them.

"He's not, no," Eysteinn shakes his head and sighs, "but Gorm Bloodslick, Holger Trip, and Snorri Deepsleeper are."

That, however, gives you fresh pause as a frown tugs at your face. That's another one of the reasons you decided against attacking Griss' farm, as you know a fair portion of his men on a personal level. All three of those men are men you've fought alongside, men you've killed with, men you've even worked to save.

For a moment, a flicker of worry passes through your heart as you wonder at that selection. Could it be calculated? Could Griss and, by extension, Jogrim have somehow caught wind of your plans and selected those men in particular to put a wrinkle in?

No, it's much more likely that those three men are simply the strongest in Griss' employ and, as such, are sent to ensure Jogrim's safety. Worrying about if they do or don't know is paranoia, for if they did they'd probably just go through the wilderness and give you the slip. Unless, of course, they wanted to take you on, but Jogrim seemed quite intelligent to you and taking you on would be a fool's errand, not something a cunning man would do.

Tightening your jaw, you offer a nod to Eysteinn, "Tell the men to make ready and a messenger to Sten and Halfdan telling them the same. We'll give the uninvolved a chance to leave and for the involved to make amends, but after that it's on them."

Eysteinn swallows and nods, a flicker of worry passing through his eye before his head disappears with the closing of the door. You sigh as his footsteps fade into the background, the wooden door muffling the noise.

'Life is never easy,' Blackhand's words are like that of a cooling forge, grim in the face of the inevitable, 'the Norns would have it no other way.'


Sten and Eric are the first to arrive at the ambush site, after you and your men, of course. The ambush point was selected in a hurry, so it has a few flaws but none too severe. The lack of rocks automatically makes this place poor fighting ground and it's a little bit too close to Asvir for your comfort, but it's also the only acceptable place for an ambush given the need to make ready and wait for your allies to appear.

The well-trodden path cuts through the outer Hading and, as such, is lightly bordered with young trees and thick underbrush. The route curls around the side of a large, mossy boulder, which provides the perfect vantage point for both archers and for you to stand prominently.

A grumpy grumble passes Sten's lips as he lays eyes on the shields on your men's arms. "I was planning on bringing some shields, but I knew I shouldn't have bothered."

Your brows furrow at that, but you're not given any time to respond as Halfdan arrives mere moments later. Halfdan stands at the head of his group with an atgeir in hand and mail on his body. Following in his wake are his two of his three sons, Jordan and Joarr, alongside three of his six retainers, the rest having been left at home alongside Jon just in case things go horribly wrong.

Halfdan strides up to you and offers a respectful nod your way, his eyes roaming across the future fighting ground, "A good afternoon for spilling blood, Halla, but let's hope it's none of our own."

"Let's hope," you mutter in response as your instincts start firing and your heart starts hammering. There's no time for pleasantries, so you get right down to business. "I'm going to stand up on this rock with the archers," you lay a pat upon the stone while directing a finger towards the bushes and trees, "while you and the others wait in the woods. When I call out to Jogrim and they stop, you'll reveal yourselves and surround them."

Halfdan nods and lays his atgeir on his shoulder, "That sounds like a solid plan, but are we giving them time to negotiate or just getting stuck in?"

A frown creases your lips, "I think it best we give the uninvolved an opportunity to leave."

"A good idea, I reckon," Halfdan's lips pull back in a smile as he whistles for his men before heading towards the trees. As he walks past you, you can't help but catch a glimpse of the axe on his belt—an axe matching the wound on the back of the Witch's skull.

You're given no time to think, however, as the sound of approaching footsteps echoes in your ears and your heart starts hammering like you were still in the forge. Quickly leaping atop the hill, your men fan out and take positions in the trees as you settle in to wait.

You don't have to wait long, thankfully, as a dozen armed foes soon emerge. At the head of the pack is none other than Jogrim Foestep, who slows to a halt as soon as he sees you atop the rock. Lifting his chin with his voice, he calls out to you with narrowed eyes and tense muscles, "Greetings, Halla Sunshine. I'd say it's pleasant to see you again, but I can't help but notice the armor on your body and the weapon in your hands. I trust that your ire is in no way directed at me or my men?"

Sucking down a deep breath, you call out in response, "Your trust is misplaced, Jogrim Foestep, for you and I are enemies on this day."

Fear flashes in the faces of Gorm, Holger, and Snorri as they realize what's about to happen. Jogrim's eyes dart from side-to-side as your warriors reveal themselves and quickly surround the now-trapped men. Recognition, betrayal, and thinned lips cross the faces of both your men and Griss' as blades once friendly turn hostile.

"I see," Jogrim's face is grim as he cracks his neck and loosens up his shoulders, "so it has come to this, has it? I'd thought your reputation misplaced, but it's clear to see that I was wrong."

"My reputation has nothing to do with this, Jogrim Foestep," you swipe a hand through the air, dismissing his words with a flick of the wrist, "for it was your actions that brought this upon you."

"And what, pray tell, did I do to deserve such treachery?" Jogrim demands as he fastens his mail-necked helmet upon his head, an action copied by most of his men behind him.

"It is not what you did, but who you did it to," you respond as you direct a pointing finger towards your farm far in the distance. "You said it yourself when you visited, that you raided among the Slavs for a time. Those people you raided, that you took as Thralls, are now in my service as free men and women, but the stain of Thrallhood still lurks on their saga-slates, slates that can be cleaned only by your death."

"So that's why I felt such hatred from the wolf-headed one," Jogrim mutters as he sends a stare Kare's way.

"I have no quarrel with the uninvolved," you wave your atgeir towards Gorm, Holger, and Snorri, "and they may leave freely if they so desire it. Your men, however, are not so lucky. Should they wish to go free, ransom must be paid with their arms and armor."

In the silence that follows, it's broken by Gorm Bloodslick as he steps forward with an answer to your words, "We thank you for your offer, Halla of the Hading," he takes a deep breath as the fear in his eyes falls away to cold determination, "but I and my friends gave our words that we'd see Jogrim safely to Asvir."

Your jaw tightens at that, but you stay firm as you breathe out a shaky, stuttering breath, "I see."

"Before we begin the killing, I have a question to ask," Jogrim calls out once more as he draws spear and shrugs free shield. Point the spear your way, he levels his voice just as he levels his question, "If the honor of your Slavs is worth defending to such an extent, why is it that I see none of their faces here among my enemies? Surely if a woman as renowned as yourself feels the need to defend their honor, so too would they, no? Even the lowly rat strikes boldly when the wolf gives it a chance at the cat, but there are not but wolves and lions on this day."

Your response?
[ ] Write in

(Tactics: 17+14) 31 Successes, damn

Like the map of a well-travelled land, the plans of friend and foe alike unfold before your sights.

Amongst the plans of your friends and foes, a select few stand out to your eyes.
-Kare plans to engage with Jogrim as quickly as possible, which might be difficult as he'll have to cut through two men to do so.
-Kjallakr means to turn the ground to mud—while leaving the ground he and his allies are standing on dry—as well as restricting the movements of your men with vines and roots. He'll also be hurling his fleinn at anything he deems 'important'.
-Stigmar is going to do his best to protect you, which is going to be a problem as that puts him directly in the path of Jogrim, who is intending to blow the rock you and the archers stand upon to smithereens.
-After doing that, Jogrim's planning on throwing his spear at you—or any other opportune foe— before drawing his sword and throwing himself at you and the dazed archers, hoping to take you out as quickly as he can.

He and his men know they're at a severe disadvantage, but they're hoping that their abilities can turn the tide enough to win the day. Unfortunately for them, they're up against you.

Endurance: (19/19) | Frenzy: (8/8) (+8 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor: (21/21) (+9 to Defense Rolls)
Orthstirr: (65/65) | Odr: (43)
( ) Frami: 22 | ( ) Virthing: 22 | ( ) Saemd: 21
Your Combat Dice Pool for Basic Moves is 8d6

What do you do?
[ ] Plan Name
-[ ] Goal: Write in
-[ ] Tricks: Write in up to Capacity (12)
-[ ] Orthstirr: Write in


AN: And there we go. Feel free to ask questions.

No moratorium, as it is getting a little bit late.
I got nothing, but I'm honestly surprised nothing else has been said. Good question about none of the Slavs being here.
I mean, the Slavs in question are mostly women and children, and all noncombatants. And yeah, Halla's a woman, but she's an extensively trained warrior, the Slavs in question are not.

We just bring up whether he would bring his wife, or his sister, or his mother, or the female relatives of his retainers, along on something like this if they'd been the ones wronged, or whether he would handle it himself. Making sure to emphasize that they are not warriors more than gender, at least not for the most part. I'll come up with wording if nobody else does, but that's the gist of the argument.

For the combat, we obviously take to the air if he's gonna blow up the rock we're on. Luckily, Stigmar can join us in this, as he has a magic item allowing him to fly. We're probably getting Fleinn'd so we should be ready to conjure a shield from nowhere and intercept that. Magni, Stigmar, and Trausti might be able to do things to counter the mud issue as well, and perhaps should. But all that is just counterplay, what do people actually think we should do tactically on offense...I mean, we probably go straight for Jogrim, but beyond that...

We can, and perhaps should, also send someone specifically to try and suppress Griss's men without killing them. If we can kill Jogrim with them still up, their obligation to fight us ends and we may be able to arrange something...

@Imperial Fister how old are Vesna's kids? Referncing their age seems useful here, potentially.
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Just gotta hope none of them swore to avenge him if they failed to protect him, I guess.
Okay, first draft of the verbal response:

[ ] "Those you have wronged are no warriors, mostly women and children, in truth. If your sister was wronged, would you want Griss to bring her along to seek vengeance against a man like you, a Third Grade Berserk who has shown no compunction about attacking and enthralling a woman? What of one of your retainers wives or daughters kidnapped away into thralldom and then freed, would you bring her into the din of battle to no purpose? Or children no more than seven winters old? Those are the sort of people in my service who you have wronged. It is the place of warriors in their household to avenge slights against those who are no warriors, as some are not."

Does that seem good? Anyone have anything additional or dislike this route? Plus, obviously, we still need to come up with combat tactics.

Also, @Imperial Fister what do Shattering Scream and Glass Shard actually do? If we know the names we should know the basics, but they have not come up previously.
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Also, @Imperial Fister what do Shattering Scream and Glass Shard actually do? If we know the names we should know the basics, but they have not come up previously.
Shattering Scream is a mass debuff-based style that utilizes the voice to operate. It can stun and deliver a variety of other debuffs to your foes. Glass Shard is a style that relies on small attacks that are quick and able to carve through defenses, but don't typically deal large amounts of damage
Shattering Scream is a mass debuff-based style that utilizes the voice to operate. It can stun and deliver a variety of other debuffs to your foes. Glass Shard is a style that relies on small attacks that are quick and able to carve through defenses, but don't typically deal large amounts of damage

Hmmm. I wonder if we could counter Shattering Scream with Dead Air if we used it right? It's not exactly the intended purpose of the Trick (though it's close), and we don't have the most Gale ever, but it might be worth a shot with our Owl-based bonus (which makes it count as Mastered in this kind of comparison).
Hmmm. I wonder if we could counter Shattering Scream with Dead Air if we used it right? It's not exactly the intended purpose of the Trick (though it's close), and we don't have the most Gale ever, but it might be worth a shot with our Owl-based bonus (which makes it count as Mastered in this kind of comparison).
Maybe Odrify it for added advantage. It's probably mitigate more than negate if Jorgrim has specced in his tricks though.
Maybe Odrify it for added advantage. It's probably mitigate more than negate if Jorgrim has specced in his tricks though.

His Tricks in that specific Style anyway, yeah. If they're only Refined, our Owl bonus may kick in and let us counter them, but anything at Mastered is gonna power through at least partially. Still worth a shot, I think.