(Fallout from the Battle of Kalee will be detailed during the Turn 30 prologue and may be affected by how the vote on using Paponoida's network goes)
Just out of curiosity, @Dr. Snark, will we see the usual lists of 'Results' or 'Rewards' now that the 'Battle of Kalee' arc is over? There were a couple of actions that contributed to our victory here, and I don't recall seeing rewards for either of them yet:
[X] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[X] Thrawn: Ambivalent to the idea, but if you want him to go through with it he will.
-[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[X] Voss: A species that has a natural disposition for foresight with the Force. (Lore, ???)

Rolled: 37 + 25 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) = 82 (Success)

(To be continued in [REDACTED])

[X] Thrawn - Unravelling The Spider's Web: Quite frankly, the only being in the entirety of the Abyss Watchers who will be able to predict Trench's next actions is Thrawn - you might be able to use shatterpoints to get ideas but you might have to focus on whatever else crops up this quarter. Have him analyze everything on Trench and figure out where he will strike. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Thrawn determines Trench's next move, ???
-[X] Thrawn
-[X] 4 Watcher Teams

Rolled: 31 + 15 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) + 41 (Thrawn) + 4 (Watchers) = 111 (Super Critical Success)

(To be continued in [REDACTED])

I know this was a bit on the short side, but there's some very important decisions coming up. You're going to want to think about just how you want to use that propaganda network that basically fell into your lap very carefully. I'm dead serious. A propaganda war is bar none the biggest way you could threaten Palpatine directly right now...
Well, that's not worrisome at all. :eek: We should definitely tread carefully, especially since we're rapidly approaching the point where Palpatine realizes we're not just a 'thorn in his side' but an actual rival and opponent. I mean, we are, but the longer we can ensure Palpatine underestimates us the better our odds and the better our preparations for the final strike. On the other hand, if we continue to hide our strength after Palpatine does figure it out, the easier he'll find it to undercut our efforts.

Basically, we know we'll have to show our hand at some point. The key is knowing when.

Also I expect that the Vectivus Corner will be up much sooner than later, don't worry.
<fistpump> Looking forward to it!
Things we are waiting on:
Oust Shu Mai- Priam, Fry- will be in results pt 2
[REDACTED]- Thrawn

Also I do hope Obi-Wan can find Yoda and that he can at least provide some assistance in dealing with that force wound. And Anakin actually does seem more at peace with himself since he seems to understand who he is better.
And it was not as though I was a tool this whole time, Ronderu. She respects me. She trusts in my judgement and is willing to heed my counsel. I am treated as a warrior, a leader, and an equal. I would be a fool to spurn such things.
For all that we've done in this quest, this sort of line is my favorite thing about it. Ciaran is longsighted enough to know that treating the people who work for you well to inspire consistent loyalty is better than mercilessly exploiting them for immediate gain and leaving behind a trail of dead husks. (*cough* EA *cough*) It's an aspect of her character that really sells the potential she has to be the next Nihlus, not by directly consuming the energy and life of planets and people, but by exploiting them, taking all that they have, and leaving them to scrabble in the dust as she moves on, that gluttonous need for more never sated.
Everyone turned to look at Ciaran, whose eyes had locked onto Anakin. "If you aren't going to be a part of the Order, then what are you?"

"Right now, I'm an exile who just wants to fight for the people he cares about and the galaxy he wants to protect," Anakin replied without hesitation. "I'll worry about what I actually am when I have the luxury of knowing that Palpatine is dead."
Ahsoka: "So basically me then. Because you just described what I've been doing these last few months."

Seriously Ahsoka is an exiled former-Jedi fighting for the people she cares about and the galaxy she wants to protect. Odds are she even has "figure out what I am" down as something she plans to do post-war. Anakin is pretty much following in his Padawan's steps right now.
Ahsoka: "So basically me then. Because you just described what I've been doing these last few months."

Seriously Ahsoka is an exiled former-Jedi fighting for the people she cares about and the galaxy she wants to protect. Odds are she even has "figure out what I am" down as something she plans to do post-war. Anakin is pretty much following in his Padawan's steps right now.

Anakin: "When I left you, I was the Master; Now I am but the learner."

Ahsoka: "Only a learner of maturity, Anakin."
Just out of curiosity, @Dr. Snark, will we see the usual lists of 'Results' or 'Rewards' now that the 'Battle of Kalee' arc is over? There were a couple of actions that contributed to our victory here, and I don't recall seeing rewards for either of them yet:

Like I said, the "rewards" largely depend on how you use Papanoida's network, and by extension how hard you try and spin what happened here. The Voss mod thing will also be in there.

Also, this is great and totally covers how the rest of the Kaleesh see their General. Canon, +!0.
Another thing that we are waiting for @Dr. Snark is the actualized character sheets with new force powers gained by Ciaran and Assaj (and maybe Celeste and Vos since they are now Hero Units), for that extreme critical success with the Disciples of Twilight, and the last time a crit of that magnitude happened with the "Research Alternative Force Schools" action Ciaran and Ventress learned how to punch through steel.

And it will be hilarious to see how Ciaran incorporates Force illusions and Force Cloak (invisibility) to the Annoy Padme actions.
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I really hope that we get less interludes in the future in favour of just getting fluff within the Results updates themselves. Interludes take too long to write and the large spaces between them significantly reduce my enjoyment of this quest. Quantity is quality when it comes to quest updates.
I really hope that we get less interludes in the future in favour of just getting fluff within the Results updates themselves. Interludes take too long to write and the large spaces between them significantly reduce my enjoyment of this quest. Quantity is quality when it comes to quest updates.
On the other hand Interludes are basically how the best parts of the story has been told in this quest, and the reward for our absurd dice Rolls.

So I would preferto get as many interludes as possible, only seeing the results at the end of the turn would be a downgrade.
I really hope that we get less interludes in the future in favour of just getting fluff within the Results updates themselves. Interludes take too long to write and the large spaces between them significantly reduce my enjoyment of this quest. Quantity is quality when it comes to quest updates.
Or, you know, quality is quality. I swear we had this discussion before and the same conclusion was reached. No, most people don't want less interludes. It's perfectly fine for you to feel the way you do, but most people disagree.
Or, you know, quality is quality. I swear we had this discussion before and the same conclusion was reached. No, most people don't want less interludes. It's perfectly fine for you to feel the way you do, but most people disagree.

That's because we did have this discussion before and that was the conclusion reached.
Got a fun idea for an omake. Corridors and Chests 4: "there are two kinds of people who catalogue human frailty. In life, I am the nice one. In this sort of game? I specialize in the other."

Riphath joins the table top gaming group.

"Wait, how many sneak attack dice are you rolling? "
"Five. I'm just also adding two more for the special blade magic, and I add my dexterity, intelligence, strength, and level to damage. For both attacks. Oh, right, and your inspiration bonus."
"You've played before, I see."
"I was still legally a minor until I graduated, so the frat party circuit was closed to me. I took a different path. This and gravball kept me busy. "
Got a fun idea for an omake. Corridors and Chests 4: "there are two kinds of people who catalogue human frailty. In life, I am the nice one. In this sort of game? I specialize in the other."

Riphath joins the table top gaming group.

"Wait, how many sneak attack dice are you rolling? "
"Five. I'm just also adding two more for the special blade magic, and I add my dexterity, intelligence, strength, and level to damage. For both attacks. Oh, right, and your inspiration bonus."
"You've played before, I see."
"I was still legally a minor until I graduated, so the frat party circuit was closed to me. I took a different path. This and gravball kept me busy. "
And then Thrawn breaks the game with an OP min-maxed character that he made in 5 minutes. He plays a mixed class Sorcerer/Paladin that can massively buff allies and himself to the point of one-shotting anything short of a boss.
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Yes, that is the character he's been playing, approximately. For the whole series, which started here

Except it's all paladin levels, with alternate class features.

The d and d 3.5 "a game paladin" basically merges bard, wizard, and paladin all into one "buff my buddies, buff myself, hit things" package. It's what Thrawn is playing.

Ahsoka has a "I swear it's not a Jedi" battle priestess.

HK is a golem (warforged) ranger with favored enemy: arcanist.

Cheris in her guest appearance played a golem (warforged) magesmith (artificer).

Ciaran plays a straight up sorcerer. Probably the usual blend of buffs, blasts, and crowd control.

I structured these things to be both game-legal (if a bit toward the higher end of the power spectrum) and familiar enough to the character it's easy to identify them.

Riphath's character would be a variant rogue/swashbuckler (that got warblade-style blade magic) with daring outlaw. Okay on his own, but truly devastating with Thrawn for a flanking buddy.
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Yes, that is the character he's been playing, approximately. For the whole series, which started here

Except it's all paladin levels, with alternate class features.

The d and d 3.5 "a game paladin" basically merges bard, wizard, and paladin all into one "buff my buddies, buff myself, hit things" package. It's what Thrawn is playing.

Ahsoka has a "I swear it's not a Jedi" battle priestess.

HK is a golem (warforged) ranger with favored enemy: arcanist.

Cheris in her guest appearance played a golem (warforged) magesmith (artificer).

Ciaran plays a straight up sorcerer. Probably the usual blend of buffs, blasts, and crowd control.

I structured these things to be both game-legal (if a bit toward the higher end of the power spectrum).

Riphath's character would be a variant rogue/swashbuckler (that got warblade-style blade magic) with daring outlaw. Okay on his own, but truly devastating with Thrawn for a flanking buddy.
Pretty good party comp I see. Clearly Riphath gave tips before the session. But who's DMing?

Edit: I'm betting either Priam or the General.
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Pretty good party comp I see. Clearly Riphath gave tips before the session. But who's DMing?

Edit: I'm betting either Priam or the General.

I imagine that Qymaen would make for an...interesting GM.

Qymaen: You see a group of feeble enemies who have dared to challenge you. Do you fight, or flee?
Player: Uh...flee?
Qymaen: As you attempt to run away from the battle, you are cut down by their arrows like the coward you are. Get out.
I imagine that Qymaen would make for an...interesting GM.

Qymaen: You see a group of feeble enemies who have dared to challenge you. Do you fight, or flee?
Player: Uh...flee?
Qymaen: As you attempt to run away from the battle, you are cut down by their arrows like the coward you are. Get out.
But his storytelling would be excellent, hamming it up all the while and encouraging creative and exciting play. One rule, though: No Bards allowed. That means you, Silas.