Oh, right, she knows too, she might have questions, but it's Passing information that the Enemy hates, not someone benefiting from it.
It'd be fun if the kids picked up Greenthumb from Steinarr stories and then Halla and Abjorn kind of pick it up from them. Abjornsby becomes this ludicrously productive farm. I also think it would help with some aspects of Odr cultivation.
It's just a Burl, it's a kind of wood created when a tree gets damaged and heals back, but it's kind of a lump instead of smooth.
Would 2 people please roll a d6 for Abjorn and Hallbjorn, to see if they get to increase their Capacity
Having difficulties, likely will not have the update done today. Will, at the very least, outline everything so as to make tomorrow's writing that much easier.
Yeah, no worries, everyone needs a day off now and then.

In other news, the character sheet is updated with the loot we got (well, except the stuff that went to Abjorn and Stigmar) and the upcoming turn's training results. So people can check that out.