Good to hear that Steinarr enjoyed the seeds.
Perhaps next time we go to one of the halls we can send him more!
Man, Corpsemaker is full of shit. still surprising that he is younger than Dori. Just what did he do to become a steelfather so young? (just wondering, no serious question)
@Imperial Fister As for the questions...
How do teaching the kids what Steinarr knew will play out? Like, we tell stories to them or do they get bonus dice to sword skills, fire tricks and fyjgla stuff?
Will they know have an easier time with the greenthumb hugreida?
Does this mean we get 2 owl gatcha this winter?
Did the Halding sent any present to Steinarr's pyre?
Was Lidrun anywhere near?
What happened with the heartleaf that Buri was growing?
Does Solrun takes a look whats going on with Aki and Kolla? And if yes, are they doing well?
How long before Blackhand is back?
And yeah, as Shard asked, what happened to Folkmar and his band?