...and, likewise, if we raid until winter then management dice spent on the fields are going to be kind of wasted.

If anything, I thin we maybe want to plan to raid until winter. If nothing else, it' provide a rock-slid excuse for why we're buying food. "Well, the two of us just got so excited what with styling on the English."

If we stop raiding some time in winter, then we have all winter to spool up our farming stuff.
yeah i think we need to restructure our votes to keep raiding in mind, not me tho im eepy
...and, likewise, if we raid until winter then management dice spent on the fields are going to be kind of wasted.

If anything, I think we maybe want to plan to raid until winter. If nothing else, it'd provide a rock-slid excuse for why we're buying food. "Well, the two of us just got so excited what with styling on the English."

That's plausible, yeah.

If we stop raiding some time in winter, then we have all winter to spool up our farming stuff.

True if we're just gonna skip to winter, yeah. In that case maybe we should try for Training Dice from Sten. Also won't apply until we get back, but will apply when we get back...

@Imperial Fister would any work we did clearing fields still apply next year, or is work (other than the house) basically wasted?
[X] See Stig and Raid Prep

[X] Steinarr and Sten going to Jurgdby and returning home
[X] Steinarr out raiding
[X] Abjorn saving Halla (From the tree)
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Buying food is perhaps mildly embarrassing but people can probably figure out why we did so. Long term we'll want to pour our raid loot into expanding our herds. Cows gud.
Say, @Imperial Fister, what exactly was Steinarr's reaction when he heard what we did while he was away?

I feel this is somewhat missing from this quest. The numbers going up is very good and really feels nice, but can we maybe get an interlude or two to show how our near and dear ones like Steinarr felt and thought every time we got into life and death struggles even before we reached adulthood. First with Halfdan's farm, then with the draugr and finally with the nisse. Like what was Sten or Steinarr's feeling when they came back to a whole lot of property damage and heard exactly what attacked and how it was fought off.

I am not pressuring you to write an interlude if you dont want the burden, just thought it would be nice.

Also, a question, whats the narrative reasoning behind our poetic inspiration giving us orthstirr? Like did we get someone to circulate the poem in a population centre or what?
Buying food is perhaps mildly embarrassing but people can probably figure out why we did so. Long term we'll want to pour our raid loot into expanding our herds. Cows gud.

We don't actually have to buy food, I don't think. We make two a turn and consume two a turn. So we're good swapping our milk with other people for other food. We probably will need to buy some fodder for the cows, but only a little.
Yeah, fair. My plan is edited to talk to Sten about training. We'll make the scythe over the winter. Will edit management plan depending on Imperial Fister's answer.
gonna edit mine to have sten as well and edit my land management to just be clearing fields if the seed cant be harvested this eason no point in planting them now even if they carry over since we would just be changing when we spend dice clearing fields and planting.
gonna edit mine to have sten as well and edit my land management to just be clearing fields if the seed cant be harvested this eason no point in planting them now even if they carry over since we would just be changing when we spend dice clearing fields and planting.

Yeah, I'm probably doing the same if clearing stays through the winter, which I'm not sure is true or not. If it doesn't we just put it all in the house and see what absurd overflow does.
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man, the norse habit of passing stuff down, makes crafting feel really nice here. Sure, taking a whole action to craft one scythe seems a bit underwhelming, but that scythe could be around for our next three characters.
man, the norse habit of passing stuff down, makes crafting feel really nice here. Sure, taking a whole action to craft one scythe seems a bit underwhelming, but that scythe could be around for our next three characters.
Its more of a we are raiding for sure and likely not gonna be able to farm this year thing, we might even be able to rank up blacksmithing this winter and then make a better scythe for next years harvest
@Imperial Fister would any work we did clearing fields still apply next year, or is work (other than the house) basically wasted?
Absolutely. Rocks and trees and stumps would be cleared away.
Say, @Imperial Fister, what exactly was Steinarr's reaction when he heard what we did while he was away?
You're absolutely right that I am missing those things and it's something that I'm thinking about. I just keep forgetting to add interlude votes... which, now that you mention it, I'm going to go add in now.

As for narrative reason, we'll go with you telling the poem to a passing traveler and they retold it somewhere else.
so, how did we get a farm in the first place? was it given to us? and how large is it currently? I know we are living essentially out of a tent right now and that this is a lot of questions but I was kind of wondering.

Overall great update, Abjorn did great with his sword quest and he plus the fertility thingamajigs clutched the whole no kids thing.

[X] See Stig and Raid Prep

edit: how would Jerasmus and Gabriel go about being freed? or is it not possible?
@Imperial Fister - could we get a list of Management-applicable tools? It's a bit premature, admittedly, but we're going to want to smith a bunch of this stuff over the winter after we get back from raiding.

Also... we're literally planning on leaving our farm with no people in it for months. Is that going to be a problem? Is there anything we need to do to worry about, say, the cows?
getting a really swag house sounds good. Passive Orthstirris always nice, since we can't stumble upon some nerd who provides that every turn.
so, how did we get a farm in the first place?
Good question. It's your dowry, actually. Once a part of Steinarr's land, it now belongs to you.
and how large is it currently?
I am absolutely shit at measuring reasonable land sizes, so we'll go with 'small'. If you require more, you have to go talk to the Headsman or Jarl to purchase it.
@Imperial Fister - could we get a list of Management-applicable tools?
-Wood Axe
-Plow (which I should add to the Iron list, now that I mention it)
-...your Work Knife would also apply, now that I think about it. Not so much for building, but for shearing sheep and the life, absolutely.

And that's it, unless I've forgotten anything or someone thinks of something.

Is there anything we need to do to worry about, say, the cows?
I'll say that Steinarr's family will take care of them for you, as you do live, like, a couple minutes away. Now, they're not going to go out of their way to do it for you (as in, they'll feed your animals with your Feed, not their own), but they'll do it
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