Since we are stopping to Jurgdby, should we take some time to visit Corpsemaker and talk with him?

So we can talk to him abaout how we reconsidered his offer and how he should prepare a trial for Dorri?

Will he even accept that we reconsidered? Maybe he has found somebody else to replace Dorri and we lost our chance.

Yeah, though we'll want to be discreet about it. I think we might be able to do something with Hidden in Rags to that end.

We were informed he'd be one of our greatest allies in this endeavor though.
That's probably a decision we need to have some time to talk out and discuss as a thread, honestly. It's a big one.

I think one thing to consider is that, with us building up our own hird and being as powerful as we are, and the fact that (presumably) Halla and her family will have been heavily involved in getting rid of Dorri... even if we don't take over the Hading in the afermath, whoever does may feel extremely threatened by Halla's presence. So at a minimum, if we aren't reconsidering taking over the Jarldom, I think we need to think about who will, and what our relationship with them will look like. We're becoming such a big fish now that we're essentially a political player whether we want to be or not.

Personally I think the best course might be to take over the Jarldom and then delegate it heavily on a day-to-day level as much as we're able. But we should talk it over some more.
We'd be a Hersir, which is a non-Inherited Jarldom kind of thing. It still comes with the Jarlsoul privileges though I think, it just isn't inherited.
I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.
I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.
It's possible the old boat building industry got killed by Drysalt
I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.

Jurgdby has a shipwright, so I imagine it's a degree of protectionism and deliberately not wanting Asvir to get too big. Would be something to negotiate with Corpsemaker about, probably.
How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.
I'm sure they have, but I believe politics is the answer to why there isn't local shipbuilding. Or more accurate, there is local shipbuilding, but in the personal holding of the local head honcho who has shown an active willingness to act against possible threats to his power and position.
Even when we do get rid of Dorri, I don't want to be his replacement. Halla has too much on her plate to handle running the place on top of everything else.

I mean, ruling the Valley would come with many perks. Like way more resources for our projects and authority to use for our own ends.

We would also be able to improve the Valley and make it a better place for Halla's descendant.

If we don't take over the Valley, we risk a repeat of the Dorri situation. We will be a political obstacle like Steinarr was, and a future Jarl might want to remove us like Dorri removed Steinarr.

That's probably a decision we need to have some time to talk out and discuss as a thread, honestly. It's a big one.

I think one thing to consider is that, with us building up our own hird and being as powerful as we are, and the fact that (presumably) Halla and her family will have been heavily involved in getting rid of Dorri... even if we don't take over the Hading in the afermath, whoever does may feel extremely threatened by Halla's presence. So at a minimum, if we aren't reconsidering taking over the Jarldom, I think we need to think about who will, and what our relationship with them will look like. We're becoming such a big fish now that we're essentially a political player whether we want to be or not.

Personally I think the best course might be to take over the Jarldom and then delegate it heavily on a day-to-day level as much as we're able. But we should talk it over some more.

This is another reason why i want to take over the Valley, beside the many opportunities it would open, if we don't the future Jarl might want to get rid of our family like Dorri.

I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.

I agree, i totaly want to turn the Hading into a great place. The shipbuilding is a start (one that Eric would help with probably) but before any other ideas we would need a more complete picture of the Valley and its resources.
I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.
There is the minor issue of us already being in AP hell and having more Quests we need to do (Vestifold + War), gaining a full Jarldom will kick us even further into AP hell, it will probably tax at least 1 AP a turn on random events and doing development stuff. Plus we'd have to swear ourselves to Corpsemaker, who Halla hates even if its for petty reasons.
I'd be down to take over Hading. This podunk little village isn't good enough for how great we are. We are gonna make changes. Big changes. First things first: a proper shipwrights dock. How has no one managed to connect the dots on 'the best shipbuilding wood' and 'local shipbuilding' is beyond me.

To be fair, despite it's small size the Hading is known for the people living in it being stronger than the average.
We definitely should talk to Corpsemaker while in Jurgby. He's probably who we want to sell clay to, for one thing. How the conversation proceeds from there I'm less sure, but we want to talk no matter what.
There is the minor issue of us already being in AP hell and having more Quests we need to do (Vestifold + War), gaining a full Jarldom will kick us even further into AP hell, it will probably tax at least 1 AP a turn on random events and doing development stuff. Plus we'd have to swear ourselves to Corpsemaker, who Halla hates even if its for petty reasons.

I think gaining a Jarldom would help us for the war arc, would it not? We would be able to prepare people better, be trusted as a leader on our advice, could prevent corruption or undermining of defenses. Yeah it would require we don't go out quite as often but it seems like it'd be full of benefits.
Honestly, it's starting to look like the War Arc we're all talking about is going to be "When Drysalt makes his move", which is likely going to kick off when we unveil the treachery.
Honestly, it's starting to look like the War Arc we're all talking about is going to be "When Drysalt makes his move", which is likely going to kick off when we unveil the treachery.

I would prefer doing it before the War arc. But knowing our luck (and the Norns love for drama) it will probably happen at the least convinient moment.

If we get to kick Dorri in the nuts i am happy either way.

The Vestfold arc will have to happen first either way, since there we can see again Aki and Wolfwind. We could also visit Wessex and the Danelaw to see Abjorn brother and Gabriel.
And voting is now closed, who'd have thunk it?
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Nov 26, 2023 at 9:34 PM, finished with 90 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan Tying Up Loose Ends
    -[X] Take A Trip
    --[X] Jurgdby and then to finish things up on our job for Johannes
    -[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
    --[X] Tell Asva and anyone else in our family who doesn't know about Dorri's treachery the truth via Eyespeech while taking serious precautions.
    --[X] We will coordinate with Sten and Solrun to make our family conference on this subject as private as physically and magically possible (including using runes found here if viable).
    --[X] Abjorn
    --[X] Odr Initiation, very gradually, using our new spell
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] The Hading!
    ---[X] (Optional) Try to find the Heart of the Hading
    -[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
    --[X] Ask Solrun to explain the various uses a seeress has for a Fylgja. We feel like we're missing something fundamental here having had most of our Fylgja education from warriors.
    --[X] Ask Solrun about the Fylgja of other people in the valley with revealed ones, our main interest iis in Dorri's family and Framarr's ant thing in particular, but we'd ask abbout it as part of other stuff just in case
    --[X] Check with Solrun if our idea for the bridge and burl is on the right track. Basic idea can be found here, for referenc. To be clear, we're mostly making sure this isn't completely wrong-headed and dangerous, not asking for the definitive answer.
    --[X] Learn more about privacy warding...we want the best and most comprehensive privy wards possible and her help in making those
    --[X] Ask Solrun about the mountain of metal and that whole thing, noting we've had feelings that it's something in our family lineage. She's not likely to know the martial style itself, but she might know who or what it's based on, especially given her and its respective connections to Ironjaw.
    --[X] How can I help someone through a nidheart, especially a more mundane one without a spirit there some spell for that, and if not do you have any advice?
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Plant a Drill-Well Tuber and a Blood Seeking Petal in our Soulscape, feed each 3 Odr and see what happens
    --[X] Examine the borders of our soulscape and how this has effected them, specifically looking at the new Gotland section – 1 Research
    --[X] Attempt feeding our spirits in our soulscape actual food, both Odr grown and not (should cost 3 Odr and 1 Food if we use 3 of each)...see if different varieties have different effects (ie: feeding one all Odr-grown plants, another all meat, a third all mundane plants, and so on) – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and identify the traits of the following items and how they work: The vial of blood, the weird stick thing (pen?), the weird teeth necklace, the false eye, the strange substance from the Underhouse, the katana – 6 Research
    ---[X] Use Identify Concept and Sundersight alike to help with this
    --[X] Teach Abjorn how to read – 3 Research
    --[X] Meditate and practice on the parent Style of Time Stands Still. Our goal is to develop a core movement enhancement technique to serve as a foundation for the rest of the Style, similar to how Stoked Dice function for Stoker State. Using our extensive practice with breathing exercises and our recent experience watching Careful-Stepper, we will work out how to use our carefully rationed breath and integrate "hops" of Stopped Time into our ordinary movements and attacks, making us faster and much more difficult to predict as we appear to stutter in and out of time. – 1 Research and 1 Reward Die courtesy of @Skippy
    --[X] Try and Alloy Stoker State, Glima, and Fang together to see if we can Alloy three things – 1 Research
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (511 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train Pierce 8xp (4xp)
    --[X] Train Slash 8xp (4xp)
    --[X] Train Shoot 8xp (4xp)
    --[X] Train a Slash or Stoker State Trick (preferably the latter) to attack everyone within reach with a sweeping slash 4xp (2xp)
    --[X] Train a 'Hamstring Slash' Trick for the Slash skill to slice hamstrings and hobble a foe 4xp (2xp)
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (256 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train Scouting 8xp (4 xp)
    --[X] Train Wordplay 16xp (8xp)
    --[X] Train Semi-Halting Vortex 16xp (8xp)
    --[X] Train Campfire 60 xp (15xp)
    --[X] Train a Gale Trick to use wind to keep people trapped in our vicinity by pulling them toward us, making us the center of a vortex 3xp
    --[X] Train Flamecalling 8xp (2xp)
    --[X] Train a Sunfire Trick for melee attacks 4 xp (1xp)
    --[X] Train a Sunfire Trick for single-target ranged attacks (ideally in the form of a thrown spear) 4 xp (1xp)
    --[X] Train a Sunfire Trick for wide scale area attacks (ideally creates an orb that resembles that made by Unending Time In The Sun...until it explodes) 4 xp (1xp)
    --[X] Train an Atgeir Hugareida Trick for directly attacking 3xp
    --[X] Train a social Trick for detecting lies and deceit 3xp
    --[X] Train a Weave Seidr Spell variant on Weighed On The Scales to detect deception 6 xp
    -[X] (Work Dice Usage)
    --[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 2 Living Space, 1 Storage, 0 Workshop, otherwise maxed out (58 Total)
    --[X] Planting: Plant seeds for 1 Hearthberry, 1 Sealwood, 1 Falling Moss, 1 Drill-Well Tuber, and 1 Blood-Seeking Petal, somewhere not immediately obvious but secure and relatively sheltered from weather (5 Total)
    --[X] Construction: 10 towards Workshop Upgrade (10 Total)
    --[X] Crafting: Craft 15 Basic Cups out of Restful Clay, and distribute them to our retainers and adult family members (1 each) for emergencies (15 Total)
    --[X] Conversion: Spend for 13 Research Dice (26 Total)
    -[X](Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Reassign two slots from Dense Muscles and Target-Tracking Eyes to Sharpened Senses
    -[X](Alloy Slots)
    --[X] Assign Fight of Our Lives to our empty slot
    -[X](Assign Hugareida Levels)
    --[X]Assign 2 Sunfire Levels to Dice
    --[X]Assign 2 Atgeir Levels to Instances
    -[X](Fylgja Capacity)
    --[X] Remove one shield, assign 2 Restful Clay Cups full of water to Fylgja Capacity
    -[X](Standing Orders)
    --[X] Assign a Standing Order to provide us with a full Restful Clay cup when needed.
    -[X] (Incidentals)
    --[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Sigurdr, Asgeirr,
    --[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Storm Iron
    --[X] Invite Kare Wolf-Seek, Ingolf Ulfsson, and Eyesteinn Egilsson to joinour retainers (hopefully with oaths sworn)