I.F. Ister
Fortifying The Thread
- Pronouns
- He/They
In front of you, yes
I thought I already did them?
In front of you, yes
I thought I already did them?
Still "About as strong as we are?" What the hell are we doing with our life T_T
Slowing Slog is only DR 1 here, which is probably not worth it. You need 81 Orthstirr for the DR 9.
I also think throwing a few high die attacks like that without Puncture probably won't do much. We could ignore that entire attack routine for less than 10 Orthstirr aside from the basics. So can this guy if he has Perfect defenses, which he does because almost everyone picks those up.
is there enough space for a flashfire cleave?--[X] Throw two 12d6 Kindle-Spinners (+6 Stoked Dice) and a leap in with a 54d6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Flashfire-Cleave (3 Orthstirr) (+3 Stoked Dice) to probe his defences, unleashing our Devouring Blaze (-3 Stoked Dice) as close the distance to get rid of any surprises.
Ah, good point, I forgot to throw in Puncture.
Hmmm, Slowing Slog is really tempting, but 81 Orthstirr is a lot... We have to refresh it every round, right?
We do. I don't think it's worth it at this stage vs. this guy...we'll see what the Tactics Tricks say. We do have DR4 even without it. Plus Reinforce Shield on our armor and ERA, which you should definitely add...we had time to prep them and they're very good.
I was thinking we'd use Slowing Slog instead, but yeah, fair point. I think we should keep Slowing Slog in the plan in some form because 9 Orthstirr for an extra DR is not bad and it gives us more Stoked Dice.
Will add in ERA and some Reinforce-Shield, it's not hugely expensive.
EDIT: Forgot to add in Puncture, removed Kindle-Spinners to pay for it.
[X] If he attacks us during our initial probing attacks, counter with a 57d6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Hefty Halter-Chop (6 Orthstirr).
Wait. Why do the Kindle Spinners cost anything? We have them Perfected...they should cost dice alone.
[X] Plan Orthficiency And Keeping Tricks In Reserve
-[X] Invest 3 Orthstirr in Hugr, 1 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 3 in Scouting (-11 Orthstirr)
-[X] 99d6 Attack (99d6 tricks)
-[X] 30d6 Defense (30d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Put 4 Orthstirr into 8 layers of Reinforce Shield before the combat begins(-4 Orthstirr) and add an instance of Explosive Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr).
-[X] Put up a 55d6+15 (w/Hugareida) Atgeir Bodyguard (-61 Orthstirr), and an 8d6+15 Semi-Halting Vortex (-5 Orthstirr), use the Semi-Halting Vortex only against Basic Attacks, the Sword Guard only against Trick attacks, and neither against Fleinns
-[X] Open up with a 45d6+6 Sharpened x12 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike w/ Puncture (-22 Orthstirr, gain 3 stoked Dice), then follow up via a total of nine 12d6+6 Sharpenedx2 Firebomb Strike attacks (-2 Orthstirr each, gain 3 Stoked Dice each), if at any point a Guard defense is presented to us or we have a good opportunity, use a 22d6+6 Devouring Blaze using 6 Stoked Dice (-8 Orthstirr) to burn out guards (and do slight damage) over the entire enemy formation (favoring not hitting our own people over hitting more of theirs if we need to make a choice).
-[X] By default use Sword Guard to defend against Trick Attacks and Semi-Halting Vortex to defend against Basic Attacks (except Fleinns, as noted above). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn-based basic attack or other basic attack that gets through our guard use up to three 18d6+15 Reinforcedx8 Sway defenses (-10 Orthstirr each) and/or rely on our Reinforce Shield, and if faced with any Trick that got through Sword Guard and has Puncture or some other ability to ignore Perfects, instead use a quick-drawn Shield Sacrifice (-1 Shield) or, in melee, a Contested Movement (see below).
-[X] Against the first melee attack that gets through our Guard use a Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) adding one use of Fight of Our Life (16d6+6 total on the roll) and counterattacking with a Sharpenedx1 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Open up with a big Firebomb Strike and use the fact that we have Perfected Firebomb Strike to treat it like a basic and make a bunch of attacks with it and Sharpen (using one of the methods we discovered that allow that), using a Devouring Blaze to eliminate any Guard effects when and if that becomes relevant. Defensively, use our Guards as needed, Perfects as it's an option, and keep shields in mind for emergencies and uses of Puncture.
Okay, so, the idea here is to avoid giving away any more of our capabilities than we have to while engaging in maximal efficiency. Hence only Firebomb Strikes being used offensively for the most part. Remember, people are watching and we want to keep them guessing. If things go right, this plan is actually super cheap offensively (50 Orthstirr or so) and costs almost nothing defensively if we can keep our Guards through the round...which is certainly an if, but worth trying, I think.
That Level of Slowing Slog is enough to deflect any attack made by mortal manThat level of Slowing Slog is also so imperceptible there cannot be any rational argument that it is going to reveal its existence to people.
So this is a solid plan, but I think neglecting to use Stoker State because people are watching is not a sufficiently compelling reason in this case? There's a battle going on and we aren't one of the picked champions; people have better things to pay attention to than just us specifically.
Also, Fanned Flames and a single level of Slowing Slog give us six Stoked Dice and are only beneficial and cost a measly 18 Orthtirr. That level of Slowing Slog is also so imperceptible there cannot be any rational argument that it is going to reveal its existence to people.
I see wanting to hold something in reserve, but we have FTB up our sleeve so I'm not too worried about that.
Wow, I had no idea Halla had so much Orthstirr now. I remember being excited when we ended up with like 200 total. Maybe we should go in the Hyperbolic Time Longship more often. It makes sense that Vikings doing Viking things get stronger faster.We want to try and avoid needing Finales here given Steinarr's emphasis on endurance. A finale is 315 Orthstirr we can't spend elsewhere...with budgeting, that's 3-6 turns of combat...we don't want to burn that if we can possibly avoid it, not unless we wind up against a Champion or something
That Level of Slowing Slog is enough to deflect any attack made by mortal man
Fanned Flames is Emberwind...it does not grant Stoker State dice. Slowing Slog would, but I consider 9 Orthstirr for 3 dice when I could get 3 dice for 1-2 Orthstirr a poor trade. Too expensive. And the DR is, IMO, unlikely to come up one way or another...Reinforce Shield probably short circuits it coming up at all, as a hit that breaks it is usually a turn ender.
That's not an absolute rule, but it's enough to make me think it's not worth the fairly high costs. And, as alextehalright notes, if it comes up a level of DR is pretty noticeable...they might not know where it's from, but they'd sure know we have it.
I think you switched which Weapon Guard you meantPut up a 55d6+15 (w/Hugareida) Atgeir Bodyguard (-61 Orthstirr),
Fair enough, I thought you were saying that nobody would notice it's existence.There's so many things which give 1 DR which exist in the setting that it would be insane to conclude "Aha, this is clearly an attenuated form of an incredibly powerful technique which can scale up to nine times the amount of damage resistance, I will immediately DM everyone in my raiding party and inform them about it.".
Wow, I had no idea Halla had so much Orthstirr now. I remember being excited when we ended up with like 200 total. Maybe we should go in the Hyperbolic Time Longship more often. It makes sense that Vikings doing Viking things get stronger faster.
Ah, good point on Fanned Flames. Still, given the amount of Firebomb-Strikes your plan uses, it seems like something which empowers and quickens fire is a bit of a no-brainer? Nine Orthstirr for three stoked dice seems like a good trade to me, given how useful Stoked Dice are. Getting it for 1-2 Orthstirr has a much higher opportunity cost.
More generally, allowing a vague sense of paranoia to stop us from using our most powerful abilities will mean we never use them and are less powerful as a result. It's not a good mindset to get stuck in.
This guy is realistically probably not strong enough to be worth using it for, however there is the large group of their elites back at the boats that we will get to fight at some point, it will probably be more interesting to reveal it there, as it will also be actually worth it as they have a hope in hell of doing more than like 4 damage, which our base DR just eatsMore generally, allowing a vague sense of paranoia to stop us from using our most powerful abilities will mean we never use them and are less powerful as a result. It's not a good mindset to get stuck in.