And that's not considering the significant difficulty inherent to killing an experienced Odr user.
She insulted Hellas family so that means we want to do something but it also means she insulted Hellas family in its entirety which include her father and brothers and I would bet on Stanier bodying her on any day of the week without all the others.
Hey Halla could you tell how strong her spotlight effect was? Is she beyond realm 1?
She was not beyond Realm 1.

She was beyond Saga Establishment, though
Heya! @Imperial Fister , have a question. About how many Reward Dice would it be to get a tip about how we can help guide Abjorn and/or our crew through the biggest Saga Establishment pitfalls without actually triggering the Enemy?
I'll tell you what the Enemy allows to pass by for 1 Reward Dice. There will be no further details other then that, however.
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Abjorn has a negative Muna related to having considered hitting Halla, which is about him being just like his abusive father. He is very likely to interpret any unwillingness to have him protect us in the worst light possible.

This doesn't really make sense to me.

An anxiety about repeating the a cycle of abusive behaviour isn't the same thing as overprotectiveness?
[X] Who, if any, would you like to bring?
-[X] The Squad (Abjorn, Stigmar, and Vagn)
-[X] Diplomatically, see what's up first

The dress is great, and so is the Cloak. Very excited to show them off in Asvir at some point
This doesn't really make sense to me.

An anxiety about repeating the a cycle of abusive behaviour isn't the same thing as overprotectiveness?

Basically what alexthealright said. He's in a situation where he's likely to interpret this as us not trusting him, which would be real bad. Or at least that's a real risk. He's not only worried about repeating the cycle (though he is worried about that), he is also worried he is a horrible monstrous person...anything we do to reinforce that is bad.
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I think what deadman is trying to say is that if we sideline him then he's going to interpret it as us not trusting him to have our back.
Basically what alexthealright said. He's in a situation where he's likely to interpret this as us not trusting him, which would be real bad.

I mean, we live with him and have six children together. It's pretty obvious we trust him. If our relationship was so fraught that simply going off with our huscarls to do a minor errand by ourselves would give him fits of jealous insecurity, then we really would haves serious relationship problems, and he would be being abusive.

But we don't, because this discussion is the quest equivalent of that tweet about making up a guy to get mad at. It's a complete non-issue.
I mean, we live with him and have six children together. It's pretty obvious we trust him. If our relationship was so fraught that simply going off with our huscarls to do a minor errand by ourselves would give him fits of jealous insecurity, then we really would have problems.

It's not about jealousy. It's about him not having confidence in his own worthiness. Very different thing.
It's not about jealousy. It's about him not having confidence in his own worthiness. Very different thing.

No, it's about you catastrophising about a minor choice in a minor vote, and inventing reasons the sky will fall down.

This Chicken Little routine is honestly really tiring, man. If you want to bring Abjorn, just say you'd like to bring Abjorn! That's fine!

EDIT: @Imperial Fister, can you step in here?
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No, it's about you catastrophising about a minor choice in a minor vote, and inventing reasons the sky will fall down.

This Chicken Little routine is honestly really tiring, man. If you want to bring Abjorn, just say you'd like to bring Abjorn! That's fine!

So, leaving Abjorn behind is so weird I don't feel like I'm catastrophizing. Like, that feels very much like an intentional slight and a diminishment of him. It's not certain to insult him or make him feel bad, but I never said it was. I said it risked doing so for no benefit I can see. What percentage chance of risking that? I have no idea, probably not super high, but I'd rather not take even a small risk of that.
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Leaving out Abjorn is very weird to me. It would make much more sense to leave out.. anyone else.

To be clear, if people want to bring Abjorn, I think that's fine. I think it makes more sense to just bring our retinue and leave Abjorn to the more important business of running the farm, so I voted that way, but whatever.

What I object to is this tendency to immediately default to inventing reasons why any other option will mean Dire Consequences. It's really common in Quests because fear is a powerful motivator, and it makes having reasonable or fun discussions basically impossible.

So, leaving Abjorn behind is so weird I don't feel like I'm catastrophizing. Like, that feels very much like an intentional slight and a diminishment of him. It's not certain to insult him or make him feel bad, but I never said it was. I said it risked doing so for no benefit I can see. What percentage chance of risking that? I have no idea, but I'd rather not take even a small risk of that.

Dude, it's just a vote over who to bring. There are going to be no more consequences to it than that. This whole discussion is silly.
EDIT: @Imperial Fister, can you step in here?
This vote is for who will be on hand with you, so you can tap them for their strengths, skills, and talents. There is nothing more to it then that, other then that, should anything happen at home while you're away, they won't be there to help.

I will ask that you two either drop the topic outright or give final statements and then step away
This vote is for who will be on hand with you, so you can tap them for their strengths, skills, and talents. There is nothing more to it then that, other then that, should anything happen at home while you're away, they won't be there to help.

I will ask that you two either drop the topic outright or give final statements and then step away

If that's all there is, that's all there is and I'm sorry for being paranoid and bringing up other stuff, my bad. I guess I'm just gun shy given previous events on this specific subject.
All I'd add is that I apologise if my tone got a bit heated there.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to hear this guy's story. I think the last troll we met mentioned something about it being really difficult to buy a house in "Troll Town"?

Clearly Drysalt is worse than just an ancient elder troll who does not fear the sun. He's a NIMBY!
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@Imperial Fister Aletcai said that he would pay the 1 Reward Die to get the info on what the Enemy would let pass , so could you lob us that info please?
Forgor, whoops

Anyways, the Enemy lets things go un-accosted if they won't—or it believes they won't—pan out to anything.

Clearly Drysalt is worse than just an ancient elder troll who does not fear the sun. He's a NIMBY!
I had a joke I ended up cutting about the last troll you met being a 'conservatroll' who complains about the damn 'millennitrolls'
Halla Skyfire: "Well, everybody knows that there is no power without sacrifice, so I guess Lidrun decided to sacrifice her 'not being a complete bitch' at some point, huh?"

Forgor, whoops

Anyways, the Enemy lets things go un-accosted if they won't—or it believes they won't—pan out to anything.

Well, that makes sense.

I mean, the question would be is it Nid to kill someone that's insulted you and your family.
Given how Norse culture works, I think you mean it the other way around- is it Nid to NOT kill someone that's insulted you and your family?

On the other hand, Halla would be able to feel that Nid, as I recall. It ain't subtle. And she didn't feel it here. Furthermore, Lidrun was specifically exploiting some kind of skaldic "decide/sense whether or not there's an audience" power here, it seems like. That looks like it was how she was confident of speaking openly about odr in a crowded room without attracting the Enemy's attention, as I understand it.

Now, we know that orthstirr is gained and lost in large part because of how deeds impact your reputation. Granted, you can gain orthstirr from a fight when no human or near-human is watching, but if nothing else, the Norns and the gods (and the Enemy) can nearly always see.


Maybe whatever power makes Lidrun confident that the Enemy can't overhear her when she casually talks about odr in front of a large group of people who don't know about it, also as a side-effect means that whatever cosmic forces control the flow of orthstirr and by implication the flow of Nid can't hear what she says either.

That might even be intentional.

After all, it'd be perversely handy to a skald, especially an obnoxious one, to be able to insult people to their face without giving them actual tangible(ish) Nid that can only be cleansed by killing the skald. Skalds may be good at avoiding being killed, but there are limits.

Meanwhile, if Lidrun were actually shit-talking Halla in public, I'm pretty sure the humiliation would lead to a perceptible orthstirr drain or Nid or whatever. If we're not feeling that, then this is probably just Lidrun expressing her private opinion of us. She could almost certainly escalate to attacking our actual power by publicly humiliating us and forcing us to immediately retaliate or lose power, if she wanted to, and I suspect this is absolutely a thing skalds to do anyone they actually want dead.
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