I'll need a Silver-Tongue roll (21 dice) at a -10 difficulty. This is for Ingolf and the poor boy is utterly terrified of you

Edit: Oh, those are not good rolls.
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 26
4 4 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3
Oshha threw 11 6-faced dice. Total: 39
4 4 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 4 6 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 1 1 5 5
I'll need a Silver-Tongue roll (21 dice) at a -10 difficulty. This is for Ingolf and the poor boy is utterly terrified of you

We'd definitely burn the 6 Odr allowed on this.

EDIT: I posted this simultaneous with the roll. Assuming it counts, we're at 3 successes, maybe 4 if Friendly applies? We'd probably add Reward Dice at that point.

I'll add a Reward Die (courtesy of CedeTheBees) either way. And another, I guess.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reward Die Total: 1
1 1
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reward Die Total: 3
3 3
Last edited:
Roman ballistae had some iron parts in some their frames, fastenings and so on, but they were predominantly made of wood, and part of the machine putting motive energy into the bolt or stone were big torsion skeins made of sinew or rope. They're not really a "metal bow" in the same sense as a medieval arbalest or a Mughal steel bow or whatever, because they're not really bows to begin with. The operating principles are completely different.
True for early ballistae, but by Ceasar's time they had metal arms and later Ballistae were almost all metal. Bur you are right they are not really a bow.

Edit: That's twenty successes right? And we need one more to hit the next breakpoint right?
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 44
6 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 28
1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 5 5 3 3 4 4 1 1
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 26
2 2 3 3 1 1 6 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 5
Oshha threw 4 6-faced dice. Total: 18
1 1 6 6 5 5 6 6
Last edited:
What the....?

Did Halla turn into a Ninja while i wasn't watching?
Stealth has stupidly strong doublers because it, fundamentally, is lacking in many other ways. You can't earn orthstirr, it's ignoble, and it's inviting nid, amongst other things. Furthermore, dice rolls aren't everything. Even such a ridiculous roll can only be a Wondrous success.
Stealth has stupidly strong doublers because it, fundamentally, is lacking in many other ways. You can't earn orthstirr, it's ignoble, and it's inviting nid, amongst other things. Furthermore, dice rolls aren't everything. Even such a ridiculous roll can only be a Wondrous success.
What level of success is the hamingja roll at?
Almost done with the update. I reordered the events so that the Dorri thing happens last, because it's better that way
Winter 11/Turn 1
[X] Plan Crafting, Surveillance, and the Thing
-[X] Attend The Thing!
--[X] Bring family, have a nice time
--[X] Listen for any interesting gossip
--[X] Meet any newcomers and try to be friendly
-[X] Sacrifice 81 Food for 9 Temporary Hamingja

-[X] [Travel] Surveillance
--[X] Use the box of bees and its bee-spirits to put together a 24/7 spying operation on Dorri, his immediate family, and retainers. Focus lesson trying to breach whatever spells he has up - that will only risk drawing attention and be unlikely to work - and more on building a picture of their movements. They can't ward themselves in public, not easily or completely.
---[X] The plan here is introduce ourselves and negotiate with the bees if possible rather than compelling them.
--[X] We will use Dressed in Rags and mundane Stealth (including enhancing it with shapeshifting), via our fylgja when appropriate, to also surveil Dorri ourselves when it seems unlikely to get us caught, leaving out additional bees in any unusual locations he seems to frequent.
--[X] When bee-based surveillance starts to put together a picture of where he might be meeting Drysalt or what is otherwise the most important place, go in person. Try and record an Experience, as this will be unimpeachable court testimony.

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Ingolf, though Kare is likely also along
--[X] The idea here is to try and help him through his fears, specifically, we'd like to start teaching him Campfire and (obviously) also see that he spends time with women and women with magic in particular.
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The coast!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Take standard precautions when infusing Hugr as best we can
--[X] Give up to 3 Whale Bone each to Sagaseeker and Shadeclaw and see if they like it.
--[X] Get information on Kare Wolf-Seek and, ideally his brother Ingolf –1 Research
--[X] Get information on Eyesteinn – 1 Research
--[X] Study the Latin inscriptions on the Knightly Armor, figure out what they say – 1 Research
--[X] Start learning the Slavic language from the ex-thralls (and teaching them Norse, probably) – 1 Research
--[X] Try very carefully inverting Standstill and see what we get as a general thing rather than the specific Tricks we've gained before – 1 Research
--[X] Check on the spritual ecology of our soulscape, watch how they interact, try and figure out what is missing or would be helpful – 1 Research
Upgrading Hugr Infusion
You have little in the way of difficulty when you infuse your hugr once more.

(You know have 8 Hugr Infusions)
Whale Bones to Sagaseeker and Shadeclaw
"This is a good material, meowther-mine," Sagaseeker purrs with pleasant pleasure as whalebone replaces the wrapped leather of his grip.

Shadeclaw, on the other hand, is quite a bit less pleased, "What manner of creature did you cleave this from, o' Daughter of Fire? I wish to beat it into submission, for no beastie may call themselves greater than the noble Bear!"

Gathering Information on Kare Wolf-Seek
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Kare Wolf-Seek—eldest son of Hallbjorn Fisher's Son, the son of Ketil Trout and relative to the Kveldulf—is a man who thinks deeply before making any decision. With a head of a wolf on his shoulders, he is a man to watch as he sniffs out opportunity and pounces.

Kare Wolf-Seek is known for having fought and slain Guisnir Hammerstrike in the Battle of Broken Backs. In slaying the enemy champion, he secured victory for the forces of Alfheim over the Geats. Honored by the King of Alfheim, Kare was granted a chest full of silver for his efforts. Future secure, he now searches for purpose in life.

An excellent combatant, it is said that he once fought three Berserkers at the same time and came out with only a few broken bones to show for it while leaving a trio of headless corpses in his wake. With a magic sword said to have been fished from a lake in Jorvik, Kare does battle in mail armor reinforced with the iron scales of an Eastern Beast.

Getting info on Eysteinn Egilsson
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, there is not much known about Eysteinn Egilsson. He is the son of Egil Lunging and seems to be of a more flimsy build than his father.

That is all known about the boy. He has little in the way of renown or great deeds attributed to him.

Studying the Latin inscriptions on the Knightly Armor
The Latin inscriptions on the Knightly Armor seem to be little more than prayers of strength and adaption. They ask the Holy Ghost to intercede and complete the connection between Man and Metal.

The prayers strengthen the growth of Fervor and strength of arm, allowing a Knight to hit harder and regain their power quicker to then hit harder once again.

The prayers, apparently, need to be meditated on while the Knight does combat or else they can't channel their strength through the metal. Which is why, if you're able to disrupt their focus, they can't use their Armor to the fullest extent.

Learning Slavic
You begin to learn Slavic from the ex-thralls at the same time as you teach them Norse.

Trying to Invert Standstill
Inverting Standstill doesn't seem to do much. Inverting hugareida doesn't seem to grant hugareida themselves, nor do they always grant twists, it seems.

Checking on the spiritual ecology of your soul
As you watch and observe spirits both new and old, you can't help but feel like there's something missing. The spirits just sort of sit there, not really interacting in any meaningful way. It's almost as if they need some kind of catalyst. Something to force the interaction.

As you look to the chicken clucking away in your soul, you can't help but get an idea. It's in the vaguest of stages and will require some puzzling out, but perhaps the catalyst is in life?

Material Spirits:
Steinnvaett - Spirit of stone, which helps to look after rocks and stone.

Stalvaett - Spirit of metal, which helps to look after specific types of metal. They appreciate it when metal is cared for properly—such as through polish, oiling, and not allowing it to tarnish or rust. Angering the local stalvaettir can have disastrous consequences on anything made of metal on your property. Pleasing the local stalvaettir can mean that they bless you with bountiful finds of metal.
-Jarnstalvaett - Spirit of Iron Metal, which helps to look after iron.
-Eirstalvaett - Spirit of Copper and Brass and Bronze, which helps to look after copper and brass and bronze.

Vidvaett - Spirit of the wood, which helps to look after specific types of wood. They appreciate it when wood is cared for—such as through polish and lacquer—and not damaged for no reason. Angering the local vidvaettir can have disastrous consequences on anything made of wood on your property. Pleasing the local vidvaettir can mean that they bless you with bountiful finds of the wood that you desire in the shapes that you need.
-Asksvidvaett - Spirit of Ash Wood, which helps to look after wood from ash trees.
-Furuvidvaett - Spirit of Fir Wood, which helps to look after wood from pines and firs.
-Granarvidvaett - Spirit of Spruce Wood, which helps to look after wood from spruces.
-Eikarvidvaett - Spirit of Oak Wood, which helps to look after wood from oaks.
-Almsvidvaett - Spirit of Elm Wood, which helps to look after wood from elms.
Attending the Thing
The local Thing happens, as it always does, in and around a lonely hill topped by an ancient oak tree standing solitary over the landscape. For three weeks, the Thing shall meet in the shadow of the mighty oak. For three weeks, cases would be brought, argued, and judged while business is conducted and friendships are forged on the slopes of the hill.

Your household, for the first time, is in a place where attending this Thing is something you can do as a matter of course. With your farm on as sturdy footing as it now is, you can take the time to attend the Thing and not have to worry about how your farm is doing in your absence. All in all, it is a good thing. Being seen attending a Thing always has positive ripples on your orthstirr.

As is your right as a prominent landowner, the plot of land selected for your household is high on the hill. Cutting away the soil and raising the tent high over the land, you find yourself one of the few allowed this high on the hill. The only other households this high are Halfdan the Dane's family, Dorri Rattlespear and his kin, and Nainn Rotting. The rest of the Hading at large are all at lower levels of prestige, which leaves you shocked for a moment.

Audrikr Fishfighter, who had stopped by your tent to pay his respects, chuckles as he spies the look on your face. "Didn't expect that, eh, sister?" He whistles as he looks out across the people-packed land, "You've gained a lot of renown for your efforts, that much is as true as the sun."

"It's just," you shake your head as Stigmar beams with pride at your side, some of the younger women of the Valley giggling and blushing as they look his way, "I didn't expect to be this well-thought-of, you know?"

"Just one of those things to keep in mind, I suppose," Audrikr shrugs as his wife makes her way over to you. A pretty woman with a slender face, her children take more after their father than her by the looks of things. Two of her children are with her now as a young boy clutching at her skirts while she carries a infant daughter in her arms. Taking notice of his wife's sudden appearance, Audrikr's smile grows as he points her out to you, "Ah, Rodrun, I'm glad you could join us! I've been worrying that Rodveigr would steal you away given the chance."

Rodrun laughs, a sly smirk curling up her face as she rolls her eyes, "Despite my father dearest's wishes, I'm not going back just yet." The story of how Audrikr had won his wife is an oft-repeated story in the Valley, as he'd managed to defeat all four of Rodrun's brothers one after the other before beating their father and winning the right of Rodrun's hand in marriage. Turning to you, Rodrun slips a hand free from holding her daughter as she offers you a hand, "Rodrun Rodveigsdottir is my name. I've heard great things about you, Halla Sunshine, and hope our families can be friends for many years to come."

Nodding, you take her hand with a smile as your children take notice of a new potential friend, "Nice to meet you, Rodrun." A grin plays across your face as Sigurdr tugs at your sleeve, eyes locked to the boy hiding behind Rodrun's skirts, "It seems to me that Sigurdr wants to play with your boy."

"As long as your Sigurdr's careful with Audvik, I don't see any issue with it," Audrikr nods as Rodrun sighs, clearly not overly enthused by the difference in size.

"Well, Siggy?" Your second-eldest son scoffs as you ask, "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Of course not," he rolls his eyes as the light falls across his face in just such a way. "I'm not Asgeirr, after all."

Audvik eyes Sigurdr as he approaches. Pulling away from his mother's skirts, Audvik lifts his chin and stares down his nose at the larger boy, "Your uncle threatened my brother."

Sigurdr shrugs, "Doesn't mean we can't be friends."

Audvik frowns and inclines his head, "I guess so..."

Sigurdr points towards the woodline as he starts down the hill, "Come on, I saw a weird tree on the way over and I wanna check it out."

That manages to capture Audvik's curiosity as he starts after your son, "A weird tree? Weird how?"

"It's got, like," Sigurdr tries to describe the tree with his hands, "a whole bunch of branches and they're all curling inwards."

"Like a bowl?" Audvik adds, showing a glimmer of growing intellect behind his youthful eyes.

"Exactly!" Sigurdr smiles, big and broad, "Weird, huh?"

They peter on out of ear-distance after that, having disappeared into the city of tents propped up on the slopes of the hill. It doesn't take long for the brief silence to be filled by a new voice, one much older and far more contentious than the last.

Faxi Bushybrows—a man who earned his kenning well—stands before you with his arms folded and a defiant Asgeirr in his wake, bloody ball of bronze clutched in his hand. "Your brat beat my sons black and blue, I demand compensation for their injuries!"

Audrikr tilts his head as Stigmar cracks his neck and loosens up his shoulders, "Aren't your boys eight and ten? How'd they lose to a boy of four?"

Faxi's brows twitch, "T-that's beside the point!"

"Well," you begin as you run fingers down your chin, "who started the fight?"

"That doesn't matter!" Faxi's scowl deepens, "What matters is that-"

"They called you a whore," Asgeirr's words are simple, yet powerful all the same, "That you paid spirits with your flesh."

Stigmar looks like he's about to do something stupid, if the way he's pawing at the peace-bonds on his sword are anything to go by, so you'd best make a move before things get even more illegal than they already have. Sighing, you step forward and lift your hands, "I'm sorry for what my son did and offer compensation of sixty silver ounces for your sons' pain. Furthermore, I ask that you teach your sons the proper words to speak of a woman."

In the face of such a generous peace offering—for forty would be fair compensation, let alone sixty—there's little Faxi can do but choke down any protestation at your words. After taking a moment to settle himself, he nods and holds out a hand, "I was worried what the parent of such a son would be like, but your reputation proved truer than I'd thought. I was wrong to doubt your honor, Lady Halla, and I would ask that you keep your money for forgiveness of my sons' words."

"By the looks of things," you respond as you grip his hand and smile, "all accounts of honor have been settled."

Faxi leaves after that, leaving Asgeirr behind and Audrikr to take his place.

"That was well-handled, sister," Audrikr says as he pats you on the shoulder, "I was worried you'd draw iron then and there, but I was wrong to doubt you."

"Thank you, Audrikr," you nod and smile before turning your gaze to Asgeirr, who shuffles on the spot. "Now, Asgeirr..."

"Are you mad at me?" Asgeirr clearly isn't all that eager for a scolding.

"No," you shake your head as Asgeirr blinks in surprise as you reach out and pat him on the head, "you did the right thing. When someone dares speak nid like that on family, you show them just how wrong they are. That is what it means to be a man."

Asgeirr smiles as he nods, hair brushing against your palm, "I understand," blood drips down the bronze sphere in his hand as he grits his teeth into a smile, "I'll split their skulls if they call you that word again!"

...He doesn't know what 'whore' means, does he? All he knew is that it was an insult and that was enough for him to start swinging.

"Try your best not to do it on sacred ground, though," you nod towards the oak tree standing atop the hill, "for such things dishonor the Gods and earns their enmity."

"I will," Asgeirr nods as his eyes slide towards the distance, where Sigurdr and Audvik make their way into the trees, "Can I go play with Siggy?"

Audrikr grimaces as your lips thin, "Well... As long as you promise to not hurt anyone, then alright. Real men keep their word at all costs, understand?"

"Right!" Asgeirr nods, determination in his eyes, "I promise not to hurt Siggy or that other boy!"

"Good job," you smile before sending him off with a pat on the back.

"That boy's gonna be trouble when he's older," Audrikr mutters as Asgeirr wanders off.

"You're not wrong," you reply before inviting Audrikr and his wife inside for some mead, which you had chilled earlier in the day.

Spending time with Ingolf and Kare (Silver-Tongue: 6) 6 Successes
Ingolf sits before you as still as any feature of stone, eyes wide and unblinking as Kare shakes his wolfen head and sighs, "If it were that easy," Kare gestures a claw-like finger at the campfire you're constructing between you and Ingolf, "we'd have cured him of his fears long ago."

"I-I already know c-cam..." Ingolf starts off strong-ish, but quickly stumbles over himself and reverts to fear. He shivers as he swallows, but manages to muster up enough strength to continue, "C-C-Campfire!"

He shrinks in on himself after that, but the effort alone was progress made.

Regardless, he already knows Campfire? But what about his fear of magic? Wouldn't that mean he'd never learn it, or are you missing something here?

...Because hugareida isn't magic, duh!

"Damn," you scowl as you slump against a nearby log-turned-empty bench, "this is harder than I thought!"

Kare snorts as he settles down on a moveable stump, Ingolf shivering by his tree-knot-like knee, "You're still giving it more of a shot than I figured you would," he shrugs as he lays a hand on his brother's shoulder, which soothes some of the shivering, "but I suppose you'll have to think of some other way of solving this little problem of Ingolf's."

You silently nod as a flicker of motion draws your gaze to the side, to where Drifa drags a fallen tree towards her home to serve as firewood. Eyes darting back to Ingolf, you note that they seem to be of similar age.

Perhaps the trick here is to have him make friends with a girl his age?

Maybe, maybe not, either way it's a route to go down!

Exploring the Coast (Hamingja: 20) 20 Successes
As your fylgja flies out across the coastline, soaring high over the farms as they set up for the winter—relying primarily on welcoming gifts to get them through the coming cold—you spy a certain something in the distance.

On a short cape where the waves lap at the shore sits a fair few scattered stacks of smooth stones. Some of the flat stones seem to be piled in a purposeful manner, as if someone were trying to build something or another from them.

Hints of potential magic buzz on the surface of the stones, but there's simply not enough to gain an idea of what's being built here. It does, however, feel like it does when a burl is in use, so perhaps there's some manner of teleportation magic in the mix?

Regardless, this is something to keep an eye on for the future.

Surveillance on Dorri (Human Stealth: 126) 126 Successes. (Owl Stealth: 33) 33 Successes
There's nothing in the bee-box to negotiate with, just a bunch of mindless bee-spirits hollowed out and left with no purpose other than whatever you set for them. It rubs you the wrong way to see spirits undergo such travesty, but there's little you can do for them now—other than put them out of whatever misery they may feel in such a state, of course.

However, there's no reason you shouldn't use them while you can, right? After all, it's not like it's hurting them, right?

'I don't see any problems with it,' Blackhand shrugs as you have your rag-dressed fylgja slip the box underneath Dorri's porch in the dead of night. Nestling the box inside a dust-covered and vine-choked plow, you open the lid and, with a surge of willpower, give the bee-spirits that which you will them do.

The bees buzz in unison before taking off into the night and quickly settling into a routine. Days merge into weeks as you slowly check in on the bees less and less, eventually just shrugging and leaving them to do their thing as you turn your attention to more pressing matters—namely, how to put bows in Eyvor's hair in the way she wants them done. It's one of the hardest things you've ever had to do, putting those damnable bows in her hair. No matter what you do, nothing seems to work!

You eventually have to give up and have Abjorn do it—who, much to your chagrin, deftly ties the bows in a single motion with his stupidly dexterous fingers, the handsome bastard! However, as Eyvor cheers and thanks her father profusely, you feel a certain tugging on the old spiritual string. Following the connection, you find yourself face-to-face with a bee-spirit bearing news.

Well, well, well, it seems that Dorri's slipping out from a feast all on his lonesome. Something tells you that this is the opportunity you've been waiting for, so you climb to your feet and grab a cloak from the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Abjorn's voice stops you in your tracks, so focused on Dorri you forgot all about his presence.

"Oh, I..." While your mouth gives some excuse of 'needing a breath of fresh air', which serves well enough for your children's ears, your eyes communicate the real reason, "I suspect that Dorri's making contact with Drysalt and I'm going to gather evidence."

Abjorn frowns as Eyvor runs around the room with a rather grumpy Hallbjorn on her back, the bows in her hair flowing in her wake as she laughs with glee, "Stay safe, please."

"I'll try my best," that's a non-answer and you both know it, but this is a risk you *have* to take. Letting an opportunity like this slip through your fingers...? It's unacceptable, is what it is.

Abjorn swallows and sighs, saying nothing more as he gently plucks a slipping Hallbjorn from Eyvor's shoulders. Taking a deep breath, you nod and open the door, stepping out into the swirls of snowflakes falling from the darkened skies.

Stepping clear of the house, you bend slightly at the knees before joining with the wind-riding birds on blazing wings of crimson flame.

It takes no time at all to cross the distance, but you'll have to make the rest of the way on foot to not alert Dorri to your presence. Setting down a fair ways away, you wrap the cloak around your shoulders as you press on through the falling snow and empty trees. Winter is upon you, that much is certain, and it looks like this year's winter will be a long one.

Following the bee-spirit-left trail, you pass quickly through the trees as you quickly close the gap and draw near to the man that once held your loyalty. Barely even breathing, you press tight against a tree trunk as a cloak-bound Dorri scowls through the trees, each step uncertain like he doesn't know the path he's taking. He's not happy to be out at this hour, so why is he? Could Drysalt have demanded his presence? A scarf trails off his shoulders as he passes beyond your field of view, forcing you to leave your spot to follow.

Like a ghost, you trail in Dorri's wake as you pass through the trees with nary a noise for every step. The world seems to wait with bated breath as Dorri comes to a stop before a dead, hollowed-out tree. A carved-out knot serves as a window into the inky darkness of the depths, leaving you uncertain of what lies within.

Surrounded by swirling snow, Dorri glances over his shoulder before starting to speak—a shoulder opposite from where you crouch in the shadows of the forest, "I'm here, not that I know why."

A voice like moss-covered rocks creaks from the tree hollow as its owner rasps and wheezes, "Like the well-trained dog, you've come when your master bade. You've come far since we first met, Dorri-called-Rattlespear."

Dorri bites back a sharp retort as he sighs, "Get to the point, Drysalt. Have you come up with a solution to the 'problem' or not?"

"Come now, Dorri," Drysalt's laugh is like an echo cut short, "surely a girl like her is no problem for one such as you? Do you really need my help?"

Dorri makes a horrid sound in the back of his throat, "You know the answer to that already. It's not her strength that's the problem."

"Oh I know full-well the problem you have," though you can't see the smile on Drysalt's face, you know it's there all the same, "I just want to hear it from your lips."

"Fine." Dorri growls as he grits his teeth, the graybeard looking to all the world like a scolded puppy being put through remedial training. "I need your help," he spits the words out like they're poison, "There, are you happy?"

Drysalt's chuckles fall like leaden stones in a lake, "Why ask questions you already know the answers to? Don't answer that," Dorri's teeth snap shut as he scowls, "it's rhetorical."

Hissing through grinding teeth, Dorri's eyes spark with hatred as he forces himself to be as polite as he can, "The solution to our problem, then?"

"On this day, in three years' time, she will be dead," Drysalt's words fill your soul with fear as you struggle to stay silent, your curiosity burning a hole in your chest, "You need not worry how the deed will be done, just that it will be."

"That's not soon enough!" Dorri scowls, fists creaking from how tight he's balled them.

"It's only what a failure like you deserves," Drysalt retorts with clear glee as Dorri flinches, "You'd do well to remember who, exactly, it is you speak to, Dorri-called-Rattlespear. It was I who revealed the secrets of the Brazen Heartleaf to you. It was I who taught you the steps of the brew. It was I who hid your deeds from the world."

"And you've held that over my head for a long time, Drysa-" A feigned yawn cuts Dorri off, his jaw dropping in astonishment.

"I tire of your inanities, Dorri-called-Rattlespear," Drysalt yawns once again. If you could see him, he'd probably even be stretching his arms over his head, "You'd best leave before I remember my strength."

Taking the dismissal for what it is, Dorri shuts his mouth, pivots on the spot, and leaves with his shoulders in a hunch. Conversation over with, you prepare to leave in turn before that voice starts up again.

"Don't think your presence went unnoticed, Halla-called-Sunshine," sweat drips down your neck as Drysalt calls you by name, "It has been far too long since a true Hero has met their end by my fists and, in recognition for how special this really is for me, I offer you my advise." An evil grin spreads in the darkness as Drysalt's parting words ring in your ears, "Make time for kin and kith and be sure to memorize their faces. After all," that foul smirk fades away into nothing as he leaves you with his final words, "I'd hate for you to have nothing to remember them by."

And just like that, the presence is gone and you can breathe again.

'What a bastard,' Blackhand grumbles, his own voice bearing a slight shiver, 'You'd better kick his ass, Halla, or else I'll be very cross with you.'

Regardless, you still managed to capture the Experience of that whole conversation in your soul, despite how much its presence seems to cause your soul to ache.

Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked. 1 Free Social):
[ ] (Here, Kitty-Kitty) Attempt to make friends with the skogtatt
-[ ] (Write in) How do you go about this?
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with... (Sparring with people reveals a summery of their character sheets)
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
-[ ] Spar with Stigmar
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask someone to buy something for you (Write in)
[ ] (Court) Send Abjorn to make a case at the Thing (Write in)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit... (0 Left)
-[ ] The Witch... even though she's dead
-[ ] Asvir!
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Hasviby, Hasvir's Farm
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
-[ ] Jurgen's Cave
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
--[ ] (Optional) Range further from your home
-[ ] The coast!
--[ ] (Optional) Try and catch whoever it is
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
Training: You have 95 XP to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Drifa) Teach Drifa some of your tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (511 XP to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (255 XP to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (512 XP to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 1603
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here. (Leaving this blank is assumed to be boosting all your stats to max)
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in) (Optional)
Fylgja Capacity: 17/17
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment/Capacity/Shapeshifting/Alloy/Pocket/Whatever Management
What do you want to have equipped on your person, in your capacity, or for your shapeshifting? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Property Management: You have 223 Work Dice Available
How do you want to use them? (Leaving this blank is assumed to be the same as last turn)
[ ] Write in (Optional)

AN: I had a few rough patches, but I managed to get this one out!

25-minute moratorium.
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