About average I guess? Maybe a little less?

EDIT: 47/100 possible points. I don't know if that means 47 True Deaths or just 47 people who had to roll the dice, but that's not that fucking bad considering it was a total wipeout for the Raid.
Of the 189 people (not including Dragon-Dancer and his mates), 47 were Final Killed, the rest were either captured and then Enthralled or are currently on ice waiting for more manacles to be made.
Of the 189 people (not including Dragon-Dancer and his mates), 47 were Final Killed, the rest were either captured and then Enthralled or are currently on ice waiting for more manacles to be made.

Good fucking god. What a disaster for that force. Lot of people are going to be really leery about taking another swing at the Hading after this.
That's what? A fourth of the people dead and half now Thralls?
Next year will either be a challenge or a bust on raids.
Just caught up with the last few updates.

...Well, huh, that seems kind of bad.

If Jarl Corpsemaker is making his move on Dorri, then obviously the first feeling is to side with Dorri, but I'm not really sure what we can meaningfully do? Like, my assumption was that kin bonds and other factors made this more of a proxy battle. But if Corpsemaker can just straight-up remove Dorri or otherwise directly intervene and is being completely open about his intentions, then I'm not sure what we can meaningfully do to stop him. Pretty ominous.
Looks like we just became a major slave-trading destination.

I mean, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I think the Hading's total losses of Actual Fucking Dead were only around 20 or so. In comparison, roughly 200 dudes are either True Dead or about to be Enthralled.

This is actually way the hell worse than the normal results of a Failed Raid because it was a wipeout, there's nobody to dispose of the bodies, which means that you can't just raise them from a hair because they're still linked to their original bodies. They got crushed so hard they couldn't even retreat in good order.

What even is the whole population of the Hading? Can we even handle that number of Thralls?

I imagine a bunch of them are going to be sold to Agder or something.
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So, I've been contemplating what it is that we're still missing from our base toolkit, and after some back and forth, I'm willing to bet that the area that needs the most development is definitely Fylgja.

Not in the sense of the attribute--though it helps, but that... Well, go back to the front page.

This is how Fylgja is defined in literally the opening post.

The Opening Post said:
By cultivating fylgja, one can manifest them into the physical world, see the unseen, recieve tellings of the future, act through the fylgja as if it were your own body, and even strike out at enemy fylgja should one grow strong enough. (Important to note: if your fylgja dies, you die as well)

We're only doing two of those things, Manifesting them into the Physical World and Acting through it as if it were our own body.

We haven't even begun to tap into "Seeing the Unseen", which seems Pretty fucking important to me. And Tellings of the Future? Also very good to have. These are natural things that a cultivated Fylgja should be able to do--but we haven't tapped into it.

Presumably because Steinarr's the only one who really taught us much about it, and he's never been the most creative of guys.

I think the key's going to be in Standing Orders, to get some way of being able to "See what it Sees", even when it's not in physical phase with us or in our Soulscape. We've focused so much on the physicality parts that we've failed to exploit what Fylgja is fundamentally supposed to be

It's a Watcher.
We should definitely work on some Fylgja perception Tricks, make the unfilled Standing Order to keep an eye out, and ask Solrun about Fylgja next time we get the opportunity (she's definitely our best source on non-physical fylgja stuff).

Speaking of which, actually, @Imperial Fister if Solrun's staying with us for the winter, should we be able to ask her stuff over the winter as well? Maybe drop it to 1 or 2 questions but every turn not just during the Summer? Or is she not staying with us yet? We did invite her and she seemed to say yes, but that might have only been an 'in the future' yes.
I think it'd be better to give Solrun a rest, and see if seeing the pitter patter of a bunch of kiddies is healing.
I think it'd be better to give Solrun a rest, and see if seeing the pitter patter of a bunch of kiddies is healing.

We're definitely not asking her anything this turn (it wasn't in the plan). Maybe not this whole season. I'm just curious how that'll work going forward. If it's 'no questions over winter' that's totally fine, but she seemed to actually like talking about seidr stuff last time it came up which would make that seem a tad odd.
Technically, it's a Follower (the literal translation), but you are 100% correct
Speaking of which, actually, @Imperial Fister if Solrun's staying with us for the winter, should we be able to ask her stuff over the winter as well? Maybe drop it to 1 or 2 questions but every turn not just during the Summer? Or is she not staying with us yet? We did invite her and she seemed to say yes, but that might have only been an 'in the future' yes.
She spends her winters doing highly intensive and very careful research, she doesn't have the wherewithal to do both that and teach you things.