Can we cast a super expanded Mire Ward? Reducing the Speed of the Shades by half is basically equivalent to halving their DPS.
This update went incredibly hard for me. If these shades are confined to the darkness (or weakened in sunlight) perhaps Banish the Night would be an effective defense?
Can we cast a super expanded Mire Ward? Reducing the Speed of the Shades by half is basically equivalent to halving their DPS.

I don't think we know a way to expand its area. That said, we can make sure Abjorn is within it and still halve their melee DPS on him and remove all possibility of ranged stuff.

This update went incredibly hard for me. If these shades are confined to the darkness (or weakened in sunlight) perhaps Banish the Night would be an effective defense?

We'll definitely use it, but I doubt it's enough on its own.
@Imperial Fister, does using a Sword Strike to double up on the attack we get from a Stoking Engage generate more Stoked Dice?

Additionally, if we generate and then spend a bunch of Stoked Dice in excess of our safety limit by the end of our round, does it still count for causing damage to ourselves based on the "Take damage at the end of your round" rule?
I'm going to need some more explanation, my brain is not working apparently.
@Imperial Fister a couple of relevant questions:

1. Can we set Semi-Haltiing Vortex to not ever be Perfect, only rolled no matter what the attack is?
2. Do we have time to switch Alloys or Hugareida bonuses around?
3. Can we tell how 'strong' the shades are (aka: Hamr scores)?
1. Sure
2. Sure
3. fuckin' 0
I'm going to need some more explanation, my brain is not working apparently.

The question being asked is if we go to 90 Stoked Dice (or some other number way over cap) but then spend it all before the round ends, do we take damage?

1. Sure
2. Sure
3. fuckin' 0

Interesting. As Silverking asks, that last one means they're very weak, right?

And, as a follow-up question, can Semi-Halting Vortex defend against multiple attacks simultaneously?
Can Halla feel out the 'strength' of each Shade, like are these like Trollman Tier, baby Norseman level?
Do they have have some kind of Orth-Equivalent?
Do they have some kind of Hamr-equivalent?
I'm going to need some more explanation, my brain is not working apparently.

Apologies for communicating badly.

The question I just asked on Discord is actually more pertinent now. Basically the idea was using two Stoked Engages in a TSS with one feeding into the other; before Deadman reminded me that Stoked Engage is not a single attack.

But these were asking, respectively:
(1) Does using Sword Strike to get another free attack on one of the Basic Attacks in a Stoked Engage generate more Stoked Dice like a regular Basic Attack.
(2) How does the mechanic where we can get hurt from having too many Stoked Dice at once work, specifically. Is it the amount of dice we have left at the end of a round (implying we can generate large numbers so long as we spend them), or just the highest total we hit within a round that matters.
Sorry, is that we get zero information about the Shades, or that we're being mobbed by the equivalent of an endless mob of Christian peasants?
They have 0 hamr.
The question being asked is if we go to 90 Stoked Dice (or some other number way over cap) but then spend it all before the round ends, do we take damage?
I'll say that, if you do it twice in a row—two rounds of combat where that happens—then you will take damage. Just once and you're fine, twice and you're not.
(1) Does using Sword Strike to get another free attack on one of the Basic Attacks in a Stoked Engage generate more Stoked Dice like a regular Basic Attack.
(2) How does the mechanic where we can get hurt from having too many Stoked Dice at once work, specifically. Is it the amount of dice we have left at the end of a round (implying we can generate large numbers so long as we spend them), or just the highest total we hit within a round that matters.
Answered just now
Does Abjorn have his baseline DR? Or are all his shapeshifts offline? Although that would still leave whatever his shape crafting was

Edit: Abjorn went with 2 Thickened Skin, 1 bone refinement (anti-stun), 1 joint stretch (+1 Initiative)
So a low power heated shroud could burn up any shades that get too close, without burning Abjorn
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In the eyes of Norsepeople, is Finn magic kind of like Seidr, i.e do they see a difference between the two?
Finnish magic and seidr are seen as pretty much the same
Did Lars Forkbeard end up enthralled or not? Since his body was, like, in the Hading at time of death.
He did not
What's the difference between Odr Soul Shock and Orthstirr Seive? Could enough Odr Soul Shocks initiate someone into Odr cultivation?
Odr soul shocks don't stick around, like orthstirr sieve does. You cannot initiate someone via odr soul shocks
Do you think these spells below are creatable?
They have 0 hamr.

I'll say that, if you do it twice in a row—two rounds of combat where that happens—then you will take damage. Just once and you're fine, twice and you're not.


Answered just now

Thank you!

Sorry to keep bombarding you with the questions, but I'm going to copy this over from Discord, since it's most pressing:

(1) To confirm, Stoked Engage does not as one "action" for the purposes of TSS, right?

(2) If we spent all all three regular actions we can do in a TSS, would that be enough time to let us pull off one Stoked Engage, if we like, juiced up as hard as we possibly can on Speed by reassigning our Shapeshifting slots? If we hit Speed 24 or something ridiculous like that.
Having Hamr 0 sounds, to me, more like 'they predate Hamr as a concept'. But I'm not sure if that's how trying to feel out people's hamr has worked in the past.
Would we see Gabriel as having 0 Hamr? What about a literal bog standard mortal or a Trollman?
Having Hamr 0 sounds, to me, more like 'they predate Hamr as a concept'. But I'm not sure if that's how trying to feel out people's hamr has worked in the past.
My understanding is that they are either mortal levels of toughness rather than culvitavtor levels of toughness or they have no toughness at all beyond their equipment. In both cases, they are glass cannons trying to overwhelm us with raw numbers.
So here's a basic plan based on what we know. I'll obviously adjust to use TSS if that turns out to be viable with Stoking Engage. Notably, Discord conversation made it extra clear that fire may be a bad call here.

[X] Plan Speedy Engagement
-[X] Assign our 8 shapeshifting slots to Increased Lung Capacity x8 (for yet more attack speed)
-[X] Use Sundersight to analyze our opponents weaknesses as we fight
-[X] Invest 4 Orthstirr in Hugr, 2 in Fylgja, 2 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 4 in Scouting (-16 Orthstirr)
-[X] Unassign Forgefire and Heated Shroud, assign Solar Flare and Atgeir Strike. Assign all Hugareida levels of Standstill to Instances (+5 Instances total) and all Hugareida levels of Ignition to dice (+13 dice total).
-[X] Activate Banish the Night

-[X] 111d6 Attack (111d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
-[X] 30d6 Intercept (30d6 tricks)
-[X] Draw a shield, put 5 Orthstirr each into 10 layers of Reinforce Shield each on the shield and armor before the combat begins (Total -10 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), and Against The Odds (-35 Orthstirr). All actions below should add the bonus from Against The Odds, but that's variable and thus not added. If we count as in sunlifght, all attacks should also add the +1d6 from Sunshine, but again, that's not clear and thus has not been added.

-[X] Put up two 40d6+7 Atgeir Bodyguards adding 1 Odr each on Abjorn (-92 Orthstirr, -2 Odr), and an Atgeir Counter-Stab prepped to make thirty-one 3d6+7 Sharpened Basic Attacks adding 1 Odr (-39 Orthstirr, -1 Odr), having Sagaseeker take charge of one of the Bodyguards and the Counter-Stab using them himself. Draw Burning Caress. Ask Shadeclaw to guard him as well, to the best of her ability when not worn.
-[X] Set up a 120d6+7 Semi-Halting Vortex adding 6 Odr (Total -121 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Pool, -6 Odr) set up to only be used as a rolled defense never as a Perfect, and do not use it against Fleinns
-[X] As backups, put up a 40d6+7 Sword Guard (-44 Orthstirr), and three 40d6+7 Semi-Halting Vortexes (Total -123 Orthstirr, +9 Stoked Pool) set up to only be used as rolled defenses never as Perfects, and neither against Fleinns

-[X] Make a Stoking Engage for 36 Stoked Pool, making thirty-six 3d6+7 Sharpened Basic Attacks (-49 Orthstirr, -36 Stoked Pool, +108 Stoked Pool) all followed up by 4d6+7 Sharpened Sword Strike Basic Attacks (-324 Orthstirr total, +108 Stoked Pool) at different targets, then using a 183d6+7 Sharpened Stoking Cleave adding 180 Stoked Pool (-13 Orthstirr, -180 Stoked Pool) to attack all shades nearby, being careful not to harm the forest as much as possible, and making sure to release the energy as force rather than fire, and following up with a 4d6+7 Sharpened Sword Strike Basic Attack (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Pool). Follow up with three additional Sharpened 9d6+7 Sharpened Stoking Cleaves adding 6 Stoked Dice each (-13 Orthstirr and -6 Stoked Pool each) splitting the damage among the shades, and following up each with a 4d6+7 Sharpened Sword Strike Basic Attack (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Pool).
-[X] If the Stoked Engage is broken prematurely use the first Stoking Cleave prematurely as well, burning enough Stoked Pool to get down well below our cap but leaving at least 30 dice. If we have enough Stoked Pool after our Stoking Engage that 180 dice burned will not get us down below 40 dice in the pool, then use more to get us to at least that point.

-[X] Against ranged attacks, defending should be easy and simple due to Mire Ward. If something cancels that defend the same as against melee attacks below.
-[X] Against melee attacks against Halla default to using Contested Movement (-1 Orthstirr, 12d6+7 Hamr Roll, +3 Stoked Pool) and counterattack with Sharpened Basic Attacks (-1 Orthstirr), if attacked by multiple opponents at once use the big Semi-Halting Vortex, then Sword Guard, and then the smaller Semi-Halting Vortexes and quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-Reinforce Shield usage or -3 Endurance on one Shield). If we fail on the opposed roll with Contested Movement stop using it, just use the other defenses in the listed sequence.
-[X] For Abjorn, always defend with the big Semi-Halting Vortex, then use the two Atgeir Bodyguards, then the three smaller Semi-Halting Vortexes, then Contested Movement and/or up to thirty 2d6+7 Reinforced Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-4 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate. If we have to prioritize defending one of the two of us, defend Abjorn over ourselves.
-[X] If attacked with a Fleinn that isn't handled by Mire Ward do not use Guards, just go straight to using a Shield.
-[X] If needed, and only if needed, use Slowing Slog for 9 DR adding 3 Odr for duration (-81 Orthstirr, and -3 Odr) to reduce damage against ourselves. We'll do the same on Abjorn if he's actually hit and it's possible.

-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to set up some serious defenses in depth over Abjorn especially (including asking Sagaseeker and Shadeclaw to guard him), and stand over him protectively, then go to town using Stoked Engage as fast as possible to whittle down our enemies numbers as they come to us (we should have Speed 29 for our Stoking Engage stuff), then a Stoking Cleave to really clear them out.

EDIT: Added more active roles for Sagaseeker and Shadeclaw. Added Odr to Slowing Slog if we use it.
EDIT2: Fiddled around to add One Big Semi-Halting Vortex under the circumstances
EDIT3: Dropped Beaconlight, fiddled around a little with Ignition stuff...we probably won't use it, but we'd like precision if we did.
EDIT4: Did some fine tuning on number of Stoked Dice, specifically going for Stoker State 3 rather than 4 to make that a bit less excessive. Added some extra Stoking Cleaves at the end.
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Would we see Gabriel as having 0 Hamr? What about a literal bog standard mortal or a Trollman?

Missed this while plan writing, but we saw Gabriel as having more Hamr-equivalent than us when we judged him with Tactics, it 'sees' other cultures body stats. Monster Hamr was also judgeable. Troll Men I'm not as sure since they're 'below Hamr 1' in many ways.
So... is there a reason why we shouldn't just pick our husband up gently and leap into the sky? We might not want to jostle him too badly, but I feel like a bridal carry should be doable - and are we not his bride?

Okay - we wouldn't want to let anyone else see us do it, but other than that?
So... is there a reason why we shouldn't just pick our husband up gently and leap into the sky? We might not want to jostle him too badly, but I feel like a bridal carry should be doable - and are we not his bride?

Okay - we wouldn't want to let anyone else see us do it, but other than that?

Ranged attacks and the likelihood that these things can fly are the big obstacles, IMO. Mire Ward protects against ranged attacks, but a hundred javelins at once would be a problem and them being able to fly means we're trying to protect him with our hands full. Flying also takes us away from the spirit of the Hading, who appears to be on our side.
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[X] DeadmanwalkingXI

Lovely plan, and whoever remembered Against The Odds thank you, it is going to slaughter them.