Abby's is actually one lower than mine at base. We both rolled badly. If Friendly and First Impression apply we hit 10, so a Reward Die would get us to 11 even without Odr.

Spending that is probably worth it.

Can we split the difference and spend, like, 3? That definitely gets us to the 11-15 level of success.

I'd rather get a Fine result if we can, Odr isn't so precious anymore that we can't spend freely for important rolls, especially since it'll be a while until we need giant pools of it again anyway.

5 to convert your 8 to a 13, then Friendly for another 1, then I guess Beautiful, then 1 reward dice gets us to Fine, which should get us what we need.
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Honestly, I think I'm just going to take today off from writing. Starting this late in the day—in comparison to my normal schedule—just doesn't fill me with much writing mojo
I've got a Reward Dice left, happy to add that to the pile if it'll help!

We're talking two different things here. Halla wasn't stated as unusual among people for not having Training Items, she was unusual among people of her level of prowess. Which is to say warband level, not random warrior level. The two are very different things. One can certainly lead to the other, but generally, when a Norseman embarks on a life of violence, they are not already a warband member. The warbands recruit you if you do well at that...exceptions are made for the well-trained kids of warband members, as we saw with Hal, but the default way to become a professional warrior doesn't involve having that stuff to start with, it involves seeking out battle and acquitting yourself well, and then deciding to keep doing that (and then maybe joining a warband).

Training aids and lots of sparring partners are definitely not standard, you're right, but they're not standard for most Norseman who go out to be professional warriors and raiders either, that's 'warband only' stuff for the most part.

The thing is, all that is true of our Huskarls as well. Kurt is not doing vastly more hours of work on the farm than Abjorn or Vagn (indeed, both of them are providing at least as many Work Dice as he is, and not reducing them by working less hours). Like, yes, we own the land, but we're still definitely working on it ourselves for the most part (or working in the smithy, or on seidr...the other stuff we use Work Dice for). Halla herself also does some weird experimentation, but given the Super Magical tools (and weapons and armor in many cases) she's given everyone people seem unlikely to complain about her weirdness, and the same does not apply to anyone else. There's just not a sharp divide where our huskarls have vastly more free time than he does or Work Dice would function quite differently. They might have a bit more, but it's not a huge sea change that would keep him from, say, joining the sparring if he wanted.

My understanding is that his social position would make it awkward for him to join in our sparring. Being a farmhand generally means you're a lot lower down the social ladder. This may be incorrect, it's probably worth asking @Imperial Fister.

I'll admit that I don't really track how the Work Dice work, so I'm mostly going off of how I assume it works on depictions in the quest and how we've interacted with him, rather than being informed by the Work Dice mechanics themselves. In historical Norse society and literature, farmhands and freedman are definitely a lot lower down the social ladder and limited in their ability to hold or gain honour than landowners or their armed retainers.
That was my rough understanding, yeah.

Being the armed retainer to a powerful landowner is not as good as being the dude (or dude-ette) owning the land, but it beats being the one who has to muck out the goats. Presumably at Abjornsby things are a bit more egalitarian than average and everyone helps out together. But I imagine whilst Halla is in her forge, or all the warriors are training, Kurt is still working on the farm.

Honestly if Kurt is fine with that, then that's... fine? Nothing says he has to be a Huskarl, and he might live longer if he isn't. But if he wants to move up a notch, well, I think we should let him know we appreciate him and would be happy to give him a leg up. Then the ball's in his court, so to speak.
I've got a Reward Dice left, happy to add that to the pile if it'll help!

I think we're fine at this point.

My understanding is that his social position would make it awkward for him to join in our sparring. Being a farmhand generally means you're a lot lower down the social ladder. This may be incorrect, it's probably worth asking @Imperial Fister.

I'll admit that I don't really track how the Work Dice work, so I'm mostly going off of how I assume it works on depictions in the quest and how we've interacted with him, rather than being informed by the Work Dice mechanics themselves. In historical Norse society and literature, farmhands and freedman are definitely a lot lower down the social ladder and limited in their ability to hold or gain honour than landowners or their armed retainers.

I'm not arguing that farmhand isn't a lower social position at all. I'm arguing that even the huskarls do a lot of work on the farm in terms of hours, and that there actually is social mobility between a farmhand and huskarl without the need for extensive training. I'm basically only arguing that if he wanted to progress in the direction of that, there are avenues open to him that he does have the time to pursue and he hasn't as of yet.

I'm still entirely fine making him the offer (it's in the tentative turn plan, in fact), but he might turn it down improved social class or not.
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I'm not arguing that farmhand isn't a lower social position at all. I'm arguing that even the huskarls do a lot of work on the farm in terms of hours, and that there actually is social mobility between a farmhand and huskarl without the need for extensive training. I'm basically only arguing that if he wanted to progress in the direction of that, there are avenues open to him that he does have the time to pursue and he hasn't as of yet.

I'm still entirely fine making him the offer (it's in the tentative turn plan, in fact), but he might turn it down improved social class or not.

Fair enough! I think we're basically agreed on that.

I think one option open to him which does not come with a a risk of overt rejection in the same way as a more direct approach might be trying to be brave in battle in the hope of a reward. So as you say, let's be receptive and see what happens.
I just caught up with this after reading over the last 4ish days. It's been pretty enjoyable! I will say being a flying fireball throwing craft-witch isn't exactly what I was expecting going into it.

I am saddened that my favorite character (Gabriel) left. He was great. I can't wait for him to come back to kill our dad just for Halla to be like 'yeah about that... hes already dead'. I do wish we had the chance to be a real weirdo and have a half-Christian/English family.

I feel that last bit is probably partly my not reallt caring for who she ended up with. Unfortunately I just feel less rosy about Abjorn and I wish that Halla hadn't decided who she was marrying at like, 13(?) so there could have been a chance of more drama and decisions to be made there. He's not bad, he's just... boring. A huge wall of meat with the personality of 'kinda nice and protective'.

The children system is... interesting? I'm not sure if we are ever going to explore it in more detail, Halla hasn't died too often thus far, though the experimentation seems more likely to off her than anything else.

I do find myself rolling my eyes at how every single child has basically every +basic traits thing built in. We really ended up giving birth to an entire generation of giant geniuses blessed with luck and who happen to be budding with seer (or at least, magical soul animal) talent. Once they start growing up we are going to have a bunch of 10 year Olds out competing 16 year Olds to face the adult hood trials, if they're as talented as they look on paper.

Steinnar and Asveig had pretty lame kids in comparison! What lame parents we had. 😜

I do hope that if we do end up dying at some point, we make something very different than Halla build wise. I will definitely be voting for whoever the black sheep and weirdest of the family is as the next viewpoint, in such a case. One of her kids will just have to develop power over water instead of fire or maybe inherit Steinnar's plant powers. It felt a little forced to go the fire route when we discovered we got super quadruple xp growth to all fire stuff.

I think the Fylgja are the most interesting base part of the quest. So of course theyre the least focused upon on Halla! I'd love to see what going hard on them could produce. Hal's wolf-fusion stuff was pretty cool.

Being a woman definitely didn't seem to inhibit Halla nearly as much as was advertised early on in the quest. I guess Steinnar was just too cool for anyone to say anything about his daughter (besides his own wife/her mother) and her oddness. And by the time they could, she was one of the top 3 strongest people at the trials despite competing 4 years earlier than expected and then won a very big victory on her first raid.

Going off that early on 'Norseman benchmarks' post, Halla is rocketing past where she should be in her 30s at 21. In base stats at least. Her skills suffer in comparison, with her definitely putting way more time into her magic fire stuff than any of her mundane skills.

Seriously, even a 16 year old Norseman should have 4 farmwork! And she only has 3! At 21!

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I just caught up with this after reading over the last 4ish days. It's been pretty enjoyable! I will say being a flying fireball throwing craft-witch isn't exactly what I was expecting going into it.

Welcome aboard! And a lot of that got determined fairly early on when we voted in Alectai's 'Perky Murder Witch' plan...the flight and the crafting were admittedly later additions.

I feel that last bit is probably partly my not reallt caring for who she ended up with. Unfortunately I just feel less rosy about Abjorn and I wish that Halla hadn't decided who she was marrying at like, 13(?) so there could have been a chance of more drama and decisions to be made there. He's not bad, he's just... boring. A huge wall of meat with the personality of 'kinda nice and protective'.

I actually really like Abjorn, he has significant layers, they're just understated as he tends to be quiet about them.

Steinnar and Asveig had pretty lame kids in comparison! What lame parents we had. 😜

Jokes aside, our ability to stack the odds with Reward Dice and Hamingja is a meta-power they did not possess...if it exists in-universe, it's tied to Charred Soul.

I do hope that if we do end up dying at some point, we make something very different than Halla build wise. I will definitely be voting for whoever the black sheep and weirdest of the family is as the next viewpoint, in such a case. One of her kids will just have to develop power over water instead of fire or maybe inherit Steinnar's plant powers. It felt a little forced to go the fire route when we discovered we got super quadruple xp growth to all fire stuff.

Well, we die eventually basically no matter what. Old age and all that.

We're gonna have Fire stuff every incarnation I'm pretty sure. The benefits aren't gonna go away and thematically, it's all tied in with Blackhand and the Bloodline and so on. That said, Halla's specific Fire stuff doesn't strongly resemble what the person who focuses hard on Pyroclasm (ie: Lava) is gonna have for fire stuff and all their other Hugareida will be different, and I think the same is true for most other builds based on other Fire Hugareida. I think our next character's build will not be very similar even if burning people to death remains on the itinerary.

Basically, there are a lot of fire options available, and I wouldn't be surprised if, Campfire and Clearwater aside, our next character had zero Hugareida in common with Halla. Well, maybe a Forgefire Alloy if we can swing it...crafting is handy even if our next character doesn't go in for it quite as hard as Halla. Or Sword if we do an actual swordsman.

I think the Fylgja are the most interesting base part of the quest. So of course theyre the least focused upon on Halla! I'd love to see what going hard on them could produce. Hal's wolf-fusion stuff was pretty cool.

We're definitely gonna focus a bit more on Fylgja going forward, especially the spiritual side of things, and see what happens.

Going off that early on 'Norseman benchmarks' post, Halla is rocketing past where she should be in her 30s at 21. In base stats at least. Her skills suffer in comparison, with her definitely putting way more time into her magic fire stuff than any of her mundane skills.

Seriously, even a 16 year old Norseman should have 4 farmwork! And she only has 3! At 21!


Her non-combat skills are more in line with women's than men's in terms of stereotypes. She's actually doing pretty well in those terms, with the exception of her Housework, and even there her Tools let her cheat and do a lot better. For that matter, even in terms of farming, her ridiculous crafts skills have let her make tools that let her do a lot better than many people who 'theoretically' have better skills (her high Hugr also compensates in a lot of cases, though not farming, it's true).
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Well, we die eventually basically no matter what. Old age and all that.

Eh, I'm betting that Odr cultivation, as the more proper and true form of Norse Cultivation, can probably ward off at least some of that. Our father lacked Odr, and while Solrun said similar was happening to Blackhand, it's possible he didn't know (or even pursue) secrets related to longevity.

Even if we don't, we have easily 40+ years of game until then. At the rate we have gone, we will have punched multiple Jarls to death and been named queen of Norway by then.

We're gonna have Fire stuff every incarnation I'm pretty sure.

Oh I'm sure we will. The allure of 4x xp to fire is, as I said, basically the author hitting us over the head with a hammer and saying 'use fire!' There's no way, in reality, that we don't end up using some sort of fire no matter who we end up playing as. It's simply too good a benefit to not use to its fullest.

I can still dream of something besides fire being the main focus or a focus at all.

I actually really like Abjorn, he has significant layers, they're just understated as he tends to be quiet about them.

Sure, they're just boring and kinda basic layers. He's fine. He's inoffensive. He has never bothered me in any negative way. I've just also never felt anything particularly great about him either.

But it's just a taste thing. Everyone likes different characters.

Welcome aboard! And a lot of that got determined fairly early on when we voted in Alectai's 'Perky Murder Witch' plan...the flight and the crafting were admittedly later additions

See, I saw that vote and I was thinking more traditional and witch like. Curses of blindness, making someone's muscle rot, you know. Witchy things.

Instead we are throwing flaming Kamehamehas that part the clouds and our tactic for most fights is 'if fire doesn't work, try hotter fire'.

For that matter, even in terms of farming, her ridiculous crafts skills have let her make tools that let her do a lot better than many people who 'theoretically' have better skills (her high Hugr also compensates in a lot of cases, though not farming, it's true).

This is very true. We clearly need to spend 10 years when she hits 40 or so and just have her craft so all of her kids and grandkids have fully Realized... everything. Farm tools, weapons, armors, helmets. All of it. Just pass down enough equipment to have our own Band more well equipped than any other.
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