Welp, there's our Final Boss on screen for the first time.

And yeah, Dorri doesn't seem to think we're On To Him, he just wants to get rid of Halla on principle because she's a potential vector for Corpsemaker to do an end run on him.

Drysalt's also set up a circumstance that he's fairly certain will kill us and extinguish our bloodline within three years. Which means we've got a timer to bring things to a head. On the other hand, we just got a hint as to why Buri is important to revealing Dorri's treachery--because the Brazen Heartleaf is important to Dorri's schemes, and Buri might very well know what that is.
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That fucker is menacing. We'll add his sealing to our Saga yet but the kids. We need to ensure the kids'll be alright.

Could we ask the Dwarves for help?
Hmm, so this is actually interesting.
Drysalt revealed those things about Dorri knowing we were nearby.

I wonder why?
Is he bound by some rules of "Must honour a Heroes efforts with a reward" kind of metaphysical chains?
Or was it more just, "Fuck Dorri, this Halla seems like they could be a good pawn. Let's test them against each other and see how that goes?"
Hmm, so this is actually interesting.
Drysalt revealed those things about Dorri knowing we were nearby.

I wonder why?
Is he bound by some rules of "Must honour a Heroes efforts with a reward" kind of metaphysical chains?
Or was it more just, "Fuck Dorri, this Halla seems like they could be a good pawn. Let's test them against each other and see how that goes?"

We were told Drysalt is insanely, stupidly arrogant, and that's his fatal flaw.
This plan is a trifle incomplete on Research...if anyone has good ideas for that (especially the Nordic Armor thing) then by all means, bring them up. I also need to clear out some Capacity for the Experiences we're grabbing, I'll specify what in a minute.

The justification here is basically that our huscarls need new weapons...elements are a tad arbitrary based on what we have, but should be fine. We also need to talk to Kolla, and maybe Aki, and we need to buy some stuff off the dwarves for our other huscarls (and because we're a tad low on Iron in general...especially if we're gonna do Nordic Armor). In terms of training, we're upping Stutter-Step to Mastered, upping a few things to Refined, experimenting with a little xp on some new Tricks, and perhaps most importantly setting up to hit Hugr 12 next turn.

@Imperial Fister given that the dwarves are kinda late with returning the ledger, do we need to spend an action, or would they be coming to us? I've assumed it's an action here (because better to add an action than try to remove one), but it seems like maybe they'd be coming to us hat in hand, so to speak?

[X] Plan Welcome Gifts

-[X] [Social] (Personal)
--[X] Aki and Kolla
--[X] Specifically, we're trying to use our Calling For Congress to talk to Kolla and inform her of her mother's death and that we swore to look out for her and she can call us for anything she needs. We know she probably doesn't need our help, but we promised Solrun. We'd also, after ensuring security, tell her the truth of how and why her mother died, and if she or Aki wants to get involved in accomplishing the task her mother died for, ask for help contacting Veny.
--[X] We may not be able to call her, but we should be able to get in contact with Aki and he can either pass the message along or put us through to her. We'd also like to talk to him, see how he's doing.
--[X] In both cases they'd be welcome to come back to the Hading and stay with us, if they want (if Kolla wants to collect her inheritance for instance, or be more involved in the Drysalt matter).

-[X] Dwarf Trading
--[X] We have various stuff we'd like to purchase
--[X] We can also pick up the decoded 'ledger'

-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Ice Iron Sword for Trygve (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add Crowfeeder's runes and a copy of the same speed-increasing runes we put on Sagaseeker
--[X] Add wolf bone ash
--[X] Add three Experiences to the forging (see Experiences below under Work Dice...the three that aren't the Bridge + Burl thing)
--[X] See what effect the Experiences have on the final product
--[X] Combine 1 Odr and reassigning Aspect use to make for +2 successes each on the crafting and runes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Drafty Iron Sword for Eyesteinn (17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add Crowfeeder's runes and a copy of the same speed-increasing runes we put on Sagaseeker
--[X] Add wolf bone ash
--[X] Add the same Experiences as above if they worked on the sword for Trygve
--[X] Combine 1 Odr and reassigning Aspect use to make for +2 successes each on the crafting and runes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
--[X] Storm Iron Sword for Hakon (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add Crowfeeder's runes and a copy of the same speed-increasing runes we put on Sagaseeker
--[X] Add wolf bone ash
--[X] Add the same Experiences as above if they worked on the sword for Trygve
--[X] Combine 1 Odr and reassigning Aspect use to make for +2 successes each on the crafting and runes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
--[X] Reforge Trausti's Axe (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Being careful to leave the intent of the runes unaffected

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unlessotherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successestotal) to enhance the crafting process


-[X] (Research)
--[X] Our remaining retainers should have their Fylgja revealed by now, I think. What are they?
--[X] See if we can follow Brimir's instructions on Sword Stepping(attempting with both sword and atgeir) – 1 Research
--[X] Continue our Slavic Language Lessons (and reciprocal Norse ones) – 2 Research
--[X] Get information on Hakon Thunderclap – 1 Research
--[X] Get information about how Logi Firehair fights – 1 Research
--[X] Attempt to duplicate the seeming intent of the prayers on Knightly Armor with our own Gods and system of cultivation, effectively writing a saga upon it focused on the glories of a God. For this first test, specifically aim for talking about Odin. – 1 Research
--[X] Start adding more mundane animals to our soulscape to establish an ecosystem – 1 Research

-[X] (Training) Hamr (511 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Stoking Cleave 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train a Tactics or Glima or Fang Trick to accurately judge people's wrestling prowess specifically 4xp (2xp)

-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 72xp (36xp)
--[X] Train Atgeir Strike 6xp
--[X] Train Vortex Gathering 6xp
--[X] Train Traps Skill-Trick 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Stutter Step 36 xp (18 xp)
--[X] Train a Campfire Trick for resisting cold and water-based damage 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train a Campfire Trick to project a comforting warmth around ourself 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train a Firestorm Trick to create small motes of flame across the battlefield that project harmless effects like our auras and provide fire for other Tricks without harming anyone directly 4xp (1xp)
--[X] Train Slow Time, Neutralize Poison, and Mind/Soul Shroud (as invented by @Shard here) 18xp

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 7 Quality, 1 Storage, 2 Resources Goods, otherwise maxed out (66 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Create Grand Silver Arm-Rings for 7 Retainers (including 3 Giant-Blooded), and 5 Superior Gambesons for Retainers we have not given armor (60 Total)
---[X] Hand out arm-rings now that we have one for everyone.
--[X] Construction: Complete a level of Building Quality 64 (64 total)
--[X] Seidr: Capture 4 Experiences - Bridge + Burl Method Experience, then "The glint of a sword as it is sharpened " (using our magic whetstone), "The feel of a sword being unsheathed." and "The sounds of battle." (36 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Eyvor, Asgeirr,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Icy Iron

-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Put a Restful Clay Cup in our new Capacity

-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Unassign Fireside Barrage, Unleash Inferno, Flamecalling, and Identify Concept. Assign new Experiences.

EDIT: Cleared up some errors, added list of things to remove from Capacity.
EDIT2: Added KittyEmpress's idea of what to do with Nordic Armor as the Nordic Armor Research option.
EDIT3: Added some Odr and some additional runes to the three weapons, as well as adding animals to our soulscape as our final Research action.
Last edited:
So, our spiritual ecosystem doesn't really do anything on it's own. I'm also not really sure about the Nordic Plate thing? We know what it does inside, I'm just... Well, what does that really tell us that helps our project?

Researchwise... Maybe we can start looking in on Fylgja Actualization?
Has Halla reached Almost-Peak after her Fylgja Advancement?
I would say so, yes.
@Imperial Fister given that the dwarves are kinda late with returning the ledger, do we need to spend an action, or would they be coming to us? I've assumed it's an action here (because better to add an action than try to remove one), but it seems like maybe they'd be coming to us hat in hand, so to speak?
Damn! I keep forgetting about that damned ledger. I'll say that it'll be an action, sure
--[Y] ??? – 1 Research
Maybe try feeding Sagaseeker the 3 experiences we're grabbing for crafting if they seem to help the weapons we make?
Also, maybe we involve that guy who is scared of fire and magic in us making the 3 new spells, to expose him to sedir in a safe environment where the spells are all beneficial in nature

[X] DeadmanwalkingXI
Is there an opportunity to spend Reward dice for hints on the soulscape? I'd spend up to 3.

Also, are we going to tag in Gabriel on Drysalt? I'll note that churchbells are a traditional troll weakness, Christian stuff might have some options we don't.
Maybe try feeding Sagaseeker the 3 experiences we're grabbing for crafting if they seem to help the weapons we make?
Also, maybe we involve that guy who is scared of fire and magic in us making the 3 new spells, to expose him to sedir in a safe environment where the spells are all beneficial in nature

The Experiences are Sword specific at the moment (since the intent is to use them to make a bunch of Swords)...we could try giving him just the third one, I suppose? And for Ingolf, that seems like a solid idea, though I dunno if it quite fits under Research...hmmm.

Also, are we going to tag in Gabriel on Drysalt? I'll note that churchbells are a traditional troll weakness, Christian stuff might have some options we don't.

Probably. We're sending a letter to him via Brother Bart anyway (to inform him of Steinarr's death), and he owes us a favor, and we have an actual timeline now...so yeah, we'd call him back for that, I think.
Is there an opportunity to spend Reward dice for hints on the soulscape? I'd spend up to 3.

Also, are we going to tag in Gabriel on Drysalt? I'll note that churchbells are a traditional troll weakness, Christian stuff might have some options we don't.
Neither bringing Drysalt to christian lands nor building a.church in Viking Central seen feasible.

Man, Dorri really is the worst. He's basically killing everyone in the Heading strong enough to be a Jarl. I wonder why Drysalt hasn't just killed everyone already though.
I think Drysalt is operating under restrictions...exactly what and how they work is a different question, but that's what I think is happening.
The tree that he was sealed in iirc is still alive, just badly hurt, so it may be that he can kinda leave (maybe project his spirit or something?) but he can't fully leave the tree yet as the tree is still alive and therefore keeping the seal at least some amount of intact and functional
The tree that he was sealed in iirc is still alive, just badly hurt, so it may be that he can kinda leave (maybe project his spirit or something?) but he can't fully leave the tree yet as the tree is still alive and therefore keeping the seal at least some amount of intact and functional

That specific restriction seems incorrect, as he has done things physically while only 'partially free' but the tree being alive is a fair point on one reason he might be restricted, yeah.
Congratulations IF, Dry Salt could go for Bond villain with his arrogance. Would even be one the most effective one too.
Well done.
Our remaining retainers should have their Fylgja revealed by now, I think. What are they?
... can't we just ask IF/Halla about them?
Hm.... yeah, Fyjgla acutalization sounds good for this as Alectai mentioned or just alloying it with something.
Train a Firestorm Trick to create small motes of flame across the battlefield that project our auras and provide fire for other Tricks without harming anyone directly 4xp (1xp)
Thank you, though i hope it wont be just auras. The trick being (mostly) harmless fits with the firefly idea.
... can't we just ask IF/Halla about them?

That's basically what that is. It's not spending Research, just noting we should have that information at this point. It also lets IF do it as a scene if he prefers.

Hm.... yeah, Fyjgla acutalization sounds good for this as Alectai mentioned or just alloying it with something.

Hmmm. How would we actually do that, mechanistically, is my question. Like...what steps would we take to achieve actualization?

Thank you, though i hope it wont be just auras. The trick being (mostly) harmless fits with the firefly idea.

Sure, I'll add a note.
That's basically what that is. It's not spending Research, just noting we should have that information at this point. It also lets IF do it as a scene if he prefers.

Hmmm. How would we actually do that, mechanistically, is my question. Like...what steps would we take to achieve actualization?

Sure, I'll add a note.

I know, that's kind of the hard part. Like, where do we even begin with that?

Would I need to actually spend Reward Dice on an answer @Imperial Fister , or do we know enough to have a decent inference?
I know weve been told we cant kill dry salt no matter what, but can we kill him anyways? While there would doubtlessly be plenty of benefits for such a feat, my main motivation is that I just dont like him.