[X] Plan Getting The Spearman Out Of The Way

Yeah, spear guy should be much less of a problem when we don't also have to worry about axe guy.
I'm really not up with the play on rules and theorycrafting, but can Sagaseeker use atgeir-guard to wield itself while we pull out our new sword?

He could, but it would provide no meaningful advantage in this specific situation. Like, we'd get to attack with a sword instead of an atgeir but that'd be the only difference.

There are situations where that would be useful (our sword halves the base cost of fire-based Tricks and and has an anti-armor Rune for heavily armored targets), but this isn't one of them, I don't think.
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Hmmm, I think we should use Against the Odds here? It's individually expensive, but mechanically it's amazing and we could pay for it by economising elsewhere. This is literally the situation it's designed for.

Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 30d6 Stoked Dice

Fantastic update!

Also apologies, for some reason best known to myself I had Slipstream down as giving us 3 Stoked Dice, so running the numbers back I think our current Stoked Dice should be 27.

Also, if you don't mind, could I ask how Intercepts interact with Contested Movement? If we do a Contested Movement and win, can someone else Intercept the free attack we get?

[X] Plan Getting The Spearman Out Of The Way
-[X] 91d6 Attack (91d6 tricks)
-[X] 38d6 Defense (38d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), as combat begins.
-[X] Use our Fast-Stored Orthstirr-Enhancedx10 Inertia-Arresting Throw at 45d6+6 w/Puncture added (-25 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice) to trap the spearman, and simultaneously use the opening that provides to make a total of up to four 35d6+6 Sharpenedx10 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks w/Puncture (-20 Orthstirr and +3 Stoker State dice each) at the axeman, if Guards are displayed at any point, take a break in our routine to again throw a 4d6 Devouring Blaze (-8 Orthstirr, -3 Stoker State Dice) to remove them before continuing.
-[X] Against the first melee attack that gets past our Atgeir Bodyguard use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice, 10d6+6 on the roll) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike w/Puncture (-11 Orthstirr).
-[X] By default use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against all attacks except fleinns. After our Contested Movement use (listed above), or if dealing with ranged attacks, in response to anything not a fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through Atgeir Bodyguard use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or two 40d6+15 Reinforcedx21 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-24 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate to the specific attack.
-[X] Tactics – Immediately attack the axe guy with a Firebomb Strike, when the spear guy moves to intercept release an IAT from our Fast to stop him and trap him and then continue with our assault on the axe guy while the spearman remains trapped until the axe guy falls.

Hmmmm, do we have a Fast-stored IAT at the moment?

It's not on our character sheet currently, but entirely possible that's out of date. (Also, the folded attacks we have listed on the character sheet don't allow us to maximise attacks on Time Stands Still, we want something threefold and something twofold, rather than fourfold and threefold.)
Also, if you don't mind, could I ask how Intercepts interact with Contested Movement? If we do a Contested Movement and win, can someone else Intercept the free attack we get?

I wouldn't think so.

Hmmmm, do we have a Fast-stored IAT at the moment?

Crap, you're right, we don't. Plan still works, I'll just fiddle a little. EDIT: And fixed.

It's not on our character sheet currently, but entirely possible that's out of date. (Also, the folded attacks we have stored don't allow us to maximise attacks on Time Stands Still.)

We could, actually, with a bit of loss...two 3Fold Sparkbombs followed by a third single attack would work, the third one on the second would just be wasted (well, go off after the TSS ran out). That's a waste of 3 Orthstirr and not much else.
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Poor Agnar Bjarnesson. We could still fish him back to life though, right? Or am I misremembering the Aki soul trip..

Yeah, that sucks, lesson learned about dodging during a thick press.

I have four Reward Dice saved, and am happy to put as many as possible towards avoiding True Death on this guy if they can help @Imperial Fister.
We have basically given up on IAT. No fast stored IAT.

Not having it in a Fast just means there are more important things to put in Fasts due to the specific interactions they have in Fasts, not that we've given up on a Trick. We currently have exactly two Tricks in Fasts...I don't think that means we've given up on all other Tricks.
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I wouldn't think so.

Crap, you're right, we don't. Plan still works, I'll just fiddle a little.

We could, actually, with a bit of loss...two 3Fold Sparkbombs followed by a third single attack would work, the third one on the second would just be wasted (well, go off after the TSS ran out). That's a waste of 3 Orthstirr and not much else.

Huh, do we have two threefold Sparkbombs? The sheet lists one, and I'd assumed that when something is in a Fast, it was expended and took a while to refill. Do they actually auto-refill quite quickly?

Anyway, my thought here is we use Against All Odds and throw a bunch of Basics and Kindle-Spinners using mostly our dice pool, with HHC or Slice-Asides as defences, also bulked out with just our dice pool - Against All Odds makes it go much further. Give them enough to worry about that we can overwhelm Spear Guy's Intercepts. Using that Fourfold Kindle Spinner from our Fast might be good actually? I like the idea of trapping the spearman in an IAT at a crucial moment, I think we could afford that and AOA and remain fairly Orthstirr-efficient if we're not doing many other Tricks.

Basically the idea on the Basics and Kindle-Spinners is to saturate their defences, but mostly to run up our Stoked Pool. Then we use Contested Movement and hit one guy with a 30-36d6 Stoking Strike, and the other with a Sparkbomb or something.
Huh, do we have two threefold Sparkbombs? The sheet lists one, and I'd assumed that when something is in a Fast, it was expended and took a while to refill. Do they actually auto-refill quite quickly?

We have Sparkbomb in our Fylgja and have given it a Standing Order to refill the Fast. Standing Orders are sweet for this kind of conditional.

Anyway, my thought here is we use Against All Odds and throw a bunch of Basics and Kindle-Spinners using mostly our dice pool, with HHC or Slice-Asides as defences, also bulked out with just our dice pool - Against All Odds makes it go much further. Give them enough to worry about that we can overwhelm Spear Guy's Intercepts. Using that Fourfold Kindle Spinner from our Fast might be good actually? I like the idea of trapping the spearman in an IAT at a crucial moment, I think we could afford that and AOA and remain fairly Orthstirr-efficient if we're not doing many other Tricks.

Basically the idea on the Basics and Kindle-Spinners is to saturate their defences, but mostly to run up our Stoked Pool. Then we use Contested Movement and hit one guy with a 30-36d6 Stoking Strike, and the other with a Sparkbomb or something.

The thing is that IAT breaks as soon as we hit it, and fighting two people means we have to invest much more heavily in defenses because our Guard can only defend against one of them at a time. Hitting one guy with IAT to stop them and then focus firing the other guy down seems the way to go.

And Against All Odds is really expensive for two opponents unless we're gonna be fighting them for quite a while...we'd likely need to be taking north of 20 actions before burning Orthstirr on Sharpen and/or Reinforce isn't just cheaper. And even if we're taking more than that, it'd need to be actions where the +6 made a difference to be worth it.
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The thing is that IAT breaks as soon as we hit it, and fighting two people means we have to invest much more heavily in defenses because our Guard can only defend against one of them at a time. Hitting one guy with IAT to stop them and then focus firing the other guy down seems the way to go.

I think Against All Odds means we can get a lot of mileage out of our combat pool on defensive tricks, since it turns our combat pool into the equivalent of two hundred and forty dice. Especially if we're throwing Basics and Kindle-Spinners mostly to keep them busy and rack up our Stoked Dice rather than with a lot of dice behind them.

But yeah, we don't want to hit the same guy we put an IAT on, we want to hit the other one; and the guy we hit with IAT should be Spear Dude. Ideally timed just as Axe Man is winding up an attack so we can immediately transition to a Contested Movement.
I think Against All Odds means we can get a lot of mileage out of our combat pool on defensive tricks, since it turns our combat pool into the equivalent of two hundred and forty dice. Especially if we're throwing Basics and Kindle-Spinners mostly to keep them busy and rack up our Stoked Dice rather than with a lot of dice behind them.

But yeah, we don't want to hit the same guy we put an IAT on, we want to hit the other one; and the guy we hit with IAT should be Spear Dude. Ideally timed just as Axe Man is winding up an attack so we can immediately transition to a Contested Movement.

The basic issue there is that making a lot of attacks doesn't combo well with the IAT plan, because the spearman won't stay trapped. We're fast, and can probably get some hits in first, but he'll escape eventually, so we need to take the axe guy out out ASAP and the way to do that is big attacks, not whittling him down with small ones.
The basic issue there is that making a lot of attacks doesn't combo well with the IAT plan, because the spearman won't stay trapped. We're fast, and can probably get some hits in first, but he'll escape eventually, so we need to take the axe guy out out ASAP and the way to do that is big attacks, not whittling him down with small ones.

Oh no, I think we do the little attacks first, then throw our IAT to kill or take out Axe Man either with a big strong attack or preferably Contested Movement if we time it right, and then when Spear Guy breaks out of the IAT to counter-attack us, do another Contested Movement and take him out as well.

I'll write this up into a plan in a minute, but first I'm going to make a celebratory post-migraine grilled cheese sandwich.
Oh no, I think we do the little attacks first, then throw our IAT to kill or take out Axe Man either with a big strong attack or preferably Contested Movement if we time it right, and then when Spear Guy breaks out of the IAT to counter-attack us, do another Contested Movement and take him out as well.

I'll write this up into a plan in a minute, but first I'm going to make a celebratory post-migraine grilled cheese sandwich.

I think that opens us up to too many attacks from the enemies. Most of the dice pool will need to go to defenses and even then things could all too easily go very wrong indeed.

And congrats on the migraine ending. Mine have been acting up the last few days as well.
Also apologies, for some reason best known to myself I had Slipstream down as giving us 3 Stoked Dice, so running the numbers back I think our current Stoked Dice should be 27.
Good catch, fixing
Also, if you don't mind, could I ask how Intercepts interact with Contested Movement? If we do a Contested Movement and win, can someone else Intercept the free attack we get?
They wouldn't be able to intercept the free attack.
I have four Reward Dice saved, and am happy to put as many as possible towards avoiding True Death on this guy if they can help @Imperial Fister.
They can. However, I'd suggest holding onto your dice just incase you need them in the coming turns. I'll allow you folks to influence if Agnar Bjarnesson and/or other deaths are Fated or not

edit: Not to be a spoilsport or anything, but Spear Guy is going to be hanging back a little bit. You'll have to get around axe guy to get at him
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