Just out of curiosity, @Dr. Snark, will we see the usual lists of 'Results' or 'Rewards' now that the 'Battle of Kalee' arc is over? There were a couple of actions that contributed to our victory here, and I don't recall seeing rewards for either of them yet:(Fallout from the Battle of Kalee will be detailed during the Turn 30 prologue and may be affected by how the vote on using Paponoida's network goes)
[X] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[X] Thrawn: Ambivalent to the idea, but if you want him to go through with it he will.
-[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[X] Voss: A species that has a natural disposition for foresight with the Force. (Lore, ???)
Rolled: 37 + 25 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) = 82 (Success)
(To be continued in [REDACTED])
[X] Thrawn - Unravelling The Spider's Web: Quite frankly, the only being in the entirety of the Abyss Watchers who will be able to predict Trench's next actions is Thrawn - you might be able to use shatterpoints to get ideas but you might have to focus on whatever else crops up this quarter. Have him analyze everything on Trench and figure out where he will strike. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Thrawn determines Trench's next move, ???
-[X] Thrawn
-[X] 4 Watcher Teams
Rolled: 31 + 15 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) + 41 (Thrawn) + 4 (Watchers) = 111 (Super Critical Success)
(To be continued in [REDACTED])
Well, that's not worrisome at all. We should definitely tread carefully, especially since we're rapidly approaching the point where Palpatine realizes we're not just a 'thorn in his side' but an actual rival and opponent. I mean, we are, but the longer we can ensure Palpatine underestimates us the better our odds and the better our preparations for the final strike. On the other hand, if we continue to hide our strength after Palpatine does figure it out, the easier he'll find it to undercut our efforts.I know this was a bit on the short side, but there's some very important decisions coming up. You're going to want to think about just how you want to use that propaganda network that basically fell into your lap very carefully. I'm dead serious. A propaganda war is bar none the biggest way you could threaten Palpatine directly right now...
Basically, we know we'll have to show our hand at some point. The key is knowing when.
<fistpump> Looking forward to it!Also I expect that the Vectivus Corner will be up much sooner than later, don't worry.