Halla Skyfire: "Well, everybody knows that there is no power without sacrifice, so I guess Lidrun decided to sacrifice her 'not being a complete bitch' at some point, huh?"
Forgor, whoops
Anyways, the Enemy lets things go un-accosted if they won't—or it believes they won't—pan out to anything.
Well, that makes sense.
I mean, the question would be is it Nid to kill someone that's insulted you and your family.
Given how Norse culture works, I think you mean it the other way around- is it Nid to
NOT kill someone that's insulted you and your family?
On the other hand, Halla would be able to
feel that Nid, as I recall. It ain't subtle. And she didn't feel it here. Furthermore, Lidrun was specifically exploiting some kind of skaldic "decide/sense whether or not there's an audience" power here, it seems like. That looks like it was how she was confident of speaking openly about odr in a crowded room without attracting the Enemy's attention, as I understand it.
Now, we know that orthstirr is gained and lost in large part because of how deeds impact your reputation. Granted, you can gain orthstirr from a fight when no human or near-human is watching, but if nothing else, the Norns and the gods (and the Enemy) can nearly always see.
Maybe whatever power makes Lidrun confident that the Enemy can't overhear her when she casually talks about odr in front of a large group of people who don't know about it, also as a side-effect means that whatever cosmic forces control the flow of orthstirr and by implication the flow of Nid can't hear what she says either.
That might even be intentional.
After all, it'd be perversely handy to a skald, especially an obnoxious one, to be able to insult people to their face
without giving them actual tangible(ish) Nid that can only be cleansed by killing the skald. Skalds may be good at avoiding being killed, but there are limits.
Meanwhile, if Lidrun were actually shit-talking Halla in public, I'm pretty sure the humiliation would lead to a perceptible orthstirr drain or Nid or whatever. If we're
not feeling that, then this is probably just Lidrun expressing her private opinion of us. She could almost certainly escalate to attacking our actual power by publicly humiliating us and forcing us to immediately retaliate or lose power, if she wanted to, and I suspect this is absolutely a thing skalds to do anyone they actually want dead.