Tinder Blades and Smoulder Sword are also possible, though lower priority
Honestly, we have focus too much on single hit, big damage attacks.
Smoulder sword is not really relevant for us, due to armory pocket(s), I agree.
But Tinder Blades? Its something we lack, attack wise.
And it's not a single hit but many.
Hm... is it just one attack or more? Because it says flurry.... if its more, this would be great for stripping defenses passive defenses like Reinforce shield.
Many short ranged knife attacks
So this would be great to pick up. It's one trick, so the dice used for them should be the same, as they are cast together. But the defender needs to defend against them separately.
This would be great for shredding or softening up defenses, like reinforce shield.
@Imperial Fister , does TB uses one dice pool for all attacks or each have separate ones?
On a related note, wind blades were on the docket too, but we instead grabbed gale spear...
Which we never used.
Even though wind blades have a longe range and fly straigh, allowing for greater battlefield controll.
Also, it seems we know what Command does when Odr is infused now. It lets you give Standing Orders to your Fylgja. That's really potent. It means we can just order it to evade and disengage if it gets into any trouble even if we aren't taking direct control.
Huh... I must have missed this, when was this revealed?