I was intending to give it to you next update, but I'll just do it now
Oh nice. Lesse what we can infer from that:
Fervor is a lot lower than Orthstirr, but the recovery is per turn instead of, like with Aspects, only 3 times per combat, and is doubled by armor. Recovery, like Aspects, is still 1/3 the base number.
Their three base stats are Soma (Hamr equivalent), Psyche (Hugr-equivalent), and Pneuma (Fylgja-equivalent, though only in sense of being the 'soul' stat). Gabriel has maxed his Infusion in all of them, which is unsurprising, but his actual ratings are around on par with ours, meaning he rolls lower on them on things like Contested Movement given he uses d4s. We dunno how their dice work outside combat so it could be better or worse from that perspective. Dunno there.
Capacity, as such, works the same more or less, based on their Psyche. Ditto Endurance and Soma. Focus is likewise Psyche based just like Frenzy is Hugr based.
Grace seems to be their Hamingja equivalent, and determines their Zeal Gain per turn. Interesting.
Meditations look like Shapeshift equivalents, maybe? Though the armor also provides some of the physical boosts you'd expect from shapeshifting (speed and a flat bonus to rolls) while Armor Blessings seem more on par with Twists (EDIT: Ah, or Muna as IF says...there's a lot of overlap there). All of them are multiples of 3, which might mean that they're just determined purely by Decade...or not. Hard to tell.
Christian Martial Styles give 6d4 per level rather than the 3d6 Norse ones do, so they're actually better. Makes sense and helps make up for their attributes being 'lower' dice-wise, at least in combat. Combat skills may work the same way (ie: 2d4 per level to combat pool)...that'd help explain their absurd combat pools. As would Fervor adding 2d4 or more per point spent, which seems likely (given their lower amount of it).
Gabriel specifically has a combat pool of 164d4, which averages 410 if you rolled the whole thing (and has +15 per individual roll to boot). Halla's 86d6 averages 301 (and only +5 per individual roll), so we're pretty behind until we start spending Orthstirr like water, but we can spend well over 1000 Orthstirr over three turns for an extra 1000 per turn (plus activating Tricks, of course) boosting us to 1300 or so. Gabriel, meanwhile...well, it depends on how many dice one spent Fervor gives you...if it's 2d4 (as I theorized), then he can only reliably get 60-ish Fervor per turn spent that way (plus, again, activating Prayers) and another 300 or so. So we'd have, 1300 per turn with +5 on each roll and he'd have 'only' 700-ish with +15 on each roll...you need to be making a lot more total attacks and defenses than we were to make up that difference. Which explains why could muscle him on dice if we spent hard enough...though that pace was wildly unsustainable for us, obviously...we could maybe have managed a round 4, but he would've wrecked us on Round 5.
Speaking of that 164d4, if 8 of that is Soma and 36 of that is Style, the remaining 120 is other stuff. If, say, 20 of that is his gear (11 for armor, 9 for his sword, say...speculative but seems in the right ballpark), then he has an average of 10d4 from each of the 10 combat skills, which I think confirms the '2d4 per level' thing I was hypothesizing since I buy his average combat skill being 5...not so much his average being 9-10.