"What the fuck‽ He was only five meters in front of you!"
My laughter is drowned out by the people surrounding me shouting and yelling at the match. I focus back and continue watching as the Antarian Rangers (Unrelated to the Jedi affiliated group.) get slowly whittled down by the Ord Mantell Arsenals in the Blaster Pit tournament due to a Ranger whiffing a nearly pointblank opening to knock out the Arsenal's captain. I shake my head in disbelief as the game ends with the Arsenals' team only down by four with the whole 13 man Rangers team completely wiped out.
I lean back into my chair in the seating area in the bar and take a sip of my drink. Beside me, Dani stops snickering at the upset.
She muses, "Well Cün, I'm surprised they bothered to form a team. The only good shot was their Captain. Hell, if these guys are a representation of what the Jedi are supposed to be protected by, then damn. "
I smirk and shake my head again while the screens change to another round. I say, "That's because he was obviously an ex-ranger. I mean taking out three guys himself before finally being shot down with sheer volume of stun fire? There's no way he's not. The rest were complete embarrassments though, I'll give you that."
Dani giggles, nods her head, and says, "I can't believe it, but I'm actually enjoying other people get shot for fun. How did you get me to watch this game?"
I smile and answer, "Because I wanted to see the Mandalorian Guardians wipe the floor with everyone else and you were bored with the swoop races."
Dani huffs but the smile doesn't disappear. She asks, "So what's next, Cün?"
I look back to the screens and groan. Dani smirks and tilts her head.
"Bad match up?"
I nod my head and grimace.
I reply, "One of the worst. We get to watch as the Wookiees relax while stomping the Nabooians."
Dani bursts out laughing.
She gasps out, "The Nabooians have a Blaster Pit team?"
I throw my hands up and say, "Apparently."
We both turn back to watch for a while until my personal commlink beeps. I frown and get out of my seat. I feel Dani about to get out of her seat but I wave her off. I quickly exit the bar and move into a side alley before answering the message.
"Yes, ah. Hmm … Where order wanes."
My eyes narrow and I whisper, "We live and thrive."
"When the ... poison is abundant."
"We lap it up in ecstasy."
"What lies in wait?"
"The pit."
"Good, good. Horrible code phrases. Right! *clears throat* There's a VIP I need to meet at the Box. You're the nearest Watcher open for reassignment. His name is Mungo Baobab, black haired with beard, wearing white shirt and blue vest, one level up and three blocks southwest. He's waiting for a ride in a small park. Pick him up."
And with that the commlink goes dead. I blink and stare at it for a moment before explosively sighing.
I grumble, "Well there goes my evening."
"Didn't you say you would take the rest of the day off?"
My eyes go to Dani leaning on a wall near the alley entrance. She's glancing outside to the streets looking unimpressed. I chuckle darkly and walk towards her.
"I did, but when someone with access to my personal commlink gives one of the highest levels of codes and then gives an assignment, either some idiot is getting 'let go' or it's something actually serious."
Inside my own head I add, 'And considering the destination is the Box, I doubt it's the first.'
Dani's eyes widen for a split second before they relax again. She bumps off the wall and follows me as I move towards the parking building.
I look back to her and ask, "Why are you following? You could stay and relax some more."
Dani crosses her arms and simply says, "I'm making sure you have help with whatever you're doing."
I say, "It's a simple escort mission. Pick up the VIP and see them safe and sound to the destination."
She sputters, "An escort mission? You‽"
I laugh at Dani's disbelief. I nod my head and respond, "Remember the bluemilk run on Coruscant?"
We arrive at my rented speeder and get in. I notice Dani leaning back into her seat as I turn the speeder on and take off.
Dani scoffs, "That was actually important though. Plus you were on duty."
I smirk and say, "We're always on duty."
Dani elbows me in my ribs.
"You know what I mean!"
I grunt and then chuckle. We fly in silence for a moment until I spot the park. It's a small circular area with a few trees, benches, with a single connection to its level.
I start flying towards it when Dani asks, "So where's the destination we're supposed to go to?"
I almost say it before pursing my lips and thinking. I answer, "I'm honestly not sure whether or not you have clearance for it. I don't even know if I have clearance for it."
Dani's eyes furrow for a second and then she gives me an unamused glare.
I shrug and say, "I'm being serious. I don't think the VIP is anyone special but the destination that was given is. In one of the datapads I was given, it was simply mentioned regarding an asset and that's all I was allowed. Thinking on it, I don't even have the coordinates."
Dani murmurs, "But the only ones with more access than you are either need-to-know or on the council."
I give her a look that says, 'Yeah. So think about it.'
I hover a little over the edge and get out. I ask Dani to keep an eye on the speeder while I get the VIP. I look around and spot someone who's likely it. A guy with black hair and beard and wearing a white shirt is looking curiously over at me.
I walk up to him, nod my head, and then ask, "Mr. Baobab?"
The young man grimaces and then says, "Just Mungo is preferred. Are you the guy Talesan sent to get me?"
A spark of realization shoots through my brain but thankfully it doesn't show on my face.
'So that's why I didn't have access to the Box. I'm dealing with Mr. Paranoid.'
"I believe so. I was told to pick up someone by your description and take them to somewhere. If you need to, you can clear it with Mr. Fry."
My commlink beeps again at that moment. While a nervous looking Mungo hesitates, I answer the call.
"Give the commlink to Mr. Baobab please."
The same voice as before is heard. I pause before asking, "I assume that this is one Mr. Talesan Fry?"
"Yes, yes. Now, please?"
"Of course."
I hand the commlink to Mungo and he raises it to speak.
" … "
"Yeah, I'm doing fine and yes, I was easily able to lose my bodyguards."
" … "
"Sure! You didn't give my escort the coordinates?"
" … "
" … "
"Yup. Got it. See you in a bit."
Mungo then hangs up and hands me the commlink. He then takes out a small datapad and fiddles with it. I put my commlink back and look expectantly at Mungo.
I ask, "So I'm assuming you're going to be the one to give directions?"
Mungo gives a wry smile and says yes.
I sigh but shrug and then motion for Mungo to follow me back to the speeder. Dani looks curiously at Mungo. I step into my seat while Mungo jumps into his.
I look back at him and ask, "So Mungo, where to?"
I ignore Dani's confused look and listen as Mungo gives me the directions. I put in the coordinates and my eyes narrow as I see that we're heading down to the lower levels and then to a small travel nexus.
'So the Box is still off limits, huh?'
Dani's eyes narrow as well and sighs. We take off downwards and there's a moment of tense silence before Mungo speaks up.
"So, are you guys assistants of Talesan or something?"
Dani's raises an eyebrow and looks to me. I smirk and then answer, "Not quite. I'm an assistant to an assistant to a ... project partner of Mr. Fry."
Dani breaks out into a giggle while Mungo looks confused.
"So you don't work for Talesan?"
I shake my head and say, "No. It's just that my group's boss has a deep … business interest with Talesan Fry and part of the agreement is a sharing of resources."
Mungo seems intrigued and turns to Dani.
He nods to her and asks, "So are you the same?"
Dani looks between me and Mungo a few times. A large grin takes over her face causing me to narrow my eyes.
Dani answers by saying, "No. He was my date for tonight."
I smother a snort and simply give her a look. Dani's only response is a smile and a wink. I send a glance over to Mungo and see him shuffling uncomfortably.
He says, "Ah. Enjoying the games?"
My mouth twitches and at the same time me and Dani say, "We were."
Dani breaks out laughing and I snicker as well. I shrug and say, "Part of my job is being on call all the time so don't sweat it."
Dani adds on, "Too much."
Mungo relaxes a little and chuckles.
"Sorry. This week is definitely one for the games and not work."
Mungo slumps back into his seat and grumbles, "But duty calls."
Dani snickers and says, "And it's so loud and annoying!"
I smile myself and joke, saying, "Duty is such an obnoxious thing, isn't it?"
Mungo laughs at that and nods his head. The rest of the ride is a bit more relaxed. We arrive at the travel nexus and let Mungo off. Once again, I get a call. I roll my eyes and answer it.
"Mr. Fry?"
"Yes. I'm going to ask that you stay there and wait for Mungo to return. It should only be an hour for our meeting to hash out the basics. Details can come later. Now, please hand the comm over to Mungo."
I grumble internally and hand over the commlink to Mungo. I slump in my seat and frown. Dani notices that and scowls.
She says, "Don't tell me. We're being told to wait for him to return from wherever he's needed."
Mungo taps me on the shoulder and hands me back the commlink. He pauses for a moment to think before saying, "There should be at least a couple of bars nearby with screens of the games. I'll call you when I'm done with the meeting."
Dani's eyes light up and she climbs over me to hug the guy.
"You are the best! Thank you!"
Dani lets him go and Mungo laughs awkwardly. I shuffle in my seat and give him a shrug. Mungo walks away and I wait for Dani to get back into her seat. She looks at me pointedly and says, "So. Bar?"
I laugh and fly off. We get into a bar and watch a few more rounds of the Blaster Pit tournament. I might have missed the game but, as I expected, I learned that the Wookiees absolutely trashed the Nabooians with only two losses. I don't know if the Nabooians will have a team for the next time. In the few recap holoreels showed, they just looked so defeated. We both laughed ourselves silly at that.
Eventually, however, I got a call from Mungo and we headed out. Instead of the one hour, it was three. By that time Dani was more than a little tipsy and we were both tired. Mungo also looks tired but walks up to us with a skip in his step.
He notices our mood and smiles. He waves at us and jumps in. I take off and ask, "Productive meeting?"
Mungo laughs and says, "Yeah. A lot more than expected. I guess I should have expected it, but I didn't realize you worked for Lady Ciaran."
Dani tenses up but I pat her leg and she relaxes. I smirk and nod my head.
"Yeah. I'm sort of like a business analyst."
Dani, who I'm beginning to realize from the growing blue blush is turning drunk, bursts out laughing and folds in on herself.
Mungo grins and after a moment he says, "Or something."
Dani then stops laughing immediately. Mungo glances at her but misses her eyes flashing. Thankful for that, I calmly nod back. I breathe in and out and then say, "Or something."
Mungo gives a short chuckle and leans back. The rest of the trip back to the park is quiet. Before Mungo leaves he thanks me and says, "If you get a chance, say hello to Ciaran for me and thank her for her business!"
I nod my head and watch him walk away. I don't take off this time. Instead, I relax into my seat and look up and around. It's dark. I sigh and get ready to drive when Dani leans her head on my shoulder.
I look at her and ask, "I thought you were good at holding your drink."
She snorts and gives me a fake glare. She says, "I can. I just enjoyed drinking tonight just little too much."
I smile and take a hold of the wheel. I ask, "And why is that?"
We take off and Dani murmurs, "I had to drink for the both of us. You … you boring person."
I laugh and head for the tower we've rented apartments at. I park and help Dani out. She leans on me for help and I ask, "Is it possible for you to deal with your drunkenness with the Force?"
As we shuffle towards her room she says, "Hmm … maybe. I like the buzz though."
"You're long past 'the buzz'."
She giggles and we finally arrive at her door. She manages to open it but doesn't stand up immediately.
"Hey Cün?"
I look down at her and tilt my head.
"So about that date I mentioned … "
My brains abruptly halts for a moment. Thankfully, it restarts quickly enough.
I hesitate before offering, " … Tomorrow?"
Dani's soft smile breaks into a wide grin. She quickly stands up with a peal of laughter. She walks into her room and then points at me.
"I'm not drunk enough to forget you saying yes, so I'll hold you to that!"
She goes back to laughing and the door closes on me. I just stare blankly into the closed door and think about what just happened.
' … You were also not as drunk as you wanted me to believe, huh?'
Most sane beings in the galaxy would look at a job that required a worker to stand on a supposedly-safe platform skimming over molten lava while poking it with a stick to try and find valuable minerals and quickly conclude that it was a death sentence. For the denizens of Mustafar however, it was a typical day at work, riding along the currents with the sounds of erupting volcanoes constantly echoing through the area.
One particular Mustafarian found himself drifting by a bare riverside during his shift when he spotted a lone figure in a robe, and while they were at a distance the Mustafarian could tell that they seemed to be staring at a patch of land close to the riverside that didn't seem to have anything remarkable about it. As he focused on the figure the Mustafarian was able to make out one other detail: that the figure seemed to be shaking for some odd reason...
Curious, the Mustafarian steered his platform closer, but before he could get close enough to make out any more details a plume of lava suddenly shot up, forcing him to change course.
By the time he looked back the figure had vanished, and though the Mustafarian scanned the area there was no sign of them...
Yavin IV
While some cursory expeditions had already begun on the planet, the facility that the Watcher's archaeology teams called home was still rather ramshackle; wiring was still exposed, some buildings were only partially set up, and many supply crates were scattered throughout the area to the collective annoyance of everyone there. Still, there was the mystique and wonder of exploring a moon with such a rich history...for most people.
One unfortunate worker was stuck in one of the most thankless positions of all: sensor officer. Of course, since on a good day no one would really come out here barring other archaeology ships whose IFFs lit up the local system, it was incredibly dull. Stare at a blank screen for several hours straight, and do nothing else.
As the incredibly bored woman in question leaned back in her chair, reading a rather lurid novel on her datapad, the sensor screen lit up with a warning of an unidentified ship entering the system. The woman in question toppled backwards with a loud squawk before bolting back upright and looking at the screen...which was now completely blank again.
"Piece of junk..." she grumbled as she sat her chair back up, logging the sensor malfunction because it might be a spy ship or something as her superiors would keep shouting at her. But really, why would anyone even want to come out to the Yavin system unless they had to...?
Cloud City, Bespin
Maintaining the various reactors and equipment at the core of Cloud City was hardly the most glamorous of jobs, but it was a vital one to ensure the floating city wouldn't end up sinking into Bespin's depths. For one particular Ugnaught worker, it was an especially taxing day as a malfunction had been registered there, forcing him to make the long trek there to take a look at what was wrong.
As he made his way through to the core itself, he caught sight of a hooded figure standing at the highest maintenance catwalk, though it was hard to make out anything else from the distance the worker was at. Grumbling to himself he made his way through the core up to the figure's location, managing to intercept them in a brightly-lit hallway.
"What are you doing here? This area is off-limits!" the Ugnaught yelled, clearly annoyed.
"Sorry, I didn't realize this area was restricted," the man said, waiving his hand slightly.
"Are you serious!? I'm going to have to call security!"
"Look, I'm going on my way. Calling security would be too much of a hassle since I'm leaving anyway."
The worker shook his head slightly. The man was going on his way, and as long as he was going he could get back to work. Grumbling slightly, he shoved his way past.
"Thanks for understanding. And you don't need to tell anyone that I was here."
Not like the man mattered. As long as he wasn't getting in the way no one really needed to know that he was there...
Endor Orbit
Anakin shook his head as he sat in the cockpit of the Azure Angel II, the modified Delta-7 quickly heading into deep space as he tried to process things. He wasn't expecting to find anything on Endor since everything in his visions hadn't been built yet, and the most he had managed to accomplish was stumbling around in the forest for several hours before he finally gave up. The other locations weren't much better - and the visit to Mustafar had even given him phantom pain in his legs and right arm for a few days afterwards as an unpleasant aftereffect.
He leaned back in his chair, a part of his mind reminding him that there was one other planet that could trigger something that he had been avoiding... Anakin had tried to work up the nerve to go to Alderaan, but every time he would flash back to the planet exploding-
His dark thoughts were interrupted by some worried beeps from R2-D2, who was looking at him from outside his cockpit.
"No, I didn't find what I was looking for here either," Anakin replied, sitting back up and taking a hold of the controls. "Maybe..."
He trailed off, trying to figure out what to so when he caught a glimpse of something moving in the distance that he couldn't quite make out. As he turned his ship in its direction R2 beeped at him, clearly confused.
"Yes, I know you're not getting anything on sensors. Just trust me, okay?"
The low tone that came from R2 indicated that the astromech droid clearly didn't.
Still, he continued pursuing whatever the moving object was, and as he came in directly behind it and got closer it almost looked like-
Before he could confirm what he was seeing the ship appeared to jump into hyperspace, leaving Anakin floating in the void alone once again. He was still for a few seconds, then began flipping switches and working with his navicomputer to the increasing concern of R2.
"I know that this route is uncharted. Don't worry, it'll be fine."
R2 tried to protest, but Anakin had already finished his work and activated his ship's hyperdrive, sending him hurtling into the unknown...
Anakin wasn't entirely sure how long it had been, following the ship that may or may not have been a figment of his imagination through hyperspace jump after jump. Still, it seemed to be far too...accurate for lack of a better term to be that, not to mention that it kept showing up in every new system Anakin jumped into. Not to mention that by now he'd passed into the Unknown Regions, and blind jumping into that area of space was known to end poorly. Even so, Anakin was beginning to debate heading back the way he came since there was only so much fuel left in his ship-
As the Azure Angel II exited hyperspace one last time, he felt something different about the planet below him in a way that he couldn't quite describe yet. All he could tell was that it was almost entirely covered in water barring a smattering of islands across the planet. As he tried to make out any more details he caught a glimpse of the ship heading down towards the planet's surface - and he was now able to confirm that it was the same fighter Vader flew in those visions of the future.
"R2, get me a scan of the planet's surface," Anakin said almost offhandedly as he followed the phantom fighter into the atmosphere, doing what he could to keep visual contact with it, which proved to be increasingly difficult as it was starting to dive through clouds. As Anakin followed it through a particularly thick cloud layer he was beset upon by rain and lighting, buffeted by the winds of the storm he was diving through as R2 blared warnings.
"Just tell me if I'm about to hit something, okay!?" Anakin shouted back as he tried to keep track of the fighter, but it was for naught as the storm was too thick for him to see much of anything. After a few more seconds of flying the storm abated slightly, enough for him to make out a large island close by.
"Can you find me somewhere to land there?" Anakin asked R2, and within seconds the faithful astromech had provided him with the location of a relatively flat piece of land that he could set his ship down on. Wrestling with the controls to keep the ship steady, Anakin slowly brought it down, finally landing even as the storm continued to rage around him. As Anakin gathered a cloak and prepared to exit, R2 beeped worriedly at him.
"Yeah, I know the weather's terrible-"
R2 beeped at him again.
"...Okay, I did not know about the lifesign readings. I'll keep a look out then," Anakin said as he opened the cockpit, immediately getting soaked with rain as he hopped out. Behind him R2 ejected himself and landed on the ground with a soft "whump," letting out a mournful tone as Anakin got ready to leave. As Anakin took a breath, he turned to face R2, getting down on a knee and gently placing a hand on his head.
"I'll be back soon, okay? Try not to get into trouble while I'm gone."
R2 squawked indignantly.
"Now that's not fair and you know it," Anakin called back as he started on what seemed like a trail of a very old stone walkway that led deeper into the island, trying desperately to keep his cloak on him as the storm around him continued to rage. He could hear the squawking of some animal in the distance as he slowly made his way forward, trying to-
He stopped in place as he felt something pull at him through the Force before breaking off from the trail, making his way over a large hillside before eventually sliding down to a blasted piece of coastline where fierce waves were almost incessantly crashing against it. Though Anakin could tell what was pulling him was coming from a hole in the center that was surrounded by dark vines. Curious, Anakin got closer and looked down into it-
Only to feel himself get pulled as he fell down and through the water beneath it, thrashing about briefly before he managed to come up for air. Looking around the cave it seemed almost unremarkable but it went deeper, and now Anakin could sense something in its depths.
After hauling himself out of the water Anakin made his way inside, shivering slightly from his dampness and the cool cave air. However it didn't take him long to find something unusual - a crystalline mirror that seemed to reflect his image almost perfectly - and more importantly, radiated with the Force.
Somehow Anakin knew he had found what he had been looking for. He reached out and touched it on reflex-
He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself
He turned away and saw himself face another copy of himself that looked into the distance as the seemingly endless copies of himself did the same, though as Anakin focused he saw himself looking into the crystal mirror - except this time there was nothing on the other side. He reached out with his right hand and placed it on the mirror and felt his copies reach out with the same arm as he spoke.
"I know you're here." The words were echoed thousands of times, each time quieter as it faded into the distance.
"Show yourself." Once again the words echoed.
After a brief moment, a indistinct figure came into view on the other side of the mirror, and as it came closer its features became more distinct, the black armor it wore becoming more apparent. Anakin's arm fell to his side as he looked into the mirror, seeing Darth Vader in the reflection.
"It seems we meet again, Anakin Skywalker."
AN: Some of you might hate me for doing this, but I want it on record that I had this planned the second the Temple Bombing arc ended so...deal with it
The actual next turn prologue should be up within a couple of days.
Map of Abyss Watcher Assets/CNS Space (As of Turn 28)
Map: Abyss Watcher Assets & CNS Space As of Turn 28 Results
In the first quarter of Year 16 (19 BBY), Lady Ciaran arranged for Taris to host the Galactic Games, celebrating the planet's new prominence as the center of Neutral Space. Taris has become the center of Abyss Watcher operations as well: the headquarters of both Karada Corporation and Silver Cross have been transferred from Coruscant to Taris.
The Abyss Watchers were kept busy this quarter: capturing the Separatist super-ship Devastation (and gifting it to the Chiss Ascendancy), killing Maul and Savage, discrediting Admiral Tarkin, subverting Admiral Yularen and the 501st Legion, recruiting Galen Erso and Mungo Baobab, reaching out to Jedi on Cularin and Corellia, and seizing a little Rakatan space station called the Foundry.
Oh, and PR-1 looks like a human now.
Along with heavy investment in the Kalee economy, Lordran industry, and Lorrdian culture, the Abyss Watchers planted several new bases: an archaeological outpost on Yavin, and facilities on Mustafar and Thyferra dedicated to industry and commerce, respectively.
As for the many members of the Council of Neutral Systems, they've benefited enormously from the new Assembly Hall located on Taris, and the Integration Bureau reports that recruitment rates are up. Between the shipwrights of Dac, the weaponsmiths of Merr, the statesmen of Alsakan and Ansion and Nouane, the farmers of Salliche, the traders of D'Aelgoth, the seers of Iktotch and M'haeli, the billion-man mercenary army of Ailon, and the hive-mind teddy-bears of Mima II... the CNS is in a much stronger position than it was even three months ago.
Index: Council of Neutral Systems Sorted by Region: Sector: System New sectors will be marked by underlined italics
Deep Core
Prakith sector
- Odik II: sector capital, headquarters of Fifth Deep Core Army (Republic fleet), [NB: converted into top-secret political penal colony by Palpatine]
- Prakith: semi-volatile volcanic planet, controlled by Mining Guild; adopted homeworld of Stereb race (subterranean hairless Wookies); childhood home of Myrum Geddis (mine owner); headquarters of Prall, and Thaarke Corporation (mining); site of Asonel Caves (rich in gemstones), Geddis mines, Herkeath mines, Prak City (plateau spaceport), Rilkean mines, Skoth riverbed (rich in ores); [NB: site of Citadel Inquisitorius (center of Imperial-era spies and Jedi hunters) and Andeddu's Keep (ancient Sith fortress, center of Malevolence dark-side cult); original location of Holocron of Heresies (includes 'transfer essence' Force technique and lightsaber crystal of Darth Andeddu), current location of Andeddu's Tomb)
Core Worlds
Dolomar sector
- Caprioril: sporting planet, home of Serji-X Arrogantus (swoop-bike racer), site of Swo-O'Rim Racing Circuit (swoop-bike course) and Doolis Podrace Arena
- Denevar: home of Janq Paramexor, headquarters of House Paramexor (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, produce Paramexor Squire armorer droid)
- Dolomar: sector capital, mineral rich ice planet with heavily populated cavern-cities, known for exporting crystals, ores, and Dolomar spice wine
- Jervo's World: massive space station over Pantolomin, formerly controlled by Lhosan Industries, site of Hall of Champions swoop-dueling arenas
- Kamparas: agriworld, site of Jedi Training Center (built c. 4000 BBY, compared to Coruscant and Ossus, specialize in training 'Lore Keepers'/Jedi archivists)
- Merakai: Khil colony [NB: fiercely anti-Empire], site of Chrenda Spaceport and Merakai Prison
- Pantolomin: waterworld with tourism economy, homeworld of Lomin race (amphibians), headquarters of Pantolomin Shipwrights (custom-made luxury cruisers), site of Towers of Pantolomin (resort) and extensive coral reefs
- Toloran: ice planet with tourism economy, homeworld of Tolo race and ice-dragon species, site of Frotton (long-lost mountain hall)
- Wor Tandell: peaceful jungle planet, childhood home of Cuvir [NB: future Moff], site of Cuvir Mansion [NB: future home of 2-1B (Rebel surgical droid)]
Krenher sector
- Kar'a'katok: homeworld of Shimholt race (long-lived purple skeletons), fiercely isolationist
- Voon: trade hub on Hyabb-Twith Corridor, former headquarters of Nelori Marauders (pirates), defeated by Arca Jeth (Jedi) c. 4000 BBY
Torranix sector (under-the-table support)
- Cal-Seti: trade hub on Ag Circuit and Metellos Trade Route, site of Ramsees Hed Starport
- Canastra IV: waterworld, homeworld of two-headed tortuce species
- Fresia: home of Seti Ashgad, headquarters of Incom Corporation (starfighters, e.g. 'Z-95 Headhunter'), site of Coromon Islands factories
- Galand: homeworld of Galandan race, home of H'kig (religious leader, died in 179 BBY), original center of H'Kig faith ('simple living')
Salliche sector
- Ensolica: homeworld of Enso race (cold-resistant, agriculturalists), headquarters of Tusus Comestibles, ice planet, carved-out cities & greenhouses
- Ruan: Kaikieli colony, idyllic agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
- Salliche: agriworld, home of Selnia Harbright [NB: anti-Palpatine Senator], headquarters of Salliche Agricultural Corporation and House Harbright
- Stassia: homeworld of Stassian race, placid agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
Lytton subsector
- Kaikielius: suburban ecumenopolis (colonized Foerost, Ruan), ancestral home of House Praji, site of Vahali Estate (ancestral home) and ring-city ruins
- Spira: sector capital, waterworld, homeworld of camray eel(sea serpents), headquarters of Tourist Guild, site of Shinkai Abyss, The Wreck (mysterious alien starship, tourist trap), Aspre Plunge (resort), and 4526 other luxury hotels, location of Spira Regatta (annual yacht race)
Zug sector
- Aargau: thriving banking world, orbited by Coins of Guaha asteroid belt; headquarters of Bank of Aargau (affiliated with IGBC), Bank of Aargau Security (private army, planetary defense force), BAS Research & Development (security tech, e.g. BAS44 holoscanner), Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation (IGBC vehicles, e.g. TSMEU-6 wheel-bike); center of 'Aargau Home Guard' (security force) and 'Aargau Medical Observer Corps' (neutral war-crimes watchdog group); site of Dawn Pyramid of Aargau (Wonder of the Galaxy, massive structure of indestructible, iridescent plastic, built by Sharu engineers c. 100,000 BBY), Garden of Butterflies and Dragonbird Gardens (conference centers), New Escrow Old Spaceport, Great Databank of Aargau, and IBC Arcology (massive pyramid with seven city-sized levels, site of IGBC regional offices, IGBC droid foundry, and Undercity with thriving Hutt-controlled black market); location of Malastare Senator Aks Moe assassination (22 BBY); neutral!
- Broest: sole source of ruica seeds (grain export), agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
- Yulant: major agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation, headquarters of Dasobo Meats (gornt factory-farms)
Chatos sector
- Palawa: original center of 'Followers of Palawa' and 'Paladins' Force sects (precursors/rivals to Jedi Order), site of abandoned Chatos Academy
- Xorth: major agriworld (rich in farrberries), trade hub on nexus of Corellian Run and Ag Circuit
Alsaka sector
- Alsakan: ecumenopolis, former Killick colony world, former capital of 'Axis Coalition' (limited-government faction, fought Coruscant-led 'Spin Coalition' in seventeen 'Alsakan Conflict' wars, spanning 17,000-3017 BBY), home of Mirkovig Hirken (Corporate Sector 'Viceprex of Security'), site of Alsakan Mosaics ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy), Xenvaer Civic Auditorium, original location of 'Alsakan Tessent' (long-lost artifact) [NB: now in Moddell sector]
Bormea subsector (under-the-table support)
- Chandrila: childhood home of Mon Mothma (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Tanis Mothma (governor of Hanna City), site of Crystal Canyons, Tomb of Third Barsen'thor (Jedi Warden), Hanna Institute of Antiquities (museum), Brionelle Memorial Military Academy, and Gladean State Parks
- Corulag: Coruscant colony, home of Zafiel Snopps (pro-Palpatine Senator), Tavin Korden (anti-Palpatine CEO), [NB: and Juno Eclipse], headquarters of Aether Hypernautics (hyperdrives), Danthe Artifice (droid software), Gwain Spices, Korden Outfitting & Surveying (colony supplies), Mansom Corporation (high-end space stations) and Coreguard Security, site of Corulag Military Academy, Sienar Advanced Research Division, & Tasjon Swoop Racing Course
Shawken sector
- Challon: headquarters of Assassins Guild (controlled by 'Elite Circle'), neutral!
- Shawken: homeworld of Shawkenese race (ancient), site of Shawken Spire (first space-elevator/skyscraper, c. 18,780 BBY, Wonder of the Galaxy), presumed location of 'Shawken Device' (long-lost superweapon) [NB: sets off hypermatter chain reaction to annihilate galaxy and spark new 'Big Bang']
Cirius sector
- Caamas: homeworld of Caamasi race (pacifists, memnis memory-sharing ability) and behemoth species, childhood home of Vlenic It'Kla (Jedi Consular), Eeshrin Ot'Hyne (pacifist Senator), and Hespecia Tik'kla (philosopher c. 24,000 BBY, inspired Jedi Code), site of Palace of Memnii and Jedi Enclave, neutral!
- Khramboa: homeworld of Khramboan race [NB: cross between Rakatans and Quarren], trade hub on Commenor Run
- Korfo II: trade hub on Commenor Run, headquarters of Republic Bank of Korfo II
Alderaan sector
- Alderaan: homeworld of nerf and thranta species, [NB: former homeworld of Killik race (Celestial-enslaved insects)], childhood home of Bail Organa (anti-Palpatine Senator) Halagad Ventor (Jedi Knight), and Christoph Jam (spymaster); former home of Jorus C'baoth (Jedi Watchman from 32-27 BBY, before 'Outbound Flight') and Ulic Qel-Droma (Sith Lord c. 4000 BBY); center of Alderaanian Diplomatic Corps (peacemakers during Clone Wars) [NB: and Justice Action Network (post-Clone Wars terrorists]; headquarters of Alderaan Royal Engineers (founded c. 20,000 BBY), University of Alderaan (affiliate campuses across galaxy), AlderaanMotors (drive systems), Descorp (restaurant supplies), Alderaan Biotics (hydroponics), ; site of the Castle Lands (abandoned Killik hives), Crevasse City (Wonder of the Galaxy), Terrarium City (underground pods), Belleau-a-Lir (island resort, artistic center of Core Worlds), Eeseen Spaceport, Galactic Polysapient Medical Center (can treat halogen- and silicon-based life-forms), Okonomo Retreat ('Royal Pavilion', site of Okonomo Tragedy terrorist attack in 32 BBY), Alderaanian Biological Research Institute, and many Refugee Relief Movement settlements
- Aldera: capital city of Alderaan, site of Aldera Royal Palace (Organa residence), Aldera Universal Medcenter (one of galaxy's best, includes medical-droid research labs and medical school), Epicurium (best culinary school in galaxy), and Royal Library of Alderaan
- Alsakan Lowlands: region of Alderaan, site of Fort Orrus (Organa outpost), Baliss Estate, and Teral Estate
- Apalis Coast: region of Alderaan, site of Castle Organa (ancestral estate), Pallista Spaceport, Organa Vinerium, and Seaside Windfarms
- Glarus Valley: region of Alderaan, site of Castle Panteer (ancestral estate), Elysium (ruins), abandoned Jedi outpost, and Sendoth Ruins
- Juran Mountains: region of Alderaan, rich in lanthanide (armor), site of Drovis Cavern (abandoned assassins' lair), Alde Estate (includes Royal Museum of Alderaan), Jamona Ruins, Juranno (mountain resort city), Mount Tessef Ruins, Rist Estate, and Ulgo Fortress (ancestral estate)
- Kaamos Territory: region of Alderaan, site of Anzaada Cavern (ruins), Cortess Estate, Girard Estate, Lerantha Dam, Rue Caenus Spaceport, and Thul Palace (ancestral estate)
- King's Pass: region of Alderaan, site of House Trader's Circle (market-city and meeting ground for Alderaan Noble Houses), and Syrush Estate
- Alderaan asteroid field: sole source of bondar crystals (generate lightsaber blades with 'stun' effect, often used for training sabers)
- Tyed Kant: gas giant with 'floating ranches' (repulsorlift cities), headquarters of Nebula Consumables, Republic Meats & Produce, Gryseium Incorporated (Corazon), and Premier Provisions [NB: anti-Empire], site of Paragon (commercial center, floating capital city), under CIS occupation (Commerce Guild)
Kuat sector (under-the-table support)
- Kuat: terraformed paradise; childhood home of Onara Kuat (head of House Kuat), Risi Lenoan (corrupt Senator, caught embezzling, replaced by...), Giddean Danu (anti-Palpatine Senator), Hurlo Holowan (droid designer, conspired with Groodo the Hutt to blow up Fondor Shipyards), and Bultar Swan (Jedi Guardian, specialized in unarmed combat); home of Walex Blissex (best starship engineer, designed Aethersprite-class Jedi interceptor and Victory-class Star Destroyer) [NB: anti-Palpatine, became Rebel general] and Lira Wessex (starship engineer, designed Venator-class Star Destroyer); headquarters of Kuat Vehicles (speeders & swoop-bikes), InterGalactic Bank of Kuat (Bank of Aargau), Kuati Sector Forces, HyperTech Industries (hypercomms), and House Kuat (owns Kuat Drive Yards); site of Holowan Estate, Gardens of Tralala, Teskar Falls (casino), Kuat City Spaceport and Kuat Freight Port
- Kuat Drive Yards Orbital Array: ring of shipyards around Kuat; headquarters of Kuat Drive Yards (top 3 starship company in galaxy, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority, affiliated with Trade Federation (pre-33 BBY, two seats in seven-member Directorate), briefly affiliated with Techno Union, parent company of Rothana Heavy Engineering, Ubrikkian Industries, and Chempat Engineered Defense); headquarters of Kuat Systems Engineering (after-market upgrades, also built Aethersprite-class Jedi interceptor and Firespray-class patrol craft, e.g. Slave I), Kuat Leisure (star yachts), and Kuati Security Forces (law enforcement); site of Andrim Shipyards (House Andrim), Depon Shipyards (House Depon), Maw Shipyards, and Kuat Main Spaceport
- Kuat Passenger Port: massive transfer station in Kuat system (25 km long, 2 billion visitors per day), divided into four 'Dome' ports and Central Plaza
Humbarine Rule sector (under-the-table support)
- Humbarine: industrial ecumenopolis (colonized Balmorra, Commenor), home of Bana Breemu (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Barrow Oicunn (naval officer)
- Pria: homeworld of Priapulin race (many-limbed pacifist sea worms), childhood home of Charz Kwinn (pilot & spymaster affiliated with Jedi Order)
- Ruul: resource-rich mining planet [NB: exploited by Empire, future site of Sounders Flat Computer Complex and Tarkin Detention Facility]
Demophon sector
- Demophon: sector capital, primary star due for imminent supernova (50 years away, per 22 BBY measurements by University of Sanbra [NB: occurred 1 BBY...], irradiated surface with industrialized bio-domes, rich in rare ores; home of Elena Ray (researcher) and Rigis Corazon (business magnate); center of G'uotr Network (black market) and 'Jhonterius Park' cult; headquarters of Corazon Industries, Shankti Drive Works (hyperdrive research), TransGalMeg (starships), Tumleh Navigation (hyperspatial astrogation), and Vortex Corporation (weapons); site of Bryneport, Stellar Monitor Station, The Block [NB: Imperial slave market], and Network Shipyard; neutral!
- Jatee: homeworld of Ssither race (telepathic snakes), high-gravity mining planet rich in rutgar-4 (crystalline explosive)
Vuma sector
- Ator: ecumenopolis, childhood home of Owen Lars [NB: stepbrother of Anakin Skywalker], headquarters of Thornen Games
- Leria Kerlsil: homeworld of 'life-bearer' race/Force sect [NB: basically 'black widows' -- long-lived women who marry and 'Support' their husband's life for 3-5 years; husband dies when Support is withdraw & wife inherits], site of many Refugee Relief Movement settlements (only wealthy single men...)
Lettow sector
- Columus: homeworld of Columi race (craniopods), childhood home of 'Mama' (Ord Mantell information broker), low-gravity swamp with pillar-cities, automated factories produce GH-7 medical droids (Chiewab) and Columi mental hoverpads, location of cloning facilities (required for reproduction)
- Lettow: former center of 'Legions of Lettow' Force sect (first Jedi schism, c. 24,500 BBY), site of Legionnaire Academy ruins (studied non-Jedi traditions)
Nemaryne sector
- Rydonni Prime: homeworld of Rythii beast species [NB: inspired AT-AT design], home of Rilvaan K'ntaar (corporate monarch), headquarters of Rythani Products (high-tech manufacturing) and Rythani Labs (weapons research), site of K'ntarr Estate and Royal Zoo, high-tech foundry world
Leemurtoo sector
- Rosha: homeworld of Roshan race (humanoids with head-tentacles), Trade Federation client state, CIS member world
- Samaria: sector capital, homeworld of Samarian race, home of Aaren Larker (anti-Palpatine prime minister), desert planet, site of Sath Canals (artificial bay & canals), Hall of Ministers, Twilight Fountain and Crystal Forest, densely populated with personal droids
Corellian sector
- Altawar: homeworld of Corragut race, Corellian colony, headquarters of Joben Crate Company (containerization)
- Aurea: crystalline resort world, headquarters of Aurean Glassworkers Guild (best in galaxy), site of Mardri Soulworks Collective (artists' arcology)
- Craeen: mining planet, site of many experimental research labs and engineering facilities, orbited by 'Cinnabar Moon' (inhospitable resort world)
- Dorsis: ecumenopolis, called "Mini-Coruscant," headquarters of Corellia Digital (datacards), industry specializing in cheap consumer goods
- Froz: homeworld of Frozian race (long-limbed agriculturalists & bureaucrats), produces 'Frozian scout belt' [NB: "offsets clumsiness", enhances dexterity]
- Jumus: jungle world, site of many pharmaceutical research labs, controlled by Corellian Chemical Corporation
- Keral: mining planet, sole source of Keral firegems (jewelry & industrial energy source; can sabotage hyperdrive reactors), export banned by Senate
- New Plympto: homeworld of Nosaurian race (toothed bird/dinosaurs) and hiakk trees, home of Clegg Holdfast (podracer) and Rootrock (Jedi-friendly CIS general), sole source of rikknit eggs (delicacy) and ji rikknit (drug), site of Cadgel Meadows Spaceport, CIS member
- Nubia: home of R2-D2 (best droid), headquarters of Nubian Design Collective (e.g. J-type 327 Nubian Starship), PharmCorp (agriculture & pharmaceuticals, owned by Prall the Hutt), Industrial Automaton (massive droid manufacturer, produces R-series astromech droids), TradeCo (shipping), and Intergalactic Grav-Ball Federation, site of Nubian Palace (resort), Tallera Downs (ronto racing)
- Phemis: rocky planet controlled by Corellian Mining, sole source of rubat crystals (more powerful lightsaber blades), Jedi possess legal monopoly
- Saberhing: industrial ecumenopolis controlled by Corellian Engineering (starships), near resource-rich asteroid belt controlled by Corellian Mining
- Sacorria: primary agriworld in sector, site of Watchtower Base and Dorthus Tal Prison ('escape proof'), orbited by necropolis-moon Sarcophagus
- Vagran: nature preserve world with high-density bio-dome metropolises, site of Zoological Preservation Habitat and Estania Hunting Grounds
- Velx-Shel: privately owned self-sufficient research planet known for innovative thinkers, site of many universities, research facilities, design firms, etc.
- Vo: iceball planetoid in Sacorria system, site of abandoned shrines and vaults (considered 'ancient' in 3600 BBY)
Five Brothers subsector (Corellian)
- Centerpoint Station: massive space station [NB: built by Celestials over 100,000 years ago], ultra-high energy systems [NB: generate 'hyperspace tractor beam' that artificially constructed the Corellian system], site of Hollowtown (botanical biodome on sphere interior), Glowpoint (artificial sun/energy source), TechSec (high-tech manufacturing & research facilities), and Null Town (smugglers den & criminal underworld, controlled by Baron Benton Kaldo)
- Corellia: commercial center, known for best pilots; home of Garm Bel Iblis (anti-Palpatine Senator), Shyla Merricope (anti-militarist Diktat) and Neeja Halcyon (Jedi recruiter, married with a child), [NB: also Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, and Soontir Fel]; center of 'Green Jedi' Force sect (splintered from Jedi Order, permit marriage) [NB: post-Ruusan Jedi Lords], Drall Patriots (paramilitary gang), Afarathu (defunct Selonian terrorists), Corllian Security Force and CorSec Intelligence; headquarters of Corellian Merchants Guild (trade company) and Corellian Masternav (astrogation); site of Agrilat Crystal Swamps
- Blue Sector: commercial district near Coronet City, site of Treasure Ship Row (massive trade bazaar) and The Pit (junkyard & archaeological dig site)
- Coronet City: capital city, 'Jewel of Corellia'; headquarters of Corellian Engineering Corporation (best civilian starships, company pre-dates Republic), Gowix Computers, Corellian Technologies (military gear, e.g. anti-blaster field generator!), Coronet Mining Corporation, Coronet Ion Works, Corellian Arms (high-quality blasters), Rendili Vehicle Corporation (hoverbikes and Defender-class light corvettes (Jedi), affiliated with Rendili StarDrive), and Coronet Shipping (trade company); center of Ministry of War, Corellian Corporate Council, [NB: and 'Acolytes of the Beyond' dark-side Force sect]; site of Green Jedi Enclave (impregnable fortress), CorSec Academy (best law enforcement), Republic Foundation Museum, Coronet Medcenter, Corellian Museum of Space Exploration, Corona House (palace), Axial Park science museums, and Selonian Tunnels (subterranean metropolis)
- Doaba Guerfel: city of Corellia, mountain resort and natural preserve, center of 'Ensterite' cult (xenophobic), site of 'Nomad's Retreat' resort
- Kor Vella: city of Corellia, mountain mines and commercial center, headquarters of Frosch Industries (biomedical research), Corell Industries (intra-sector shipping), Allied Grain & Roughage (agricorp), and Corellian Personal Defense (armor)
- Gus Treta: moon of Corellia, site of Gus Treta Market Station (orbital spaceport built by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, controlled by Gormo the Hutt)
- Labor Valley: industrial district near Coronet City, headquarters of Beharen Droidworks, Corellian Chemical Corporation (industrial chemicals), Saxan Chemicals, Ardus Industries (biochemicals), Celestial Industries (starships), and Akin-Dower (mining gear), site of Black Hole (hypermatter refinery)
- Orbital Industrial Zone: massive 'net' of space stations in geosynchronous orbit, headquarters of Corellian Defense Force fleet, Chempat Engineered Defenses (deflector shields), Carbanti United Electronic (sensors), and Corellian Shipbuilders Union; former headquarters of Corellian StarDrive; site of CDF Naval Academy, Corellian Engineering Shipyards, [NB: and The Nerfworks (think-tank for experimental starship design, e.g. Crusader droid frigate)]
- Tyrena: city of Corellia, tourism capital, location of Gold Beaches, headquarters of Corellidyne Visuals (holoprojectors), site of Tyrena School of Art
- Drall: homeworld of Drall race (burrowers, archivists & scientists) and ibbot species (giant birds), center of Wingriders ('mounted' security force); home of Tiran (long-dead scientist) [NB: in-universe Einstein], Drusa (information broker), Sarella (duchess) [NB: and Meloria (cryogenically frozen Jedi)]; site of Great Archives of Mastigophorus (35,000-year-old library), Mastigophorus Academy (major university), Luminous Gardens (spa & conference center)
- Pirate's Shadow: asteroid field, site of Rayless Lantern, headquarters of Binayre Pirates (formerly affiliated with Black Sun)
- Rubicund Eye: deep-space observatory and space station located below the galactic orbital plane
- Selonia: homeworld of Selonian race (isolationist otters), childhood home of Zonder (Jedi, Padawan of Barriss Offee), waterworld and subterranean ecumenopolis, foundry world, site of Kas'as Chen'ru Den ruins, Selonian Orbital Shipyards (Corellian Engineering), and Deepwater Docks
- Talus: 'Twin World' orbiting Centerpoint Station, headquarters of Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization (medical supplies), Talus Ironworks, and Chunkers (junkyard salvagers/gang); center of Aa'kuan Champions (anarchists) and Lost Aqualish (exiled warriors); site of Fort Praji, Dearic Spaceport (trade hub), Qastar Ridge Spaceport (shadowport), Kahmurra Biogenetic Research Station and Nashal Cloning Facility, thriving black market
- Tralus: 'Twin World' orbiting Centerpoint Station, [NB: home of Han Solo's father Jonash], site of Selonian Tunnels, mineral-rich agriworld
Duro sector
- Bburru Station: largest orbital city over Duro, capity city, headquarters of CorDuro Shipping (merchant fleet), site of Bburru Arboretum and Port Duggan
- Duro: homeworld of Duros race (gifted pilots), childhood home of Cad Bane (bounty hunter), Felanil Banks (Jedi lightsaber artisan), and Cei Vookto (Jedi elementalist), headquarters of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems (repulsorlifts) and Duro Shipwrights Guild (massive string of orbital shipyards), site of Pri-Andylan Shipyards, Tayana Ruins, Valley of Royalty (Wonder of the Galacy), legendary Queen Rana's Vault, Ranadaast ('City of Ashes'), and 20 orbital cities
- Jyvus Space City: orbital city over Duro, home of Hoolidan Keggle ('Chief Representative Officer'), site of Duro planetary shields control center
- Pellezara Station: massive (40 km long) space city, refueling/resupply spaceport for Core freighters, nearby medcenter station, owned by Datch family
- Rrudobar: orbital city over Duro, headquarters of Zenowai Crime Society, home of Slim Jek [NB: basically Moriarty], site of Event Horizon (cantina)
Quanta sector
- Tinnel IV: sector capital, childhood home of Tiaan Jerjerrod (GAR logistics officer) [NB: Force-sensitive, future Moff], site of Jerjerrod Estate
Iphigini sector
- Iphigin: homeworld of Iphigini race ('craggy face' with 'melodious voices'), major trade hub & shipping center
Tiisheraan sector
- Tiisheraan: sector capital, childhood home of Galen Derlin (anti-Palpatine Senator, friend of Bail Organa) [NB: assassinated post-New Order]
Frego sector
- Frego: childhood home of Crote (corrupt former Senator) and Lena Cobral [NB: basically female Talesan Fry...], center of 'Cobral' crime family
- Plexis: shadowport (spice smuggling) controlled by Zenowai Crime Society
Atrisian Commonwealth sector
- Atrisia: sector capital, headquarters of Yovshin Swordsmen (dual-wield Jar-Kai dueling sabers), site of Imperial History Library (Uueg Tching's Sayings)
Shotem sector
- Hjaff: homeworld of Tarc race (isolationist lobsters), waterworld with desert landmasses
- Mephitis: homeworld of Mephitisian race (noseless, supersensory horns), noxious swamp world
- Shotem: rich in Shotem lightsaber crystal (powerful pulsing blade), center of 'Shotem Jedi' Force sect [NB: conscripted in Jedi Order post-Ruusan]
Shasos sector
- Bardotta: homeworld of Bardottan race, home of Julia (queen), center of 'Dagoyan Order' Force sect (anti-Jedi monks), site of Royal Palace, neutral!
- Zardossa Stix: center of 'Frangawl Cult' Force sect (pre-Dagoyan dark-side warriors, affiliated with Nightsisters), site of Frangawl Pyramid
Ophuchi sector
- Aur: site of the Aur Diamonds -- two planet-sized diamonds (former gas giant cores?) and 'asteroid field' diamond cloud, reputed to be Celestial-made
- Phu: Bardottan colony world, homeworld of Phuii race, home of Mars Guo (podracer), tourism & gaming industry
- Trunska: homeworld of Trunsk race (fearsome warriors) [NB: conscripted as slaves by Palpatine], trade hub in Western Reaches
Vindalia sector
- Vindalia: homeworld of Vindalia race (fox-people), childhood home of Baron Vlaçan Umber (art connoisseur and patron)
Cadriaan Province subsector (Tapani)
- Achillea: throneworld of House Cadriaan (merchants, ties to House Pelagia), agri-forestry economy known for 'spacia tree' plantations and exports
Pelagia Province subsector (Tapani)
- Bethal: headquarters of Bethal AgriCorps, agri-forestry world known for 'apocia hardwood' timber exports
- Pelagon: throneworld of House Pelagia (pro-Jedi diplomats), lush water-world, site of Pelagian Shipyards, location of Pelagia Star (super-capital ship)
Calipsa Province subsector (Tapani)
- Calipsa: throneworld of House Calipsa (mining interests), industrial processing economy, site of the Crystal Forest
- Coorimbus IV: gas giant, [NB: source of (extremely rare) corusca gems mined by House Calipsa]
Reena Province subsector (Tapani)
- Reena: throneworld of House Reena (highly-educated industrialists), headquarters of Reena University
Mecetti Province subsector (Tapani)
- Javis: headquarters of Tampson Consolidated (produce ferrocrete and transparisteel), controlled by House Mecettii
- Nyssa: former center of Mecrosa Order (Sith assassins) [NB: still alive, sponsored by House Mecetti and affiliated with Count Dooku]
- Obulette: throneworld of House Mecetti (militaristic, ties to Count Dooku), headquarters of Obulette Shipyards and House Ministry of Inquiry (spynet)
Melantha Province subsector (Tapani)
- Soterios: throneworld of House Melantha (Core World business investors), major commercial center, known for swoop-racing and sports economy
Barnaba Province subsector (Tapani)
- Barnaba: throneworld of House Barnaba (cosmopolitan hedonists), major agriworld in Tapani sector
- Vycinyth: resort world, site of Tapani Arts and Sports Complex, orbited by four casino space stations, moon Vilhon serves as game preserve (hunting)
Tapani sector
- Procopia: sector capital & trade hub, site of Shey Tapani University, Royal Spaceport, Alaphoe Gardens [NB: Versailles...], Tapani Noble House embassies
Freeworlds Territory subsector (Tapani)
- Aleron: resource-rich mining world with canyon biodome-cities, headquarters of Macander Heavy Ores, LIN Corporation, and Aleron Trade Cooperative
- Fondor: ecumenopolis, headquarters of Guild of Starshipwrights, site of Fondor Academy (engineers) and Fondor Shipyards (capital ships), anti-CIS
- Mrlsst: homeworld of Mrlssi race (scholarly birds), headquarters of Mrlsst Academy (best outside Core) and Mrlsst Center (linguistics), under-funded...!
- Neona: headquarters of Hanson Mining Consolidated (underwater mining) and Aquatic Ecosystems (fish farming), site of Neona Military Academy
- Sheva: highly industrialized planet with lax law enforcement, smugglers' den and thriving black market
- Tallaan: heavily populated sector capital, headquarters of Tapani Starship Cooperative, site of Tallaan Shipyards, site of Corellian Merchants Guild branch
Pencael sector
- Byblos: ecumenopolis, headquarters of Byblos Drive Yards (starships, speeders) and University of Byblos, site of SoroSuub, Sienar, and BlasTech facilities
Agridorn sector
- Agridorn: sector capital, childhood home of Rhya Taloon (anti-Palpatine Senator)
- Gra Ploven: homeworld of Ploven race ("finbacks"), water world with coastal cities [NB: site of Imperial atrocity]
- Huulia: industrial planet known for producing 'Huulian starfighters', site of training academy for starship pilots
Quellor subsector
- Quellor: sector capital, site of Terrina Square [NB: site of anti-Imperial rally and massacre], neutral!
Binarran Cloud sector
- Hok: Gran colony world, childhood home of Philo (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Mawhonic (podracer), tidally locked crystal-rich mining planet,
- Pelemax: homeworld of Pelemaxian race, rainforest world, known for exporting domesticated 'tentacle birds' as beasts of burden
Barma sector
- Dakshee: Alderaan colony world, sector capital with industrial economy
Haldeen sector
- Haldeen: Alderaan colony world, commercial center, home of Earnst Kamiel [NB: founder of Justice Action Network, anti-Imperial terrorist group]
- Findris: Alderaan colony world, current sector capital, senator is outspoken member of Rim faction, [NB: future headquarters of Justice Action Network]
Shelsha sector
- Drunost: quiet agriworld, site of Conso City Holonet center, Consolidated Shipping supply hub, and Jedi chapterhouse
- Merakai: Khil colony world, homeworld of Mungra race, site of Chrenda Spaceport
- Ranklinge: headquarters of Consolidated Shipping, site of Incom Corporation manufacturing plant, and Janusar Spaceport
- Shelkonwa: sector capital and trade hub, site of Makrin City Spaceport, Nightowk Repository (museum), and Makrin Catacombs
Ifmix sector
- Ifmix VI: homeworld of Squalris race (charismatic merchants), major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, windswept planet
- Yabol Opa: headquarters of University of Yabol Opa (single planet-spanning university), home of Solokin Sakellar (Grand Warden and governor)
Arkanian sector
- Arkania: homeworld of Arkanian race (geneticists) and dragons, headquarters of Adasca Biomechanical Corp, gem-rich ice planet, Veeshas Tuwan ruins
- Kluistar: planetary nature preserve, site of Ace of Sabres resort, headquarters of Ace Entertainment Corporation [NB: Hutt-owned front company]
- Yaka: homeworld of Yaka race (strong but originally dimwitted , now highly intelligent/high-tech due to Arkanian cybernetic experimentation)
Nara sector
- Wakeelmui: industrialized forest planet, site of major Republic Sienar Systems manufacturing plants (weapon systems)
Fakir sector (Bakchou Arm)
- Abonshee: homeworld of 'Anointed People' race (feudal reptiles), home of Trisstan ('Godking' monarch), low-tech and isolationist
- Alabash: volcanic planet rich in alantium (volatile compound used for starship construction)
- Doneer'so: homeworld of Doneer race (insect technologists), headquarters of Tokks'vik Starshipwrights (starship design), site of Tokks'vik Shipyards
- Fakir: sector capital, controlled by Corporate Alliance, member of CIS
- Halowan: headquarters of Halowan Laboratory (IG-88 assassin-droids) and Halowan Mechanicals [NB: MagnaGuards), site of Trans-System Data Library
- Mrisst: homeworld of Mriss race (scholarly birds), headquarters of Mrisst Trade and Science Academy (galactic renown), site of spirepine (1-km tall tree)
- Mycroft: headquarters of Intergalactic Zoological Society, site of Jedi chapterhouse (Exploration Corps), location of Titavian IV (menagerie capital-ship)
- Palanhi: major trade hub & commercial center on Shwuy Exchange and Namadii Corridor hyperlanes, headquarters of Palanhi Central Bank
- Sinkar: homeworld of Sinkar (telepathic solar-powered helium-based slugs), ice planet, surface covered in frozen oxygen
- Tsukkia: headquarters of Tsukkian Transporation (Corporate Alliance, produce 'water freighters' to supply desert planets)
- Yirt: asteroid field, site of Yirt-4138-Grek-12 planetoid, former headquarters of anti-Corporate Alliance slicer training compound (destroyed before war)
Noquivzor sector
- Sif-Uwana: homeworld of Sif-Uwana race (bad with money), headquarters of Sif-Uwana Council (agri-corporate government), agriworld
Inner Rim
Per Lupelo sector
- Drearia: fortress world & trade hub on Hydian Way, headquarters of Drearian Defense Conglomerate (weapons, esp. for Corporate Sector Authority)
- Paqualis III: heavily urbanized trade hub, childhood home of Corvastan Benelex, headquarters of House Benelex (retrieval, Bounty Hunters Guild)
Ophidian sector
- Omonoth: asteroid fields mined by Adascorp, infested with exogorths (space slugs), site of wreck of Arkanian Legacy (former Adascorp HQ capital-ship)
- Caulus Tertius: lifeless planet that was once a Celestial colony world, site of discovery of 'Ophidian grotesque' sculpture
Darlonn sector
- Vurdon Ka: homeworld of Vuvrian race (pacifist insectoids with highly sensitive skin), agriworld and trade hub along Perlemian Trade Route
Orus sector
- Chazwa: major trade hub and smugglers' den on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Hahz Fallone's Criminal Empire
- Hijarna: former Rakatan colony world, site of Fortress of Hijarna (constructed out of energy-absorbent Hijarna stone)
- Poderis: stormy island planet protected by massive 'shield barrier' windbreaks, aquaculture economy and smugglers' den
- Uphrades: ancient agriworld ('Granary of Coruscant') turned seismically-unstable lava planet due to Sith 'Desolator' superweapon
Zeemacht Cluster sector
- Koaan: steppe planet, site of Galactic Research Academy (massive underground library, e.g. records of all new planets discovered by Republic scouts)
- Tirahnn: heavily populated trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Great Fair (galactic bazaar), headquarters of Osaji Syndicate (smugglers)
Taanab sector
- Amfar: idyllic resort world, homeworld of redfish species, tourism economy in decline due to Separatist Crisis and Clone Wars
- Norulac: mountain planet, headquarters of Norulac Pirates, smuggler's den and black market
- Taanab: major agriworld, site of Jedi Agricorp branch, headquarters of Banthal Shipping, farms controlled by Arcon Multinode, TaggeCo, Core Foodstuffs
Nouane Allied Region sector
- Nouane: sector capital, economically isolated but politically dominant, known for libraries and tradition of statecraft (influenced Four Sages of Dwartii)
- Telerath: resort & banking world on Vaathkree hyperlane, headquarters of Telerath Interstellar Banking Initiative (customer service) owned by Adascorp
- Phateem: site of 'Halls of Knowledge' (abandoned Jedi library/artifact repository and 'Wonder of the Galaxy')
Shataum sector
-Kroctar: homeworld of Kroctari race, trade hub on Vaathkree Trade Corridor
Ryyk Nebula sector
- Myrkr: homeworld of Neti race (changeling plants) and ysalamiri species (Force negation), smugglers' den & blacksite (no Jedi)
Magataran Maelstrom sector
- Ubduria: homeworld of Ubdurian race, former capital of Ubdurian Trade Empire, devastated by Mandalorian Crusaders c. 4000 BBY
- Viamarr IV: agriworld known for subterranean fungal farms (known for Viamarr Blackroot exports), site of Velery Station (starport)
Paonnid sector
- Carest I: homeworld of Jiivahar race and thykar (massive conifer trees) species, resort/tourism world
- Nolar: heavily populated financial center and industrial planet, known for producing mining equipment, thriving black market
- Obroa-skai: site of Celebratus Archive ('Wonder of the Galaxy') and Jedi Academy (data analysis), headquarters of Obroan Institute and Aurora Medical
Six Sisters sector
- Eshan: homeworld of Echani race (genetically engineered albinos), capital of Six Sisters, known for Echani martial arts ('communication through combat')
- Thyrsus: homeworld of Thrysian race (genetically engineered warriors), headquarters of Sun Guard (Sith cult & mercenary army)
Eislomi sector
- Eislomi III: pastoral agriworld, chemical industry (exports 'cordioline trehansicol' anti-metalmite insecticide), site of HoloNet relay station (Vaathkree)
- Korda VI: homeworld of Kordan race (warriors), formerly associated with Death Watch, site of Jaster Mereel's tomb (battle where Jango's father died)
Ktilac Regions sector
- Ktil: homeworld of Ktilac race (xenophobic), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions
- Nahsu Minor: homeworld of Murachaun race (hard-working), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions, pastoral agriworld
- Tocoya: homeworld of Tocoyan race (religious), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions, desert world, headquarters of Disciples of Davrilat (music-based faith)
Lesser Lantilles sector
- Haariden: homeworld of lava crab species, agriworld, sole source of titanite (versatile ore, e.g. for bacta production), civil war over mineral rights
- Porus Vida: lush resort world, known for museums, botanical gardens, and artistic culture
Japrael sector
- Onderon: childhood home of Saw & Steela Gerrera, trade hub on Lesser Lantillian Route, site of Ov Taraba (university) and Unifar Temple (palace)
- Dxun: jungle moon of Onderon, site of Mandalorian Outpost (former HQ of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders) and Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Sith nexus)
Airon sector
- Ambria: mining world rich in Luxum crystals, site of Sith obelisk, Jedi Enclave, and Meditative Canyon (light-side nexus) [NB: and base of Darth Bane]
- Ithull: homeworld of colossus wasp species (capital-ship-sized spacefaring wasps, corpses converted into Ithullian ore haulers, used to haul mutonium)
- Merson: headquarters of Merson Slavers (ally of Zygerrian Slave Empire, sponsored by CIS), site of asteroid belt and wreck of Elegant Wake
- Stenness Node asteroid field: site of The Rig (converted dreadnaught), former headquarters of Crimson Nova (anti-Jedi chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild)
- Stenness: site of Stenness Hyperspace Terminal (space station along Whitebeam Run hyperlane), currently controled by Borvo the Hutt
- Vo Dasha: barren moon of Taboon, original site of Bogga the Hutt's estate, former headquarters of BolBol the Hutt's criminal empire
Zel sector
- Virujansi: homeworld of borecrawler species, childhood home of Antoc Merrick, headquarters of Rarefied Air Cavalry, trade hub near Kashyyyk
- Zeltros: homeworld of Zeltron race (red empaths), heavily populated resort world, site of 'Paradise Oasis' cantina and complex
Gorse sector
- Cynda: moon of Gorse, natural preserve, rich in thorilide crystals (shock absorbent, used for turbolasers), massive reserves unmined & unexploited
- Gorse: industrial world rich in thorilide crystals (depleted deposits), headquarters of Introsphere (mining) and Transcept Media Solutions (surveillance)
Marasa Nebula sector
- Marasai: homeworld of Marasan race (marsupial cyborgs), technocratic agriworld, capital and colonies isolated from galaxy by Marasa Nebula
- Rasterous: industrial planet, site of orbital shipyard controlled by Kuat Drive Yards
Dartessex sector
- Calcoraan: acidic planet (oceans of chromyl chloride), site of Calcoraan Depot controlled by Count Vidian of Minerax Consulting
Inner Cluster sector
- Cona: homeworld of Arcona race, resource-rich jungle (Duinuogwuin colony), headquarters of Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation (Commerce Guild)
Pyrshak sector
- Manaan: homeworld of Selkath race, water world, sole source of kolto (proto-bacta), headquarters of Order of Shasa (Force sect)
Karkaris sector
- Truuine: Patrolian and Karkarodon colony world, isolated water world, site of abandoned Jedi Praxeum
Prindaar sector
- Antar IV: moon of Antar, homeworld of Gotal race (sensors), heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Antarian Rangers, under CIS occupation
- Antar V: moon of gas giant Antar, Gotal mining colony world, rich in mineral deposits especially magnetite (iron ore), under CIS occupation
Elus sector
- Ailon: homeworld of Ailon race (militaristic faith), headquarters of Ailon Nova Guard (massive 1-billion-strong mercenary outfit) founded in 13,000 BBY
Mirak sector
- Mirak Major: heavily populated Republic world near CIS space [NB: imminent CIS geo-attack on planet's mega-volcanoes]
Atzerri sector
- Atzerri: Gotal refugee colony, member of Association of Free Trade Worlds, site of Pemblehov Starport and Talos Medicomplex, thriving trade hub
Las Lagon sector
- Affa: trade hub on Shipwrights' Trace, heavily populated industrial planet, site of Cybot Galactica droid factory [NB: produced C-3PO's parts]
- Jenenma: industrial planet known for starship production, controlled by Pal-Nada (Force-sensitive Cerean crime lord)
Arkam sector
- Arkam XIII: wheelworld space station in Arkam system, site of the Holorepository (largest collection of lore outside Jedi Archives, curated by Atour Riten)
Givin Domain sector
- Yag'Dhul: homeworld of Givin race (math), childhood home of Var Zheen, site of Givin Shipyards (Wavecrest-class frigates), base of CIS First Fleet
Jaso sector (under-the-table support)
- Thyferra: homeworld of Vratix race (logical hive), headquarters of Xucphra and Zaltin Corporations (bacta monopoly), base of CIS Third Fleet
- Tauber: trade hub on Rimma Trade Route, medical-based economy, headquarters and research lab of Neuro-Saav Corporation (produces cybernetics)
Azurbani sector
- Kiffu: homeworld of Kiffar race (psychometry), childhood home of Quinlan Vos (Grey Jedi), former home of Tholme and T'ra Saa (Jedi Watchmen)
- Kiffex: Kiffar penal colony, site of Ven Karya Spaceport, headquarters of Kiffu Guardians, former site of Volfe Karkko's stasis-field and Anzati sanctum
Expansion Regions
Trailing Grant sector
Thuldin's Grant sector
Montitian Grant sector
- Montitia: homeworld of Montitian race (saved by Jedi in 'Montitian Extraction'), poverty-stricken population (subject to slave raids), neutral!
Cantons of Lahag sector
- Lahag Erli: homeworld of Lahag Erli race (extinct empire, left magnificent architectural ruins across former territory in Har Worlds)
Extorin sector
- Extorin Minor: homeworld of Extorin race (warriors), pre-Clone War expansionism stopped by Jedi intervention
Thand sector
- Kafrene: asteroid field, site of Ring of Kafrene (deep-space mining colony and trading post
- Thandruss: homeworld of Krytollak race (mammals with insect exoskeleton), absolute monarchy [NB: worshipped Palpatine once he became Emperor]
Rocantor sector
- Grange: childhood home of Galen Walton Erso (polymath, energy research, foremost expert on kyber crystals...), strategically placed agriworld, CIS siege
- Rocantor: original homeworld of Rocanar race (all sold into slavery offworld after epidemic in 500 BBY)
- Skalokor: moon of Yabosta, homeworld of Dolandu race (yeti), home of Niquon (Jedi hermit), former home of Nason Laric (Padawan)
- Yabosta: homeworld of drethi species (birds with anti-Force venom), [NB: center of unnamed 'Dark Jedi' Force sect (multiple assassin-apprentices)]
Epsi Collective sector
- Asturias: irradiated junkyard world, abandoned factories formerly controlled by Oviedo Engineering, CIS member
- Epsi Nadir: headquarters of Most Honorable Guild of Armorers (best weapon suppliers, esp. rare items) [NB: planet purchased by Guild under Empire]
- Old Barag: original homeworld of Baragwin race (hunchbacked reptile weaponsmiths)
- Vandelhelm: headquarters of Metalsmiths Guild (best custom alloys in galaxy), industrial planet in Vandelhelm Cloud asteroid field, CIS foundry world
Woostri sector
- Daemen: site of Clarion Scholars Academy (high-quality university, popular among Outer Rim planets along southern Rimma Trade Route)
- Woostri: homeworld of Woostoid race (gifted technologists), headquarters of Neuro-Saav Corporation (civilian electronics) and BioTech Industries (cybernetics), site of HoloScan Database (biggest research library in galaxy, Wonder of the Galaxy), resort world with automated cities
Hythrope sector
- Edan II: ice planet, homeworld of snowcat species, [NB: childhood home of Teles and Shela Jalahafi, Dark Side adepts who served Emperor Palpatine]
- Oolidi: homeworld of Oolid race (round...)
Yataga sector
- Adner: homeworld of Adnerem race (tribal, entertainment economy, site of Red Lisken (casino) and many amusement parks
Jurzan sector
- Hargeeva: lush mining planet, rich in coralline, sole source of ostrine (anomalous material: heat absorption), site of Arginall Spaceport
Majoor sector
- Bimin III: industrial planet with a very pro-Jedi population
- Majoor: homeworld of Majooran race (frog-men), sector capital and trade hub on Hydian Way
- M'haeli: homeworld of H'drachi race (Force-sensitive camels), center of 'H'Drachi Seers' Force sect (precognition), rich in dragite crystals (lightsabers)
- Ragith III: homeworld of Ragithian race (genetically engineered homo superior), high-gravity colony world
Kira subsector
- Lazerian IV: homeworld of Akwin race, sole source of Empeth Crystals (Force-enhancing), site of Jedi Outpost ruins, high-tech foundry world, trade hub
- Nigel VI: inhospitable ice planet, sole source of lexonite (powdery poison, favored by assassins and terrorists), site of Nargo Spaceport
- Plagen: homeworld of Chikarri race (gifted mechanics), headquarters of Treeker Security Systems, controlled by Klatooinian Trade Guild, CIS member
- Ropagi II: homeworld of Kalduu (symbiotic telepathic jellyfish) and Ropagu races (pacifists), site of Great Library, high-tech foundry world (electronics)
Citlik sector
- Nivek: 'night planet', homeworld of 'Shadowmen' race (gifted hunters with night-vision), CIS member
Brak sector
- Amthau: terraformed resort world near Genesia
- Asran: crystalline planet rich in prismatic crystals (gems), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation
- Bacrana: sector capital, headquarters of Bacrana System Defense Force, site of Bacrana Shipyards (starship construction), neutral!
- Demar: headquarters of Lant Mining Corporation (controls sector), site of Janos Spaceport
- Genesia: crime-ridden industrial planet and trade hub, controlled by Lant Mining Corporation, orbited by G-Stations (private space-station cities)
- Lish V: resource-rich moon near Demar, site of Gadde City (massive repulsorlift biodome city & mining platform), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation
- Mangez: site of Lormar XXIII (Lormar-class deep-space refinery, built by Kuat), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation)
Aramand Cluster subsector (Brak)
- Aram: homeworld of Aramandi race (four arms), high-gravity jungle planet, center of 'Eeronon' cult (isolationist) and Cirra clan (militarists)
- Orma: junkyard world with a reputation for insanely valuable artifacts (Old Republic tech, Force relics, historical pieces, etc.)
Cularin subsector (Thaere)
- Almas: homeworld of 'Dark Lizard' race (dark-side mutants) and kaluthin species (phosphorescent grass), site of Forard Research Station (botany), site of Sith Fortress (made of beskar) [NB: home of Darsin (enslaved Force ghost), location of Almas Holocron (farsight) and Pulas (dark-side relic), center of 'Believers' dark-side Force sect], site of Almas Academy (experimental Jedi praxeum), home of Lanius Qel-Bertuk (Jedi Watchman & headmaster) and Felanil Baaks (lightsaber Artisan)
- Dorumaa: resort moon of Almas, terraformed waterworld, homeworld of Nus whale, Dorumaan leviathan and gorskin species (aquatic megafauna), headquarters of Dorumaa Investment Group and Intergalactic Freight, home of Rufus Trammel (smuggler), site of Dorumaa Excavation (inaccessible archaeological dig), Marine Biology Research Station, Tropix Island Resort, ActionWorld, [NB: and underground base of Ko Sai (Kaminoan geneticist)]
- Cularin: homeworld of Tarasin race (Force-sensitive chameleons) and ch'hala tree, home of Dariana ('Mother of Hiironi'), Lavina Wren (anti-Palpatine Senator), Dr. Wahl (cybernetic surgeon), Gerta Haman (leader of anti-Metatheran 'Cularin Resistance'), headquarters of Cularin Militia and Cularin Resistance, center of 'Wyrd' dark-side Force sect, site of World Tree Ch'hala [NB: location of 'Eye of the Sun' light-side Force artifact], Force vergence
- Bayonard: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Culpharm and Genasys (pharmaceutical research), site of Bayonard Institute
- Bollin: platform-city over Cularin jungle (first one built), site of Bollin Exotic Animal Exporium [NB: pet Rancor] (smuggling front company)
- Gadrin-Hedrett: sole city on Cularin surfac, headquarters of CreedCon Construction and Wookie Liberation Front, site of Jedi Enclave, Five Masters Academy, and Hedrett Medcenter
- Mikish: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Restimar Mining Corporation, site of Riboga Estate (currently owned by Nirama)
- Soboll: platform-city over Cularin jungle, military base controlled by Thaereian Navy (occupation army), headquarters of Task Force Pest (anti-Force)
- Tilnes: moon of Cularin, homeworld of yri worm species, headquarters of Verga Mer Mining Corp., rich in crystals including mephite (lightsabers)
- Tindark: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (splinter group of Trade Federation), site of SoroSuub regional offices
- Genarius: radioactive gas giant in Cularin system, orbited by four moons and many orbital refinery platform-cities
- Conkesta: abandoned fortress (now in deep space) built over Genarius, built by Shilaea Motacc (best propulsion engineer) for Dark Jedi Karae Nalvas
- Deparatar: orbital platform over Genarius, shadowport used as 'neutral ground' by five criminal syndicates, thriving black market
- Edic Bar: orbital platform over Genarius, thriving Sullustan colony, produces G-59 Cannibalizer for SoroSuub (reverse-engineered Z-95 Headhunter)
- Friz Harammel: orbital platform over Genarius (first profitable refinery), controlled by Daedalus Gas Mines, produce specialized mining craft
- Ipsus: orbital platform over Genarius, headquarters of Naescorcom (diversified manufacturing), industry produces textiles & thermal detonators
- Oluna Biqua: orbital platform over Genarius, luxury resorts built by Riboga the Hutt, site of Port Epsilon [NB: Trinex-M gas leak in 21 BBY]
- Rorkee: orbital platform over Genarius, research facility and resort for archaeology tourism, site of 'Dorumaa Dig' and Sanads of Rorkee (hotel)
- Tolea Bique: orbital platform over Genarius, gambling resorts, former headquarters of Riboga the Hutt's criminal empire, location of annual 'Festival'
- Uffel: 'droid moon' of gas giant Genarius, home of QS-2D (protocol droid), foundry world (e.g. MSF mouse droids), site of X2-4 (droid city, spaceport)
- Varna Biqua: orbital platform over Genarius, shadowport built by Riboga the Hutt, thriving black market (weapons, spice dealers)
- Oblis Belt: asteroid belt, rich in songsteel (lightweight luminescent lightsaber-resistant ore...) headquarters of Organization (anti-slavery criminal empire) and Smugglers' Confederation, home of Nirama (Organization boss)
- Animiasma: wrecked flagship of Phylus Mon (Chevin slaver), 'slave zoo', [NB: dark-side Force nexus due to influence of Darkstaff]
- CMC-3: abandoned Czerka Mining outpost in Oblis asteroid belt, [NB: headquarters of Liana Liberators slicer gang]
- Crystal Snare: 4-kilometer wide crystal sphere, deep-space hazard known to mess with autopilot navigation
- Darkside: space station controlled by Organization, drydock (ship repairs), [NB: home of 'shadow lurkers' (drain power cells), mysterious 'green room']
- I-9: asteroid in Oblis asteroid belt, [NB: home of 'shadow lurkers', site of 'Room of Six Shadows', current location of Darkstaff & focusing crystals]
- L-7: asteroid in Oblis asteroid belt, headquarters of Red Fury Brotherhood (pirate fleet)
- Oblis: former homeworld of Oblee race [NB: now 'shadow lurkers' energy beings], destroyed by Darkstaff long ago to form asteroid belt
- Rothe Gate: space station controlled by Organization, weapons storage facility, former headquarters of The Cell (anti-Nirama gang members)
Thaere sector
- Burnout: space station orbiting Zham Hlar, POW camp controlled by Thaereian Navy [NB: prisoners fed to acklay]
- Thaere Privo: sector capital, home of Yush Baskalar (Force-sensitive polymath, hates Jedi), headquarters of Thaereian Navy [NB: pirates], CIS member
Narvath sector
- Aridus: homeworld of Chubbit race (reptiles), headquartes of Yutrane-Trackata (mining & military vehicles), ionized mining planet, plagued by slavers
- Iktotch: moon of Iktotchon, homeworld of Iktotchi race (precognitive telepaths), home of Saesee Tiin (Jedi), site of Jedi Temple, [NB: Force vergence]
- Narvath: homeworld of Narvath race (long-limbed humanoids)
Kailion sector
- Bovo Yagen: homeworld of Bovorian race (vestigal wings), isolated jungle planet, near Tava Yagen asteroid belt (rich in quadrillium, durelium, hfredium)
- Kailion: major trade port on Corellian Run (largest in Expansion Region), headquarters of Sheyasti Trade Syndicate (pro-CIS smugglers)
Tynna sector
- Allanteen VI: heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Allanteen Shipyards (produce Venator-class destroyers, e.g. Anakin's flagship Resolute)
- Tynna: homeworld of Tynnan race (beavers), home of Steamdrinker (anti-Palpatine Senator), 'beautiful' forest world, trade hub, neutral!
Merthian sector
- Rhommamool: homeworld of Rhommamoolian race, site of Redhaven Spaceport, desert mining planet used as penal colony by neighbor Osarian
Palamut sector
- Voidfire Nebula: homeworld of Lucent race (Force-sensitive crystal spiders, gifted navigators), site of Crystal Web Station (Lucent-operated trade hub)
Tokamac sector
- Drgi: homeworld of Drgian race (horned birds), home of Rorr'hn (Jedi) [NB: survived Purge]
Circarpous sector
- Circarpous IV: financial capital of Republic Space (comparable to Mygeeto for CIS), banks 'back' the Republic credit, site of multiple Separatist attacks
- Fabrin: headquarters of Fabritech (targeting computers & sensors), home of Kvarn Mandel (pro-Palpatine CEO)
- Gyndine: site of Gyndine Shipyards (research shipyards affiliated with Kuat Drive Yards) and Republic droid reclamation plant, location of Tikkes slave ring
- Mimban: homeworld of Coway and Mimbanite races, sole source of Thaissen crystals, site of Temple of Pomojema [NB: Kaiburr Crystal], CIS member
- Niro: financial center, private planet owned by InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC)
- S'krrr: homeworld of S'krrr race (insectoids), center of beetle-worshiping 'drog' cult, site of Sikadian Garden
- Rabaan: Corellian colony and mining planet, site of Ban Belos spaceport, orbited by 'Combat Moon' (single-combat arena to settle disputes with S'krrr)
Maladi sector
- Maladi: homeworld of Maladian race, center of 'Maladian assassin' cult (on par with Jedi) [NB: once targeted and nearly killed Hego Damask]
Harron sector
- Reytha: massive agriworld, known for Reythan berry juice export, headquarters of Teks Granaries, site of Yeere Spaceport
- Tarhassen: sector capital, headquarters of Tarhassan Security, [NB: home of Zazana Renkel and Edbit Teeks (CIS and Republic spies, in love)], CIS member
Belasco sector
- Belasco: home of Uta S'orn (former Senator, now in prison for sponsoring bioterrorist Jenna Van Arbor), location of recurring 'seven-year plague'
- Tambor Station: mobile deep-space shipyard built by Geonosians for repairing the CIS fleet, home of Gorgol the Handy (chief mechanic)
- Zirulast: homeworld of Temolak race (scavengers), headquarters of Temolak Salvage Consortium, desert planet, water harvested from orbiting ice rings
Kossa sector
- Hrasskis: homeworld of Hrasskis race, socially stratified by seniority
Kossa Prime subsector (Kossa)
Noori sector
Biivren sector
Annecy sector
Dona Laza sector
Nojic sector
- Valgauth: resource-rich but heavily polluted industrial world, headquarters of Trigdale Metallurgy (mineral/crystal mining & refining)
Hali sector
Locris sector
- Pirin: major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Kontag (starship security systems), regional office of Bounty Hunters' Guild
- Sermeria: major mining & agriworld on Perlemian Trade Route, current Senator is Ister Paddle (member of Loyalist Committee, opposes neutrality)
Prackla sector
- Cartao: homeworld of Cranscoc race, headquarters of Spaarti Creations (produce Spaarti cloning cylinders)
Farstey sector
- Alpheridies: homeworld of Miraluka race, home of Ciaran's parents, center of 'Luka Sene' Force sect, site of Culu Memorial Center (Jedi Academy)
Dentari sector
Sumitra sector
- Alk'Lellish III: homeworld of Lellish race (advertising specialists), 'game planet' known for hunting tourism
- Thustra: homeworld of Sephi race, ruled by King Alaric (friend of Yoda)
Ploo sector
- Merr: headquarters of Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci (megacorporate conglomerate, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority), Merr-Sonn Munitions (top 3 military supplier, produces all the weapons), MerrWeapons, and Merr-Sonn Industrial Equipment (mining/construction), neutral!
Ehosiq sector
- Kiros: lush planet, site of Twi'lek artisan colony recently enslaved by Zygerrians [NB: freed by Anakin and Obi-Wan]
- Shili: homeworld of Togruta race (montrals), childhood home of Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano (Jedi), major trade hub
- Sljee: homeworld of Sljee race (blind olfaxes -- rely on sense of smell), childhood home of Jeseej (Force-sensitive information broker on Coruscant)
Mid Rim
Terrabe sector (Freestanding Subsectors)
- Jedha: moon of NaJedha, [NB: homeworld of Jedi Order], center of 'Guardians of the Whills' Force sect, site of Temple of the Kyber, rich in kyber crystals
Tashtor sector
- Chalcedon: Indexer colony world (boneless crystal-eyed race), site of slave market ('hub of galactic slave trade') and Rakatan ruins, volcanic planet
- Takodana: home of Maz Kanata (Force-sensitive 'pirate queen'), site of Nymeve Castle (ancient fortress, smugglers' den), neutral!
Corbett sector
- Corbett Cluster: center of 'Solar Guard' Force sect (isolationist, defensive-oriented, neutral!)
- Taronda: remote mining planet, site of Clone Wars battleground (armies led by Anakin Skywalker and Asajj Ventress) over access to raw materials
Graador sector
- Graador: homeworld of Graadorian [NB: and 'mutant mynock'] races, agriworld [NB: infested with planetary exogorths]
- Orellon II: homeworld of Kentra race (flying cats), center of 'Holy Order of the Je'ulajists' light-side Force cult (founded by a shipwrecked Jedi geologist]
D'Aelgoth sector
- Argul: homeworld of Argullian race, prosperous commercial center, site of fiercely-fought battle in Clone Wars due to Separatist blockade
- Feenix: sector capital, home of Tanner Cadaman (anti-Palpatine Senator) [NB: arrested immediately after Declaration of New Order]
- Mima II: homeworld of Bilars race (hivemind teddy bears -- groups of two are roughly 'trained pet' level, groups of seven are genius-level), agriworld
- Ogem: homeworld of Ogemite race (traders & smugglers), major trade hub, non-political & neutral!
Senex subsector
- Neelanon: throneworld of House Taneel, childhood home of Terr Taneel (non-isolationist Senator, friend of Chi Eekway Papanoida, possibly pro-slavery)
Hadar sector
- Echnos: moon of gas giant Tinn VI, headquarters of Mandellian Corporation, site of Echnos City (high-tech biodome-city and starport)
- Tibrin: homeworld of Ishi Tib race (ecologists), home of Suribran Tu (dead dictator) & Gume Saam (Senator, pro-Techno Union), [NB: ruled by Sora Bulq]
Mektrun sector
- Joralla: homeworld of Tikiarri race (predatory birds), site of Wasilsi ruins, jungle planet rich in gems (opals and pearls)
Ado sector
- Eiattu VI: waterworld with floating capital city, monarchy, home of King Antbbianplourr III and Uthorferrell Cartha (heir), [NB: basically Romanovs...]
- StarForge Station: massive mobile shadowport in StarForge Nebula, site of Starwind Chandlery (supplies) and StarForge Shipyard (repairs), neutral!
Indupar Crown Worlds subsector (Ado)
- Indupar: capital of Indupar Crown Worlds, headquarters of House Indupar, childhood home of Peet Sieben (Jal Shey), original center of 'Jal Shey' Force sect (nomadic philosophers & diplomats, known for Force Imbuement e.g. 'meditation gloves', 'mentor belts' and light armor), plagued by regional piracy, CIS member
Chommell sector
- Behpour: acidic lava planet, site of Behpour Facility (Techno Union base, used to develop 'gravitic polarization beam' superweapon, destroyed in 22 BBY)
- Chommell Minor: major urbanized trade center, childhood home of Janus Greejatus (former Senator, member of Palpatine's Inner Circle)
- Naboo: homeworld of Gungan race, childhood home of Sheev Palpatine, Kinman Doriana (Palpatine's inner circle) and Padme Naberrie Amidala; headquarters of Legislative Youth Program, Theed Hangars (starships), Free Trader Association (smuggling), and Plasma Energy Engineering, site of Plasma Refinery Complex (Damask Holdings), Theed Royal Palace, Theed University, Varykino (Naberrie estate), Kwilaan Starport (black market), Porso Hill N-1 starfighter-factory (Borvo the Hutt), Moenia vault-complex, [NB: Nuvo Vindi's lab], major Refugee Relief settlements, and Abyss Watcher base
- Ohma-D'un: moon of Naboo, Gungan colony, [NB: targeted by 'swamp gas' bioweapon made by Jenna Van Arbor in canon], site of Jedi monument
- Rori: swamp moon of Naboo, rich in kassoti (spice), headquarters of Kobola Miners (slavers) and Naboo Moon Mining Union, site of Nal Raka tradepost
- Storm X: moon of gas giant in Naboo system, site of major TaggeCo trading post
Alui subsector
Ryndellian sector
- Farstine: major trade hub with inhospitable methane atmosphere, terminus of Five Veils Route, shadowport for spice trade
- Kallida Nebula: site of Kalidda Shoals Medical Center (massive original Haven-class medical space station), administered by Nala Se (Kaminoan doctor)
- Ryndellia: sector capital near Kaliida Nebula, neutral!
Hevvrol sector
- Hosk Station: moon of Kalarba, converted into massive Esseles-class space station by Alderaan Royal Engineers, major trade hub & refueling station
- Indobok: living moon of Kalarba, homeworld of B'rknaa race (Force-resistant silicon crystals, control stone bodies), [NB: moon is itself a B'rknaa]
- Kalarba: undeveloped resort world, site of Three Peaks of Tharen and major Refugee Relief Movement settlements, CIS member-world
- Tyria: industrial planet known for exporting shimmersilk (very expensive 'Tyrian cloth') and pod-racer parts
Corweilllian subsector
- Kabray: volcanic forest world orbited by Kabray Station, neutral high-security meeting ground for diplomats
Daimar sector
- Ooo-sek: Rodian colony world, homeworld of yo'uqiol species (man-sized Venus flytrap), jungle planet used to train Rodian bounty hunters
- Radnor: homeworld of Radnoran race, half of planet devastated by bioplague in 27 BBY, saved from follow-up invasion by Jedi (Obi-Wan...)
- Ragna III: homeworld of Yuzzem race (Wookie-caliber strength), forest planet
Herdessa sector
- Herdessa: sector capital, home of Shea Sadashassa (anti-Palpatine Senator), headquarters of Herdessan Guild, neutral!
Xan sector
- Katanos VII: asteroid mining colony rich in cortosis, lack of support from Senate led system to join CIS, site of illegal cloning research labs
Haserian sector
- Monastery: homeworld of sabercat species, center of 'Order of the Sacred Circle' faith (nonviolent), site of CIS refugee settlements
- Orsis: homeworld of chargrecks race, site of Orsis Academy [NB: taught Darth Maul], site of Blackguard's Gorge (pirate fortress) [NB: used by Sidious]
Hertae sector
- Nexus Ortai: peaceful trade hub on hyperlane nexus between Bothawui and Druckenwell, site of major battle between Republic and CIS
Likasha sector
Yucrales sector
- Leritor: homeworld of Sauxvax race (crab-centaur fishermen), resource-rich but mostly unexploited, site of Sith shipwreck and 'Bracers of Najus' artifact
- Uridia: moon of gas giant, rich in uridium ore (enhance lasers), mines depleted and abandoned, [NB: Empire used Andoan mineral-fish for extraction...]
Manda sector
- Holess: homeworld of Holessian race (literally worship rule of law), site of Mount of Justice (courthouse temple), rich in duranium (lightsaber-resistant)
- Manda: childhood home of Ebenn Q3 Baobab and Mungo Baobab, site of Baobab Archives (galactic wonder), headquarters of Baobab Merchant Fleet
Bothan Space sector
- Bothawui: homeworld of Bothan race (bipedal horse-dogs, best spies); sole source of lidium (ore); childhood home of Polo Se'lab (neutral Senator), Savielk Trey'dra (Council Chief) [NB: opposed Emperor Palpatine], Glynn-Beti (Jedi Master), Kai Hudorra (Jedi Master, survived Order 66), Knol Ven'nari (gray Jedi Master, fire elementalist, killed c. 21 BBY), Karaksk Vet'lya (CIS admiral), Reug Yucon (scientist, studying titanite) [NB: bacta...], Elwis Bonraar, Ch'ord Sy'fon (Coruscant information brokers), Akris Ur'etu (Coruscant crime lord), Weasy (smuggler & informant), [NB: Varesk Bura'lya (anti-Palpatine ambassador, Bothan Embassy) and Oryon (anti-Palpatine agent, Republic Intelligence)]; center of 'Jeswandi' Force sect (martial arts); headquarters of Bothan Spynet (best intelligence network in galaxy), Bothawui Shipyards (starships), Bothawui Communications Conglomerate (military comms), MCS (computer mainframes), Elsinore-Cordova Engineering (starships), Droid Equality Foundation, Bothawui Defense Corps (sector fleet); site of Drev'starn Spaceport, Regal Bothan Hotel, and Intergalactic Trade Mission [NB: Bothan Spynet]; neutral!
- Kothlis: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Plextech Plastic Corporation (mining/processing) and Compart Corporation (droid parts)
- Sennatt: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Publictechnic (industrial maintenance droids)
Lannik Wilds sector
Lannik Space sector
- Lannik: homeworld of Lannik race, childhood home of Even Piell (one-eyed Jedi Watchman) [NB: recently imprisoned/killed at Citadel, on Lola Sayu?]
- Nanth'ri asteroid field: site of The Foundry (massive Rakatan-made automated mining/battledroid manufacturing space station)
Noolian sector
- Dressel: homeworld of Dresselian race, childhood home of Reeft (Jedi), orbited by mineral-rich asteroid belt mined by Bothan colonists
Aida sector
- Lomabu III: homeworld of Lomabuan race and 'living sand' species, archipelago world with industrial economy
- Makeb: sole source of isotope-5 (insanely valuable), headquarters of Avesta Mining Corporation, mining & commercial center, site of Keylander Station
Kurost sector
- Kurosti: trade hub, headquarters of Kurosti Merchant Fleet (Corporate Alliance), currently under CIS occupation
Teraab sector
- Averill: mining planet rich in quadrenium (used for Old Republic starship construction)
- Drogheda: resource-rich mining planet controlled by Drogheda Mining Company, governed by corporate monarchy
- Istic II: homeworld of Istician race (mutants), resource-rich mining planet
- Ruusan: site of battle that led to Ruusan Reformation [NB: homeworld of bouncer race, rich in Ruusan crystals, site of 'Valley of the Jedi' Force nexus]
- Ruusan II: moon of Ruusan [NB: site of 'Skytop Station', CIS listening post built by Hyper-Communications Cartel & destroyed early in the war]
- Tyne's Horky: frontier mining planet rich in keschel ore (rare) and nergon-14 (used for proton torpedoes)
Trax sector
- Draenell's Point: heavily populated agriworld, headquarters of Draenell Industries and Thulpin Agriculture
- Essowyn: homeworld of Saurton race, cavern-cities, site of Thergum Pits, rich in iron alloys, mining facilities run by Messert Mines Corporation
- Genian: rocky planet known for secure bank vaults & research labs, headquarters of Fry Industries (security systems) owned by Talesan Fry (tech genius)
- Longwind: originally a Republic penal colony, now a major agriworld and primary textile producer in Mid Rim
- Nurstin: rocky planet rich in corthel and cortheum (droid photoreceptors), mining facilities run by Messert Mines Corporation
Terr'skiar sector
- Quas Killam: homeworld of Killam race, rich in trinium (weapon systems), factories & mining facilities run by Trade Federation, under CIS occupation
Mytaranor sector
- Alaris Prime: Wookie colony world, headquarters of KashyCorp, site of former Decimator factory, Jedi Temple ruins, and Abyss Watchers businesses
- Chamble: major trade hub on Randon Run, headquarters of Bansche Tech (droids, e.g., assassin droids sold on the black market)
- Kashyyyk: homeworld of Wookie race and wroshyr trees, home of Chewbacca [NB: and Kento & Mallie Marek], headquarters of Wookie Trade Guild, KashyCorp (heavy starships), Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans (evac-pods), Claatuvac Guild (hologrid of secret hyperlanes), site of Abyss Watcher base
- Messert: major financial hub in region, headquarters of Messert Mines Corporation and Kashyyyk Combine (bank for Wookie planets)
- Rakhuuun: Wookie colony world, site of Rakhuuun Shipyard (produces civilian starships, e.g., yachts and freighters)
- Trandosha: homeworld of Trandoshan race (slavers), site of Warlord's Palace, orbited by Wasskah ('hunting moon,' with Wookies as prey)
Kastolar sector
- Durkteel: homeworld of Saurin race, headquarters of Subpro (starships), thriving agriworld, site of orbital shipyards and Refugee Relief settlements
- Kween: site of Kwenn Space Station (massive drydock & supply depot with up to six docking ports sized for capital ships)
- Sneeve: homeworld of Sneeve race, heavily populated mountain planet, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
- Ubrikkia: industrial planet controlled by the Hutts, headquarters of Ubrikkian Industries (civilian vehicles & droids) owned by Kuat Drive Yards
Halla sector
- Bimmisaari: homeworld of Bimms races, major trade hub on Ilosian Spur, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Lantillian sector
- Lantilles: heavily urbanized trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Lantillian ShipWrights (reliable starships, e.g. GX1 Short Hauler)
- Uyter: major agriworld on Randon Run, current Senator is Lexi Dio (anti-Palpatine member of Loyalist Committee, strong advocate for refugee relief)
Truum sector
- Contruum: childhood home of Airen Cracken [NB: Rebel general], rich in borium (ore), major trade world on Vaathkree Trade Corridor
Vensori sector
- Katarr: former Miraluka colony world, rendered uninhabitable by Darth Nihilus in 3952 BBY
Trans-Gascon sector
Halori sector
- Khorm: homeworld of Khormai race, rich in agrocite (very rare, can boost turbolaser blasts), slave mines run by warlords, under CIS occupation
- Velmor: homeworld of Velmoc race, rich in velmstone (natural permacrete), resource-rich but known for art & literature exports
Esuain sector
- Anteevy: ice planet, rich in phrikite (used for lightsaber-proof alloy)
- Kromus: heavily populated planet, former site of CIS research facility/shipyard [NB: developing Shadowblade aka 'Starkiller' superweapon]
Tennuutta sector
Perkell sector
- Daminia: desert planet, only known source of damindium/daminid lightsaber crystals (broader blade)
- Gromas XVI: moon of Gromas, primary source of phrik in galaxy (lightsaber-proof alloy)
- Mooga: homeworld of Moogan race, smugglers haven, controlled by Commerce Guild
Msst sector
- Cadannia: jungle planet, only known source of senflax (neurotoxin that disrupts ability to access/manipulate the Force)
- Garos IV: only known source of hibridium (less effective cloaking), site of University of Garos & major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Thusa sector
- Dahgee: rich in Dahgee lightsaber crystals (zigzagging blade), center of 'Dahgee Jedi' Force sect [NB: extinct Jedi Lords?]
Transvulta sector
- Nyriaan: rich in madilon (rare metal for hyperdrives), mineral rights contested between Mining Guild, Corporate Sector Authority, and Navigators' Guild
- Vulta: homeworld of Vultan race, childhood home of Echari Di'San (Cularin Trade Alliance), headquarters of Greff-Timms Industrial (pulse weapons)
Mezeg sector
Strabin sector
- Lavisar: childhood home of Cin Drallig (Jedi battlemaster), resource-rich mining/industrial planet, headquarters of Skyrung Manufacturing (starships)
Hewett sector
Hollan sector
- Tartaglia: isolated planet near Fusion Clouds nebula, site of legendary 'Nova Vaults' (underground treasure vaults from Old Republic era)
Homon sector
Shiwal sector
Nicandra sector
Kordu sector
Alderath sector
M'shinni sector
- Genassa: homeworld of M'shinni race (mammals with moss symbiotes), major agriworld known for botanical bioengineering
- Ylix: ancient rivalry with neighbor Goelitz [NB: Goelitz-Ylix War ends in 20 BBY], childhood home of Gallandro (best gunslinger)
Ottega sector
- Ithor: homeworld of Ithorian race (best agriculturalists); rich in bafforr trees (telepathic); home of Tendau Bendon (anti-Palpatine Senator, pacifist), Roron Corobb (Jedi Master), Worror Dowmat (Jedi Lord, survived Ruusan, died c. 990 BBY) and Chodo Habat (legendary agriculturalist, restored Telos IV c. 3950 BBY); headquarters of Ithorian SkyYards (produce 'herdship'-cities) and Brathflen Corporation (Manolium-class herdships)
Urce Space sector
Kesh sector
- Ebra: homeworld of Ebranite race, rich in lu-ramin (medicinal oil), trade controlled by Carosi XII
Droma sector
Irishi sector
- Obredaan: homeworld of Jin'ha race (weaponsmiths), rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber metal), trade world, formerly controlled by Trade Federation
- Ord Tessebok: thriving and heavily populated trade world, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Tyan sector
Qiilura sector
- Qiilura: homeworld of Gurlanin race (best spies, Force-sensitive changelings), rich in barq (delicacy), agriworld, formerly controlled by Trade Federation
Bright Jewel sector
- Aleen: home of 'Orphne', homeworld of Aleena (surface) and Kindalo (underworld) races, site of 'Great Seal' (Jedi outpost) and ancient ruins
- Ord Mantell: homeworld of Savrip race (low-tech brutes) and flutterplume species (peacock-vultures); childhood home of Mawkran (Savrip freedom fighter, killed 37 BBY); home of Taxer Sundown ('Jedi' crime lord, died 37 BBY), Mama (Columi smuggler) and Weeffil Liff (merchant); headquarters of Bright Jewel Command (Republic 8th Sector Army); major banking/trade hub ('Heart of Bright Jewel') formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Mount Avilatan: volcanic island and shadowport, site of Drelliad Tradeport, Fort Garnik (abandoned Republic outpost), and Mantellan Separatist stronghold (caldera fortress)
- Ord Mantell City: walled island-city [NB: looks like Mont St. Michel], site of Black Sun compound (now Abyss Watcher facility)
- Scraplands: massive hemispheric junkyard, home of salvagers (Jawas et al.), site of Junkheap (processing station) and Rusty Reach (reclamation plant)
- Ten Miles Plateau: near Scraplands, site of abandoned stellar-energy station (former home of Taxer Sundown, land baron/crime lord, died 37 BBY)
- Worlport: continent-sized capital city, tourism & commercial center, site of Morro Spaceport (primary), Government House (capitol), Hotel Grand, Red House (prison), Path of Coins (casino district, including Mugwaar's Palace and Lady Fate), and Jedi ExplorCorps outpost
- Jubilee Wheel: space station over Ord Mantell, 'antique' ring-shaped shadowport
- Mantellian Nebula: resource-rich comet cloud, sole source of midlithe crystals, site of H-5 70 Mining Facility, headquarters of Dynath Miners
- Nova Orion Station: private space station over Ord Mantell, headquarters of Nova Orion Industries (starship R&D)
- Tansarii Point Station: space station over Ord Mantell, controlled by Car'das Smugglers, major shadowport
Dohu sector
Tiala sector
Thory sector
Corthenia sector
Glythe subsector
- Vortex: homeworld of Vor race, site of 'Cathedral of Winds' galactic wonder, major tourist destination
Jaloor sector
- Glee Anselm: homeworld of Nautolan race, childhood home of Kit Fisto (Jedi), waterworld with thriving aquaculture
Belshar sector
- Ord Varee: thriving and heavily populated trade world, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Outer Jalor sector
- Kril'Dor: gas giant rich in tibanna (rare fuel), ringed by gas mining stations
Rago sector
Churnis sector
- Ansion: homeworld of Ansionian race, minor agriworld, home of Mousul (pro-CIS Senator) and Tam Uliss (pro-CIS industrialist, killed by Shu Mai in 22 BBY), signing member of 'Malarian Alliance' and 'Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty' [NB: if Ansion secedes, so do a dozen other sectors...]
Ariarch sector
Freestanding Subsectors
- Acherin: isolated trade world, controlled by IGBC, known for high-security vaults and currency exchanges, site of Sood Spaceport
Wild Space
Aeten sector
- Aeten II: only known source of stygium crystals, required for starship cloaking devices
Kalee sector
- Kalee: childhood home of Grievous, site of 'Shupak Temple' (Kaleesh holy site), CNS Military Academy and Abyss Watcher outpost, thriving black market
Outer Rim
Dantus sector
- Arah: mining world, site of 'Belt of Arah' asteroid field, rich in orodium (ion engine fuel invisible to scanners)
- Cirrus: childhood home of Talesan Fry (technical genius)
- Kemla: homeworld of Kemlan race, site of Kemla Yard and other Republic shipyards sized for capital-ship construction & retrofitting
Fath sector
- JanFathal: sector capital and trade world on Entralla Route, brutal pro-Republic tyrant deposed by CIS-supported workers' strike
- Ord Cantrell: exclusive resort world mainly used by Coruscant elite, including business & government leaders
Prefsbelt sector
- Ord Mynock: homeworld of mynock species (space parasite), headquarters of ComNet Corporation (communications), site of Mynockra Freeport
- Prefsbelt IV: headquarters of the Republic Naval Academy, site of Castle Pradeux and the Naval Crypt
- Yaga Minor: homeworld of Yagai race (insectoids), major trade world, site of Yavvitiri Spaceport and massive orbital shipyards (built Outbound Flight)
Velcar sector
- Bextar: system of four gas giants, site of gas mining colony owned by Amber Sun Mining Corporate and (later) operated by Etymal slaves
- Churruma: primitive/low-tech planet, known for rich underground deposits of precious metals
- Entralla: trade hub along Entralla Route hyperlane, headquarters of Guild of Interstellar Merchants, site of Overhang industrial district
Perinn sector
- Brodo Asogi: homeworld of Asogian race [NB: E.T.], home of Grebeips (anti-Palpatine Senator), pro-Jedi, plans for extra-galactic expedition
Carrion sector
- Sojourn: Muun outpost called "Hunters' Moon" (populated by near-extinct game animals), site of ancient Sith fortress used by Hego Damask
Dynali sector
- Taspir III: heavily polluted volcanic planet, economy based on heavy manufacturing around lakes of molten lava
- Ord Thoden: industrial world, rich in lomnite (durasteel), headquarters of Bengel Shipbuilders (produces space stations)
Obtrexta sector
- Muunilist: homeworld of Muun race (best bankers); childhood home of Larsh Hill (Damask Holdings partner, killed 52 BBY), San Hill (IGBC Chairman), Bitt Panith (cyberneticist) [NB: built Grievous], Pors Tonith (CIS admiral), Nix Card (Senator, conspired with terrorists), Clu Lesser (Core Five leader), Max Plain (IGBC representative to Senator), [NB: and Tal Feint (non-Jedi Force Adept, private investigator on Nar Shaddaa)]; headquarters of InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC) and Phlut Design Systems (weapons tech, developed IG-series battledroids), former headquarters of Damask Holdings; site of High Port (orbital city), Financial Funnel (skyhook), Damask Holdings Superspire (HQ), Aborah (Damask Holdings private island) [NB: Darth Plagueis's research lab], Mariunhus vault-spire, and Hill Fortress (ancestral estate); neutral!
- Jaemus: site of Jaemus Shipyard (2nd largest outside Core) run by Galentro Heavy Works, trade nexus on Braxant Run and Myto's Arrow hyperlanes
Braxant sector
- Sartinaynian: Muun client world, trade terminus of Braxant Run hyperlane [NB: later renamed 'Bastion' by Imperial Remnant after Endor]
Veragi sector
- Nharl: homeworld of Equani race (horse people), site of Republic superweapon testing facility that accidentally destroyed the planet (in 23 BBY)
- Revyia: homeworld of Revwien race (plants), center of 'Tyia Adept' light-side Force sect, site of 'Revyia Temple'
Gree Enclave subsector (Veragi)
- Asation: member of Gree Enclave, major trading center and only Gree port-world accessible to non-Gree races, site of 'Grand Hypergate'
- Gree: capital of Gree Enclave, homeworld of Gree race (cephalopods), center of 'Administrator' caste (Gree government)
- Lonatro: member of Gree Enclave, major agriworld, site of Lonatro Zoo and Gardens (biological & botanical reserve)
- Malanose: member of Gree Enclave, center of 'Researcher' & 'Crafter' castes ('material synthesis' technologists), site of Totth'k Lotos (Garden of Youth)
- Te Hasa: member of Gree Enclave, artificial desert world, site of 'Great Library of Manuals' (repository for all Gree knowledge and artifacts)
Void of Chopani sector
Myto sector
- Criton's Point: isolated planet, site of mostly-unexcavated 'Library of Xer' (c. 26,000 BBY) that specialized in Force research
- Dubrillion: idyllic world dotted with high-rise cities, site of 'Belt-Runner I' asteroid mining station and Destrillion tibanna gas platform
- Gabredor III: unpopulated jungle planet, site of slave camp/transfer center run by Karazak Slavers Cooperative
Raioballo sector
- Dantooine: homeworld of Dantari race (primitive humanoids), kinrath (burrowing spider), and laigrek species (massive predatory insect); site of Jedi AgriCorps outpost [NB: abandoned?] and Garang Spaceport; location of Narro Sienar's death (father of Raith Sienar, killed by Xi Char in 38 BBY)
- Khoonda Plains: site of Crystal Caves (rich in kathracite, relacite, danite, mephite ('Adegan), rubat, bondar, and Ultima-Pearl lightsaber crystals); site of Rakatan Ruins (dark-side Force nexus) [NB: temple constructed c. 30,000 BBY, site of 'Star Map' to 'Star Forge' superweapon on Rakata Prime, home of 'Overseer' (still-active Rakatan guardian droid)]
- Fields of Banir: site of Ancient Grove [NB: used for sparring & meditation], abandoned Jedi Enclave (ruins since 3956 BBY, still-unexplored sublevels infested with laigreks) [NB: site of ancient fully-automated cloning facility discovered by terrorist Zeta Mangus c. 30 BBY and rediscovered by Darth Vader c. 2 ABY), droid bay (location of many GE3-series protocol droids), Jedi Archive (location of many Force artifacts from Ossus and Phateem, including 'Codex of Tython' original Jedi holocron with Old Republic tech)]
- Ferionic Nebula: dust cloud in Dantooine system, site of 'Second Star' asteroid, headquarters of 'Velocity Mercenaries' gang
- Gorvera Space: asteroid field in Dantooine system, headquarters of Aii'tkian Archaeologists and O.S.S. Junk Guild
- Gravlex Med: homeworld of Anx race, savanna planet, headquarters of Gravlex Launchworks (waste disposal), officially neutral in Clone Wars
- Wall of Dantooine: massive asteroid field in Dantooine system, rich in obsidian, mostly unexploited by miners
Relgim sector
- Ord Trasi: urbanized planet, rich in most natural resources (heavy mining), known for shipyards (produces capital ships), defensive space stations
Clacis sector
- Gwori: Muun client world, headquarters of Gwori Revolutionary Industries, site of Gwori Shipyards (produce Munificent-class frigates)
Albarrio sector
- Aris: rainforest world, sector capital and trade world on junction of Braxant Run and Relgim Run hyperlanes
- Anemcoro: low-tech colony world of Ho'Din race (botanists), known for ecological & medical exports
- Bar Neth: originally a desert world, now thoroughly terraformed and known as a tourism & resort destination
- Mygeeto: childhood home of Hego Damask, rich in nova crystals, agrocite (anomalous), and relacite (lightsaber), site of Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank
- Oasis: mining colony located in Maelstrom Nebula, rich in oxite (ore), [NB: site of Maelstrom Prison space station that once held Revan...]
Cassandran Worlds sector
- Garqi: agriworld, rich in caf beans, site of Agricultural University and Xenobotanical Garden, headquarters of Garqi Agricultural Combine
- New Bakstre: industrial center and trade hub on Braxant Run, Havridam City (capital) mostly destroyed by war & terrorist attacks
Atrivis sector
- Moltok: homeworld of Ho'Din race (botanists) and Makurth race (bodyguards), known for low-tech ecological & medical exports
- Fest: ice planet, rich in tydirium (ore used for anti-lightsaber alloy 'phrik'), site of CIS Weapons Research Facility that invented & produces phrik
- Generis: rich in hiridiu crystals (boost communication signals), site of multiple Rakatan temple ruins,
- Iridium: rich in iridium 'power gems' (disrupt shields), headquarters of Pirates of Iridium (CIS privateers)
Oplovis sector
- Ketaris: major trade hub along Braxant Run hyperlane, site of now-bankrupt 'University of Ketaris' that trained xenoarchaeologist
Lahara sector
- Agamar: thriving agriworld & tradeworld between Celanon Spur and Braxant Run hyperlanes, site of pre-Republic ruins of underwater civilization
- Oorn Tchis: rich in [unobtanium] (rare ore used to produce guidance systems)
Cademimu sector
- Cademimu V: sector capital, heavily populated industrial world, Republic munitions depot ('War Chest of the Outer Rim')
- Lenico: dead planet orbited by space stations (trade, smuggling), site of Cairn Installation (asteroid base, cortosis processing plant)
- Phaeda: pirate haven & smugglers' den ("makes Nar Shaddaa look classy"), site of Phaedacomm (major Outer Rim comm-relay station)
Halthor sector
- Ottethan: jungle planet populated by rancors, former home of Neema-Da-Boda (fallen Jedi padawan, killed by Ottethan warlord c. 100 BBY), [NB: home of Vima-Da-Boda, Jedi Knight (descended from Noma Sunrider, mother of Neema) left Order, location of Ossus lightsaber (antique built c. 10,000 BBY)]
Noonian sector
- Odryn: adopted homeworld of Feeorin race, site of Sanctum of the Exalted (former Feeorin shrine and Jedi Covenant storehouse, now in ruins)
- Ord Sigatt: rich in carvanium (alloy used for durasteel), mining facilities run by 'Denon-Ardru Mutual'
- Storinal: resort world known for tourism, site of Scohar Xenohealth Institute (medical research center)
Oricho sector
- Borgo Prime: asteroid spaceport along Braxant Run hyperlane, originally mining colony, now a major trade world & financial center
- Polus: homeworld of Pyn'fani race, ice world rich in carbonite (carbon alloy, used for tibanna gas refining), invented carbon-freezing process
Corosi sector
Weneen sector
- Barpine: industrial world, site of Barpine Shipyards (orbital station), ground-side prison facility [NB: later converted for Imperial use]
- G'wenee: major trade hub along Braxant Run, thriving black market
Meerian sector
- Bandomeer: homeworld of Meerian race, rich in ionite (neutralizes energy fields), controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest (Commerce Guild)
- Flashpoint: searing rock, site of Flashpoint Stellar Research Station ruins (used by mad scientist to experiment on Jedi)
- Marca: homeworld of Sekct race, rich in hyperbaride (for turbolasers), processing plants operated by Dynamic Synergetics (IGBC)
- Vanquo: mountainous 'resource world' for Taris, mining economy, Old Republic refugee settlements
Ojoster sector
- Denova: rich in baradium (explosive compound used for thermal detonators), mining camps date from the Old Republic
- Jebble: snowball 'resource world' for Taris, minimal population, site of discovery of Jebble Box [NB: contains Muur Talisman, source of rakghoul plague]
- Nag Ubdur: adopted homeworld of Ubdurian and Keldar races, trade hub, rich in zersium (durasteel), site of Binjai-Tin Spaceport
- Otor's Hub: space station, major shadowport and refueling spot near Taris
- Suurja: breadbasket 'resource world' for Taris, site of major refugee settlements
- Taris: revitalized ecumenopolis on Hydian Way, known for legendary Tarisian Kelp farms, home of Kin Robb (anti-Palpatine Senator) site of Incom and Sienar facilities, Olaris Spaceport, refugee settlements, Abyss Watcher base, [NB: Jedi Tower ruins, SoroSuub Landing, and Machineville district]
- Wayland: homeworld of Myneyrsh race (hunters), site of Old Republic fort under Mount Tantiss [NB: Palpatine's storehouse of tech & artifacts]
- Xartun: industrial world, headquarters of Xartun Alloys (produce & export transparisteel)
Mandalore sector
- Concordia: forest moon of Mandalore, rich in beskar (rare nigh-indestructible metal, lightsaber-resistant)
- Concord Dawn: childhood home of Jango Fett, headquarters of 'Journeyman Protectors' (Mandalorian cowboys)
- Gargon: rich in phobium (rare hyper-dense metal, used for Death Star power core), spice production facilities, thriving black market
- Hrthging: rich in Hrthgingian firegems (rare gemstone, can sabotage hyperdrive reactors), mining planet
- Jakelia: homeworld of Jakelian race, agri-forestry world known for luxury tuft-oak exports
- Kalevala: childhood home of Satine Kryze, headquarters of 'Kalevala Spaceworks' (luxury starliners, e.g. Coronet)
- Mandalore: desert world with bio-cube cities, headquarters of MandalMotors (vehicles) and 'Guardian Corps', site of Kyrimorut (Clan Skirata base)
Demetras sector
- Belthu: mineral-rich industrial world, major durasteel foundry (import metals from nearby Todirium III), controlled by Mining Guild
- Fenel: homeworld of Fenelar race (extinct technologists), industrial ruins (derelict shipyards once built Kandosii dreadnaughts for Mandalore)
- Krake: homeworld of 'mind spider' species, site of Krake Data Vault (built into carapace of custom-grown mind-spider)
- Obinipor: mineral-rich volcano planet, mining economy, metals used to build power generators
- Phindar: homeworld of Phindian race, trade hub on Salin Corridor, formerly controlled by Syndicat, orbited by Phindar Station spaceport
- Tlön: homeworld of Tlönian race (extinct arachnids), industrial ruins, location of artifacts ('Tlönian shield')
- Todirium III: industrial planet, rich in iron, site of durasteel refineries
Rolion sector
- Atraken: homeworld of diehard species (energy-resistant insects), toxic water world, mining planet rich in Doonium (rare, used for capital-ship hulls)
- Maridun: major refugee world settled by Lurmen fleeing the war-ravaged Mygeeto [NB: in canon, targeted by CIS 'Defoliator' superweapon]
- Trilos: moon of Atraken, homeworld of Ee race (worms) [NB: Force-sensitive worms with 'mental powers' -- including 'group mind' (telepathy), 'memory alteration' (mind trick), 'null gravity', 'telekinesis' & 'teleportation'!], mining colony controlled by Atrakenite Guild of Miners, site of refugee settlements
Nuiri sector
- Lucasez: center of the 'Fallanassi' Force sect (illusions and Force immersion), mining facilities run by Tagge Mining Company
- Gala: homeworld of Galacian race ('moon people'), former headquarters of Galacian Mining Corp. (Offworld Mining), site of Galan Shipyards
- Resh 9376: icy comet, site of 'Point Nadir' shadowport owned by Hutt clan, primary base for 'Sable Dawn' Force assassins and 'Epsis' thieves
- Stygeon Prime: ice planet, homeworld of tibidee species, site of Spire (remote prison fortress) [NB: later converted for Imperial use]
- Vjun: dismal acid-rain planet populated by Hssiss (dark side Force lizards), [NB: site of Bast Castle (owned by Dooku) and Château Malreaux]
Meridian sector
- Caarimon: homeworld of Carrite race, inhabitants occupy floating cities over surface, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (formerly of Trade Federation)
- Cybloc XII: moon of Cybloc, major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Cybloc Transfer Station (IGBC space station)
- Nam Chorios: homeworld of Tsil race (Force-empowered crystals), penal colony governed by Beldorion the Hutt (Dark Jedi)
Auril subsector
- Bal'demnic: rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber), mining facilities operated by Damask Holdings, site of Darth Tenebrous's trapped Force-spirit
- Cron Drift: massive pirate-ridden asteroid field created by Sith-triggered supernova, [NB: site of Sith tomb, where Sly Moore was imprisoned & 'rescued']
- Nespis VIII: site of abandoned 'Space City' (galactic Wonder), site of Old Republic museum and Jedi Archive
- Ossus: rich in Adegan crystals (lightsaber), center of 'Ysanna' Force sect, site of Great Jedi Library (original Jedi Archives) and Eye of Ashlanae (vergence)
- Teedio: orbited by Exis Station, site of ion/solar-energy mining station and former Jedi Archive [NB: verge of destruction, engines are repairable]
Gordian Reach sector
- Arda: key trade port along Ardan Cross hyperlane, light industry (produce 'T-6 Diodem' home appliances)
- Atorra: B'trillan colony world, site of pre-historic space battle with alien starship wreckage strewn throughout 'Badlands' region
- Feldwes: industrial powerhouse of the 'Back Reach' region and major tradeworld on the Ardan Cross hyperlane
- Jovan III: premier agriworld supplying the whole Gordian Reach, orbited by massive Jovan Station with 8 docking ports sized for capital ships.
- Presbalin: commercial hub of the 'Loop Worlds' region, known for long-abandoned alien cities with 'strange' architecture
- Tenara: isolated agriworld famous as a former pirate bolt-hole and 'treasure planet' due to hidden vaults throughout the planet
- Yavin Prime: gas giant, homeworld of 'floater' species (gasbag herbivores) and 'hunter-floaters' (predators), sole source of ludicrously valuable 'corusca gems', headquarters of Damarind Corporation (jewels), site of Damarind Fishing Station and independent 'corusca fishing' trawlers, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains five big corusca gems)]
- Yavin IV: jungle moon of Yavin Prime, planetary Force nexus; adopted homeworld of Massassi (extinct, pureblood Sith offshoot, Force-sensitive slave-warriors) and Critokian (tall spiders) races; homeworld of woolamander (semi-sentient blue primates), crystal snake (translucent), and Sith wyrm (exogorth mutated by Sith alchemy) species; rich in grenade fungi (explosive) and massassi trees (200 m. tall); location of Prisma storms ('Wonder of the Galaxy', rainbow lightning) [NB: and location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Exar Kun Battle Suit, dark-side armor with cortosis alloy)]
- Ersham Ridge: site of Great Massassi Temple (massive hand-built ziggurat), former capitol of Naga Sadow (Sith Lord c. 5000 BBY), [NB: home of Malgrath (Massassi warrior in suspended animation), site of Grand Audience Chamber (throneroom) and Isolation Chambers (stasis pods and Massassi Archive)], site of Massassi Arena [NB: and Tomb of Naga Sadow]
- Isle of Kun: volcanic island, [NB: site of Tomb of Exar Kun, rich in corusca gems), location of Force ghost of Exar Kun (Dark Jedi c. 4000 BBY)]
- Lost City of the Jedi: [NB: fully automated secret subterranean city on Wetyin continent, home of DJ-88 (administrator droid), site of Jedi Library (location of 'Grand Computer' and Force relics) and Weather & Climate Command Station (terraformed Yavin IV after 'wall of light' in 3996 BBY)]
- Massassi Ruins: site of Temple Atun, Temple of Fire (sacrificial alter), and Temple of Sacrifice [NB: location of Revan's Mask and lightsaber], location of 'Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief' frieze and 'Sith Chalice' relic (discovered by Wolhanian Expedition, 22 BBY)
- Taurin Delta: lush river valley, site of the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'mysterious blue energy crystal']
- Val'Arnos Jungle: site of Palace of the Woolamander (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'Golden Globe' dark-side prison (dimensional oubliette, full of captive Massassi children), home of Ikrit (Kushiban Jedi Master, guards 'Golden Globe', meditative trance since 378 BBY)]
- Yavin VIII: tundra moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Melodie race (mermaids), home of Esla ('Keeper of Legends'), [NB: location of Massassi Engravings (directions for release 'Golden Globe' prisoners) and abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains antique blaster, in pristine condition)]
- Yavin XIII: desert moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Gerb (rabbit, underground farmers) and Slith (venomous snakes nomads) races, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Sith holocron)]
- Yavin XXII: airless moon of Yavin Prime, site of 'Yavin Station' wreck (trade post) [NB: former home of Suvam Tan (Rodian genius inventor & treasure hunter, died c. 3900 BBY), location of Suvam Tan Lightsaber (custom-made, very powerful, resists cortosis), 'Heart of the Guardian' (ancient lightsaber crystal, bronze hue, boost Force speed for dueling, subject to Sith & Jedi prophecies), 'Mantle of the Force' (ancient lightsaber crystal, cyan hue, boost Force abilities in conjunction with other crystals), and Yavin Station databanks (contains cargo pod locations)]
Thrasybule sector
- Malrev IV: homeworld of Irrukiine race, site of Sith Temple and dark-side Force nexus
- Phatrong: homeworld of Kyuzo race (jumpers), childhood home of Embo (bounty hunter),
Belsmuth sector
- Alba XVI: war-torn planet (local civil war), former penal colony for Phindar and Mandalore
- Borkeen: site of 'Borkeen Belt' asteroid field, location of largest exogorth (space worm) ever discovered
- Botajef: headquarters of 'Botajef Shipyards' (produces AA-9 Coruscant Freighter widely used by refugee groups), space elevators to orbital shipyards
-Harloen: entertainment economy, described as 'swoop racing capital of the Outer Rim'
- Irmenu: childhood home of Walon Vau (Cuy'val Dar), feudal seafaring society, 'Counts of Gesl' maintain vaults on Mygeeto
- Mepha'as Prime: entertainment economy, site of casinos, gaming halls, arenas, and racing tracks
Thesme sector
- Feriae Junction: major trade hub on Hydian Way, site of Hutt banking/money laundering operation, Grand Terminal spaceport
- Thesme: childhood home of Silya Shessaun (senator & friend of Padme), sector capital and major industrial center
- Ventrux: childhood home of Jenna Zan Arbor (mad scientist), headquarters of Arbor Industries (science/medical research)
D'Astan sub-sector
- Axxila: corrupt ecumenopolis [NB: described as 'inside out'], headquarters of Axxila Anti-Piracy Fleet funded by Lady Ciaran
- Celanon: homeworld of Nalroni race, major agri-world & trade hub on Hydian Way, city-sized 'Diplomatic' and 'Trade Consortium' districts
- Isen: isolated gas giant with three asteroid belts, moon Isen IV is headquarters of Void Demons pirate gang
- Merj: unknown coordinates (secret on pain of death), homeworld of Morseerian race (methane-breathing humanoids, four arms), site of Merj Spaceport (shadowport) and Morseerian Laboratory Complex [NB: bioweapons], CIS member
- Nez Peron: sector capital and major agri-world controlled by farming collectives
- Ord Cestus: homeworld of X'Ting race and Dashta eel species, headquarters of Clandes Industrial and Cestus Cybernetics (droids, e.g. JK-13 'Jedi Killers')
- Valahari: headquarters of Valahari Shipworks (starfighters, e.g. 'Tempest Zero'), Harko Station (production facility & starport)
Quelii sector
- Cathar: homeworld of Cathar race (cat people), steppe world with thriving city-trees
- Dathomir: homeworld of Dathomiri race and Rancor species, center of 'Witches' and 'Nightsister' Force sects, site of 'Star Temple' ruins, Aurilia (village)
- Drackmar: homeworld of Drackmarian race (methane-breathing reptiles), capital of 'Drackmarian Empire'
- Halmad: trade hub known for 'Halmad Prime' beer, site of 'Free Axxilan' refugee settlement, Vahaba asteroid belt mined by Tonheld Mining Corp.
- Koratas: moon of Dathomir, rich in neutronium, lomnite, and zersium (metals, used for durasteel), major mining facilities
- Morseer: Morseerian colony world, methane atmosphere, controlled by Drackmarian Empire
- Osadia: former center of 'Mandalorian Knights' Force sect (c. 3960 BBY), site of abandoned New Generation Academy (trained Mandalorian Knights)
- Vinsoth: homeworld of Chevin and Chev races, slave-based & mostly nomadic society, starship production , thriving black market
Sprizen sector
- Abafar: rich in Rhydonium (rare but volatile fuel for starships), desert world
- Esooma: homeworld of Esoomian race (massively strong humanoids, useful as hired muscle)
Ciutric sector
- Ciutric IV: capital of Ciutric Hegemony, childhood home of Sate Pestage (Palpatine's senior advisor), [NB: site of Darth Bane's personal estate]
- Corvis Minor: member of Ciutric Hegemony, rich in 'exotic xenobiologicals' sold as luxury goods
- Liinade III: member of Ciutric Hegemony, agriworld with light industry (produces comlinks),
- New Holgha: site of the 'Five Holy Cities' (religious pilgrimage destinations)
- Trif: site of 'World Below' (legendary underground city, unearthed during 'Old Republic' era)
Tragan Cluster sector
- Shaum Hii: homeworld of Kian'thar race (empaths) and Bentail & Derlac species, oceanic pastoralists, formerly affiliated with Black Sun
Kanz sector
- Argazda: homeworld of Argazdan race (green skin), former capital of Argazdan Redoubt (conquered sector in 'Kanz Disorder' c. 3970 BBY), former headquarters of Myrialite Slavers, center of 'Vianism' faith (worships Force, "serve others by anticipating their needs"), childhood home of Raygar (archaeologist, conducted Wolhanian Expedition to Yavin IV) [NB: Sith artifacts now owned by Palpatine, in exchange for patronage & funding for Raygar's future expeditions]
- Bimmiel: headquarters of Jonex Mining, [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station, established c. 25 BBY ]
- Ereesus: Lorrdian colony, former homeworld of Ereesi race (slavers, exterminated by Argazdan Redoubt c. 3970 BBY), site of major battle (Clone Wars)
- Lorrd: sector capital and educational center; homeworld of Lorrdian race (humans with 'kinetic communication'); childhood home of Nee Alavar (anti-Palpatine Senator), Salis Kabor (anti-slavery activist), L'lacielo Sageon (Jedi quartermaster), [NB: and Fiolla (Corporate Sector auditor); sole source of Lorrdian gemstones (lightsaber crystals, boost combat precognition); center of 'Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance' and 'Sisterhood of the Glorious Radiance' sects (Vianist pilgrims to Force sites); site of Crypt of Martyrs (anti-slavery memorial), Lorrd City University (one of best in galaxy, includes Lorrd Academy of Aquatic Studies, School of Conceptual Design, and University of Pangalactic Cultural Studies), Lorrd City Spaceport, Performance Square (17-level entertainment complex), Temple of the Beatific Countenance, Temple of the Glorious Radiance [NB: Force artifacts], and Slave Pits of Lorrd (built by Argazdan Redoubt slavers c. 3670) [NB: constructed by Yuuzhan Vong 'shaper', location of bioengineered Force-Blank "living superweapon"]
- The Home: iron asteroid in MZX32905 asteroid field, site of the mansion of Darth Vectivus that contains The Home, the mansion of Darth Vectivus [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station ]
Nijune sector
- Aar: homeworld of Aar'aa race (bloodthirsty mercenaries, employed by Huts and the t'landa Til)
Morshdine sector
- Edusa: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane
- Tangrene: homeworld of Tangrene race (peaceful nomads), hyperlane terminus, mountain planet with thriving underground lakes
- Vandyne: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane
Nembus sector
- Carosi XII: homeworld of Carosite race (healers), resort world, site of 'Academy of Medicine', port of call for hospital-frigate Sudden Restoration
- Kirtania: homeworld of Araquia race (naturalists), trade world governed by three competing corporate states of Dulai, Kinkosa, and Surana
Kwymar sector
- Artus Prime: rich in Artusian lightsaber crystals, mining facility later converted for Imperial use
- Citadel Station: massive orbital terraforming station over Telos IV, site of Ithorian Compound and Jedi AgriCorps chapter-house
- Teagan: homeworld of Devon race, headquarters of Teagan Tech Consortium (produces droids, including RWW-series protocol droid)
- Telos IV: terraformed agriworld; childhood home of Liora ('High Priestess', died 53 BBY), Crion (corrupt planetary governor, died 53 BBY), Dairoki (fallen Jedi padawan, ally of Crion), Xanatos (Dark Jedi, son of Crion, died 44 BBY), Vox Chun (treasurer for Xanatos, died 29 BBY), Bruck Chun (fallen Jedi padawan, son of Vox, died 44 BBY), Granta Omega ('Force Blank' terrorist, son of Xanatos, died 23 BBY), and Kad Chun (captain of BioCruiser, son of Vox); center of 'Order of Than-Onna' sect (pacifists, led by Liora), [NB: former center of 'Handmaiden Sisters' group (Echani guardians for Jedi Academy c. 4000 BBY)]; former headquarters of Offworld Mining Corporation (founded by Xanatos) and UniFy (Offworld front company); site of Park of Sacred Pools (polluted by Xanatos), Mirror Caverns, Anglebay Station (medcenter), Katharsis Dome (casino and gladiatorial arena, built by Xanatos), abandoned Telos Military Base [NB: HK-50 manufacturing plant, built by Revan], and Telosian Jedi Academy (former Polar Irrigation System hub, rebuilt by Atris c. 3956 BBY, now training center for Jedi archivists and Lore Keepers) [NB: location of many Sith holocrons and Force artifacts]; sole source of malab (reflective stone); homeport of BioCruiser ('titanic' colony ship, self-sufficient nomadic passenger liner built by UniFy); [NB: location of Telos Holocron (Sith encyclopedia, includes Ajunta Pall (original Sith Lord), Naga Sadow (original Sith Emperor), Darth Revan, and Darth Bane)]
- Vallt: homeworld of Valltii race [NB: yeti], ice planet, site of Zerpen Industries fusion plant and Tambolor Prison, former home of Galen Erso
Illisurevimurasi sector
- Aldivy: thriving agriworld and trade center, headquarters of Lachany Foods
- Mirial: homeworld of Mirialan race (agile humans), childhood home of Arwen Cohl (freedom fighter affiliated with Nebula Front, died 33 BBY), Luminara Unduli (Jedi Guardian), and Bariss Offee (Jedi healer, traitor), center of Trikarle religion (Force-based), site of Trikarle Ruins
Xappyh sector
- Thanta Zilbra: homeworld of Zilbra fungi (medicinal use), currently unsettled
- Tiss'sharl: homeworld of Tiss'shar race (velociraptors), rich in diatium (power cells), headquarters of Uhr-Vah-Vo TechWorks (droids, e.g. model 88-series administration droids, affiliated with IGBC), site of TaggeCo facilities, major corporate/commercial center governed by Tiss'Sharl League consortium
Bosph sector
- Bosph: homeworld of Bosph race (isolationist nomads), primitive steppe planet, center of "Ela b'Yentarr" Force sect (precognition & healing)
- Otunia: sector capital and major mining world, headquarters of Kabul Industries
Aparo sector
- Lur: homeworld of Lurrian race (geneticists), known for genetic research & bio-engineering
- Cadomai Prime: homeworld of Snivvian race (artists), incredibly cold but popular resort world
Tynquay sector
Mortex sector
- Malkii: pirate base & smuggler's den, headquarters of 'Malkite Poisoners' assassins guild
- Taerab: headquarters of Taerab Starship Manufacturing (built Harrower-class dreadnoughts for Sith Empire c. 3600 BBY)
Almanian subsector (Mortex)
- Almania: homeworld of thernbee race (semi-sentient telepathic predators), site of Great Dome of Je'har (capitol building) and Mem'Kabarr Forest
- Drewwa: moon of Almania, headquarters of Trang Robotics ('Duelist Elite' training droids) and Lyster Innovations ('environmental design' consultants), site of Drewwa Spaceport and Crossroads Business Habitat [NB: location of 'Amulet of Kalara' dark-side Force artifact (Buried Presence)]
- Pydyr: moon of Almania, homeworld of Pydyrian race (flightless bird-men), home of Wuja Wojaine (pro-CIS Senator, conspired with Thalassian Slavers), sole source of seafah jewels, known for exporting Pydyrian healing sticks (pre-bacta 'miracle drug')
Wyl sector
- Dra III: hunting planet, homeworld of nashtah and fullor species (big predators), headquarters of Kell Arms Corporation (Kell Mark II heavy assault rifle)
- La'Sombra: asteroid base & biotech research facility operated by 'Abyss Watchers' organization
- Thosa: homeworld of Draethos race (very long-lived telepathic hunters), childhood home of Odan-Urr (Jedi Master, founded Great Library of Ossus, died 3996 BBY), center of 'Keetael' Force sect (gray-aligned, hunters who specialize in Force Tracking and farsight)
Corporate Sector
- Biewa: poor industrial planet, headquarters of Corporate Sector Authority fleet
- Bonadan: terminus of Hydian Way, primary tradeport of Corporate Sector, strip-mined foundry world, headquarters of Bonadan Heavy Industries (TaggeCo), site of ten city-sized spaceports and Merchant Marine Academy
- Craci: homeworld of Cracian thumper species, major trade hub, system of five populous planets specialized in industry & agriculture
- Brosi: homeworld of Brosin race, rich in Zinsian (preservative), forest world known for multi-kilometer waterfalls
- Epiphany: headquarters of Zerpen Industries (energy production) [NB: and Salient Strategic Command (anti-Empire militia)]
- Ession: industrial center, headquarters of 'Pakkerd Light Transport' (Sienar, repulsorlifts)
- Etti IV: adopted homeworld of Etti race; capital of Corporate Sector authority & major trade hub; headquarters of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company (biotech megaconglomerate), Chiewab Laboratories (cloning), Chiewab Nutrition (agricorp), Cybot Galactica (civilian droids e.g. 3PO-series protocol droid), Degan Explorations (chemical surveying), Geentech (medical research), GoCorp (repulsorlifts), SanTech (pharmaceuticals), Utilitech (taxi-droids & waitress droids), and VernanGroup (mining)
- Issagra: massive space station known for extensive casinos, major hub for smugglers and thriving black market
- Kalla VII: headquarters of 'Unlimited Horizons Inc.' (mining company), site of 'University of Kalla' (business & technical education)
- Kir: mining world rich in 'crystalline vertex' (refined crystals = universal currency)
- Orron III: major agriworld, site of 'Authority Data Center' (archive/repository for all Corporate Sector data)
- Oslumpex V: headquarters of 'Starshipwrights and Aerospace Engineers Inc.' (custom & modified starships and cruisers)
- Pondut: space station & research facility, headquarters of 'Galactic Electronics' (produce tech and weapons)
- Tirsa: industrial center, headquarters of 'Tirsa Wargear' (vehicle company, produce landspeeders and Leviathan-class submersible carriers)
Trianii Space sector
- Trian: homeworld of Trianii race (warriors), headquarters of Trianii Rangers
Kobothi Space sector
- Koboth: homeworld of Kobok race (skeletal insect warriors), childhood home of Gaff (bounty hunter), headquarters of Kobothi S-Corp (private army)
Mytus sector
- Mytus VII: asteroid base controlled by Corporate Sector Authority, site of Stars' End prison complex
Farana sector
- Farana: homeworld of Ocsinin race (explorers), original terminus of Hydian Way
Kamar sector
- Kamar: homeworld of Kamarian race (insect technologists) and howlrunner species, home of Jo Ewsli (Incom starship designer), desert planet
Morellian Commonwealth sector
- Artiod Minor: homeworld of Artiodac race (strong) and prenga species, swamp planet with thriving fish farms, plagued by Zygerrian slave raids
- Morellia: homeworld of Morellian race (longevity), childhood home of Barosa Warren (explorer), headquarters of Morellian Weapons Conglomerate
Thanium Worlds sector
- Felucia: planetary Force nexus, center of 'Jungle Felucia' Force sect, Gossam colony world ruled by Commerce Guild, site of 'Ancient Abyss' (sarlacc pit)
- Rhen Var: ice planet, source of Solari (rare/powerful lightsaber crystal), site of 'Jedi Monument' (Force ghost of Ulic Qel-Droma), Darth Mekhis's fortress
Allied Tion subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Amarin: former throneworld and hunting reserve for Xim the Despot, primary agriworld of Tion Cluster, CIS member
- Cadinth: major trading port along Cadinth Run, ruled by "firmly neutral" Cadinth Oligarchy, site of Xim-era ruins
- Corlax IV: key industrial world and materiel supplier for CIS war machine
- Jaminere: sector capital, primary manufacturing center for Tion Cluster, known for technological efficiency
- Lianna: commercial ecumenopolis; home of Narro Sienar (died 38 BBY), Raith Sienar (best starship engineer in galaxy), Lady Valles Santhe (CEO of Santhe Corporation); headquarters of Santhe Corporation (holding company), Santhe Security (private army), Santhe Passenger & Freight (produce 15% of galaxy's passenger liners), Santhe/Sienar Technologies (vehicles), Republic Sienar Systems (starships e.g. Marauder-class corvettes), Sienar Design Systems (prototypes, e.g. Sith Infiltrator Scimitar), Sienar Intelligence Systems (data security/corporate espionage), Sienar Advanced Systems (R&D, e.g. SIE-TIE twin ion engine), Curich Engineering (starship components), Thant & Sons Starshipwrights (repair), and Genetech Corporation (droids e.g. A2 accountant droid & 3D-4X administrative droid, formerly medical research company); site of First Star Academy (war college), Allied Tion Historical Society, Lola Curich Starport, Anxarta Spaceport, Santhe Mansion, and Santhe/Sienar Corporate Headquarters
- Lorrad: industrial planet dominated by neighboring Barseg system, headquarters of Lorrad Flightworks (repulsorcraft)
- Voss: home of Voss race (isolationist, Force sensitive), center of 'Voss Mystics' Force sect (best precognition, gifted healers)
- Gormak Lands: home of Gormak race (xenophobic, gifted technologists), headquarters of Tela Mining, site of Gorma-Koss (capital), [NB: King's Hall (vault), Chamber of Cleansing (Dream-walker shrine) and Halls of the Righteous (Voss Mystic shrine)]
- Nightmare Lands: dark-side Force nexus, site of Dark Heart (ancient Sith labyrinth-ruins) [NB: former location of Sel-Makor (dark-side Force entity, defeated 3641 BBY), Cave of Reflection (archaeological dig site)
- Old Paths: site of Dark Reliquary (Sith tomb), Ruined City, Halls of Enlightenment (abandoned Sith Academy), Holy Path of Mir (sacred cave), Ruins of Wisdom, Quel-Dora Ruins, Spirit Healers Grove (Dream-walker shrine), and Shrine of Healing (Voss Mystic monastery and hospital) [NB: location of Forbidden Ritual' chamber]
- Voss-Ka: mountaintop fortress of Voss race, center of 'Dream-walkers' Force sect (splinter group, spiritual healing), headquarters of Voss Commandos, Ambassador Commons, and Tower of Prophecy (Voss Mystic shrine)
Calamari sector
- Dac: homeworld of Quarren & Calamari races (aquatic), childhood home of Gial Ackbar, headquarters of Mon Calamari Shipyards (all capital ships)
- Minntooine: colony world of Quarren, run by Commerce Guild, headquarters of Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp (Recusant-class light destroyers)
- Pammant: colony world of Quarren, site of FDVEC 'Pammant Docks' (Providence-class carrier/destroyer, Subjugator-class heavy cruiser)
Phelleem subsector
Tharin sector
- Annoo: homeworld of Annoo-dat races, headquarters of Fromm Crime Family (import/export), industrialized agriworld
- Cog Hive Seven: auto-reconfiguring space station (prison & gladiatorial arena), home of Iram Radique (Chiss weapons designer), controlled by IGBC
- Junkfort Station: major space station orbiting Junkford, trade nexus on Lesser Lantillian Route, Trillus Trade Route, & Cadma Conduit, smuggling haven
- Oovo IV: asteroid base orbiting Oovo, site of Desolation Alley (maximum security Republic prison) and three podracing courses
- Pirik: rich in corintium (ore) and ytterbium (explosives for laser cannons), site of Talamp Industrial District, thriving black market
Periphery subsector (Tharin)
- Af'El: homeworld of Defel race (literal wraiths), only source of meleenium (mineral used for durasteel), headquarters of Toxis Metals (mining)
- Novor XXIII: homeworld of Ry'coz race, headquarters of Jatayus Outbound (shipping) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Nwarcol: trade nexus of Sisar Run and Salin Corridor hyperlanes, site of Sisar Terminal (refueling starport) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Sedri: homeworld of Sedrian race (mermen), waterworld, site of Great Shell Dome, center of 'Golden Sun' Force sect (sapient coral)
- Sriluur: homeworld of Weequay race, childhood home of Sora Bulq, mining world rich in copper and other metals, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vaathkree: homeworld of Vaathkree race (traders), lava planet with domed cities, known for high-tech exports
- Yen II: asteroid mining facility orbiting Verde, rich in doonium (capital ship hulls), formerly controlled by Black Sun
Jubilar sector
- Jubilar: desert planet controlled by Hutts, known for spice smuggling, rich in jandarra (rare delicacy)
- Toong'L: homeworld of Toong race, client world of the IGBC, headquarters of Toong'l Security Systems (security droids)
Shadola sector
- Gand: homeworld of Gand race, childhood home of Xruk, center of 'Findsmen' Force sect (bounty hunters), site of five orbital tradeports
Cadma sector
- Garn asteroid field: former center of 'Ordo Aspectu' Force sect (Jedi splinter group, used Force to study longevity/immortality, eradicated by Jedi Order), [NB: home of surviving (digitized) sect leader Rur, site of 'Citadel of Rur' asteroid space station]
Centrality sector
- Dela III: homeworld of Ulorin race, member and financial center of Centrality
- Dilonexa XXIII: member and primary agriworld of Centrality, site of weather-control orbital stations
- Erilnar: capital of Centrality, planet of a three hundred thousand lakes
- Oseon VII: member and tourism center of Centrality, site of 'Flamewind' (galactic wonder), site of Oseon asteroid belts (resorts & private estates)
- Rafa VI: homworld of Sharu race, member of Centrality, rich in Firkann lightsaber crystals, site of Great Pyramid and legendary Mindharp of Sharu
- Tund: adopted homeworld of Toong race, member of Centrality, planetary Force nexus, center of 'Sorcerers of Tund' Force sect,
Pabol Sleheyron subregion (Hutt Space)
- Nar Kreeta: major trade hub and industrial planet, mining facilities controlled by Mining Guild
- Nimban: homeworld of Nimbanel race (best bureaucrats), headquarters of Hoersch-Kessel Drive (starships, e.g. Lucrehulks), Delban Faxicorp (droids) and Delban Serv-O-Droid (utility droids, e.g. DUM-series pit droids, CZ-series comm-droids, salvage droids, etc.)
Bootana Hutta region ('Garden of the Hutts')
- Saki: homeworld of Sakiyan race (mercenaries with supersenses), independent from Hutt Council (!), high-tech industrial planet with three colonies
Albrion sector
- Albrion Major: childhood home of Esu Rotsino (CIS Senator), major agriworld, sector capital administering 200 agriworlds
- Cloak of the Sith: nebula & asteroid belt surrounding Roon system, navigable by Death Wind Corridor (smuggling lane), site of Umboo Lightstation
- Garban: homeworld of Jenet race (survivalist rats with perfect memory), subterranean mining planet, six resource-rich colonies in the same system
- Gibad: childhood home of Ovolot Qail Uthan (mad scientist), site of Academy of Life Sciences (genetics) [NB: targeted by FG36 virus after 'New Order']
- Rishi: homeworld of Rishii race (birds), rich in exonium (fuel), headquarters of Nova Blades (pirates), site of abandoned Revanite Valley Stronghold, sole access point to Rishi Maze (companion galaxy), location of Veijel's longevity-machine schematics
- Roon: homeworld of 'mudmen' race, sole source of roonstones (valuable data crystals), isolated by Cloak of the Sith, [NB: imminent Manda-Roon route]
- Ukio: homeworld of Ukian race (farmers), massive agriworld and major Core supplier, currently controlled by Corporate Alliance (occupied by CIS)
- Varristad: mining planet, formerly controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest, currently controlled by Offworld Mining Corporation
Instrop sector
- Dagu: adopted homeworld of Rybet race, former Separatist prison planet liberated by Republic army
- Vlemoth Port: Talz colony world, site of Vlemoth Station (starport) and Sanshur Flats, major industrial planet controlled by InterGalactic Baking Clans
Hunnovers sector
- Olanet: industrial planet, massive battledroid factories run by Baktoid Armor Workshop (Techno Union) [NB: sabotaged by Null-ARC Prudii ]
- Kaer: site of Kaer Orbital Platform (refueling/repair station built by InterGalactic Banking Clans), plundered for CIS by Sev'rance Tann
Bitrose sector
Gaulus sector
- Ryloth: tidally-locked homeworld of Twi'lek race; childhood home of Aayla Secura (Jedi Master, padawan of Quinlan Vos), Orn Free Taa (corrupt Senator, leader of Rim faction), Bib Fortuna (majordomo to Jabba the Hutt), Amada Lakhasa (scout), Cham Syndulla (led 'Freedom Fighters', distrust Orn Free Taa), Xiaan Amersu (Jedi Knight), Vhiin Thorla (anti-slavery Jedi Master), and Kh'aris Fenn (anti-Jedi terrorist, allied with Dooku); headquarters of SchaumAssoc (PR firm, Corporate Sector sponsor), Galactic Exotics (rare plants), Lakhasa Caravan (scouts), Graxol Kelvynn's slaver empire, and Hunvar the Hutt's slaver empire; rich in ryll (spice); center of 'Freedom Fighters' (anti-CIS paramilitary); site of Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport (hollowed-out mountain), Ryloth Archives, Secura Estate, Hunvar's Spire (slave-ring headquarters & gladiatorial arena), The Enclave (Jedi-run refuge for freed slaves), and abandoned Sith Academy (trained assassins)
- Skip I: hollow asteroid in Smuggler's Run asteroid field, massive space station used as smugglers' den and shadowport, controlled by Gorensla Hutts
Dalchon sector
- Arapia: adopted homeworld of Kadri'Ra race (dragons), childhood home of Saadon-Kauldi [NB: Kadri'Ra declared non-sentient & enslaved by Empire]
- Orvax IV: trade hub on Old Corellian Run, slave-trade economy, headquarters of Orso Meeto's criminal empire (slaver)
Savareen sector
- Apatros: mining colony rich in cortosis, controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks, [NB: childhood home of Darth Bane],
- Christophsis: crystal planet, major mining economy, asteroid fields rich in quadrillium, nergon-14, hfredium and chalon (rare dense ores for hull plating)
- Gellefon: homeworld of gellbeast species (wardogs), site of Kig Dannen Spaceport
- Nelvaan: homeworld of Nelvaanian race (warrior wolves), ice planet, [NB: site of Techno Union lab to conduct cybernetic experiments on natives]
- Rodia: homeworld of Rodian race, childhood home of Onaconda Farr (anti-Palpatine), headquarter of Rodmark Weapons and Goa-Ato (bounty hunters)
- Tythe: industrial world, headquarters of LiMerge Power [NB: Damask Holdings puppet, own The Works district in Coruscant, funded Outer Rim pirates]
- Zaadja: Mandalorian colony world, resource-rich asteroid belt in ring around planet, site of Geonosian hive-factory fortress, controlled by CIS
Karthakk sector
- Llanic: major spice-trade shadowport, headquarters of Crymorah Syndicate (crime families affiliated with Hutts and Tenloss Syndicate)
- Lok: headquarters of Lok Revanants (anti-Trade Federation pirates), site of Nym's Stronghold (city/spaceport), formerly controlled by Trade Federation
- Magravia: major spice producer in Outer Rim, known for 'Magravian cat-spice' variant rumored to sharpen reflexes
- Maramere: homeworld of Mere race, massive resort world, [NB: site of 'Invisible Island' stygium repository], formerly controlled by Trade Federation
Kiblini sector
- Duunir: adopted homeworld of bha'lir species (jungle cats), headquarters of Black Bha'lir (honor-oriented smugglers gang)
- Neftali: ice planet, home of Luskin Exovar (best scout) and Kaori Batta (best big-game hunter), site of Exovar's Emporium (cantina/museum)
- Socorro: childhood home of Qu Rahn (Jedi) [NB: and Lando Calrissian], headquarters of Socorro Freight, smugglers den, site of Jedi Academy (Guardians)
- Thrugii: asteroid belt near Socorro, rich in doonium and turminium, mining facilities controlled by Kanauer Corporation
Cadavine sector
- Eos: resource-rich lava world, site of demolished Trade Federation droid foundries and weapon testing facility
- Gall: moon of gas giant Zhar, site of Smuggler's Canyon and Gall Spaceport (shipyard)
- Melida/Daan: industrial planet ravaged by recently-concluded civil war, site of 'Halls of Evidence', center of Melida, Daan, and 'the Young' factions
Astal sector
- Bahalian: site of Bahalian Shipyards (built prototype Z-95 Headhunter), controlled by Tenloss Corporation (produces starships, secret criminal Syndicate)
- Eredin: headquarters of Ororo Transportation (starship and shipping conglomerate, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Jarvanam: site of Baradis School of Technology (secret training facility for slicers and criminals, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Dail sector
- Danadine: headquarters of Relekin Confidential (collection/enforcement agency controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Friijillis: headquarters of Friij News Service (underworld alternate HoloNet, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lesu: headquarters of Malakin Enterprises (venture capitalists & loan sharks, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Lol sector
- Drexel: homeworld of sea-dragon race, water world, site of Great Ship (massive city-ship populated by scavengers), center of Dragon Lords faction
- Kendamar: headquarters of Kendamari Casinos (casino/resort chain, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lol: homeworld of Sumrias race (mathematicians who use base-8 math and developed 'Df' scale for artillery firepower & range)
- Majilop: headquarters of Lucin Syndicate (produce holo-porn, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Skine sector
- Lucrenn: headquarters of Galindas Exports (mass-market fencing, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate), site of many hollow-asteroid depots
- Skine: headquarters of Skine Bounty Hunter College (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, elite specialists trained low-level recruits)
- Wodenstam: headquarters of Lucross Collections (collections agency & money laundering, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Sujimis subsector
- Ab'Bshingh: homeworld of Farang and Waroot races (centuries of civil war, led to development of unique tactics and military customs)
- Alzoc III: homeworld of Talz race, resource-rich ice planet (sole source of Alzoc pearls)
- Maryx Minor: headquarters of Ancient Order of Pessimists, site of Pessimist hermitage
- Ord Plutonia: Talz colony world, ice planet, site of Gild Station and Beetle Base (abandoned Republic & Separatist military outposts)
- Pantora: moon of Ord Plutonia, homeworld of Pantoran race, childhood home of Baron Papanoida (media mogul), under Trade Federation blockade
Parmic sector
- Spice Terminus: massive trade hub and deep-space shadowport on Llanic Trade Route, used by spice smugglers
Torch Nebula sector
- Shownar: homeworld of Shownarri race, crystalline resort world illuminated by Torch Nebula, rich in vertag crystal spires
Thuris sector
Portmoak sector
- Droxian: headquarters of Droxian Traders League (spice smugglers) and Droxian Manufacturing (droids, controlled by Traders League)
- Reuss VIII: homeworld of Reussi race, headquarters of Reuss Corporation, thriving agriworld [NB: converted into polluted dystopia under Empire]
Cor'ric sector
- Andasala: mining planet (rich in tungsten, copper, chromium, etc.) controlled by Gesenix Mining, pirate haven and shadowport
- Qiaxx: homeworld of Jeodu race, tourism economy, site of Bubble Cliffs of Nezmi (massive ancient 'city' of bubble-shaped cave dwellings)
Bajic sector
- Kabaira: headquarters of Delgas Medical (pharmaceuticals) and Hydrospeare Corporation (aquatic vehicles & weapons), foggy island-dotted water world
- Talofan: childhood home of Fema Baab (pro-Palpatine Senator), industrialized and militarized trade hub
- Vergesso Prime: planetoid in asteroid belt, major shipyard & research lab, shadowport jointly controlled by Tenloss Corporation and Crymorah Syndicate
- Vergesso III: middle asteroid belt, head quarters of Vergesso Pirates (Crymorah Syndicate)
- Verisin: headquarters of Tenloss Coalition (kidnappers & slavers, original member of Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Juris sector
- Trigalis: Corellian colony world, major smugglers' den and pirate haven, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vorusku: water world, headquarters of Blue Star Pirates, [NB: former home of Kina Ha, ancient Kaminoan Jedi Master]
Sanbra sector
- Aquilaris: water world, economy based on resorts and sports tourism, especially undersea pod-racing courses
- Beheboth: homeworld of Tirrith (sentient hives of energy-mist particles) and Behebothian races, desert world with moisture-farming economy
- De'etta: site of University of Sanbra (specialized in sentientology and xenoarchaeology research), home of Dr. Callow Batta (political history)
- Loratus: industrial planet, headquarters of Loratus Manufacturing (mobile weapons systems and battle droids)
- Rugosa: former Rakatan colony ('Infernal Ones' inscriptions) and former Toydarian resort world, known for massive coral forests
Hook Nebula sector
- Lan Barell: homeworld of Qieg race (insects), headquarters of Human-Qieg Guild (control multiple resource-rich mining planets in system)
- Santarine: headquarters of Mantis Syndicate (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, specializes in large-scale anti-piracy operations)
Sarin sector
- Parein II: gas giant, orbited by moon that is major regional agriworld (export sweetgreen and daranu), recent site of Clone Wars battleground
- Seylott: homeworld of Seylott race, jungle planet, [Rakatan-made] canals, center of Disciples of Shaa (cult), site of Infant of Shaa (Force superweapon)
Parmel sector
- Kallistas: mining planet rich in gemstones and radioactive elements, major pirate haven
- Turcan III: headquarters of Churhee's Riflemen (low-profile mercenary specialists -- reconnaissance, infiltration, snipers)
- Vohai: semi-ecumenopolis, headquarters of Arkanian Microtechnologies (genetic engineering), site of Churhee's Riflemen compound and Vohai Unirail
Quence sector
- Eirrauus: homeworld of Eirrauc race, childhood home of Puroth (Jedi Master), desert planet
- Elshandruu Pica: resort world, childhood home of Kina Margath, headquarters of Margath's (massive entertainment complex) and Droid ReServe
- Godo: homeworld of Godoan race, sole source of flame gems, site of House of the Goddess [NB: techno-organic machine to protect planet from virus]
- Shogun: Mandalorian colony world, crystalline planet (known for 'dreamscapes'), site of Mando'a shrines and center of religious pilgrimages
- Susevfi: moon of Suarbi VII, center of 'Jensaarai' Force sect (Grey-aligned, known for ballistakinesis)
- Tresidiss: shadowport controlled by Herglic cartel, known for casinos, loan sharks, and slicers
Khuiumin sector
- Breshkall: heavily fortified space station controlled by Prengahl Kreen (Twi'lek arms dealer)
- Courkrus: headquarters of Eyttyrmin Batiiv (revolutioanry pirates), site of Margath's (entertainment complex), pirate haven
Svivreni sector
- Svivren: homeworld of Svivreni race (best geologists), home of Tyro Calladin (Senater), trade hub, site of Svivren Xenomineralogy Institute, neutral!
Brema subsector
- Callos: homeworld of Callosian race (cultured elite), urbanized jungle planet known for research facilities, neutral! [NB: opposed Palpatine's New Order]
Bozhnee sector
- Belsavis: ice planet with lush canyon-rifts, home of Plett (Ho'Din, Jedi botanist), site of Plettwell (rift-city, with Jedi enclave, research lab and greenhouse caverns) and Belsavis Prison (massive rift-prison complex, used by Old Republic), [NB: location of many Rakatan teleportation devices!)
- Minimum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Carbonite Prison Storage, Cliffside Generators, Prison Administration Center, [NB: and Condemned Caverns (original home for prisoners' descendants, given rift-cities of their own after a Sith invasion & prison riot)]
- High Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, cell-blocks adapted for different species (Gamorrean, Gand, Gen'Dai, Gran, Rattataki, Rodin, Trandoshan); site of Scientific Research Compound [NB: headquarters of 'Project Noble Focus', Old Republic experimentation on prisoners], Republic Watchtower [NB: site of 'Noble Focus' gladiatorial arenas], Geothermal Collectors, and Prison Maintenance Facilities
- Maximum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Special Restraint Cells, Ultraviolent Offenders Containment, and Ancient Prison Caverns
- Deep Prison: 'The Tomb' beneath Balsavis prison, site of Central Power Core (planetary hypermatter generator) and Zedalus Keep (main prison area), [NB: original Rakatan prison-complex beneath Belsavis Prison; home of Ashaa ('Mother Machine', Rakatan artificial intelligence capable of "modular life-form adaptation" -- reconstructing Force-sensitive bodies and/or designing new species), World Razer (original prisoner...), and Failsafe (Rakatan artificial intelligence, responsible for maintaining security on World Razer, ); site of Burning Way (magma-circuits used as prison security failsafe), Caves of Elshuu ('mind prison' for Rakatan dark lord), Caves of Primeval Wardens, Cells of the Lords of the Infinite (stasis vaults for Force-sensitive prisoners), Greater Menagerie (prison for Rakatan-made creatures and sithspawn), Jedi Containment Vault (vault for fallen Jedi Masters), Megasecurity Ward 23 (former headquarters of 'Star Cabal' anti-Force group), Tomb of Hallow Voice (Esh-Kha faction leader), Transporter Control Center (control mechanisms for Rakatan teleporters...), Vault of the Mother Machine (A.I.), Vault of the Tyrant (pureblood-Sith dark lord), Waters of the Primal Destroyer]
- Eternity Vault: [NB: Rakatan mountain prison (stasis-vaults) built before 24,000 BBY, all inhabitants killed in 3641 BBY, former home of Soa ('The Infernal One', ancient Rakatan dark-side Force User; once ruled 'Infernal Empire' of 1000+ planets, including Korriban), 'Infernal Council' (pureblood Sith slaves & advisors to Soa), and Silentior (Annihilation Droid XRR-3, constructed by Soa with mechu-daru)
- Brodogon Station: headquarters of Brodogon Consortium (slave traders, middle-men between Hutt Space and Senex-Juvex)
- Garnib: homeworld of Balinaka and Vernol races, ice planet, headquarters of Galactic Crystal Creations (produces 'Garnib crystal' sculptures)
Steniplis sector
- Kelrodo-Ai: homeworld of Kelrodoan race, mining planet rich in gelatin [NB: ...huh?], site of ancient Citadel of Axes, neutral!
- Rogue Antar: nearby asteroid field is site of Black Stall Station (Cad Bane's headquarters) [NB: former HQ, now in ruins?]
Mayagil sector
- Clak'dor IV: homeworld of Y'bith race (mutated 'ghost Bith'), colony world and site of New Nozho trading post
- Clak'dor VII: homeworld of Bith race (craniopods, scientists & musicians), heavily populated biodome-cities, pacifists and reluctant CIS ally (neutral...)
- H'nemthe: homeworld of H'nemthe race (pacifists), romance-centric society with tradition of female killing the male after mating...
- Kabal: major trade hub on edge of civilized space, manipulated by Trade Federation embargo to join the CIS
- Triton: homeworld of Tritonite race (insects), center of Gactimus cult (anti-entertainment) and theocracy, orbited by three Triton Moons
- Virmeude: icy mining planet, headquarters of Issham Mining Corporation [NB: anti-Palpatine, will become Rebellion front company]
- Xagobah: homeworld of Xamster race (fungal farmers), occupied by CIS, site of Mazariyan [NB: organic fortress bioengineered by Techno Union]
Danjar sector
- Engebo V: former Outer Rim Oreworks mining colony, then nerf-herding pastoral agriworld, now uninhabitable due to skekfish infestation
- Entooine: moon of gas giant, homeworld of Askhew (humanoids) and 'blue bantha' (Force-sensitive sapient mamooth) races
- Qexis: high-security secret research facilities, former home of Talesan Fry's uncle (subplanetary engineer, died. c. 25 BBY)
- Queyta: lava planet controlled by Techno Union, site of Separatist base and mobile chemical plant
- Rhamsis Callo: homeworld of Schenor race (Force-sensitive martial artists, tall cat-people), low-tech industry ('reaction cars'), neutral!
Sluis subsector
- Bpfassh: homeworld of Bpfasshi race (Force sensitive), site of Jedi Praxeum (affiliated with Jensaarai Force sect), orbited by Commerce Guild trading post
- Canoliss IV: homeworld of Cannolite race (3D mathematicians), high-tech industrial world, export 'unique' security systems
- Dagobah: homeworld of Hepsalum Tash race (worms), biodiverse swamp planet, planetary Force nexus, [NB: site of Cave of Evil]
- Kerest: homeworld of Kerestian race (high-tech, reverted to savagery), orbited by two moons (former colonies), isolationist/neutral
- Orto: homeworld of Ortolan race, childhood home of Max Rebo (musician), resource-rich mining planet [NB: imminent CIS occupation]
Tantra sector
- Tantra: ice world rich in banfra resin, major trade hub on Rimma Trade Route
Methall'has subsector (Tantra)
Atravis sector
- Ather: industrial planet, headquarters of MicroData Technologies (datapads)
- Carreras Major: homeworld of Shifala race (simians), controls ice-mining facilities on sister planet Carreras Minor
- Mustafar: homeworld of Mustafarian race, lava mines (rich in mirkanite and dolovite), headquarters of Klegger Corp, site of Techno Union droid foundry, Damask Holdings facility, Black Sun fortress, and Southern Jedi Ruins, center of 'Blackguard' Force sect, location of HK-47 and Chu-Gon Dar cubes
- Rutan: homeworld of Rutanian and Senali races (planet & moon at civil war) and Kudana species (bronze skin), trade hub plagued by piracy
- ZXK-100346: ice planet, [NB: site of Cavern of Light -- light-side nexus, contains 'Soulsaber' dark-side artifact]
Airam sector
- Mobetta: headquarters of Gallofree Yards (civilian shipwright, freighters e.g. GR-45 medium transports) and Airam Clans (nomadic mechanics)
- Mylok IV: homeworld of Habeen and Nharwaak races (engineers), site of Corellian Engineering facilities, [NB: developed compact hyperdrive in 3 ABY]
- Nocto: headquarters of Nocto Clan (Airam pirates) [NB: funded by Palpatine via LiMerge Power, to drive sector into CIS]
- Ochotl Ag: childhood home of Kob Mondray (sports celebrity), agriworld (rich in chak-root) associated with Corporate Alliance, rivals of Eriadu
- Pangaree Nebula: 'Pangarees' region with multiple agriworlds, dominated by Eriadu-controlled agricorporations, rivals of Ochotl Ag
- Paradise: homeworld of Ugor race (monocellular scavengers), junkyard, headquarters of Ugor Salvage (garbage disposal & starshipwright)
- Skor II: homeworld of Squib race (traders), headquarters of Fegegrish Heavy Industrials (tensor guns) and Squib Merchandising Consortium (scavenging)
Elrood sector
- Akana: barren world with biodome cities, orbited by shining quartz moon Akanala, headquarters of Professiona Artists Guild
- Alluuvia: homeworld of Anguilla race (eels), water world [NB: rich in alanium, doonium, and zersium ores used for starship hulls and dura-armor]
- Almar: tourist-friendly agriworld, rich in norris root (used by Jedi for 'Norris robes', resist lightning & energy attacks), orbited by Almar Upside tradeport
- Bodrin: mining planet rich in bodrite (marble), controlled by Elrood Quarry Corporation
- Coyn: homeworld of Coynite race (gladiators), site of Rols'Kus (arena) and five stellar-class starports, headquarters of Ekkar Arms and Mercenary Guild
- Dega: former Radell mining colony, smugglers' den in Dega Gas Clouds, headquarters of Degan Explorations (Corporate Sector, chemical surveyers)
- Derilyn: childhood home of Wuxod (anti-Palpatine Senator), high-tech industrial planet, headquarters of Elrood StarYards Ltd. (produce Prosperity-class Customs Cruisers/patrol ships), site of Park of Peace [NB: 'National Mall', site of government] and Derilyn Platform (spaceport)
- Elrood: sector capital, home of Lud Chud (crime lord), headquarters of Radell Mining Corporation (own several planets), Transsector Lines (shipping), and Ganrite Yards (starships), site of Elrood Bazaar and Daya Plaza, CIS member world
- Gelgelar: Sullustan colony world, homeworld of swarm wyrm (big!), swamp planet rich in shvash gas, site of Gelgelar Free Port (resupply depot)
- Kidron: homeworld of Orfite race, headquarters of Orfa Olfactory Corporation and Attakril Meats, jungle planet, site of High City of Refuge
- Korad: massive orbital junkyard, headquarters of Renew (starship salvage company)
- Kuras III: homeworld of Aganof and Pulra (changeling) races, volcanic planet, isolated by Kuras Drift Nebula and asteroid belt
- Lanthrym: Gamorrean colony world, pirate haven & shadowport, center of "Marauding Dark Jedi" Force gang (defeated 32 BBY by Jorus C'Baoth)
- Merisee: homeworld of Meri and Teltior races, lush agriworld, headquarters of Utozz Prime Brewery and Tozzin Foods, center of 'The Cult' (Jedi-based)
Minos Cluster sector
- Adarlon: Alderaan colony world, [NB: basically Hollywood], site of Glow Dome (nightclub), headquarters of Tri-Nebula Entertainment (holovids)
- Jilsaaria: homeworld of Jilsaarian race (four arms), childhood home of Golben (technician on Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport)
- Karideph: subterranean ecumenopolis, homeworld of Kari race (burrowing insects), headquarters of Spagga Core Inc. (gem mining), overpopulated agriworld dotted with massively tall skyscrapers, trade hub at terminus of Rimma Trade Route
- Mestra: massive asteroid field (100 trillion rocks!) controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest (Commerce Guild), rich in durelium (hyperdrives)
- Pergitor: mining planet colonized by Jesa Corporation, currently ruled by Church of Infinite Perception (anti-Force theocracy)
- Quockra IV: homeworld of Quockran race (xenophobes), desert planet inhabited almost entirely by droids
- Shesharile V: moon of gas giant, headquarters of Gallis-Tech, Dutan Mining Supply Exports [NB: weapons smuggling] and Minos-Mestra Corp (mining)
- Teh'Jar II: legendary location of Um'Tal ('Sky Stone', Force artifact "invested with mystical powers")
- Yelsain: forest planet, massive trees (400 m tall) and massive carnivores (trogliths and garaths), home of Jedi Watchman, site of Jedi chapterhouse
Kathol Outback subsector (Kathol)
- Bresan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, highly educated industrial economy
- Dayark: capital of Kathol Republic (colonists), moon of gas giant Nepe, fertile agriworld (Ithorian rice farms), headquarters of Kathol Republic Navy
- Dolstan: capital of Pimbrellan League, center of 'Pinacist' cult (predict end of Republic), fertile agriworld, headquarters of Pimbrellan anti-piracy fleet
- Exocron: protostar gas cloud [NB: contains legendary garden planet 'Exo', settled by Exocros Cabal colony ship, technocratic society, anti-piracy fleet]
- Pitann: member of Kathol Republic, childhood home of Han Olbegg (Senator), resource-rich desert planet, strip-mining & industrial economy
- Shatuun: site of 'Ophidian grotesque' artifacts (Celestial colony world), home to mated pair of Duinuogwuin (star dragons)
- Swedlan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, educated commercial economy
- Uukaablis: homeworld of Uukaablian race (specialists: diplomats & medical researchers), high-tech medical and industrial economy
Cegul sector
- Askaj: homeworld of Askajian race (six-breasted humanoids), desert world, pastoral economy known for exporting tumuon fabric
- Besberra: site of Zirtran's Anchor (makeshift space station owned by Geelan merchants), shadowport for free-traders and smugglers
Subterrel sector
- Kallidah: homeworld of Kallidahin race (faceless hermits), headquarters of Archaeological Research Council, site of massive xenobiological database
- Orax: homeworld of Shard race (crystals), childhood home of Cheriss Sair, mineral-rich crystalline world [NB: slave-run mines under Empire]
- Polis Massa: asteroid field, adopted Kallidahin homeworld, headquarters of Polis Massa Assemblage (droids), site of Polis Massa Base (archaeology dig)
Varada sector
- Baralou: homeworld of Krikthasi (mollusks) race, water world rich in gems (sasho, etc.), headquarters of Aqualis Food Conglomerate (bestrum algae)
- Bestal III: sole source of Vortal trees (medicinal seeds), orbited by Kadal asteroid field (rich in aluminite and corax ore) [NB: later owned by Alara Fax]
- Dyspeth: moon, center of 'Disciples of Twilight' Force sect (light-aligned), specialized in light-bending techniques (illusions, Force cloak, shadow vision)
- Marat V: homeworld of S'kytri race (winged humans), pending petition to join CNS! [NB: site of Skye Citadel? formerly controlled by Zeta Magnus, CIS?]
- Rhamalai: agriworld, center of Cherishite religious sect, protected by post-Ruusan Jedi Lord
- Varada V: sector capital, industrial economy controlled by SoroSuub Corporation, site of SoroSuub regional headquarters
Tunka sector
- Absit: homeworld of Yatir race (humanoids), neutral!
- Thakwaa: homworld of Thakwaash race (horse-men with multiple personalities), isolated agriworld
Rayter sector
- Karra: homeworld of Karran hive-mind race (insectivores), inhospitable and unexploited mining planet rich in varmigio (hyperdrive cores)
- Gastrula: homeworld of Gastrulan race (gastropods), atmosphere contains naturally-occurring LSD
- Pako Ramoon: high-tech industry, headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries (starships, notably hyperspace transports ring for Jedi interceptors), neutral!
Koradin sector
- Abridon: industrial planet, headquarters of Abridon Shipyard (Incom), site of Killik citadel-hive used as seat of government
- Sump: homeworld of Nuknog race, formerly enslaved mining planet, site of pre-Ciaran humanitarian efforts, anti-Senate but neutral
- Virgillia VII: sector capital, main battlefield of Virgillian Civil War (between 'Aristocracy' and 'Free Alignment' factions), site of disastrous Jedi mission
Kriz sector
- Banvhar: asteroid field, site of Banvhar Station, headquarters of Banvhar Combine (miners)
Anoat subsector (Greater Javin)
- Allyuen: one of four Mining Worlds, icy planet rich in chromite, controlled by Figg Excavations (Mining Guild)
- Anoat: depopulated ecumenopolis, sector capital (center of 'Noble Court' aristocracy), former Ugnaught mining colony, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Bespin: gas giant rich in tibanna gas (energy); site of Cloud City (platform-city), Ugnorgrad (Ughnaught colony-city), Tibannopolis (abandoned platform-city), [NB: and BesGas Three (droid-run colony); location of Chu'unthor II praxeum-ship and mobile enclave, center of 'Altisian Jedi' Force sect]
- Cloud City: platform over Bespin (built by Incom, controlled by Figg & Associates), home of Voras the Hutt, center of 'Ivax Syndicate' (Anoat criminal organization), headquarters of Bespin Motors, Ugnaught Mechanics Union, and Bioniip Laboratories (cybernetics), site of Administrator's Palace, Paradise Atrium, Royal Park, Port Town (shadowport), Trest (casino), Royal Casino, Yarith Bespin (hotel), Grand Bespin Hotel, and SkyCenter Galleria
- Burnin Konn: one of four Mining Worlds, center of Trade Spine League (smugglers), rich in dolovite and kammris ores, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Darlyn Boda: Yarkora colony world, headquarters of Ivax Syndicate and Trade Spine League, biggest shadowport in Greater Javin
- Delphon IV: headquarters of the Black Hole Pirates (slavers)
- Gentes: homeworld of Ugnaught race (subterranean pig-men), plagued by slave raids, site of Sith Academy (trained warriors & marauders)
- Gerrenthum: heavily urbanized trade hub in Greater Javin region, headquarters of Figg Excavations and Figg & Associates, neutral!
- Hoth: homeworld of Skel race, Wampa and Tauntaun species, ice planet, orbited by massive mineral-rich exogorth-infested asteroid field
- Ione: urbanized trade hub, sole staging point for four Mining Worlds, controlled by Figg & Associates
- Isis: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Gutretree race (crystals), crystalline planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Ivax Nebula: colony of purrgil species (deep-space whales), asteroid field rich in Clouzon-36 (fuel), site of Mining Guild gas refinery
- Mataou: former throneworld of Gnuda kajidic (Hutt), homeworld of ro hypa species (venomous, some medicinal uses), center of 'Kouhun' assassins, site of Necropolis (Hutt burial ground, source of 'Waters of Truth' ritual poison), Gnuda Estate (abandoned) [NB: populated with Hutt Guard Droids and mining droids], and Shrine of Dynasties
- Nothoiin: homeworld of Nothoiin race (goldskin, intuitive pilots), orbited by crystalline moon rich in ur-diamonds, mining planet
- Tokmia: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Oku race, ice planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Varonat: adopted homeworld of Morodin race (herbivores), site of Great Jungle, rich in Yagaran aleudrupe planet (delicacy) [NB: can use as blaster fuel]
Yarith subsector (Greater Javin)
- Isde Naha: heavily industrialized trade hub in Greater Javin region, site of Figg & Associates branch offices (engineering and financial center)
- Lutrillia: homeworld of Lutrillian race (nomads), desert planet with heavily populated mobile platform-cities, rich in ochroid dust
Wazta sector
- Cuthbern: barren moon, heavily industrialized Republic foundry constructing high-quality weapons
- Lotho Minor: homeworld of junker race (cyborg scavengers), junkyard world orbited by 'Wreck Belt' debris field, [NB: current location of Darth Maul]
- Oko E: volcanic resort world, known for 'wild-water rafting' down streams of molten sulfur
- Ryoone: homeworld of Lyunesi race (gifted linguists), [NB: and five other (unnamed) sentient races], inhospitable ash world
Bri'ahl sector
- Bri'ahl: homeworld of Bri'ahl race and Bri'ahlian mammoth species, lush agriworld, neutral!
- Lanteeb: isolated agriworld, rich in damotite & trenomite (industrial chemicals), [NB: site of Lok Durd's bioweapon lab], controlled by Trade Federation
Stensen sector
- Mastare: childhood home of Rahm Kota (Jedi General, recruited at age 18), sole source of mestare lightsaber crystals (anti-cortosis, curved blade)
- Verkuyl: isolated industrial world with widespread alazhi forests (bacta ingredient!), home of Corlin Quarle Deld, headquarters of Verkuylian BactaCo
Fusai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Fusai: site of Obroa-Skai branch library (affiliated with Celebratus Archive), [NB: home of 'Mistress Mnemos' (artificial intelligence in a supercomputer)]
Iknomin subsector (Outer Zuma)
Kakani subsector (Outer Zuma)
Sugai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Firrerre: homeworld of Firrerreo race (gold-skinned regenerating humans), site of Great Falls spaceport
Spar subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Abbaji: forest planet, site of Irugian Rain Forest, sole source of firethorn trees (ludicrously expensive)
Inner Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Kuna's Eye: orbited by mineral-rich protoplanetary disk, site of Mote (shadowport catering to prospectors and small mining companies)
- Kuna's Tooth: mining world with chemical processing plants, sole source of 'Rokna Blue' (narcotic), site of Doestes High Port
- Maya Kovel: homeworld of Ayrou race (gifted intelligence gathering), colonized and control rest of sector, neutral!
- Qina: moon of gas giant Hanchin, site of Inicus Mont (religious retreat and shrine for Vashan pilgrims)
- Ovise III: Ayrou colony world, industrial economy, headquarters of Tripartite Lines (shipping)
- Ovise V: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, orbited by mining platforms and two populated moons (Midakos and Midakinos) with biodome cities
- Thonner: Ayrou penal colony, homeworld of Cxala race (fishermen, human/Kian'thar cross-breed), archipelago world with aquaculture economy
- Vasha: homeworld of Vashan race (hard-working insectoids), heavily populated mining planet controlled by Ayrou
Outer Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Ast Kikorie: recently abandoned (!) Republic astrocartographic research outpost, site of Kikorie Station (control center for orbital ring of telescopes)
- Din Pulsar: 5000-year-old supernova, orbited by Din Crystal (planet-sided diamond, hardened core of a former gas giant with atmosphere stripped away)
- Dor: planetoid in Endor system, rich in phobium (power cells), doonium (starship hulls), zersium, neutronium, lommite (durasteel), iron and gold
- Endor: 'forest moon', homeworld of Ewok, Yuzzum, and wistie (fairy) races [NB: dozens more?], rich in sun crystals, site of many starship wrecks
- Linear Miasma: nebula in Endor system, site of Onyx Beacon (space station), headquarters of Endorian Researchers Guild, ravaged by Blacklight Pirates
- Sanyassa IV: homeworld of Sanyassan race (ape warriors), headquarters of Sanyassan Marauders (pirate fleet)
- Zorbia: insular Corellian colony world, headquarters of Zorbian space pirates
Ablajeck subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Xal III: ice planet, original headquarters of Armorers' Confederacy (black market weapons technicians, best in Outer Rim)
As she watched her interviewer move to a chair strategically placed a few inches higher than her own, Joo Lee mused that standard intimidation tactics really didn't take into account the chance that the target was already used to everyone towering over them.
"This is Abyss Watcher Seeker Captain Albren Jir, beginning personalized debrief for Abyss Watcher Seeker Joo Lee. Please state your name and serial number for the record."
Joo Lee straightened up a bit and cleared her throat. "I am Seeker Joo Lee, serial number 421-1138."
"So, Joo Lee, you and Squad Gamma were sent to infiltrate the Techno Union regional headquarters on Ryloth. Please start from the beginning of the mission."
She nodded. "Right. The team and I were scoping out the exterior of the building and confirming our infiltration route-"
"Aww, come on, again!?"
"Joo Lee, if the Lord didn't want you squeezing through air vents, he wouldn't have made you a meter tall. Now quit whining and get going, it's only 30 meters to the surveillance room," Scratch said as he gestured into the open air duct on the side of the building. "Just disable the droid overseeing things, slice the cameras and it's a cakewalk to the control center."
Grumbling quietly to herself, Joo Lee squirmed into the tight confines of the duct and started making her way into the darkness, following the path on her holographic display to the target. Six months of basic on Kaleesh, with months of specialized training after that, and it felt like all she'd done in the past year on the job was shimmy through tunnels. She was honored to be chosen to work for Lady Ciaran's own personal organization, but this wasn't exactly what she had in mind when she volunteered.
Finally, the target vent was up ahead. Wait, were those voices? They sounded too natural to be vocoders. Joo Lee silently crawled up the last few meters and took a peek inside the room.
Two humans were talking to each other, one standing in the doorway and one in the surveillance control booth.
"Still, it sucks that you got stuck on monitor duty. What are the odds?"
"Higher than you'd think. You'd think that for a megacorp that centers on droid manufacture, the Union would be able to make a command droid that doesn't break down every couple months."
"Ha! You're lucky they don't bother bugging the console room, or you'd be on refab duty instead."
"Yeah. Anyway, it ain't all bad. You just watch the screens, drink some caf. Try not to fall asleep."
The man at the doorway shook his head. "If you say so, Lo. Anyway, I'll see you at lunch."
"Yeah, see you," Lo said as the man walked away, turning back to the console screens. Joo Lee started nervously scratching at the fur around her jawline. Damn it, this wasn't supposed to be happening! Her ion grenades and blaster were less than useless against a human target, and her stun blaster would be louder than a roaring phalone in close confines. ...But there was the vibroknife. A textbook leap out the chute and target the neck-
No! She wasn't going to kill a man for convenience. Pawing more frantically at her face, Joo Lee furiously formulated and discarded plan after plan, trying to find a way to silently neutralize the surveillance system without-
"Wait, what is that?", Lo says as he pulls up a camera image to the main screen. There, behind a refuse pile, a peek of a shoe and the tip of a blaster rifle. Damn it, Kaird was out of position! Lo pulled up a command mic and phoned the patrol droids to investigate. No, no, the droids were coming out of their route, they were going to have the rest of the squad blindsided. They turned the corner, blasters raised. Caught flat-footed, they tried to respond, but before they could even bring their blasters up, the droids opened fire-
Joo Lee blinked rapidly, back at the air vent watching Lo idly watching the screens. What...was that?
"Wait, what is that?" Lo mirrored her thoughts as he pulled up a camera image to the main screen. There, behind a refuse pile, a peek of a shoe and the tip of a blaster rifle. She watched Lo go to grab the command mic, as if in slow motion.
A light squeal as the grate is pushed out of the wall.
The gentle hum of a vibroknife in her hand.
The shocked face of Lo as he starts to turn around.
For the next several moments, the only thing Joo Lee is aware of is a rushing, pumping sound in her ears. Things start filtering in one at a time. A steady drip. A warm dampness on the fur of her hands. The feeling of air raggedly passing through her lungs. A voice on her headset.
"Joo Lee, do you copy? What's going on in there, are we good to proceed?" Scratch asked impatiently in her ear.
Gulping, Joo Lee activated her line. "Y-yeah. I mean, n-no! Almost, just need to slice the cameras." Ducking under the command booth, Joo Lee started slicing into the systems, struggling not to start screaming.
Idly kneading her tail with her hands under the table, Joo Lee looks up at Captain Jir. "The mission proceeded as planned after that. Scratch and the rest of the squad got the data and left the bug. Kaird and Scratch disposed of the body, cleanup was without issue."
Jir nods as she wraps up the report. "Thank you, Seeker. As per policy, you'll be scheduled time with a counselor to talk about the more charged parts of the mission. You should receive the appointment times by tomorrow, attendance is mandatory." He looks a bit to the side, apparently listening to something on his audio bead. "That will conclude our debriefing, Seeker, but I'll ask that you wait here one moment. There's someone who wishes to speak with you."
Just like that, Captain Jir exits the debriefing room, and a few moments later, the door opens, revealing-
Joo Lee gasps lightly as her ears perk up. Kygeetu San Torgh! Abysswalker and right hand lady to Ciaran! She sits up straight and does her best to look composed. Oh, no, if an Abysswalker wanted to talk, then-
"Be at ease, Seeker Joo Lee," Kygeetu says as she walks over to the over chair, sits down, and turns off the debriefing recorder. "Tell me...what do you know of The Force?"
AN: And there you have it. Joo Lee, the Lurmen Abysswalker. Timeline wise, I figure she joined the Abyss Watchers shortly after Mygeeto was incorporated into the CIS.
AN: It looks like I'm too late, but I've got a 2k omake that I'm quite proud of, so I'm going to post it anyway. Maybe she'll just be an Agent and will have to wait until next time to graduate to Abysswalker.
Koyi loved her job.
That was what she thought as she wiggled her way into her tightly-fitted silken gown, applied her makeup, and adjusted her headdress so it would sit just right. This was one of the more successful cantina franchises on Nar Shaddaa, and the girls each had their own dressing rooms that they could rent if they were working that night. That was how it tended to go on Nar Shaddaa - all the girls were essentially free agents at the more respectable establishments.
She knew she was lucky. This much independence, discretion, and income? She had worked in dozens of cantinas like this across the galaxy and there were a lot of people who had far less control than she did.
She sashayed her way onto the stage and did her little song and dance. It was on one hand mostly a transparent excuse to have the girls there - most of the Hutt systems didn't outlaw prostitution, but many of the Republic banking worlds did. Putting "performer" on your tax returns was a lot safer than trying to navigate the intricacies of multiple legal jurisdictions saying different thing about your job. On the other hand, it was actually kind of interesting even if you weren't there for titillation. There was a huge range of what different species considered sexy, and she had to admit a certain academic interest in the way those artistic ideas interacted with various dance, music, and in one case even religious traditions. In another life, perhaps she could have been an anthropologist, or maybe some other type of performer. Despite what she usually used the talent for, she had originally learned to sing as a hobby, after all.
As she made her way off the stage to mingle with the crowd, she met eyes and gave a small smile now and then. She spotted her vict - er, customer at the bar, his red hair bright and obvious.
She made her way there slowly, taking the time to exchange small talk and briefly flirt with a few of the other guests. By the time she had made it all the way down, he had already turned back to face the bartender who was lining up shots. She sat down next to him and leaned against the bar, turning to watch him.
"I saw you staring," she said just as he had raised the first glass partway up to his lips. "Are you here for drinks, or something more?"
He tossed the drink back and then turned to meet her gaze. His eyes immediately dropped down her neckline, lingering there for a moment before scanning the rest of her body. Only after a long moment of regard did he answer. "That depends on what I'm allowed to do with you."
Instead of answering, Koyi glanced at the bartender who slid her a datapad. She handed it to the man, briefly scanned through it. It was the standard information sheet, what was and wasn't allowed in the establishment, there mostly for the girls' safety if a customer wanted more than they had agreed to. It wasn't formally a contract for the same reason they weren't formally employed as callgirls, but for all it's informality, it would be enforced harshly by cantina security, especially here on the smuggler's moon.
"What if I want something that isn't on here?" he asked, his smile edging into predatory.
And this was where the safe thing to do would be to leave. Instead, she let her smile widen to match his. "Then we'd have to...negotiate." She slid off the stool and stood, waiting a moment to let his eye run over her again. "If you're interested, why don't we head to my room?" Then she turned and walked back across the floor to the hallway and out to the other room the casino rented out to each of the performers. She didn't look back - the way he had been reacting, there was no need. She knew he was following.
He closed the door softly when he entered and she turned to face him, stopping only for a moment to grab her credit exchange slip off the table by the entrance. She took a half step toward him, bringing her shoulders in and down and hunching a little. She was already a little short for a twi'lek, but her stance made her feel like he was looming over her and, more importantly, made him feel the same. "So," she began, taking another tentative step forward, "what do you want to do with me that isn't on the list?"
He took a step to meet her, and reached out to grasp her chin, his movements firm and assured. "After hearing your beautiful voice," he said, forcing her to meet his gaze. "I want nothing so much as to hear you scr -"
And then she had jabbed the credit stick into his neck, the hypodermic needle on the bottom entering his skin and injecting the tranquilizer. She didn't bother catching him, and he fell back against the door and slid to the carpet, making two loud thumping sounds. These rooms were soundproofed anyway.
Captain Vasan Egest awoke to find his arms and legs bound. He pulled but the soft black rope wouldn't budge. There was movement to the side and he turned to see the other inhabitant of the room, a small Twi'lek in a deliciously delicate looking gown with skin the perfect shade of blue.
"I think there's" he started, before starting again when it came out a slurred mess. "I think there's been some kind of mistake."
The Twi'lek glanced up briefly before turning her attention back to the datapad she was working on. "No, Captain Egest, there has not," she said her voice flat and absent of the coy flirtatiousness of before. "Unless this man shares your name, face and bank accounts?" At her words the holoprojector at the foot of the bed came to life, displaying half a dozen screens, each running a vid of him with different twi'lek girls, each slight of build and with almost the exact same skin color. Each video showed him meeting with a girl ant a cantina before fast forwarding to him tying her down and beating her until she was no longer moving.
Egest's felt the blood drain from his face. "That's not - " he sputtered, "what is this?"
Only then did the woman meet his eyes and smile. "This is blackmail."
He opened his mouth only to realize he didn't know how to respond. He closed it again.
"Here's how this will work," she began moving over to the bedside and fishing through one of his pockets to pull out a cred stick. "First, I keep this and all of the money you put on it. Second," she dropped the slip onto the side table and picked up the identical one next to it. "You will fill this stick directly from your military issued terminal, the relevant security protocols unfortunately slipping your mind. Precisely two months from now the stick will malfunction and you will destroy it. Do all of that and not only will none of the casinos these videos are taken from start hiring bounty hunters, but the admiral who covered the incidents up the first time will never learn that you're embezzling most of your budget. You will also never enter any of the cantinas my organization is involved with ever again."
It took him a long moment to process all that, the realization of his powerlessness only now becoming clear. His mind stuck on her last order. "Who are you? What - how am I supposed to figure out where I'm not allowed to go?"
The woman smiled and nodded. "Very good. That's exactly the question you should be wondering about." She pulled out yet another credit stick and moved closer to the bed, standing over the man. "Now, when the cleaning crew comes in, you are to tell them that this was part of your request, your service was exemplary, and they are allowed to untie you. You are then to leave the building immediately. We will know if you fail to complete any part of your instructions. Sweet dreams." She jabbed the credit stick's needle into his neck again and he sunk back into unconsciousness.
As the man's struggles stilled Koyi Doroturo smiled. She couldn't help but think one thing.
She loved her job.
Koyi stepped into the Sentient Resources officer's office, feeling a little off balance. She had been informed when she turned in her mission report that SR wanted a meeting "at her earliest convenience." She knew what that meant. She like to think she had seen a lot in her decade of being a working girl, both as a "dancer" at cantinas in the undercity and as one of the Abyss Watcher's eponymous Watchers, but SR? SR people scared her.
"Sit down," the man said, not looking up from his terminal. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble."
Despite his assurance, Koyi couldn't help but compare the way he opened with the way she had begun her discussion with the corrupt captain. Neutral tone of voice, little engagement, denying the target their attention and letting them recognize the position they were in. It didn't bode well for the rest of this discussion.
By the time she had finished her worrying, the man was done with whatever he was doing on his terminal. Now he met her gaze, the intensity of the eye contact jarring in conjunction with the earlier disregard. "I just wanted to ask you a question."
Koyi nodded, uncertain as to where this was going. "Of course."
The man pulled a few reports from his desk and looked through them. "Reading through some of your reports, I couldn't help but see a pattern. You were involved in the Temple Bombing investigation, for instance. Its unusual for CSF officers give that much information to a concerned well-wisher. And yet you invite the man to dinner and he spills half of what the investigation team has found. When you were involved in finding notable clone units it came up too. The right song at the right bar, and a whole battalion was telling stories about the other units they had worked with. I even took a look at your most recent report. You knew exactly where the man kept his cred stick and exactly how to keep him off balance at every turn while still able to follow what you were saying. You have a habit of knowing what your targets want and delivering it in just the right way that you can manipulate them. Of course, that's what we pay you for, but even compared to the other Watchers you're something of an outlier. We make a habit of recommending Matukai training and force testing from anyone who stands out in a field. It's not my job to know things about the force, so I can't say if it's possible you're somehow seeing the future, or feeling their emotions, or something else, but you clearly have talent above and beyond the rest of the watchers. My question is, why haven't you signed up for the classes yet?"
Koyi was stunned into silence for a long moment. When she had finally collected herself enough to speak, she said, "I...didn't think about it at all. I didn't realize my work wasn't normal. If you think it would be a good idea, I could try it…but..."
"I am signing you up for the force potential courses. Please meet in the meditation chamber at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon. That was all." The man turned back to his terminal, dismissing her.
She stood and made her way out of the office, still unsteady from the revelation that her bosses thought she might be reading people's minds. Could she read people's minds? Was that really something the Force could do?
She decided that if it was, she needed to learn it. And just like that, the uncertainty was gone and conviction in its place.
She loved her job, but this might just be even better.
AN: I basically made this because I felt like our Abysswalkers were too heavily focused an combat considering we're mostly notable as an intelligence organization. I also wrote this because I felt like most of our Omakes had the same problem - lots of combat awesomeness, not enough awesome spies. That said, it looks like everyone else had similar ideas, so I guess I can't really complain regardless.
Ciaran stood over the console at the heart of the Foundry, continuing to stare at it like she'd been doing for the past...minutes? She didn't really remember how long it had been since she got here as her thoughts had been occupied by the power now in her hands.
It would be so easy. All she would have to do is press a few buttons and get a proper supply chain set up and then...that would be it. She could simply build up a massive army of droids, weaken both the Republic and Separatists, and then crush them both with a nigh-unending droid army. Or maybe even plant sleeper armies throughout the galaxy by shipping out droids from it to the CIS and other buyers before activating them and having them lay waste to most of her enemies in one fell swoop. The only trick would be protecting the Foundry itself but she would have a fleet to protect it in the early stages, then after planets started surrendering they could supply ships to the defense fleet.
It would be so easy. She wouldn't have to hide from Sidious or anyoneonce she unleashed the full potential of the Foundry. Cheriss could easily create designs that would make the exterminator droids Revan designed seem weak by comparison, to say nothing of the conventional plans she had access to - an entire army of BXs and CB-3s would be just as effective and wouldn't require redesigns. And she wouldn't have to stop at the known galaxy either - once that was pacified she could easily send the unending droid armies into the Unknown Regions. The Ascendancy, Mnggal-Mnggal, no matter what was out there they would simply be drowned in numbers. The galaxy would be hers.
It would be so easy...all she had to do was-
Ciaran launched herself backwards and ignited the Moonlight Blade as Nihilus appeared before her, readying herself to -
"Is something wrong, Lady Ciaran?"
Ciaran blinked, seeing that the room in front of her was completely empty before turning off the Moonlight Blade and facing a visibly concerned Thrawn. "It's...it's nothing. You needed something?"
"Yes, but we should not speak about it here," Thrawn replied, looking around - and to Ciaran's worry he seemed visibly unnerved by his surroundings.
After the two of them walked out of the main chamber and into the corridors, Thrawn spoke again. "I don't know how you feel about this station, but I have come to the conclusion that neither of us can be fully entrusted with it."
Ciaran turned to face Thrawn, face neutral. "Why do you say that you yourself can't be trusted with it?"
"Because I can imagine what can be done with it - and until recently I was fully prepared to use it until I stepped back and considered the consequences. An effectively autonomous station capable of creating entire armies from raw materials alone, and that is specifically designed to locate and retrieve those resources..." He shook his head. "I was examining the schematics in the Foundry's databanks for the drones meant to collect raw materials from the surrounding asteroid field. They were hyperspace-capable...and I could not confirm whether or not they were originally designed like that, but it would not surprise me if the station automatically redesigned its resource collection drones."
He glanced around. "The Foundry...it may seem like a production facility but after studying its functions and considering what would result from activating it I came to an alarming conclusion: This station is a weapon designed to destroy the galaxy as we know it, and a far more insidious one than any number of Devastations. As far as I am aware it does not compel its owner to use it through the Force or any manipulation on its part, but should it be fully activated there would be no end to the blood that would spilled by both its armies and the conflicts it would generate through its existence alone. All it has to do is..."
"Show its owner that using it is easier. Safer," Ciaran quietly said. "Don't worry about loyalty, this station and the forces it builds answer to you alone. Don't worry about logistics, this station will do that for you. Don't worry about strategy, you can just overwhelm your opponents with numbers. All you have to do is want - but once you start using it for war, there's no turning back. It's just too valuable an asset to ignore. Like you said, it may not draw on the Force but it doesn't need the Force to tempt you..." Ciaran shuddered slightly, remembering her sudden glimpse of Nihilus. "...I think I agree. We'll create a defensive force for security reasons, but then..." She looked at Thrawn. "We need to implement some failsafe. One person alone should not be able to control this station. Even the two of us should not have absolute control over this place."
"We share that authority with others, then," Thrawn commented. "And the only way this station would be activated is if all of them agreed. So who-"
"I already know - all of the High Council."
"...I suppose it was a foolish question," Thrawn replied.
"No, it's one that has to be asked. The Foundry should only become fully operational if we absolutely have no other options - and I trust them enough to be able to say 'no' if they really have to."
"Individual codes for each of them that they must each keep to themselves no matter what," Thrawn said to himself. "But what if one of us dies, and takes their code with them when we need it most...? Much as we might wish otherwise, I fear that we must make it a simple majority," he said, having finished his train of thought.
"...Yeah, I guess so."
"On a...slightly less-galaxy changing note, Miss Sair has informed me that she is taking up residence within this station effective immediately," Thrawn causally said, causing Ciaran to groan and facepalm.
"Yeah, that does sound about right, this place is Droid Central after all..."
(Activating the Foundry is now available as a last-resort option for the Palpatine assassination. Thanks to the Foundry's raw production capabilities and Cheriss' willingness to use its systems in ways that its designers probably never intended, her "Culmination of a Dream" action now has a reduced cost and only takes one turn.)
Excerpt from Report #84392: Palpatine Counter-Action Report VI (Submitted by Central Command, Compiled by Thrawn):
If nothing else, we have a weapon of last resort to use against Palpatine. That puts us in a far stronger position than before, but we must be sure that it stays as a last resort.
Aside from that we've made significant inroads with the Republic military thanks to our connections with Yularen, stalled out the "Jedi Acts" to a significant degree, and in general made Palpatine's goals that much more difficult. That being said I am almost certain there will be a significant response soon - be wary.
Do not get overconfident.
Currently Available Significant Assets: Abyss Watchers:
Agent Teams: Force-trained commando units. While skilled against conventional targets, Palpatine himself is likely far out of their reach. Still, with five Walkers on hand, Sair's new devices, and their clear talent in asymmetrical warfare they are a valuable asset nonetheless.
Abysswalkers: At this point we have enough Walkers skilled in a large enough variety of fields for me to actively consider them an asset in their own right. While their abilities may be varied each could potentially play a key role in the battle to come
Oracle Fleet: Between Sienar's modifications to the Oracle itself and the now military-grade fleet supporting it, the Oracle Fleet is a powerful asset for any endeavors we undertake in space.
Invisible Hand: Now that it is capable of leading a fleet on its own, the Invisible Hand is a powerful vessel in its own right. Though it is merely a single ship, even if Sienar's refit has made it far more dangerous than any others of its class.
Arkanian Legacy: If push comes to shove we will likely be able to encourage the Arkanians to provide the ship's services for whatever ends.
Chu'unthor: As a warship its value is rather limited. I doubt it would be useful in a battle, but given its sheer size and past history it may be able to serve as a potential evacuation vessel for the Jedi if things become truly desperate.
Decimators: Prototype heavy tanks, viable as a desperation tactic for a possible full-scale assault of some variety.
SSS: We have an in at the Senate with them and with the additional training they've been given they should be able to hold the line until potential reinforcements arrive.
Tyro: Skilled in the Blazing Chains enough that he might be a viable asset, but I question how effective he'll be against Palpatine himself or potential acolytes. Still, I've heard that he is still striving to improve himself even now, so he has hardly lost his skill.
The Silencer: A skilled warrior to be sure, and with ysalamiri support he would be deadly to any Force-using opponents. Now that he is formally registered as a clone trooper he would be a much more effective infiltrator.
Grievous: Now that we have ysalamiri, Greivous' leadership capabilities and prowess as a warrior will be a valuable asset.
Thrawn: While I admit ysalamiri would be helpful in direct combat I'm sure you understand I would be far better as an overall commander.
Asajj: One of the two people we can reliably trust to possibly confront Palpatine himself if necessary; given her continued increase in abilities she stands a far better chance against Palpatine.
Ciaran: My previous comments on your abilities stand.
HK-47: Between his refurbished frame and Miss Sair's upgrades, HK-47 is now a quite useful weapon in our arsenal. I am uncertain as to whether he could kill Palpatine on his own, but if his record against Force users in his prime is any indication he is quite a valuable asset.
Jango Fett: Having the Mand'alor present gives us quite a bit of pull with the Mandalorian Guardians, to say nothing about his connections to other Mandalorian mercenaries/recluses/what have you or the capabilities of his partner Zam Wessel. Of course he will have ysalamiri support when the time comes.
The Foundry: Our weapon of last resort. If all else fails, we can use the production capabilities of the station to simply drown Palpatine in an unending droid army. However I cannot stress enough that this will cause considerable instability and conflict in the galaxy should it be fully utilized.
Anti-Palpatine Coalition: Consisting of Senators such as Mon Mothma, Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, and so on, with our aid they are now a significant force within the Senate. While Palpatine still has considerable influence within it, the coalition is now far more capable of stalling any of his measures and providing potential political stability in the aftermath of our mission.
Currently almost all (see notes) Jedi Order candidates barring our contacts within the Sentinels are deemed too unreliable; should they receive the information about Palpatine's Sith Lord status they likely would act rashly and get themselves killed or cause catastrophic political fallout - to say nothing about potentially igniting more internal strife given recent events. We should continue to look outside the Order for any potential allies.
Jedi Sentinels: Given their actions in Operation Excision, we can confirm that they will act against the wishes of the Council if they deem it necessary. That pragmatism makes them both useful and far easier to manipulate. Of course, we need to be sure that they do not learn too much, but if they deal with a loose end for us then that would hardly be an issue.
Ahsoka Tano: While not a formal member of the Order she is still a capable leader and skilled combatant despite her young age. (I know what you are probably thinking, and I assure you that I am entirely unbiased in that regard.)
I will leave it to your discretion on how to interact with the Corellian and Tython Jedi.
Republic Military:
Kal Skirata: Skirata's deserter network is still going strong, and our nano-droids have ensured that any troopers that have joined him do not have the biochips implanted within them. To say nothing of our sabotage on Kamino. Between them, the Null ARCs, and the potential assistance of Miss Tur-Mukan they are a strong asset in our favor. I am somewhat uncertain as to Ovolot's usefulness in the long term, but I cannot deny that her ability to produce an antigen to FG36 is well worth it.
501st Legion: One of the most prominent groups in the Republic military and that has been at the front of many key battles during the war. Having them on our side is not only excellent for having more numbers but the propaganda value cannot be denied either.
Wullf Yularen: While his skills as an admiral are impressive, the real coup with him is the amount of access he has to Republic intelligence networks as well as a long list of private contacts. To say nothing of him taking the initiative with his own subversion operations.
Confederacy of Independent Systems:
Count Dooku: I honestly cannot believe that you managed to get through to him. I also question whether he is that reliable, but you have been reassuring me that is the case. At any rate the only major factor preventing him from becoming a more active asset is Quinlan Vos.
Council of Neutral Space:
CNS Military: Now that the local military has proper support, funding, and command structure, they can assist in not only stabilizing Council space in the event of a collapse of the Republic government, but if push comes to shove we may be able to use them as support against Palpatine. Possibly.
CNS "Government": With the completion of the assembly hall on Taris and the fact that many prominent CNS leaders have begun meeting there to discuss mutual defense pacts and the like, it is now clear that should the Republic collapse in its entirety we will be able to build up a legitimate government in that situation.
Bothan Spynet: The Bothans are certainly considered to be the best spies and intel gatherers in the galaxy for a reason; simply look at our own Master Terrek for proof. While relaying Palpatine's true identity to them is far too risky, they certainly have enough intelligence and the willingness to share it with us (for a price) to consider their contributions worthwhile.
Seti Ashgad: He is now acting as a shadow leader for the Anti-Palpatine Coalition and is doing what he can to support them. He is also helping direct Incom's movement of materiel from Fresia to Taris.
Talesan Fry's Codebreaker: A remarkable device to be sure. Simply having it around will be of incredible use for both our long-term operations as well as getting more reliable data during our main operation - and even if it is destroyed we can now have the man himself build a new one.
Ysalamiri: While I have already discussed them to some extent earlier, I cannot overstate just how vital these will be given that they can repel the Force. Negating the abilities of any acolytes of Palpatine and potentially Palpatine himself makes them an incredibly valuable asset.
Blackguard: Having them around as potential allies will be quite useful, and their enthusiasm at finding new Force abilities to study even more useful still.
We should be wary. Now that we are beginning to show our hand Palpatine has all the more reason to treat us as a much more serious threat.
Current Probability Of Successfully Neutralizing Palpatine: 14%
(Note: Probability Calculation omitted use of the Foundry as per request of Thrawn, probability of success presumed to be considerably higher should the Foundry be fully activated)
AN: I know some people are probably going to be mad at me (er...again, man I am not making a lot of friends right now ) because of the Foundry thing, but to be honest using it for any reason barring building prototypes or the like...well...it's gonna end poorly for the rest of the galaxy. It may not be as flashy as a Death Star but the Foundry is easily capable of causing infinitely more casualties in its own way.
Not to worry though, the Rumor Mill will return to the proper amounts of Fun that you lot have been waiting for. Some things are going to be happening now that we are entirely off the rails of mainline canon at this point...
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(Omake) Report on the Foundry's Mental Effects (Canon)
Oooo nice omake there Marlowe, now let me share one of my own. It's not the one I wanted to write but it's an omake nevertheless and one in-line with most of my previous ones.
Final Report on the Mental Influence of Rakatan Artifact Known as 'The Foundry' on the Mind
By Doctor Ruundal Kool
While my studies and practice focus mostly upon the direct understanding of sentient minds, this is not the first time I have been called upon to study something outside of that relatively narrow purview. Most often though, this has been limited to the mentality behind organizations and political parties.
In this case, I have studied and attempted to understand the mental influence that The Foundry has upon sentients that board it. As I am not a Force user, nor even the slightest bit sensitive to the Force, I have been forced to rely on the observations of others to determine if the Force is in some way influencing them to my frustration. Not being able to directly acquire data points myself has unfortunately rendered me unable to completely rule out that some form of Force influence that is completely undetectable to the Force-sensitives of the Abyss Watchers is at work. I do not, however, believe the Force to be the primary influence in this situation if it even is one in the first place.
No, I rather pin the blame for this reaction in those upon the station on the physical design of the station itself.
It is well known and understood in medical circles how the environment can have effects upon the mental state of sentient beings. From the slight but simple alterations in the alignment of objects to inaudible waves of infrasound, it is possible to induce thoughts of paranoia and hysteria in individuals as well as outright hallucinations. It is my belief that the desire to use The Foundry is caused by way of similar methods, only ones that have been refined far beyond the current understanding of our medical sciences.
While studying the potential sources and effects of whatever infrasound is present aboard the station exceeds my purview, understanding the effects that the mere design of the station has upon sentient beings does not. To this end, I asked for and received permission to share a carefully curated selection of images of The Foundry with some of my associates under the strictest of confidences.
Among these associates were an architectural historian, a behavioral scientist, an art historian, and a plethora of other degrees from the most prestigious colleges and universities and institutes in the galaxy. In accordance with standard policies, I do understand that these associates will remain under observation for some time to ensure that knowledge of those images does not leak.
With that said, what my colleagues reported back to me as their own observations and beliefs about the structure of the Foundry has only served to confirm my own suspicions about the installation.
This conclusion is that the desire to use the Foundry is something directly inherent in the physical structure of the Foundry.
This is to say that the design of the Foundry encourages the psychological desire to use it. Every line, every corner, every walkway, paint color, odor and lightbulb was put in place in specific positions at specific color frequencies and directions to encourage the desire to use the Foundry. The most basic comparison I could make to help understand this is how simply standing upon the edge of a high location will bring about the same brief urge in nearly all individuals; The urge to jump.
While these responses are drastically different, they are close enough to be understandable parallels. The difference here is that where an individual can see, comprehend, and subsequently dismiss the urge to jump, the Foundry is dozens of orders of magnitude more subtle than the simple edge of a cliff, and is subsequently so much more insidious. In truth, it was Raith Seinar who provided me with the most succinct and comprehensible explanation after I received clearance to explain a bare bit more about the source of those images.
"Ruundal, in truth I had already suspected it beforehand, but the confirmation that those sections of hallway and the like belong to some sort of war machine that Ciarann's group located does not surprise me. What does surprise me, however, is that Thrawn did not pick up on this first as I feel this sort of analysis was more in his wheelhouse than my own given his deep interest in art and design.
That said though, with the larger sample of images and the few holographic blueprints I was provided I now believe I understand how this desire to compulsively use this ship or installation works. The sharp and aggressive lines in corners used so frequently in the construction of this object encourage more aggressive thought patterns, as do the darker interior colors and the color spectrum of the lights. The consequences of which should need no explanation.
The more subtle curves and shadows serve to help direct the mind to follow its current train of thought. This is not necessarily insidious on its own, but becomes much more so when paired with my next observation.
The few examples I was shown of the interface panels are clean and elegant in their simplicity. If I were to physically access them, I have no doubt that system behind them would be almost painfully straightforward and quick to understand in its simplicity. In other words, it is designed to make the user think about just how easy it would be to actually use the systems.
Now when you take these three notes into account, you clearly see that you have a physical design that is meant to encourage darker, more aggressive, and quite possibly more violent thoughts. You have a design that encourages you to think of it as simple, easy to use and easy to understand, and thus easy to master. And finally, you have subtle design elements that encourage the being in charge of this ship or installation to follow their thoughts about said ship or installation to their inevitable conclusion:
That it would be so very simple to use it against the targets of their ire.
Elements of these aesthetics can be seen in almost every design of warship, battle station, and defensive installation ever built from the distant past to the current present and likely into the far distant future.
The Sith designs of the long past Great Galactic War and the still more ancient Sith vessels of the Jedi Civil War were superb examples of the first observation I made of encouraging aggressive thoughts, though this was mostly limited to the fighter craft fielded in the latter case such as the Mark VI Supremacy.In the former example, it is difficult to find a design of vessel that doesn't exhibit crisp lines and aggressively sharp angles. Indeed, to a one nearly all of the Sith small craft of that era -and indeed some of their larger vessels like the Harrower-class dreadnought- feature forward facing wings shaped all too similarly to the claws or talons one would find on an apex predator or a predatory avian. These design elements all served to encourage pilots to be more aggressive and to view their opponents as prey rather than opponents or enemies.
The Old Republic's Centurion-class battlecruisers of the Mandalorian Wars serve as a lesser display of this design school on the outside, but their interiors were much more aggressively designed if what little information about them is any indication.
The Interdictor-class cruisers that saw use under the banners of Revan and Malak in the Jedi Civil War serve to exemplify my second conclusion. Their sharp angles are few and far between, but the long, smooth curves of their hulls encourage both the viewer and the user to imagine something akin to an apex ocean predator... And from there it encourages them to think of just what said predator would do if roused to action. In a way, this serves as both an enhancer of aggression and a deterrent. It boosts the effects of the sharp design elements to encourage aggression while also encouraging potential opponents to imagine what would happen if that aggression were directed their way.
Now, on the subject of ease of use and simplistic design elements, the Sith fighters of the Jedi Civil War are an outstanding example. The few (sometimes partially) preserved examples all demonstrate a clean, utilitarian design philosophy that encourages any user to think that they can use and master the fighter craft. And indeed this is often the case to my understanding given the fact that records state how raw recruits sometimes had less than eight hours of training before being deployed into live combat to surprisingly good results. Their casualty rates were still quite high, but that can be fire attributed to the fact that these fighters lacked any form of shielding rather than poor usage by the pilots.
So as I hope I've made clear, these design elements are not uncommon in the construction of military assets. What is uncommon is the incorporation is all three of them. Even more uncommon is the exclusion of any sort of a diluting aspect that would be caused the personal stylistic preferences of the builders of this object.
And finally, it is entirely unheard of -at least in my experience- for these three elements to be so flawlessly incorporated into one another and optimized to such a ludicrous extent that they produce such a noticeable and inexorable desire in those present.
In short, whatever Ciaran has found, it is nothing less than a weapon, and a weapon designed to encourage its owner to use it. It is fascinating but also deeply disturbing in my opinion Ruundal, and given that this... thing was found and explored by Ciaran... Well, I can only hope that she has recognized its true nature -something which I am encouraged to believe thanks to your contact- and that she keeps the hell away from it.
Dare say, I even hope she destroys it if such a thing is possible, but I've known Ciaran long enough to discount such a possibility. Much more likely in my opinion, is that she has stashed it somewhere far, far away from prying eyes and is saving it for a rainy day. A day which I dare say I hope never comes. This design philosophy does not need the backing of someone with Ciaran's resources.
That said, if you have any more issues like this, please let me know. This was a delightful if deeply unsettling way to spend a decent bit of otherwise boring time."
So while still quite verbose in his explanation, Raith's analysis of the Foundry agrees with my own beliefs and the observations of thirteen other individuals of various educational bents while stating such in a much more concise manner than any of my more academic colleagues.
In short, it is the very physical nature of the Foundry to inspire those aboard to use it and given the orevelance of self repairing systems and Rakatan engineering, I cannot say whether or not a mere redesign of the interior would have any effect on this. In fact, I somehow doubt that there would be any difference for some reason I can only call gut instinct.
Now with my own observations made alongside Raith's summation and rather stringent recommendations for what should be the fate of the Foundry, I hope that this report proves useful to Lady Ciaran and her council.
Galactic News: Jedi Acts Face Renewed Debate: After the dramatic turn to the proceedings of the first variant of the so-called "Jedi Acts" the Senate has become embroiled in a new round of debate over any potential new laws. While there is a general agreement that something should be done there has been considerable difficulty in creating laws that the entire Senate can actually agree upon.
Pride of the Core Launched: In response to the Separatist fleet-killer destroying Republic Navy groups the Republic has launched a Mandator-class dreadnought specifically tasked to hunting down the mysterious weapon. However it remains to be seen if the mighty vessel will even have a chance of fighting against its mysterious nemesis.
(Note from Gulan: This is much worse news than it sounds like. The cat-and-mouse game these two ships are playing runs the risk of the Malevolence moving through CNS space to try and shake the Pride's pursuit. And since there's no official way to confirm the ship exists or that the transport convoys and patrols it might destroy on the way weren't random pirate attacks...you can see the problem. Normally I'd be confident that Dooku could keep its captain in line, but given what else has been going on, well...)
Galactic Games Held On Taris: The Tarisian Galactic Games have proved to be incredibly successful, attracting thousands of spectators from across the galaxy to the reborn ecumenopolis. To the surprise of few the majority of the games were ultimately won by Team Mandalore though they were in close competition with Team Kalee in some of the games.
Honoghr Devastated By Separatist Bioweapon Tests: Reports have come in from the Outer Rim world of Honoghr that a horrific Separatist bioweapon has been let loose on the planet, causing catastrophic damage to the planet's ecology and risking horrific long-term damage to the planet. This has sparked numerous cries of outrage across both Republic and CNS worlds alike, and movements have already started to provide aid to the devastated planet.
Underworld News: Catastrophically Failed Assault On Mandalore: The Zabrak duo that has been stalking the underworld in recent days along with the vast majority of their forces were completely destroyed in a failed attack on Mandalore. Details about the precise events are somewhat sketchy but what is known from the battle's few survivors was that it was an attempt to sack Sundari and the surrounding area, and many of the people participating in the attack were uncharacteristically berserk even by the standards of some of the more fearsome mercenaries involved in the attack.
The Kidnapping of Galen Erso: Bounties have begun to circulate throughout various circles for information on the location of the renowned polymath Galen Erso, though it is currently unclear as to who has been sending them out. Whatever the case may be the mysterious employer is said to be willing to pay a high price for the chance to locate the missing scientist.
Organization News: Foundry Secured: After fierce battles on the remaining decks of the station the legendary Foundry has finally been fully secured. However Ciaran almost immediately announced that the station would only be used for the barest minimum of prototype production and droid experimentation unless a state of emergency was declared. She has gone on record saying that "should the station be fully activated for whatever reason, the chain of events caused by it would destroy the galaxy as we know it. We cannot afford to go down that path unless we have no other choice."
Bafflement Over PR-1/Priam's Redesign: Many members of the Watchers have been rather baffled by the radical redesign PR-1 has gone through and have reported confusion at seeing someone who looks like a young blindfolded man in the place of the 3P0 unit they have been working with. While this has had no negative effects on morale, some have been actively questioning what drove Cheriss to go with that particular design.
Opening Relationships With Chiss Ascendancy: Kiln has recently been abuzz with the news that the Abyss Watchers have been given permission to actively trade with the Chiss Ascendancy, albeit heavily supervised. Still the news has prompted noticeable excitement among the system's inhabitants, as they are curious about what could be gained from the transaction.
Lady Ciaran,
Our people have received word that Admiral Trench has taken a significant fleet with him and gone completely dark, and all of our efforts to track him have so far failed. While under normal circumstances I would expect him to strike at a Republic world recent events have led both myself and Commander Tano to believe that he has been ordered to strike at a Council world given our interference with the Jedi Acts and presumably other actions on your part. Regrettably we can provide no other information aside from that - we will do whatever we can to locate him but I would recommend that you expect the worst. Trench is an incredibly devious being and there is no telling what his plans may be.
Given recent events you should also be made aware of the captain of the Pride of the Core - Maarisa Zsinj, who has garnered a considerable reputation as an admiral of the Outland Regions Security Forces. I suspect this move was largely political, as she is distant enough from the Tarkins to avoid stigma but close enough to them that any victories on her part will help strengthen them, as they are staunch supporters of Palpatine. She is proud to the point of arrogance, but given her ability it is somewhat justified. More worryingly she is a firm believer in the concept of "shock and awe" and is almost completely unrestrained in her fights. She will do whatever she deems necessary to claim victory.
-Wullf Yularen
Your reports on Trench's disappearance are indeed accurate, and much to my dismay I can confirm that they were orders directly from my master that I had no idea were given until his ships vanished. While I cannot determine what his orders actually were, I can confirm that he has enough ships with him to at minimum heavily damage any world he targets. Thankfully with your help I have been able to move far more freely and I am doing what I can to minimize the potential political fallout, but I can only do so much with a disaster of this scale looming on the horizon without betraying our alliance. That being said I can provide you some aid, namely all of the records on Trench's personal and military history that you and Mitth'raw'nurudo can analyze. And as far as I determine, my master's direct interference was solely to ensure that his will was carried out - he still does not seem to be aware of my betrayal as of yet.
Unfortunately I cannot ensure the loyalty of the Malevolence as it is currently being captained by the Super Tactical Droid "Kalani" and there is virtually nothing I can do at this point to prevent my master from simply overriding his current commands. At the very least though I can send you information on the current location of the Malevolence in case it does unexpectedly change course.
May the Force be with you,
(P.S. Also I can indeed confirm that the disaster on Honoghr was entirely my master's doing as well. Please stop sending me messages expressing your frustration about the overabundance of bioweapons in the galaxy.)
AN: *insert evil laughter here*
You want a challenge? Here's your challenge!
Also on a semi-related note it's really cool that Clone Wars is actually getting finished, but since we're so far off the rails at this point I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ANY NEW EVENTS IT INTRODUCES! MWAHAHAHAHAHA - okay I'm done now.
Edit: Also introducing the captain of the Pride! Have fun with that.
Current Treasury: 1531
Current Income: 13754
Current Upkeep: 3084
Martial: Xruk's training has become harsher than ever to prepare the troops. Meanwhile OOM-9 has now been running more complex simulations to start getting plans in order for the attack on Palpatine.
Pick 2:
[] Black Ops (Republic): Given that you're now on the same-ish side as Dooku, it only makes sense that you should prevent a Republic victory by any means necessary. Chance of Success: 85% Cost: 50 Reward: Republic war effort damaged
[] Mercenary Work: Jabba's offered to hire on some of your mercenaries for work within Hutt Space should you ever require additional credits to make ends meet. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Income from mercenary contracts
[] Let's Vary Piracy, With A Little Burglary: While it would be awkward if you attacked a CIS planet at this point, there's certainly plenty of planets in Republic space worth targeting. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Loot, selected area destabilized and potential recruit for the CNS
-[] Write in
[] Hyperspace Lane Pirating: A step beyond just targeting a system or two, this would be launching a series of pirate raids on a hyperspace lane in the galaxy. While the Republic is fully aware of how important these lanes are, the loot would be incredibly valuable if you pulled it off. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected lane heavily pirated, loot
-[] Write-in
[] Militia Standardization: The fact of the matter is that the CNS military is more of a patchwork of the various members' militaries. Help create a standardized system for equipment and it would help make them more cohesive...and a much stronger fighting force should it become necessary. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: CNS militia forces increase in quality.
[] Becoming A Pirate Queen, One Piece At A Time: While you've been making sure that any pirates in CNS space are swiftly dealt with, it could come in handy to expand upon your current privateer fleets and recruit some of the independents. There's probably a lot more around with the fall of Black Sun... Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Pirate fleets continuously expanded
[] Reigniting the Chains: While it's been some time since Tyro was Adacap of the Blazing Chains, you're fairly certain that he would still have considerable pull among the fleet if he got back into contact with them. Given that you could always use more people for the fight against Palpatine tracking down the fleet could get you some powerful allies. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Blazing Chains fleets located and contacted
[] Semi-discriminate Piracy: Since you don't want the Republic to gain an advantage in the war, why not let your pirate fleets loose on a raiding spree, letting them steal what they can from them? Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Looting income
[] Anti-Slaver Actions: The fact of the matter is that slavery is one of the most hated institutions in the galaxy outside of Hutt Space. It would certainly earn a lot of goodwill if you were to deal with some of the more prominent organizations (not affiliated with your Hutt allies)...and the loot would certainly make it worthwhile. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Assaults launched on chosen slaver group, loot
-[] Zygerrian Slave Guild: One of the most infamous slaver groups, the Zygerrians have been terrorizing the Northern Rim and were conspicuously avoiding CIS space. They would not be missed.
-[] Trandoshan Slavers: They have been attacking the Wookiees, and since you have a number of business arrangements with the Wookiees that makes the Trandoshans a very obvious target.
-[] Thalassian Slavers: They're operating in the Northern Rim, which is entirely owned by the CNS at this point. Show them that they are not wanted.
-[] Senex-Juvex Slavers: Would you look at that, this slave group in Republic space is also home to a number of pro-Palpatine nobles! Launching a raid on them and exposing them to the galaxy would be quite the scandal...
[] Paramilitary Support: There are many paramilitary organizations in the galaxy, from Kligson's anti-Trade Federation militia on Grohl, to the pro-Jedi Antarian Rangers, to Lok Revenants and Mere Resistance and others, not to mention Kal Skirata's clone commandos. Offer support -- intelligence, logistics, medical care, safe harbor -- to each in exchange for their cooperation on future actions. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Martial bonus; paramilitary groups confirmed as anti-Palpatine assets
[] Preying Mantises: The Mantis Syndicate chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild specializes in large-scale anti-piracy operations. How perfectly convenient, given the CNS's interest in fighting pirates around the galaxy. Extend an offer of support in exchange for a cut of the loot. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Military income, per-turn loot roll, CNS space secured against pirates (slightly increased odds for CNS recruitment), Mantis Syndicate added as anti-Palpatine asset
[] Maladian's Creed: The Maladians are some of the galaxy's most feared assassins, with a reputation of taking on targets up to and including Jedi Knights and succeeding in killing them. You could certainly use people with that particular set of skills. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Maladian Assassins available for hiring and as anti-Palpatine asset
[] Making Inroads In The Republic Military: Now is a good a time as any to begin dechipping and potentially subverting different groups in the Republic military. Any clone not chipped means one less clone that will try to kill you once you make your move, and of course you can always use more support when the time comes. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Chosen group targeted for dechipping/subversion
-[] Rahm Kota's Militia: A group that conspicuously has no clones among their number. Given Rahm's distrust of the clones and the militia's loyalty to him subverting them should hopefully be simple.
-[X] 212th Attack Battalion: Led by Obi-Wan himself, this group has served alongside the 501st in many engagements and specializes in assault tactics. (Targeted by Yularen)
-[] The Wolfpack: Led by Master Plo Koon, this unit specializes in high-risk extractions of friendly forces.
-[] Rancor Battalion: A clone group tasked with ensuring the safety of Kamino's cloning facilities. While they took considerable casualties in the battle for the planet, they could still have their uses.
-[] Galactic Marines: An elite unit led by Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and armed with the most advanced tech the Republic has to offer. The only catch is that their leader is rather...uncompromising. He may have to be dealt with.
-[] 41st Elite Corps: A group lead by Master Luminara Unduli - the master of Barriss Offee no less - that specializes in operating in exotic environments and counter-insurgency tactics.
-[] 412th Regiment: The group of clones that your sabotaged chips made their way to, they are specialized in defensive battles and have a reputation for placing the lives of civilians over their orders.
[] The Brothers X: X1 and X2 could prove to be serious problems if they're allowed to act against you given their Force sensitivity and who knows what other things the Kaminoans have done to their genetic code. Figure out a way to either subvert or kill them so they don't have the chance. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: X1/X2 subverted and/or terminated
[] There's No Machine That Can Stop Us: Granted, you do have some of the best fighters in the galaxy under your command but 90% of the time they don't really work together in a single fight. So, why not set up a room in the Foundry to act as a high-intensity training zone for some teamwork lessons? It would also make for some excellent recruitment footage if nothing else. (Starts mini-turn)
[] Write in
Diplomacy: You need allies now more than ever. Fortunately you've been having success at finding people willing to oppose Palpatine for one reason or another.
Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action, 1 Force Order Action:
[X] Negotiating With "The Negotiator:" With Obi-Wan's decision to stay on Mandalore for the near future, you have an unprecedented opportunity to get one of the best Jedi Masters on your side - and more importantly a Master you know very well and who would actually be willing to listen to you. It's an opportunity that cannot be ignored. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Obi-Wan Kenobi brought into the anti-Palpatine conspiracy (Free Action)
[] Shards Encased In Iron (CNS): You know that Cheriss is a Shard these days, but according to her there are others like her who are skilled engineers and filled with wanderlust. It might be worth using the CNS to get in contact with the Shard worlds to see if you can get the chance to recruit some of them for yourself...oh and get them to apply to the CNS of course. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with Shard worlds established, potential to recruit Shard engineers
[] Between the Light and Dark: While you have a number of Force users on your staff right now it might be worth looking into getting into contact with other Force using groups in the galaxy that aren't necessarily aligned to the Jedi or Sith and see if you can gain something from contacting them. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen organization established
-[] Disciples of the Whills: A group of Force worshipers fiercely protective of their home of Jedha, they occupy a planet that is rich in both historical artifacts and valuable Kyber crystals.
-[] Tyia Adepts: A pacifistic philosophy practiced by the Revwiens, it emphasizes the value of all life and acting with honor.
-[] Baran Do: A reclusive order of Kel Doors who spend the majority of their time contemplating the nature of the Force, supposedly awaiting the "proper time" to act. Also they apparently can throw lightning around.
-[] Fallanasi: A mostly female group of pacifistic Force users that have unique abilities to beguile their foes.
-[] Ysanna: A technologically primitive Force-sensitive community on the planet of Ossus, the Ysanna defend the ruins of Great Jedi Library from intruders. They developed the original 'Blazing Chain' projectile techniques, and never lost the ancient technique of becoming Force ghosts. Talking to them will actually let you study them and the ruins without you getting attacked in the process.
-[] Zeison Sha: A group of Force users that are extremely skilled at telekinesis. The only problem is that they are incredibly isolationist, so studying them further will require direct contact.
-[] Followers of Palawa: An isolated group of Force users in the far west of the known galaxy, they have developed a number of techniques that are explicitly designed to protect against Force users.
-[] Dagoyan Order: A monastic sect based on Bardotta, they specialize in meditation and strengthening one's connection to the Force.
-[] Jal Shey: A sect of nomadic diplomats and philosophers from the Indupar Crown Worlds, who specialize in the esoteric art of Force Imbuement.
-[] Disciples of Twilight: Located on the isolated colony of Dyspeth and founded by a former Jedi in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation, the Disciples specialize in illusion techniques said to surpass even the Fallanassi light-benders.
-[] Almas Academy: An academy in the Cularin system that trains Jedi in an unorthodox style, emphasizing closer relationships with teachers and fellow students as well as ensuring that any student goes out into the galaxy on a "quest" to ensure they understand the galaxy they want to protect. They also apparently are capable of using a curious technique called "essence transfer..."
-[] Tython Jedi Order: The quickly-growing offshoot of the Courscant Order that is on the verge of a complete schism from them, given Riphath's work with them they might be more willing to speak with you by comparison.
-[] Order of Shasa: A Maanan-based group that has sworn to protect their homeworld, and more importantly have trained themselves to use the Force to see through deception and enhance their telekinetic abilities.
-[] Write-in (Subject to Veto)
[] CNS Recruitment: There are a number of systems nearby that don't particularly lean one way or the other in the war; maybe you could persuade them to join the CNS instead? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Recruitment drive in selected area for the CNS
-[] Nouane Allied Region: Between their ties to Arkania and the IGBC, Nouane and its neighbors are already inclined to view the CNS with favor. The fact that they lie in northern Inner Rim between two of the biggest hyperlanes in the galaxy - both the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route - is all the more reason to persuade them to join.
-[] Southern Rim: With the already considerable amount of planets and sectors in the Southern Rim joining the CNS, it might be worthwhile to have a more concerted effort take place here and clean up the borders.
-[] Techno Union Worlds: With worlds like Hypori, Mechis III, and a dozen other foundry worlds affiliated with them and the shift in leadership, making a move to get some of these valuable industrial planets in the CNS would hardly be unwarranted.
-[] Write in
[] Calling In A Favor: A few years ago one Ferrus Olin left the Jedi Order, telling you that he would help you if needed. Well it is about time to call that favor in; get in contact with him and see if you can get the support of him and anyone he knows outside of the Order for the fight against Palpatine. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ferrus Olin contacted
[] The Roaming Jedi: Telling the Council about Palpatine's true identity is a recipe for disaster, but there are certainly other Jedi in the galaxy that aren't a part of the Order you could contact for aid. You've always gotten the odd report from your Silver Cross camps about the occasional Jedi stopping by to help refugees, so it wouldn't be too difficult to track some of them down. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Jedi outside of the Order contacted
[] House Of Killers: Given that you're going to be dealing with a lot of high-profile targets in the Republic, it might be worthwhile to get some outside help as it were. Use your reputation and funds to establish a bounty hunter chapter of your own so that you can gather these people together for your own ends. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Watchers bounty hunter chapter established
[] If Angels Were To Govern Men: You know what Senators hate? Losing a chance at reelection. Leverage your political power and your friendly contacts in the Senate to see if you can't get those Silver Cross subsides to be a touch more substantial. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased subsidies for Silver Cross
[] Keeping An Eye On The Future: Honestly, you weren't expecting Chewbacca to be such an important figure, but the visions you had of the "Vader timeline" seem to indicate that he would have been a major player in galactic events. While you're not sure if that's still going to be the case given everything that's happened, there's certainly no harm in making sure your people keep a closer eye on him... Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Chewbacca placed under heavier surveillance
[] Fly on the Wall: The Ghostling Nest of the Assembler is an Intelligence asset the Bounty Hunter's guild has been using for years, the location of which is only known to Master Hunters like Jango. The entire thing is apparently a massive brain for the Assembler and it is able to provide accurate and up-to-date date information on targets all over the galaxy through, if the tales were to be believe, it's network of little bug-spies. Regardless of the accuracy of these claims it would be an invaluable ally to have on your side. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Ghostling Nest contacted
[] Taming A Lone Wolf: Quinlan Vos is going to be a problem, not only to Dooku but to you given the chance. That being said outright killing a man who has a known history of being a covert agent would be a waste, so you could try to turn him given the chance. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Quinlan Vos subverted
[] Jedi, Leader, General, Spy: Skirata has pointed out an incredibly valuable target for potential subversion: Jedi General Arligan Zey, the de facto head of the Republic's commando teams who has a position that is semi-independent from the rest of the Republic military. He's been known to conflict with the mainline Order especially after the Temple Massacre so he's an incredibly valuable target for subversion with minimal risk. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Arligan Zey subverted
[] The Burning Rain (CNS): The planet of Honoghr has recently been hit by a Separatist bio-weapon and is a perfect target for Silver Cross efforts - in fact its so perfect and with Palpatine's handiwork clearly in play you're a bit more paranoid about it than usual. Send in teams - with a decent escort just in case - to have some relief brought to the planet. Chance of Success: ??? Cost: 250 Reward: Relief sent to Honoghr, ???
[] Write in
Stewardship: Borvo's been pulling as many strings as he can to not only keep himself safe, but to make sure your finances are untouched.
Pick 2 Regular Actions, 1 Free Sienar Action and optionally 1 other Sienar Action:
[] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[] "Humanitarian" Transports: A line of ships that could be used to ferry wounded from system to system, the fact that they would also be fitted with experimental stealth systems is purely to make sure that they aren't seen by any pirates or what have you, obviously. Cost: 150 Reward: Humanitarian/Stealth Transports designed/produced
-[] "Rescue" Ships: VTOL-capable ships about the size of the Scimitar, these vessels would be heavily armored rapid response ships that can quickly rescue people from potentially hostile environments. What are the rapid-fire guns for, you ask? Why, you might have to defend yourself from predators or raiders or something! Cost: 100 Reward: Rescue/Assault Gunships designed/produced
-[] "Archaeology" Ships: Given how important/profitable archaeology has become for you in recent days, this ship would assist with your efforts with on-board research labs and excavation gear so that your teams could quickly scour a site. Why does it have a stealth system and high-grade weapons? Because there are thieves and scoundrels who could try to steal valuable relics from you! Also never mind that the excavation lasers could also double as powerful armor-piercing weapons. Cost: 150 Reward: Archaeological Cruiser designed/produced
-[] Scout Vessel: A relatively cut and dry suggestion; these would be ships specifically geared toward surveying. For once there's really no other subtext here. Cost: 100 Reward: Advanced Scout Ships designed/produced
-[] Shoni Escort Ships: A...unique design from Grievous named after the spear his people use, this diamond-shaped ship is heavily armored and well-armed, serving as a heavy escort ship...though according to Grievous it could also be used to board ships by ramming it into them and allowing the pilot/boarder to enter the ship that way. Raith is confident that it could work, though he's said that you'd have to be insane or suicidal to try and use the ramming method given how dangerous it could be. Cost: 100 Reward: Shoni Escort Ships designed/produced
-[] Mobile Hospitals: The idea is that you would have a ship that could touch down on planets and act as a field hospital without the need for setting up a prefab building. It'd be a difficult engineering challenge, but fortunately Raith loves those kinds of challenges. Cost: 150 Reward: Mobile Hospital Ships designed/produced
-[] Hyperlane Recon Drones: There are always more hyperlanes to be discovered, but the method for doing so is inherently quite risky. Instead have Raith put together drones that could do that job for you and potentially locate hyperlanes you can use to your advantage. Cost: 100 Reward: Hyperlane Recon Drones designed/produced
-[] Dedicated Salvage Vessel: Given the amount of perfectly legitimate salvage work you do it can't hurt to have a heavily armored vessel capable of storing considerable amounts of materiel within it for uh...salvaging. Yes, salvaging. Cost: 200 Reward: Salvage Vessels/Heavy Transports designed/produced
-[] Interdictor Vessel: With the Pride of the Core and the Malevolence running around it may very well be vital that you have some way to pin down one of the ships to keep them from causing more damage. Raith should be able to put together some kind of ship that should do the job. Cost: 200 Reward: Interdictor vessels designed/produced
-[] Dedicated Starfighter Carriers: While ships like the Venators certainly have the ability to carry large amounts of fighters, it wouldn't hurt to have a design that was primarily dedicated for rapid fighter deployment and recovery for various situations. Cost: 150 Reward: Dedicated Starfighter Carriers designed/produced
-[] Next Gen Troop Transports: The Republic LAAT is certainly no easy target but it does have a number of flaws that could be quite troublesome for you given the kind of scenarios you might need to drop troops into. You know that Raith loves showing other people up so see what he'll make when he's put up to the challenge. Cost: 150 Reward: Next Gen Troop Transports designed/produced
-[] Write-in (High concept or other design, subject to veto, cost determined by GM)
[] Contact Ship-builders: If your efforts with Sienar are any indication you might have a bright future available to you in the starship industry; but you're going to need to get in contact with the producers first. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen corporation gained
-[] Hoersch-Kessel Drive: This company helped produce Lucrehulks like the Oracle, but has been suffering from considerable mismanagement and financial losses. Surely they would appreciate an investor like yourself.
-[] SubPro: Despite the fact that they have produced high-quality products like the NovaSword fighter you acquired from Durge, they have been dealing with an unfounded reputation for shoddy workmanship. Sounds like they could use a popular investor.
-[] Mon Calamari Shipyards: the Mon Cala of Dac specialize in high-quality livable starships, and would be a powerful ally for CNS military readiness as well as the Abyss Watchers organization.
-[] MandalMotors: A company based out of Mandalore itself that specializes in heavy-duty warships like the Keldabe battleship. All they're really lacking in is proper funding.
-[] Write-in
[] The Return of Galactic Sushi: Bringing in the Ithorians means that you have some of the greatest agriculturalists in the galaxy to call on. You also have a number of agriworlds and other farming areas (like Taris) that could use their aid. The solution seems obvious, doesn't it? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Agricultural output increase in CNS space
[] Silver Cross PR Blitz: Your organization is popular enough, sure, but there's nothing like a massive PR blitz to make sure that donations and sponsors are constantly coming in. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased income/decreased upkeep for Silver Cross
[] Oust Shu Mai: You know you have the momentum. SoroSuub is staying out of the way. The mining companies you've been investing in would be more than happy to back you. Rumbles of discontent come from more Commerce Guild members as quite a few of them have joined the CNS. Dooku wants her gone. You have a chance to oust Shu Mai from the Commerce Guild, though given her stranglehold over Castell it won't be easy. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Shu Mai ousted from Commerce Guild and new leadership chosen
[] "Tax" Loopholes: While Palpatine may have cost you quite a bit of funding you do have a potent counter-weapon: The Muuns. Set your Muun accountants, legal teams, and what have you loose on Palpatine's new acts and find as many exploitable loopholes to keep you from fully paying his "taxes." Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Noticeable decrease in investment penalty
[] "Tax" Evasion: Forget loopholes. Sure Palpatine's probably watching for the slightest sign of your "illegal activities" but you know that he's not as omniscient as he thinks he is. "Misplace" funds through whatever means necessary to avoid these "taxes" and spite Palpatine. Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Significant decrease in investment penalty
[] Treasury Auditing: While the actual backdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects
[] Medical "Battlefleet": Now that you have the ability to build ships over Taris, take advantage of it and build up a fleet of medical ships for Karada and the Silver Cross that can act as galaxy-wide emergency responders. Despite the name it mostly wouldn't be a battlefleet. Mostly. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Reward: Medical "battlefleet" built
[] The Swoop Bikes Will Fly Again: Now that you have the racetrack and the swoop bikes for it, it's time to reopen one of Taris' most prized sporting events: the Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit. Send invitations far and wide for the grand reopening and help put it back on the map. And hey, you never know who might end up signing up for it... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: GSRC reopened, potential for other rewards
[] Giving Causality A Migraine (Incom): While it was a small benefit from the highlights reel of you looking into the future, seeing that enhanced Headhunter design is a very welcome benefit to you...if you can get the design put together enough for Seti and Incom to work on. And hey, you never realized how much you wanted to cause a temporal paradox until you had the opportunity! Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: X-Wings designed 20 years early, the thrill of causing your very own temporal paradox
[] The Revolution Will Be Televised: Helping with the Pantoran blockade has given you a unique opportunity as the planet is home to a massive information network under the control of one Baron Notluwiski Papanoida, and also boasts considerable success as a media mogul. Given that you're going to need a solid propaganda machine going if you're going to counter Palpatine in any meaningful way, surely there's a deal that could be made here... Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Media network set up with Baron Papanoida
[] Tales of the Old Republic: Diversification is the key to success, and the entertainment Industry is one of the most important pillars of the galactic economy. You will enter this world with a saga that will always be remembered: The Saga of Revan, and you will spare no expense to bring this wonder to life (otherwise HK might try to kill the people involved for disrespecting one of his favorite masters). The fact that the excuse of getting extra documentation or filming in real landscapes you gives you the justification to enter many places usually forbidden to the general public is a nice extra. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 200 Reward: 'The Saga of Revan' produced, potential to access restricted areas during filming
[] Relocating The Foundry: The Foundry is currently in an extremely vulnerable position given that it's in the middle of Hutt Space and the war is raging around it - all it would take is one ship to accidentally stumble into Nanthri and it would all be over. The best plan your people have come up with is to strap gigantic hyperspace engines to it to move it to the Kiln through some of the hyperlanes the Claatuvac Guild provided information on and avoid detection, but it's going to require a lot of credits, both to get the parts and to bribe people into not asking questions about where said parts are going. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 400 Reward: Foundry discreetly moved to the Kiln
[] Write in
Intrigue: You're fairly certain Gulan hasn't been getting as much sleep lately, though he's still willing to point out how insane everything's been getting whenever he has the chance.
Pick 3:
[] Lots Of Plans, Lots Of Wrenches (Republic): The Republic winning at this point would mean that Palpatine would achieve his success conditions. Send some agents to help stall GAR offensives and make sure the Republic doesn't get a clear advantage. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 50 Reward: Republic war effort damaged
[] Real Bad Moon Over Coruscant: There is an unlisted cloning facility on one of Courscant's moons, no doubt filled with clones waiting for an order from Palpatine to kill anything that tries to get in his way. You can't afford to worry about that kind of liability while you're tying to assassinate Palpatine - that facility must be destroyed. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Palpatine facility destroyed
[] Grassroots Movements: Rile up protests, sponsor anti-government media, do whatever it takes, but stop Palpatine from getting any more influence any way you can. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Palpatine's influence stymied
[] Legacy Of Damask: Settling in on Muunilist has given you the opportunity to take a closer look at Hego Damask's old properties present on the planet. While Palpatine has moved to ensure that they are not for sale, it shouldn't be too hard to get teams in and see if there's anything left there. Chance of Success: 95% Reward: Hego Damask holdings investigated/looted
[] Information For A Price: Since you're now committing yourself to making sure the Republic will win any time soon, why not sell some information to both sides and make a profit off of it in the meantime? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Income from selling information
[] Delicious Bacta: You may nominally be on the same side as the planet's corporations but that doesn't mean you aren't willing to target them. It just means that a little more subtlety is required. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Data on bacta products stolen from Thyferra
[] Ball Busting: The Coilcoids have proven to be one of the most effective suppliers for the CIS, giving them droidekas, buzz droids, and tri-fighters. Though with the capture of droideka blueprints from Metalorn, you're now angling for a shot at getting your hands on the infamous Scorponek Annihilator Droids, which will make the heist much more difficult. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Coilcoid technology stolen
[] The Spice Must Not Flow: If you want to ensure a successful heist on Colla IV, you're going to need a distraction. And wouldn't you know it, Kessel is supplying the Coilcoids with invaluable spice trade, and the Hutts want them off of that planet. If you were to say, destabilize their presence there and give the Hutts the chance to make a move, it would pull away enough security from Colla IV to give you a better chance at getting away with the heist. And if the Hutts manage to take over in the chaos, well you are business partners anyway... Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Distraction caused on Kessel, Coilcoid security forces diverted
[] Public Relations Vaccination: While you did manage to deal with the Sith blackmail there's still a possibility that new incriminating information on you could be found. Preempt that by spreading a mix of truth and lies about you before debunking it all, making it that much harder for any actual dirt to be used on you. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased defense against any incriminating evidence on you
[] Assassinate Shu Mai: Forget a legal ousting. Shu Mai is never going to give up her position legitimately. It's going to be very difficult given her paranoia and penchant for extreme measures, but given that the rest of the Commerce Guild is simmering with discontent and Dooku wants her gone anyway now may be the time to remove Shu Mai from the picture for good. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Shu Mai assassinated
[] This Is Why Shu Mai Is A Bad Leader: Fact of the matter is that Shu Mai, despite her issues, has been in charge of the Commerce Guild for a long while and people tend to become used to their leaders in that time. Use Fry's codebreaker to find instances of corruption, stir up some protests, and show the Guild just how much Shu Mai needs to go. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Shu Mai's reputation damaged
[] Strike Palpatine's Inner Circle: It's time to go on the offensive. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 150 Reward: Targeted member/group discredited/neutralized/etc
-[] Saro Sanuo: The Deputy Chancellor who seems to be connected to the Granta Omega fisaco a few years ago. While he's not that important in the grand scheme of things by comparison, having a different individual in the Deputy Chancellor's seat could make the inevitable transition of power easier to handle...
-[] Sate Pestage: Effectively Palpatine's No. 2 according to the reports. Dealing with him would mean that Palpatine would no longer be able to direct suspicion onto him or have a spokesperson to draw attention, among other benefits.
-[] Terrinald Screed: Normally one admiral alone wouldn't be enough of an issue, but since Screed is the leader of the Home Fleet and since all of Coruscant's defense ships report to him...that makes him a far more important target.
-[] Armand Isard: You know his name from Seti's exile, and as the head of Republic Intelligence he's also the man behind the Covert Ops troopers killing deserting clones - and that is just off the top of your head. While Palpatine can always get a replacement Armand is admittedly a quite talented intelligence officer and it would be quite difficult to find a fitting replacement in a time like this...
-[] COMPOR: A pro-Palpatine, pro-human, anti-pretty much everything else organization headed by Palpatine's most fanatically loyal followers. Not only would dealing with them be a significant blow to Palpatine's ability to rally people, but given that you're 75% non-human (ish) there's definitely some poetic justice to be meted out here.
-[] Supreme Chancellor's Aides: Given that there's approximately a 99% chance that there's at least some Sith acolytes among them? They may not seem important enough at first glance but that's kind of the issue right there.
[] Autonomous Hunter-Seeker Teams: You've got so much on your plate that you can't really be bothered to handle them yourself. Set up some teams that can handle operations that are too simple to really go wrong but too complex for a random Watcher team to handle on their own so that you can get more things done. Chance of Success: 90% Cost: 150 Reward: Teams set up to handle actions that are guaranteed successes with reduced bonuses
[] Test The Waters: Given the manhunt for Galen, Dooku's plots in the past, and the instability Maul and Savage recently brought to the underworld, it can't hurt to send out some feelers to figure out who would be stupid or crazy enough to try and kill you...and then have them dealt with just to be sure. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 250 Reward: Potential threats in underworld located and terminated
[] Unavailable For Hiring: Someone is clearly on a manhunt for Galen Erso, which is a bad sign for many different reasons. Stop whoever it is from spreading their information bounties and maybe figure out who's been sending them out so they can be dealt with. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Manhunt for Galen ended, potential information on figure behind manhunt
[] Putting Down A Lone Wolf: Quinlan Vos is going to be a problem, and quite frankly you don't have time to give him therapy or whatever would give him more psychological stability. You've killed two insane Sith, what difference is an insane Jedi? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Quinlan Vos terminated
[] Write in
Lore: It's perhaps telling that Tyro's been pushing himself to reach a point resembling his prime. At least with the number of Abysswalkers around there's more people that can handle a fight against Sith.
Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action, 1 Force Study Action:
[] Force Research: The Force is interesting and despite claims to the contrary (especially those of the Jedi) it has not been fully understood, most likely not even sufficiently, and there are still tricks to be discovered here and there. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Progress in researching new Tricks and Techniques (Takes 2 turns)
[] Incorporate Luka Sene Techniques (Force Study): The abilities that you've learned from the Luka Sene aren't exactly flashy, but between their improved ability to use Force vision in combat as well as the more engineering oriented ability for them to see energy fields, there's definitely plenty your Agents can learn from. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Luka Sene abilities taught to all Agents
[] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[] Jensaarai: A group of Force users that apparently follow a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. Their unique ability is "ballistakinesis," which is basically hurling things at enemies at blindingly fast/lethal speeds.
-[] Fallanasi: A mostly female group of pacifistic Force users, their unique abilities are projected illusions and the ability to become practically undetectable.
-[] Nightsisters: You've already got an in with them through Talzin...even if she's been proven to be unreliable lately, and they have very unusual abilities that you might be able to use yourself.
-[] Tyia Adepts: A pacifistic group of Force users based on Revyia, they are extremely skilled at healing in general.
-[] Voss Mystics: These Force users have extremely powerful foresight to the point that their visions are regarded as fact.
-[] Jal Shey: A sect of nomadic diplomats and philosophers from the Indupar Crown Worlds, who specialize in the esoteric art of Force Imbuement.
-[] Disciples of Twilight: Located on the isolated colony of Dyspeth and founded by a former Jedi in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation, the Disciples specialize in illusion techniques said to surpass even the Fallanassi light-benders.
-[] Altisian Jedi: They have some ability called "essence transfer," and if it means what you think it means...
-[] Write-in (Subject to Veto)
[] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[] Korriban: The origin world of the Sith, this planet would contain plenty of artifacts for those that can withstand the wildlife and the immense influence of the Dark Side.
-[] Outer Rim (Dxun, Telos (IV))*: A pair of worlds closely associated with the Jedi Civil War era, they are home to Sith and Jedi ruins respectively.
-[] Hutt Space (Manda, Tatooine)*: These worlds contain various libraries and such that would make for interesting material to stealexamine closely.
-[] Duro*: The Valley of Royalty is listed as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and contains an incredible (if varied) collection of data & historical artifacts. Sounds like a good place for "research."
-[] Centerpoint Station*: Something about the station caused your Shatterpoint abilities to react to it...maybe you should look into why that is more specifically.
-[] Sith Worlds: A generalization of worlds in the Northern Rim that are dotted with Sith ruins, artifacts, and who knows what else. Could be dangerous. Would definitely be profitable.
-[] Kathol Outback: An isolated area of the Outer Rim, the region is rumored to be home to a powerful Force sect, but you don't have much more to go on besides that.
-[] Aliston Nor: A planet said to be the home of the "Jedi Builders," a sect that uses techniques similar to mechu-deru to design ships and buildings. While the planet's existence and history is well-documented, you'd like to be sure that there's something worth stealing studying before you commit to the planet.
-[] Prakith: According to Vectivus this planet is home to the tomb of Darth Andeddu, but the catch is that it's also home to a fanatical cult bent on protecting the tomb of their "god-king." Still, maybe there's something worth finding there...
-[] Chandrilla: Home to the beautiful Crystal Canyons, it's rumored that the tomb of a highly renowned Jedi Master is hidden away in its depths.
-[] Belsavis: The planet has a long history of serving as a Republic prison and has infrastructure rumored to predate even them. There's certainly more to be found here.
[] The Hunt For The Jebble Box: By (perfectly legitimate) coincidence you've managed to get an excellent lead on the location of the Muur Talisman: it's apparently stored in the infamous "Jebble Box" that's been passed around various collectors' hands since its discovery. You'll need to track it down and acquire it - whether through money or coercion - to ensure that it's never going to be used by Sidious. And there was something about someone being stored in the Box, but they have to be dead after four thousand years... Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Jebble Box/Muur Talisman secured
[] The Secrets of the Corellian Jedi: The Corellian Jedi are hiding something about the New Sith Wars and you don't like being told "no" for an answer. See if you can appropriate whatever records they're hiding and figure out what's so important about it. Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Corellian Jedi records investigated
[] Write in
Learning: Var Zheen has been throwing himself into his research with reckless abandon, hoping to develop something that can help you fight off a Sith Lord.
Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[] Analyze Chiss Archives: Instead of going after the locations of anomalies you've gathered in the past without anything to go on, you could cross-reference them with the Chiss archives to see if there is enough to go on and it won't get too many people killed. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: ???
[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate
[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate
[] Non-Human Genemods: The Arkanians have developed mods for the Human/Near-Human families, but more research is going to be needed from them if they're going to be able to genemod other species. They have a good start from the mods thus far so research on this shouldn't take too long, especially with the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Genemodding available for non-human species
[] Materials Research: There are quite a few odd materials and minerals in the galaxy that you might be able to work with to produce unique weapons and gear for your troops if you looked into them enough. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Selected material analyzed for usage in weapons/armor
-[] Cortosis: The favorite metal of anyone fighting against lightsaber users since it can cause said weapons to short out, though it's quite brittle on its own. Definitely worth looking into.
-[] Agrocite: A material used to boost turbolaser fire, but you've heard rumors that the Wookiees have used it in their bowcasters to make them even more powerful weapons.
-[] Ionite: As expected by the name this material can be used to neutralize energy fields. Surely there's more that can be done with the material.
-[] Beskar: The material that makes up the famed armor of the Mandalorians. That's useful on its own but maybe there's more you can do with it?
-[] Hiridu: A crystal that can significantly boost communications signals by proximity alone. Maybe there's other aspects of it that haven't been discovered yet.
-[] Hibridium: A material that apparently can act as an alternative to stygium for cloaking, though it also has a bad habit of exploding when ships go into hyperspace. Maybe there's something else that could work?
[] Anti-Force Research: There are some esoteric creatures and substances in the galaxy that could blunt Force usage but they're difficult to recover and hard to research due to their nature. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Anti-Force subject researched [Takes 2 turns]
-[] Senflax: Apparently this is a neurotoxin of some variety that can be used to damage Force users in particular. If you could develop a decent delivery system you would have a very powerful tool to use...
-[] Taozin: A creature that somehow negates Force vision and precognition, maybe studying could let you figure out how it even does that in the first place?
-[] Drethi: A winged creature that somehow has a venom that is more deadly the more powerful its victim is in the Force. If you could figure out how it worked...
[] Analyze Commando Gear: Despite his grumbling Skirata was willing to part with a few sets of clone commando armor and weaponry. Have your research teams look into them and see what they can reverse-engineer from them. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Commando Gear reverse-engineered [Takes 2 Turns]
[] Nanodroids, Son: Var Zheen has been ecstatic over the effectiveness of the nanodroids in general and firmly believes that with enough time and a lot of credits he could potentially modify them to do...well who knows what the mad Givin has in mind... Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Potential applications for nano-droids researched [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]
[] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized
[] The Force Within A Blade: Var Zheen and Cheriss have both been curious about the forcesaber you recovered from Lehon and want to see just what makes it so special, just how it is infused with the Force. Of course, they have basically nothing barring stories and myths about it to go on, so it's going to be much more difficult for either of them to figure it out. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 200 Reward: Forcesaber analyzed [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]
[] Giving Causality A Migrane (Foundry): Instead of having the potential blueprints sent to Incom, Cheriss has suggested that she could hijack one of the Foundry's drone production zones to help prototype the enhanced X-Wing. The bad news is that you couldn't get the ship sent into mass production with Incom, but the good news is that you'd have quite the ace up your sleeve... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: X-Wings designed 20 years early, the thrill of causing your very own temporal paradox
[] Write in
Personal: You have to get stronger.
Pick 3:
[] Physical Training: At this point you're on par with your stronger associates, but you know that you have to keep improving. Chance of Success: 70%
-[] Strategy Lessons: Between Grievous and Thrawn you have some very skilled leaders under your employ, and you could hardly ask for better instructors if you want to learn more about how to properly command troops on the field. Reward: Martial Increase, command training
-[] Piloting 101: Sure you can fly a ship from Point A to Point B, but you aren't really prepared for a real dogfight if the situation calls for it. Asajj is, and while she has been willing to train you could have sworn you saw her grin slightly when you asked. Reward: Martial Increase, pilot training
-[] Martial Arts Lessons: The fact of the matter is that Jango Fett is one of the best martial artists in the galaxy, and you could certainly learn quite a bit from him. ...If he asks why you haven't picked it up sooner, you can point out that the Silencer isn't exactly "teacher material" in the slightest. Reward: Martial Increase, martial arts training -[] Form V (Shien/Djem So) Training: Brute force fighting didn't seem like it would work for you, but that was before you figured out how to punch through steel with your bare hands. Now it and Form V are much more viable options for you, so why not lean on Anakin so you can get some training in the form? Reward: Martial Increase, Form V training (Takes 2 Turns) Action locked due to Anakin's disappearance.
-[] Write in
[] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.
-[] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned
-[] Nightsister Techniques: Now that Asajj has opened up more, she'd be willing to help you learn some of her people's basic techniques such as controlling beasts with the Force. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Nightsister Techniques learned
-[] Shatterpoint (Organic(?)): Unquestionably the most difficult thing you could attempt to train on right now; you're still trying to figure out why you can't see shatterpoints on living beings. Your breakthroughs in the Matukai techniques have finally given you some insight on the matter, if you have weak and strong points then so would others by logical extension... Chance of Success: 50% Reward: ???
-[] Telekinetic Lightsaber Control: No, you're not doing this just because Kreia could and you want to be able to do the same! Why does no one believe that!? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Telekinetic Lightsaber control learned
[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
[] Accelerate research: The research at Karada is going way too slowly. Dedicate your free time and some additional resources to speed it all up. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Research time halved, action lock time halved
[] Personal Tutoring (Apprentices or Agents): With some extra dedicated time, you can substantially increase the skill of your Force Users and thus improve their odds of promotion. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: This turn, +30% Apprentice promotion chance and/or +15% Agent promotion chance
[] Construct A Holocron: ...It wouldn't hurt to try making one right? After all you do have Vectivus around and surely he can help. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: ???
[] Design a Custom Blaster: You've been using a holdout pistol up to know but your fight with Savage shows that a meager blaster isn't going to cut it. Work with your people to design a blaster integrating that lava crystal you picked up ages ago to see if you can make something with a bit more kick to it. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Lava crystal-enhanced blaster installed
[] Follow the Trail: To hell with what Anakin said. Given the state he's in you can't afford to not know what he's trying to do right now. Find him. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
[] One Mean Witch: You need to know where you lie with Talzin, and if things go south you need to let her know that you're not going to stand for her getting in your way. You may have been unnerved by her power before, but that was before you became Darth Traya and gained the Dagger of Mortis. You're not going to let her have her way again. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
[] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): It's tradition. Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
[] Write in
Hero Units: You've been gathering a lot of talented individuals under your command, and many of them have ambitions of their own that they may need your help with to succeed.
Optional, Pick Up To 3 & 1 Genemod, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[] Silencer: No response as usual.
--[] Thrawn: Ambivalent to the idea, but if you want him to go through with it he will.
--[] Galen: Somewhat put off by the Arkanians but is fully aware of how the mods could benefit him.
--[] Mungo: Somewhat baffled by the concept but is understanding of the potential benefits
-[] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[] Balosar: A species that has incredible intuition, allowing them to read emotions or detect incoming threats. (Diplomacy, Intrigue)
--[] Chiss: Thrawn's species, red-eyed and blue-skinned with above-average night vision and inherently fit bodies. (Martial, Intrigue)
--[] Echani: The progenitors of the Silencer's Thyrsian species, they are fierce fighters who believe in the concept of communication through combat. (Martial, Lore)
--[] Epicanthix: A species that is almost completely human save for inherent Force-sensitivity and innate resistance to Force techniques that affect the mind. (???)
--[] Firrerreo: A gold-skinned species that boasts considerable regenerative abilities. (Martial, enhanced lifespan)
--[] Miraluka: Your own species, able to see through the Force despite a lack of eyes. The Arkanians have admitted that they're not entirely sure what will happen if that mod is used due to the species' natural connection with the Force - sure it worked on Asajj, but "reliable results" and "the Force" don't tend to go together very well. (Lore, ???)
--[] Pau'an: Natives of Utapau, they can see well in darkness but their most notable trait is their extremely long lifespans. The Arkanians have noted that this genemod will extend a recipient's life span by about 20 years as opposed to regular genemods. (Intrigue, enhanced lifespan)
--[] Sephi: A pointed-eared species that is not only long-lived but also have a natural affinity for working with machinery. (Learning, enhanced lifespan)
--[] Voss: A species that has a natural disposition for foresight with the Force. (Lore, ???)
--[] Zabrak: A tough species that is extremely resistant to physical pain. (Martial)
--[] Zeltron: An incredibly attractive species that uses pheromones to gain an edge in social conversations. (Diplomacy, Intrigue)
[] Silas Cata - Mind Of A Scoundrel: While Silas has known quite a few other scoundrels throughout his life and your organization has many ties within the underworld, Silas has suggested that you visit a few seedy bars and do some talent hunting. As he put it you would never hear of the best scoundrels and there's no better way of finding them than the old-fashioned ways. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Potential new employees located, ???
[] Silas Cata - Welcome To The Family: While Oki could be a valuable member of the Watchers given her shapeshifting abilities, she's not exactly well-trained in the arts of impersonation, infiltration, etc, etc. Silas wants the chance to spend some 'family time' with her and help her learn the ropes. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Oki gains "formal" subterfuge training, ???
[] The Silencer - Legacy of the Moon: While the Silencer's time with the Sun Guard has proven fruitful (the betrayal notwithstanding), Grievous has floated the idea that you also send him to train with the Echani as well in the hopes of giving him a different perspective on his martial arts. At least this time you know the Echani aren't Sith cultists. (Uses Martial Bonuses, The Silencer must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: The Silencer trains with the Echani, ???
[] Cheriss Sair - The Culmination of a Dream: Cheriss has the design for her project - a 'frame' that would contain a humanoid pilot much like her body contains her Shard self. All she needs is a lot of money t pay her research teams and some time with the Foundry, and she can begin working on it in earnest. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: ??? Cost: 300 Reward: Cheriss completes her design, ???
[] Cheriss Sair - The Art Of The Droid: Granted, Cheriss' new mechu-daru abilites certainly speak for themselves but it couldn't hurt for other members of your organization to learn about them in more detail. Sadly, since she is currently the only one within it to fully master the ability, she'd have to commit to teaching this for the immediate future. (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Agent teams, ???
[] Cheriss Sair - An Unrestrained Mind: While you're unwilling to use the Foundry for mass production, you're certainly willing to let Cheriss have access to a production line for prototyping new droids. At this point it'd probably be the best idea to simply let her build whatever comes to mind and see if you can make it practical or at least useful in some fashion. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: ??? Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss prototypes...something, ???
[] Thrawn - A Scholar's Passion Project: One of the Wonders of the Galaxy is Space City, a mostly abandoned colossal space station that is not only effectively a floating museum but is rumored to be home to ancient Jedi libraries. Thrawn is more concerned about the 'museum' aspect though, and has politely mentioned that if you could give him time and (admittedly significant) funds he would like to take teams to the city and expand its collections. While there would be a base established there in some capacity, it's rather obvious that Thrawn considers that to be an afterthought. (Uses Stewardship Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Space City reclaimed as both museum and base, ???
[] Thrawn - Most Curious Individuals: Thrawn has brought up a captain that he believes is an individual of interest, and that has given you an idea - why not let Thrawn dig into various military records around the galaxy and see if he can find other "interesting" individuals that could be brought into the fold? (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Thrawn goes on a talent search for people of interest, ???
[] Thrawn - Unravelling The Spider's Web: Quite frankly, the only being in the entirety of the Abyss Watchers who will be able to predict Trench's next actions is Thrawn - you might be able to use shatterpoints to get ideas but quite frankly you might have to focus on whatever else crops up this quarter. Have him analyze everything on Trench and figure out where he will strike. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Thrawn determines Trench's next move, ???
[] Grievous - One Last Ride: While Grievous is more than happy to see Kalee properly brought into the galaxy and given the chance to modernize, he feels that it also means that the age of the Kaleesh hunter is largely coming to an end. He doesn't want it to end quietly though, and has requested that he have the chance to go to Vendaxa with as many of his hunter brethren as he can possibly muster for what he describes as "the greatest and final hunt of the Kaleesh." (Uses Martial Bonuses, Grievous must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Grievous goes on what he terms "The Greatest Hunt," ???
[] Asajj Ventress - Homecoming Trip: While it's been years since she's been on the planet, Asajj was once the de facto ruler of Rattatak, ruling from the creatively named Castle Ventress. While she's not particularly interested in regaining rule over the planet for various reasons, she has expressed a desire to return there to see if there is anything she has left behind as well as potentially converting the castle into a facility for the Watchers. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Asajj reclaims her castle, ???
[] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: Fact of the matter is that you just don't have time to go contact every Force sect in the galaxy to speak with them or learn their techniques or whatever. In light of this Asajj has volunteered to go visit some of the groups...though while she'd never say it outright she'd like to be able to gain practical knowledge (usually involving new ways to kill things with her mind) from whoever she visits or at least not have to go through hours of scholarly discussion to gain their trust. Odds are any kind of "scholarly discussion" involving Asajj wouldn't work anyway knowing her... (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Asajj contacts designated group, ???
-[] Disciples of the Whills: A group of Force worshipers fiercely protective of their home of Jedha, they occupy a planet that is rich in both historical artifacts and valuable Kyber crystals. Asajj notes that they are much like the Nightsisters in that they are militantly protective of their home, though she believes that given that their home is now a CNS member they might be open to negotiation.
-[] Jensaarai: A group of Force users that apparently follow a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. Their unique ability is "ballistakinesis," which is basically hurling things at enemies at blindingly fast/lethal speeds. Asajj never said it outright but she has taken quite the interest in that particular ability, and she's noted that their Sith heritage would mean they wouldn't reject her.
-[] Zeison Sha: A group of Force users that are extremely skilled at telekinesis. The only problem is that they are incredibly isolationist, so studying them further will require direct contact. As Asajj has pointed out, it might actually be better for her to go in case things get violent.
-[] Followers of Palawa: An isolated group of Force users in the far west of the known galaxy, they have developed a number of techniques that are explicitly designed to protect against Force users. While information on them is rather scarce due to their isolation, Asajj is admittedly curious as to what these techniques actually are.
-[] Disciples of Twilight: Located on the isolated colony of Dyspeth and founded by a former Jedi in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation, the Disciples specialize in illusion techniques said to surpass even the Fallanassi light-benders. What information you have on them already indicates that they're not particularly interested in the Jedi-Sith conflict, so Asajj should be able to work with them without issue.
-[] Order of Shasa: A Maanan-based group that has sworn to protect their homeworld, and more importantly have trained themselves to use the Force to see through deception and enhance their telekinetic abilities. They're noticeably independent from the Jedi in many ways and Asajj doesn't think there would be any issues with contacting them.
[] HK-47 - Beneath Scum And Villany: As it turns out Nar Shaddaa of all worlds is home to a compound that once belonged to Revan himself during the Cold War era, and HK-47 was entrusted with passcodes to said compound. Have him lead a team there to see what remains after all these years. (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Revan's Nar Shaddaa compound accessed, ???
[] HK-47 - Write the Book: No one has more experience in fighting, defeating, and killing Force Users - Jedi and Sith - than HK-47. While getting him to write an actual manual might convince him to turn on you out of sheer frustration, having him program some scenarios against Force users for your sim centers on Kalee would be an amazing aid to your troops. Hopefully HK won't get too carried away... (Uses Lore Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Anti-Force user simulations designed, ???
[] HK-47 - Can't An Assassin Droid Assassinate People?: Yes. Yes he can. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen)
-[] Write-in targets, chance of success will vary depending on target
[] Jango Fett - Remains Of A Past Hunt: A few years ago Jango was sent on a mission to the planet of Kholma by none other than Count Dooku himself to prove that he would be the ideal template for the clone army. He ended up fighting a dark side cult and destroying the citadel they were based in, but given who they were there might still be something worth finding in the wreckage... (Uses Lore Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Kholma compound investigated, ???
[] Jango Fett - Fett's House Of Killers: If you don't have the time to set up a chapter of bounty hunters with your own resources, Jango has pointed out that by sheer reputation alone he could easily get one set up - so long as he had the credits to do so. (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 90% Cost: 150 Reward: Jango sets up bounty hunter chapter for you, ???
[] Talesan Fry - You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die: The current leader of the Corporate Alliance, Passel Argente, was the man responsible for the deaths of Fry's parents. While he has so far largely kept his mouth shut about the matter, he's quietly admitted that he wants the chance for revenge. He doesn't want Argente dead (likely due to Obi-Wan and Siri's influence), but he does want to see him brought to ruin. Dooku's idly mentioned that he just doesn't care about Argente anyway, so maybe there's a chance for some payback. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Talesan Fry must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Talesan gets his revenge on Argente, ???
[] Talesan Fry - That Boy Needs Some Therapy: To put it bluntly, Fry is not in a good headspace right now, having sealed himself in his Box and effectively isolating himself from society. While his newfound paranoia is entirely warranted to a degree, it's gotten to the point where it's going to be a headache to deal with. Maybe you should get some therapists over to the Box. Or get him to at least say hi to Obi-Wan or Siri. Or something. (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Talesan Fry must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Talesan gets therapy for his paranoia, ???
[] Galen Erso - Unparalled Mind: There are few minds in the galaxy greater at material analysis than Galen Erso, so having him work on something would be an incredible boon for your material research - though he's not going to be working on weapons tech directly or indirectly (you have other people who could do that anyway if you really need that done). (Uses Learning Bonuses, Galen Erso must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Chosen material analyzed by Galen, ???
-[] Write-in
[] Galen Erso - Heart Of Kyber: With increased funding, access to your advanced laboratories, and a supply of kyber crystals to analyze, Galen can now set out on his life's work to understand the potential applications of kyber crystals. All he needs is approval and the money to do it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Galen Erso must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 300 Reward: Kyber crystals analyzed by Galen, ??? [Takes 2 Turns, Galen locked to this action until completion]
[] Mungo Baobab - There And Back Again: If there's one thing Mungo loves, it's exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new opportunities among them. Give him some support and let him do his thing and the both of you will be better off for it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Mungo Baobab must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Mungo-led expedition to chosen location launched, ???
-[] Outer Rim (Dxun, Telos (IV))*: A pair of worlds closely associated with the Jedi Civil War era, they are home to Sith and Jedi ruins respectively.
-[] Hutt Space (Manda, Tatooine)*: These worlds contain various libraries and such that would make for interesting material to stealexamine closely.
-[] Duro*: The Valley of Royalty is listed as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and contains an incredible (if varied) collection of data & historical artifacts. Sounds like a good place for "research."
-[] Kathol Outback: An isolated area of the Outer Rim, the region is rumored to be home to a powerful Force sect, but you don't have much more to go on besides that.
-[] Aliston Nor: A planet said to be the home of the "Jedi Builders," a sect that uses techniques similar to mechu-deru to design ships and buildings. While the planet's existence and history is well-documented, you'd like to be sure that there's something worth stealing studying before you commit to the planet.
-[] Chandrilla: Home to the beautiful Crystal Canyons, it's rumored that the tomb of a highly renowned Jedi Master is hidden away in its depths.
-[] Belsavis: The planet has a long history of serving as a Republic prison and has infrastructure rumored to predate even them. There's certainly more to be found here.
[] Mungo Baobab - Mergers And Acquisitions: With everything happening you personally don't have time to handle your bigger deals with some of the larger companies in the galaxy, so why not have Mungo approach them on your and the Baobab Merchant Fleet's behalf? (Uses Stewardship Bonuses, Mungo Baobab must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Chosen company contacted, ???
-[] Write-in
New Bases:
Scipio: With the IGBC safely purged of Palpatine's influence it's now much easier to get property on Scipio. Which is good, because it might be worthwhile to keep an eye on the banks. For their own safety of course... Cost: 150 Reward: Property on Scipio
Lianna: Raith has pointed out that if you want to truly give a sign of partnership with him you could always establish a Karada corporation branch on Lianna. He's even pointed out a good facility for you to move into. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Lianna
Corulag: Alternatively, Raith is willing to set aside some property on Corulag if you're willing to help invest in the more clandestine Advanced Research Division branch of his company. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Corulag
Fresia: Thanks to Seti's support the Fresian government has marked a piece of property that is conveniently empty for you to build a base on for hiding away, supporting Incom, or both. Cost: 100 Reward: Base on Fresia
Bothawui: The Spynet has "created an opening" on the planet for you to move into so long as you can pay some "administrative fees" for it. ...So this is what being on the other side of that feels like. Cost: 200 Reward: Base on Bothawui
Pantora: Since you (or more accurately Silas) helped alleviate the worst of the blockade over Pantora, the people there are more than willing to let you set up a Karada facility there...on a planet with a wide-spanning media and intel network... Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Pantora
Kuat: The Kuat Drive Yards have mentioned that they're willing to help finance a Karada facility on Kuat itself if you're interested in deepening ties with them. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Kuat
Outland Transit Station: Once Jango Fett's home of sorts, the station in question has been badly damaged in the process of one of Jango's contracts. Still, he's pointed out that it would hardly be difficult to properly occupy the station if you wanted to...though it is a bit of a fixer-upper. Cost: 200 Reward: Outland Transit Station repaired and occupied
Manda: You're already on good terms with the Baobabs at this point, so why not have a more physical sign of your partnership? Cost: 150 Reward: Property on Manda
Ithor: Given your work with the Ithorians so far, it wouldn't hurt to get a facility on one of the cities floating above the planet's surface. Cost: 175 Reward: Property on Ithor
Tatooine: You're not just thinking about this so you can keep an even closer eye on the Skywalker family. Not at all. Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Tatooine
Alderaan: It would have been doomed in another time (tenses are hard), but there's no reason why you can't get a footprint on one of the most important Core Worlds. Cost: 150 Reward: Property on Alderaan
Iego: The planet of the "angels" and more importantly a potentially profitable location for a serious Silver Cross facility. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Iego
Dac: The reputation of the Mon Calamari shipbuilders alone makes expanding here worthwhile. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Dac
Cularin: Given how weird this system is, it would definitely be worth fully expanding here. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Cularin
Cormit: While the Chiss have refused to let you set up anything on Csilla itself, they would be willing to let you set up a base on Cormit for more active relations so long as the CEDF can keep a close eye on it. Cost: 250 Reward: Facility on Cormit:
Manaan: Kolto could prove to be a way to weaken Thyferra's political power and the planet has played a key role in the past history of the Republic. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Maanan
Telos: While it has recovered now, millennia ago the planet was devastated by the Jedi Civil War and was the site of Nihilus' death. There's much to be uncovered here. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Telos
Procopia: Home to various noble houses competing for power - each leaning towards the Jedi or Sith no less - a smart woman could make a lot of money playing them off against each other. Cost: 300 Reward: Property on Procopia
Empress Teta: A faded ecumenopolis in the Deep Core that is now home to a considerable black market, this seems like an excellent opportunity for expansion. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Empress Teta
[] Write-in (Base 200 Cost, Idea Subject to GM Veto)
Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit.
Coruscant Base:
[] Droid Marketing Office: You've been stockpiling B1 droids for ages now and its not like you really need them as much anymore given that your teams are more effective in every conceivable way. Instead why not sell off the surplus units...to people who aren't going to use them to contribute to the war. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 income
[] Droid Storage Expansion: It might not be a bad idea to have more storage space for your B1s here. Having a disposable attack force right under Palpatine's nose wouldn't be the worst idea. Cost: 100 Reward: Expanded storage space for droids
[] Corporate Espionage Program: A lot of corporations either call Coruscant home or at least have an office of some kind on the planet. There's money to be made in spying on them - barring your "friends" like Sienar and Incom. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 information income
[] Coruscant Enquirer: You're no stranger to tabloid journalism, and given the insanity that Palpatine is a democratically elected Dark Lord of the Sith it might be worth fighting madness with madness of your own. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 investment income, tabloid rag set up on Courscant
[] Underworld Investments: Your presence may have expanded across the galaxy but in your experience consolidation always pays.
-[] Undercity Portal: The hangar at your base is functional, but having the ability to land more ships at the Abyss could prove vital in the coming days. Cost: 100 Reward: Expanded hangar space for base
-[] Aegis Security Expansion: It's not "protection money" it's "legitimate business." There's a difference! Barely. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 security income
-[] Smuggler's Dens: The Abyss is your wretched hive of scum and villainy. That means you have the rights to make a killing off of the smuggling and racketeering going on there. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
-[] Regional Strongholds: Palpatine will come for the Undercity eventually. Make sure that when that time comes he pays for it. Cost: 150 Reward: Controlled areas heavily fortified against attack
-[] Rolling Investments: With each new area of the Undercity you carve out there's more money to be made there. Cost: 200 Reward: +25 income per area taken over
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Kalee Military Base:
[] Megafauna Museum: If Grievous is any indication, the Kalee would be honored to host a zoo/museum of the biggest and baddest animals in the galaxy. Especially since he already dumped a exogorth carcass as the first exhibit. Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed Cost: 200 Reward: Megafauna museum opened, +50 investment income, potential to study contained fauna in more detail
[] System Defenses: With Trench on the move you need to fortify - Kalee is an incredibly vital planet for the Watchers. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Rewards: Systemwide defenses set up around Kalee
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[] Ithorian Biome: Since a lot of the Oracle's crew spends the majority of their time on the ship itself, why not invite the Ithorians to help create a "living ecosystem" on board and make it so that the air isn't quite so stale? There might not be any practical value but given the extreme redesign of the ship as it is there's no harm in giving it a slightly more "unique" charm. Cost: 150 Reward: "Living ecosystem" set up on Oracle
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Kyriemout Investments: Funnel some extra credits into Kyriemout to strengthen the compound as well as earn Skirata's favor. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Clan Skirata strengthened
[] Corellia-Mandalore Pilot Training Initiative: Fact: Mandalorians are not known for their piloting abilities. Fact: Corellians are. Get a piloting academy set up on Mandalore and invite the brightest of Corellia's pilots to train the Guardians and they'll become even more fearsome on the battlefield. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased piloting capability of Mandalorian Guardians
[] Agricultural Revitalization: With your ties to the Ithorians, you can help set up a full-on revitalization program for Mandalore, helping it become more habitable in the coming years. Odds are good that you won't live to see it (gaining immortality of some kind notwithstanding) but even in the short term it would provide considerable PR benefits if nothing else. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Get'shuk Arenas: A traditional Mandalorian sport, you have a good feeling that with enough publicity get'shuk could find popularity even beyond Mandalore itself. Cost: 100 Rewards: +50 investment income, increased publicity for get'shuk
[] MandalMotors Investments: Quite frankly you don't have the time to set up a proper chain of deals with MandalMotors yourself, so just have some subsidiaries help prop up the company. Cost: 250 Rewards: +50 income, dramatically increased output from MandalMotors
[] Planetary Shield: With the majority of the planet's population now squeezed into various dome cities any orbital bombardment to the planet could be devastating. Set up something to keep the population from being wiped out by a few stray turbolasers. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Mandalore
[] System Defenses: Mandalore is a potential target of opportunity for Trench, so it would be worthwhile to set up defenses here just in case. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Rewards: Systemwide defenses set up around Mandalore
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Lordran, Kiln:
[] Droid Factory: With the required resources available now you can begin to build your very own Droid Factory on the planet to bolster your troops with new battle droids.
-[] Super Battle Droid Factory: Cost: 75 Upkeep: 35 Reward: +1 Super Battle Droid group per turn
-[] IG Droid Factory: Cost: 125 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 IG Lancer droid group per turn
-[] Crab Droid Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 Crab droid group per turn
[] Baktoid Vehicle factories: It might be worthwhile to have these set up on Kiln so you can deploy these elsewhere with no questions asked.
-[] Armored Assault Tanks: Heavy tanks capable of both anti-infantry and anti-vehicle missions. You can't go wrong here. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 group of AATs per turn
-[] Multi-Troop Transport: Extremely tough transports capable of carrying and storing many droids. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of MTTs per turn
-[] Platoon Attack Craft: Less heavily-armored but far more mobile transports in comparison to MTTs. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 group of PACs per turn
[] Personal Retreat Customization: You aren't planning on really touching the island, that's fine as it is. But who says you can't have some other things put together?
-[] Mount Ciaran: A monument to all of your arrogance - but dammit, it's way too tempting to have your visage preserved in a mountainside for others to witness. Cost: 200 Reward: Mount Ciaran
-[] Abyss Murals: A little extra for the central building on the island - these would be stylized murals depicting all of the times you've enjoyed seeing others squirmthe rich and storied history of the Watchers. Obviously. Cost: 100 Reward: Murals added for an extra personal touch
-[] The Lordran Vault: Granted, you don't expect anyone to be able to get to the Vault, but having it or at least its more sensitive contents be stored on Lordran might not be a bad idea. Cost: 150 Reward: Highly sensitive materiel permanently moved to Lordran
-[] Private Nature Preserve: Your own little slice of paradise where you can hunt various animals of varying danger levels with an armory's worth of weapons! ...Maybe you've been spending a bit too much time around Grievous. Cost: 100 Reward: Private nature preserve created
[] Agriculture Expansion: Kiln is home to an increasingly large amount of people who would need more food from on-site, otherwise you're going to have to start importing food from elsewhere and potentially jeopardizing its isolation. Fix that. Cost: 300 Rewards: +100 income, food situation on Kiln future-proofed
[] Industrial Expansion: You could stand to increase the output of your various industries on Kiln and build more things in general. Cost: 300 Upkeep: 150 Reward: Increased output of all factories
[] Doomsday Bunkers: Even though you're not planning on using the Foundry unless absolutely necessary, it definitely would not hurt to be prepared in some capacity for that necessity by setting up a bunker to contain an army that could defend the planet. Cost: 300 Reward: Doomsday bunkers to contain an army for use in case of emergencies
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else. In comparison to the proposed megafauna facility on Kalee, these would contain (relatively) small predators. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units
[] Casino Franchising: Get big or go home - set up more casinos modeled after the Orb across Nar Shaddaa and really rake in the money from gamblers. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Currency Exchange: With the support of your Muun accountants, you can help set up a currency exchange center to help convert credits to peggats and other currencies...for a slight administrative fee of course. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 "trade" income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: There are plenty of lost souls and bitter Evocii here who could use something to believe in. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Nar Shaddaa, Evocii Mandalorians
[] Sith Academy Reoccupation: With the rediscovery of the Nar Shaddaa Sith academy you could easily rebuild the location as an off-site training location for Agents. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rate for Apprentices
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Castell Facility:
[] Salvage/Recycling Teams: Shu Mai's mismanagement means that there's plenty of clean-up work to be done on the planet. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 salvage income
[] Aegis Security Expansion: It can't be the worst idea to fortify things before the coup. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Muunilinst Mansion:
[] Mandalorian Guardians Financial Offices: If the Guardians are going to become a galactic franchise they're going to need people to handle their money. Fortunately, Muuns are some of the best people in the galaxy to handle accounting. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 investment income, financial offices for Mandalorian Guardians set up
[] Planetary Shield: Muunilinst's planetary shields were devastated during the battles for the planet, and need to be replaced if you want to keep the planet safe. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Muunilinst
[] System Defenses: Given that the IGBC effectively defected from the Separatists, it could use protection in case Trench decides to use it as a target. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Rewards: Systemwide defenses set up around Muunilinst
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Vectivus' Home:
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Kashyyyk Facility:
[] Tarisian Ale Plant: Ironically and despite the name Tarisan Ale is produced from glands native to Kashyyyk itself. Instead of dealing with imports and tariffs and whatnot, you could just build up a processing plant on Kashyyyk instead. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from exporting Tarisian Ale
[] Incom Expansion: While it would be difficult for Incom to make a profit here, they are more than willing to move more materiel here if only to get it out of Core Space. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] KDY Expansion: Some KDY execs have told you that if you want to help them expand here, they would certainly appreciate the aid of the Wookiees for their larger-scale projects. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] CEC Expansion: Invite the Corellian Engineering Corporation to expand their facilities to the planet, and hire Wookiee labor for their mechanical expertise and physical labor. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: The legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Kashyyyk to streamline their production line with Wookiee labor, in exchange for a small ownership share. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Ecological Programs: To put it bluntly, the wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk are an ecological marvel, to say nothing of the other various species on the planet. Making sure that the planet's ecology maintained would not only make you look better but would also help ensure such marvels continue to be preserved. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[] Tradeport Construction: Granted, the Wookiees do have a Trading Guild, but right now they don't really have as much pull in galactic trade. Helping them set up a proper tradeport on Alaris Prime would help both you and them. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Exotic Creature Exports: Kashyyyk is home to some weird fauna, fauna that many collectors would like to get their hands on - and for people like them money is no object. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 trade income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: Mandalorian Wookiees. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Kashyyyk, Mandalorian Wookiees
[] Planetary Shield: Keeping Kashyyyk safe from Trench would be more than worth the money. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Kashyyyk
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Taris Property:
[] Recruitment Center: The people here love you and would be more than willing to sign on with you full time if you let them. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate
[] Mercy Medical Campus Expansion: You have an entire medical campus to expand and the people would be more than willing to help build said expansions.
-[] Karada Pharmecuticals Division Relocation: While not your most important branch, getting this away from Palpatine would hardly be a bad idea. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
-[] Karada Maufacturing Division Relocation: It would be nice to know that your manufacturing wouldn't be cut off by a sudden blockade. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
-[] Karada Medical Program Relocation: Sure the medical programs are somewhat decentralized, but you'd prefer if they reported to Taris rather than Coruscant. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 Karada income, divison reolcated from Coruscant
[] Promised Land Development: The nekghoul society in the Promised Land has been integrated with the rest of Taris to a degree, but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done.
-[] Karada Campus: Nekghouls get injured like everyone else - and like everyone else they know how to pay for it now. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Karada income
-[] Force Academy: You could stand to have the Nekghouls' unique views on the Force recorded, studied, and potentially taught to others. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased ability of Nekghoul teams
-[] Nekghoul Guide Contracts: Your teams could certainly use the local guides to keep them safe from the dangers of the Undercity. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: Boost to Taris salvage roll
[] System Defenses: Taris will not fall again.
-[] Rapid-Response Fleet: The best protection against Trench would be a fleet that can respond to any potential raids quickly and effectively. Cost: 300 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Rapid-response fleets set up in Tarisian space
-[] Reinforced Planetary Shields: Taris has been burned once, but you cannot afford to have history repeat itself. Cost: 300 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Enhanced planetary shields set up over key locations
-[] KDY Ion Batteries: With some backroom talks with the Kuat Drive Yards you should be able to set up an array of ion cannons across the planet to prepare for any potential assaults. Cost: 300 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ion cannon network set up across Taris
[] Private Retreat: You've finally figured out a loophole in Tarisian laws - by setting up a private retreat on the other side of the planet you can get away from bureaucracy to some degree and hey, if you're gone, people could always visit for a price... Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: The people here already believe in you to an incredible degree, so convincing them to believe in the Guardians should be child's play. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Taris
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Naboo Mansion:
[] Gungan Economic Development: Because they deserve to be under your (economic) control as well. It's for your greater good.
-[] Aquaculture Investments: Someone has to keep the water around Otoh Gunga clean, right? Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
-[] Industry Investments: While Gungan technology is impressive, it is held back by their lack of proper industrial equipment. Help fix that. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
-[] Amphibious Tradeport: There are plenty of other aquatic species in the galaxy who would appreciate being able to land in a tradeport that is underwater. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
-[] Hydrostatic Bubble Engineering: The "bubbles" the Gungans use for transport/habitation are quite the engineering marvel, and no doubt other planets would enjoy having them available for their own ends. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Karada Medcenter: Show some solidarity by setting up a Karada center on Naboo. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[] High-Society Matchmaking: No, you're not going to use this just to match up Anakin and Padme for your amusement. That's only one of the things you're going to do with this. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Porso Hill Base Reclamation: Once upon a time Borvo had a base here that not only was able to produce N1 starfighters but served as a base of operations on the planet...before one Lieutenant Sykes came in and wrecked the place. Still, the past is the past, and it would be a very useful location to get a hold of. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Porso Hill reclaimed as a secure location and production site
[] Water Exporting: Yes. Seriously. Hey, planets like Tatooine need the water! Cost: 200 Rewards: +100 investment income, disbelief of your peers
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: The planet loves you, so asking a few humans and Gungans to become Guardians would hardly be a challenge. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Naboo, Mandalorian Gungans
[] Amphibious City: A grand symbol of unity between the humans and Gungans of Naboo, this proposed city would be constructed to act as a bridgehead between the two peoples, partly above and partly below water to represent the disparate but unified peoples. And it would also make you a killing from the contracts you'd work out to build it. Cost: 300 Reward: +150 investment income
[] Plasma-Fueled Planetary Shield: The plasma complex you've been investing in could have another purpose besides producing the substance - acting as the primary power source for a shield generator that could cover the majority of Theed and the surrounding area. Cost: 200 Reward: Plasma-Fueled shield set up.
[] System Defenses: Naboo is a prime target for a retributive strike from the Separatists/Trench given past history, and it could use some proper defenses. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Rewards: Systemwide defenses set up around Naboo
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Cato Nemodia Mansion:
[] Invest in Trade Federation businesses: Since your good "friend" Nute Gunray has declared you a noted friend of the organization (for keeping him out of jail), you have an opportunity to invest in some of the businesses on the planet. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Expand Baktoid Production Lines: Sure the production lines are producing some vehicles, but you really need them to enter mass production. And of course it would help to have deniable materiel right in the middle of Core Space...
-[] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform: A speeder you can stand on with guns on the front...that's about it. This will give the B1s a lot more mobility at least. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of STAPs per turn
-[] Armored Assault Tanks: Heavy tanks capable of both anti-infantry and anti-vehicle missions. You can't go wrong here. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 group of AATs per turn
-[] Multi-Troop Transport: Extremely tough transports capable of carrying and storing many droids. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of MTTs per turn
-[] Platoon Attack Craft: Less heavily-armored but far more mobile transports in comparison to MTTs. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 group of PACs per turn
-[] Vulture-class droid starfighter: The fighter of choice for the CIS, this fighter has a droid brain in the place of a pilot, though its combat abilities slightly suffer for it. Maybe have Cheriss look into that at some point. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn
[] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Granted it's nice that this factory has been making you credits but you'd really like to be able to properly get the vehicles off-planet for your own ends. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet
[] Trade Port: The Trade Federation is based off of this planet. Getting in on the trade here is only logical. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Clovis Factory Line Expansions: You have a deniable droid factory. Time to exploit the hell out of it.
-[] OOM Droid Line: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +3 OOM droid groups per turn
-[] BX Commando Droid Line: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +2 BX droid groups per turn
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Ord Mantell Compound:
[] Ord Mantell Banking: Ord Mantell commands a central position both physically and economically in the Northern Rim. Setting up some banks in the area would greatly help expand both the planetary and local economy. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[] Cantina Franchise: Where there are shadowports, there is a demand for cantinas. Where there is a demand for cantinas, you'll be there to profit off of it. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income
[] Expanded Shadowports: There's always more people wanting to make some illicit deals on Ord Mantell. Why let something like a lack of space keep them from doing that so long as they're sure to send a few credits your way. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 smuggling income
[] Fort Garnik Expansion: The CNS need a proper military center. Now you have one, but it still needs work.
-[] Arsenal: Set up a location for arms to be stored and distributed across CNS space, particularly the Northern Rim. Cost: 100 Rewards: +25 military income, central arsenal set up for CNS
-[] Drydock: Having facilities on the ground is good, but having the ability to repair and rearm starships would help fortify Ord Mantell. Cost: 150 Rewards: +50 military income, central drydock set up for CNS
-[] Barracks: Set up proper facilities to house troops, which will not only help centralize the military further but will help break down boundaries between different members. Cost: 125 Rewards: +50 military income, barracks for CNS military set up
-[] Command & Control Facilities: Fort Garnik isn't going to be that useful unless you can ensure that you have the systems in place to handle command and distribution for the military. Cost: 200 Reward: C&C facilites for CNS military set up
-[] Systemwide Defenses: If you're going to make Fort Garnik into the beating heart of the CNS military you're going to need to be prepared to fight for it. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Rewards: Systemwide defenses set up around Ord Mantell
-[] Guardian Corps Barracks: If there's anywhere you want the Mandalorian Guardians to be it would be at Fort Garnik. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Barracks set up at Fort Garnik
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Dantooine Facilities:
[] Agriculture Investment: Dantooine is basically grassland, grassland, and more grassland. And if there's one thing grasslands are good for, it's farming on a massive scale. Get the Ithorians to help you set up some large-scale farming and make a killing off of it...and help starving people. That too. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[] Expand Luxus Resort: The old Cata mansion is nice and all but it could certainly stand to be expanded upon. Add on more rooms, entertainment areas, restaurants, and turn this place into a proper resort. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Tourism income
[] Asteroid Mining: Dantooine is surrounded by several major mineral-rich asteroid fields, including the 'Wall of Dantooine' that is notably rich in obsidian deposits. Mining these rocks would make you quite a bit of credits. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 mining income
[] Space Curling Arena: With an asteroid belt in orbit there's no reason why you couldn't set up a Space Curling arena here. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income, Dantooine becomes a center for Space Curling because why not
[] Vianist Pilgrim Houses: Dantooine was once home to a Jedi Academy and many ruins still dot the planet. No doubt the Vianist pilgrims would love the chance to be able to visit such an important historical site (just so long as they stay away from your archaeology teams). Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Corellia Property:
[] Luxus Resort: the 'Gold Beaches' of Tyrena are already a tourist trap, while Doaba Guerfel is known for its wild preserves and mountain resorts. Find a good location and set up a vacation resort. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
[] Corellian Merchants Guild investments: One of the largest trading companies in the southern Core, the CMG is well worth the investment, if only for the access to its prestigious Guildhouses around the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment Income
[] Treasure Ship Row: A massive open-air bazaar that's almost comparable to that of Coruscant. Set up shop, and offer space to sellers from other CNS worlds to advertise the wonders of the Outer Rim in general and Neutral systems in particular. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment Income
[] Corellian Engineering Corporation: CEC is the best civilian starship manufacturer in the galaxy, known for their emphasis on easy repair and modular systems. Offer to help them out, however you can. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
[] Trade Port Investments: Corellia is a known center of trade. Do the math. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Rubicund Eye Purchase: The Rubicund Eye is an abandoned station in the Five Brothers system that could serve a variety of uses if you're willing to clean it up. Cost: 200 Reward: Rubicund Eye bought out
[] Kas'as Chen'ru Den Excavation: The Kas'as Chen'ru Den is rumored to be home to artifacts dating back millienia, and potentially back to the days of Revan himself. It would be worth getting some teams in the area to see if there's anything to find there. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 salvage income, second roll for Corellia system set up
[] Drall Recruiting Office: The Drall are a species that are small and quite frankly adorable, but they are also highly intelligent theoreticians and obsessively keep records about the tiniest of details, which would no doubt be useful if only to help keep track of Cheriss' design processes. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Learning bonus
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Sullust Facility:
[] Trade Port: It can't hurt to get in on the trade Sullust gets. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: There's definitely interesting things you can learn from SoroSuub's more clandestine transmissions. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 information income
[] Cantina Franchise: Turns out Sullustans like getting just as drunk as the rest of the galaxy. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
[] Labor Droid Factories: SoroSuub could always use labor that doesn't get tired or ask for bigger paychecks. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Sullustan Recruitment Center: Sullustans are renowned for being some of the finest navigators in the galaxy, so getting some of them on tap could only benefit your efforts in space. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Rewards: Sullustans recurited, 10% bonus to smuggling income
[] SoroSuub Investments: You're never really friends until you've set up proper investment deals. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: The Sullustans may not look Mandalorian at first glance, but they could make for potentially effective recruits given their navigation abilities. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Sullust, Sullustan Mandalorians
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Arkania Facility:
[] Trade Port: Arkanians may not like outsiders that much, but when they do let people in it's often to buy expensive medical equipment. No more needs to be said. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: Maybe you can get coherent information through all of the ego-stroking your people will have to listen to. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Svivreni Diamond Mines: There's diamonds in those hills. Get the Svivreni to extract them and make a killing off of the jewelry you could make from them. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 mining income
[] Karada Research Complex: It is the main reason you got the facility - to have a research complex that people wouldn't ask questions about, yet still would have access to some of the finest minds in the galaxy. Cost: 100 Rewards: +50 Karada income
[] Adascorp Investments: They'd probably appreciate the funding to keep the Arkanian Legacy in shape, and you could easily strike a few profitable deals with them. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Museum of Arkania: A museum made by Arkanians, for Arkanians, celebrating the glory of Arkanians to all of the other people who are not Arkanians. Aside from that it might help to get some publicity going for Adascorp that could benefit both them and Karada. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: The arrogance of the Arkanians aside, they are geniuses in the field of medicine and could potentially serve as field medics for the Guardians. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Arkania, Arkanian Mandalorians
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
[] Corporate Shipyards: Individually the various shipbuilding companies you're in touch with wouldn't spring for individual shipyards around Tibannopolis, but setting up a general area where they can have individual berths would go over much better with your contacts. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Trade Port: Bespin could be a major port of call for the southern Outer Rim, especially if Cloud City lives up to its promise as a resort destination. Set up a trade port to take advantage of ships coming and going. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Shadowport: Bespin is a bit off the beaten track, which makes it ideal for smuggling. Nothing too egregious, though; there are Jedi on site. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 smuggling income
[] Entertainment District: Cloud City is advertising itself as the premier resort destination of the Greater Javin region. Time they face some competition.
-[] Cantina Franchise: All resorts have alcohol. It's like a law. Probably. And if not it should be. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
-[] Nightclub Expansion: So that people can party like there's not a war raging around them! Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
-[] Casino Franchise: It's like theft, except people pay you to take their money. Amazing. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
-[] Luxus Resort: After people get completely drunk and/or lose all their credits in ill-advised gambling sprees, they'll need somewhere to take their mind off of their pain and suffering. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
-[] Theme Park: Something for the kids! Specifically somewhere patrons can take their kids and occupy them so that they can't be questioned as to why they have scantily-clad men and/or women around them or why they would waste credits on this "gambling" thing. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 investment income
[] Tibanna Gas Weapons Factory: Now that you have a refinery, setting up an attached weapons factory to take advantage of the tibanna gas you're harvesting would be an excellent decision. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 military income, increased potency of weaponry
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Lorrd Property:
[] Trade Port: Lorrd isn't tied to a major hyperlane, but it's well situated to benefit from trade and travel across much of the far northern Outer Rim. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Karada Medcenter: While Lorrd is a fairly prosperous planet, setting up a medcenter would allow you to cooperate with the planet's various universities for medical programs and research. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[] Guardian Corps Recruiting Center: The Lorrdian ability to read others could be surprisingly useful for the Guardians as a whole. Cost: 100 Reward: Guardian Corps recruiting center set up at Lorrd, Mandalorian Lorrdians
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
[] Starfighter Complement: Granted, the Chu'unthor doesn't have much hangar space, but it has enough that you could easily stand to have a decent fighter complement on board in case of an attack. Cost: 150 Reward: Chu'unthor gains starfighter complement for defense
[] Karada Clinic: Allowing select individuals on board the Chu'unthor to handle injuries for your highly classified Agents and Abysswalkers would certainly pay for themselves. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased survival rate for Agents/Abysswalkers
[] Archaeological Teams: Given the vessel's nature, the Chu'unthor would make for an excellent center for archaeology teams that would be deployed from the vessel. Cost: 250 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Additional archaeology action
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
[] Defense Grid: Given what you're looking for with your archaeology teams it certainly cannot hurt to have systems in place to deter any unwanted guests. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses set up for archaeology facilites
[] Orbital Trading Post: While you don't want people poking at Yavin IV that much, you could control what little traffic goes into the system by setting up a space station that would host trade for now, but could be considerably expanded with other modules once it's set up. Cost: 200 Reward: +50 trade income, ability to expand station
[] Probe Droid Supply: It would certainly help the archaeology teams had something on hand to help them locate particularly valuable sites on Yavin IV and its other moons, and their primary suggestion was having a consistent supply of probe droids to work with. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Boost to archaeology rolls
[] Ecological Exports: An interesting quirk of Yavin IV's flora is actual grenade fruits that explode upon being thrown, which not only sounds hilarious but could potentially be an incredibly effective and subtle explosive to be used in case of emergency. You have to do something with that. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 smuggling income, mass-produced grenade fruit
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
[] Aegis Security Facility: Given how rocky your relations with Xuchpra and Zaltin currently are it can't hurt to have some security around. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
[] Trade Port: There's at least some legal trade you can get on. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Large-Scale Wiretaps: The use for these is fairly obvious. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income
[] Covert Karada Research Complex: With the corporations' power largely focused in the capital city built by them, if you're very careful you can set up a quiet facility in the wilderness to take a crack at reverse-engineering bacta. Cost: 300 Reward: Facility covertly built for the purpose of reverse-engineering bacta
[] Smugglers Den: Much as the corporations will insist otherwise there's at least some black market work going on the planet, and it can't hurt to get in on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
[] Aegis Security Facility: Given the presence of Damask Holdings it can't hurt to have security in case Palpatine comes knocking. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
[] Trade Port: Rare metal is certainly worth quite a bit on the open market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Karada Facility: Turns out lava burns are a fairly common issue on the planet so healthcare would not go awry. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: With Damask Holdings facilities around it can't hurt to keep your ears open. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income
[] Lava Refinery: There are already facilities on the planet that harvest rare materials from lava, so why not buy out a facility or two to get some of that raw material production under your control? Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
[] Luxus Resort: The lavafalls on the planet are absolutely stunning and would make for an excellent tourist trap so long as a decent viewing facility with proper air conditioning on hand. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
[] Svivreni Crystal Mines: The Blackguard have pointed out that Mustafar is a viable candidate for lightsaber crystal mining, and it can't hurt to have a secondary source of the valuable materials. Cost: 150 Rewards: +50 mining income, secondary source of lightsaber crystals gained
[] Blackguard Enclave: Currently the Blackguard live in ruins on a planet covered in lava and with a barely breathable atmosphere. They would probably appreciate having a home with modern air conditioning and other amenities. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Rewards: Blackguard enclaves set up, boost to Blackguard rolls
[] Salvage/Archaeology Teams: Mustafar and its surrounding areas are host to quite a few archaeologically valuable sites - like the Hammerhead wreck your teams extracted HK-47 from. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Salvage income, per turn roll for other benefits
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Free Action:
[] Select any action from list above
Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
Priam: [] Write in
The Silencer: [] Write in
Silas Cata: [] Write in
Cheriss Sair: [] Write in
Thrawn: [] Write in
Grievous: [] Write in
Asajj Ventress: [] Write in
HK-47: [] Write in
Jango Fett: [] Write in
Talesan Fry: [] Write in
Galen Erso: [] Write in
Mungo Baobab: [] Write in
Watcher Support (20 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team): [] Write in
[] Begin Palpatine Elimination Operation:The time has come. Palpatine has to die. But be aware - what you are comitting to will change the galaxy forever one way or another. Current Probability of Success: 14% Operation will commence after all other actions this turn have been resolved.
All assets will be committed to operation or go dark depending on function. There will be no turning back once this option is chosen.
Anyway, it's finally out after considerable amounts of typing and overcoming technical difficulties.
So with that comes the usual reminder that there is a 24-hour moratorium on voting. Enjoy~
Edit: Don't forget this is available for any planners:
I returned to Tython on the Nuffin Doin', a freighter crafted by a people called the Nuffin. Look, I wouldn't have believed it myself except I saw their paperwork to join the CNS and the dossier on the species.
Sapient humanoids noted for their gentle nature and focus on cleanliness. Shipwrights known for making a light freighter.
The holo appeared mostly human, with one exception. No nose.
People without noses. How do they smell? Given their cultural focus on cleanliness, probably not too bad.
I'd named the ship Nuffin Doin'. How could I not? It was, after all, designed and constructed by the Nuffin, their craft, of their doing.
Okay, and because the pun was too good to pass up.
I returned, naturally, with more medical supplies, this time that I'd purchased myself. What point was there in making all this Walker money if I wasn't going to do something good with it?
It had a pair of gun turrets on it that used the ship's IFF and an AX-108's auto-targeting module to cover for the fact that it was just me in the ship. These were in the space that some other freighters made by Nuffin might use pulse rockets, but I wanted to be able to travel through highly public areas without anybody blinking twice.
It wasn't the strongest, fastest, toughest, or scariest ship...but it would get me out of whatever trouble I got myself into.
I crossed through to Tython space. "Ground control, this is Captain Riphath Althean of the Nuffin Doin' requesting clearance to land. Had to replace the old ship after the accident."
"Glad to hear from you, Riphath. Thought the crash might have scared you off," Ground Control replied. "Head for bay 8."
Oh, one other thing. The hull was made partially out of pyronium. For those of you who skipped materials science class, pyronium absorbs electromagnetic energy and changes colors when it does so. Which means the color scheme changes under stress. In empty space, it tends toward a pinkish color.
I consider it a fair trade for the fact that my ship tends to bleed the energy off any blaster fire or sensor pings it catches.
As I landed on Tython, the nose of the Nuffin Doin' rotated through all the different colors of the visible spectrum multiple times. That was never going to get old.
I landed and there was something of a crowd around docking bay 8. A hover-pallet for the supplies I brought. I'd come a long way from talking my way past Jedi Customs Guardians, that was for sure.
I looked at my ship, the pyronium in the hull settling on a maroon color. Almost as soon as my feet hit the ground, what looked like an undergrad and was probably a Padawan passed me a note on flimsiplast.
Come to the Council Chamber Anteroom. There is much to discuss.
-Master Rogan
The youth had a nasty gash down his arm from AT-TE shrapnel. I'd treated him in the past. "How's your arm...Padawan Malreaux?"
"Getting better all the time, Doc. Shouldn't be long before I can get back to my training properly. I was told I needed to find you and then disappear. One of those training things my Master's teaching me."
I smiled, looking over towards the Council chamber. "Well, kid…" I started, turning to look back towards him.
Naturally, he was already gone. "You've sure got the disappear thing down pat."
I realized something as I was walking across Tython's surface. I could sense the planet, the strength of it. Something I probably didn't notice in all the fuss after the bacta bath and the whole dying thing.
It felt like walking in sunshine, instead of looking at it through a window. The Force was alive here.
I found Darra waiting for me in the anteroom. She gave me a smile and opened the door. Master Rogan and the other masters on the Tython Jedi Council were waiting for me.
"Before you stands the man who mere months ago I said was emblematic of our ideals. In the months since I made that declaration, he has undergone the trials of a Jedi Knight," Rogan began.
"He traveled for one month through the wilds of this planet, where the flame tygahs, acid spiders, and hook hawks all tested his skill and courage," he said, to the murmured acquiescence of the Council.
Granted, those things were scary, but it's amazing what a good blaster can do in conjunction with everything else.
"He faced the worst sort of Trial of the Flesh imaginable. He literally died at another's hands and was brought back through the skill of our healing team. Skill which he added to and increased. Indeed, the supplies he brought with him were used in the saving of his life."
I note you're grazing over the fact that it was an accident and who it was that did it, Rogan, but when you say it that way it sounds impressive.
"We have recordings of his Trial of the Spirit, where he chose to serve others rather than himself."
If you're talking about the thing I think you are, I was actually developing the resolve to do the only good thing I could think of at a really rough time.
"As for his trial of insight? His insight into many different matters has been of great value, his medical insights in particular. He has passed the Trials. Would anyone gainsay me in this?" Rogan asked, looking at me as much as anyone.
Uh. Well. I'd sooner not go through more and getting my struggles recognized is nice, yes.
"Then it is the privilege of this Council to bestow upon you the rank of Jedi Knight, equal with that of your Luwoban," Rogan concluded. "There is always plenty of work to be done, and plenty of sorrow, but on this day we celebrate."
I stood, frozen in the center of the Council Chamber.
"Go on," Rogan stated, waving me out. "I've got apprentices learning in the Healing Halls today. I imagine there's someone you want to celebrate with anyway," he offered with a smile.
Still stunned, I walked back out of the chamber and saw the look of satisfaction on Darra's face. "It's about time they recognized what I've seen all along; that you're my partner, and partners can be different but they should be equal. Also, I'm pretty sure they're going to have us go investigate more of those temples dotting the landscape. They're letting us have the memory of today to help sustain us through that journey."
I rolled my eyes. "Great. More hook hawks."
"Tomorrow. Today? Today, Riphath...good memories," Darra said, a certain look in her eyes as we walked out of the Council Hall.
Indeed, the memories I have of the rest of that day I count among my favorites. They are and will remain mine.
A/N: In point of fact, the Nuffin freighter, the Nuffin, and pyronium all are things in Star Wars. I also don't apologize for the pun.